10 Revelations About Marriage in 9 Years
Posted by: Camile Jene
in Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Balance, WSSNEWS Bloggers
September 1, 2021
- The love from a dedicated and committed spouse that truly sees you, is invested in honoring you, and puts you before them will cause you both to soar in ways unexpected. When you give completely of yourself, your spouse will do the same. No need to worry if you’ll be taken care of.
- People are watching. They may never say a word. Some are judging you and waiting for you to fail. Many are cheering you on. Some are using your example to model or as a what not to do guide for their own marriage or future marriage.
- What other people think does not matter. It is you two.
- Loving your spouse how they receive love is crucial to the survival and overall health of your marriage.
- Happy wife does in fact make a happy life. When the wife has joy and is fulfilled, the home runs more smoothly. The kids and the husband bask in that joy and peace she creates because she is at peace. But the husband is not responsible for this happiness. He can and should add to it. Spouses should add to each other’s happiness. But neither should lose themselves.
- Both spouses need to be fulfilled individually. Hobbies, trips, alone time –each needs to factor that in because life is hard and we need breaks from everyone, even our beloved.
- When a million things come at you all at the same time, you must look to God and keep your eye on your spouse. Both of you cannot drown. You will take turns being the “strong” one.
- The perfect marriage for you and your spouse is created by investing in one another. The kids do not come before the marriage. Date nights where you turn distractions off and tune in to one another are essential.
- The way your spouse experiences can for them feel different than what you intend. You can truly think you’re giving your all but if that’s not how your spouse sees it or can receive it, conflict and resentment can arise. Checking in to discuss how your spouse is feeling tended to by you are important.
- People change, dynamics change but the vows you took never change. The commitment expectation does not either.
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