
City of Rialto and Rialto Unified School District Partner to Keep Children Safe

RIALTO, CA—- On Tuesday, May 30, the City of Rialto, in partnership with the Rialto Unified School District announced the implementation of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program for children walking and biking to school. The event was held at Dunn Elementary School in Rialto.

The event included a demonstration on traffic safety with students showcasing their abilities to avoid traffic collisions on a miniature city course. In addition, students also dropped watermelons wearing bicycle helmets to emphasize the importance of bicycle helmet use.

Safe Routes to School is a nationally recognized program that aims to significantly improve safety for students who walk and bike to school. The Rialto SRTS program combines education and a safer streets component to slow down drivers and build new pedestrian and bicycle safety treatments such as new crosswalks, and bump-outs at an intersection and add stop or yield signs.

“The City of Rialto and the Rialto Unified School District understands the importance of our commitment to ensuring the safety of our students.  As part of our efforts, we will continue to invest in education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation for our schools,” said Tim Sullivan, Rialto’s Director of Maintenance & Facilities.

“We want to encourage our students who live close enough to be able to safely walk or bike to school by providing them with the necessary infrastructure and resources to keep them safe,” said Chief Gordon M. Leary, Rialto Unified School District Safety Services.

The educational activities teach students how to use new infrastructure and to understand traffic rules. It also encourages walking and bicycling by raising awareness of health and environmental benefits.

Programs offered by the Rialto Safe Routes to School Program include:

  • Walk to School Day: This event encourages all students who live near their school to walk to school. October 4, 2023, will be International Walk to School Day for Rialto.
  • School Bike & Pedestrian Rodeos: The in-person bike and pedestrian clinic includes hands-on safety instruction, a discussion about the rules of the road and bike and pedestrian safety tips including the importance of wearing a bike helmet.
  • Community Events: SRTS outreach efforts include participating in community events to educate children and families about pedestrian and bike safety.
  • Parent Workshops:  The workshops educate parents on bicycle and pedestrian safety as well as the benefits of walking and bicycling on their children’s health and the environment.

For more information on Rialto Safe Routes to School programs and services contact: Amy Crow, Administrative Analyst, Maintenance & Facilities, City of Rialto, acrow@rialtoca.gov (909) 421-7221.

Ambitious Students from Various Rialto High Schools Explore Careers in Medicine

RIALTO, CA— On Friday, May 26, 34 ambitious students from Carter, Eisenhower, & Rialto High Schools embarked on an eye-opening journey at the California University of Science and Medicine!

They dove deep into the world of healthcare, exploring career options and gaining a first-hand understanding of life as a medical student. From panel discussions with current students to learning about residency programs and the crucial role of community colleges in their educational journey, they gained valuable insights that will undoubtedly shape their future decisions.

The future of medicine is bright with these young minds ready to make their mark. Stay tuned for more opportunities like this!

The Eagles Celebrate Excellence, Diversity at the First Multicultural Mosaic Awards

RIALTO, CA— Eisenhower High School celebrated students from all backgrounds at the first-ever Multicultural Mosaic Awards Night on Tuesday with awards, performances, and recognitions. The school commemorated the different ways Eagles can be excellent while celebrating diversity! Students earned awards for Reclassification, State Seal of Biliteracy, Black Excellence, Latino Excellence, completing the Ethnic Studies Pathway, and more! Great job Eagles!

“I Know You Don’t Want to Hear It But I’m Going to Tell You Anyway!”

By Lou K Coleman

First, I want you to know that God has entrusted me with a ministry of Repentance and Judgment and when He entrusted it unto me, He said, “No Corners Cut, No Pacifying and No Round About Way. The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.” I know you don’t want to hear it, but I’m going to tell you anyway!

If you don’t choose Whom this day you are going to serve, you will find yourself in Hell. No ifs, ands, buts about it. I want to understand, the forces of evil have little time left. God is soon to intervene in earthly affairs to destroy everything and everyone that opposes Him and to bring in a new realm for His true followers, a Kingdom of God, a paradise on earth.

Listen, Jezebel was a woman who did many wicked things but what Scripture tells us is that it is not what Jezebel did that sent her to Hell. It is what she did not do, repent, and accept Christ. Don’t you be another Jezebel, Repent and Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before it’s too late. If you don’t, you will find yourself in Hell. No ifs, ands, buts about it!  The Bible says in [Proverbs 15:24], “The way of life above to the wise, that he might depart from the Hell beneath.” Give your life to Christ today. For Now, is the Acceptable Time! Now is the Day of Salvation! Do not Procrastinate! I know you don’t what to hear it, but I’m going to tell you anyway.

Two shocking facts about Hell. (1) You will remember your life on earth. [Luke 16:19-31]. (2) There will be NO SECOND CHANCE to go to Heaven. [2 Thessalonians 1:9].

Awake Oh Sleeper! Awake! For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away. [James 4:14]. Don’t waste your one chance at Heaven. When a person wakes up in Hell, it is too late to accept Jesus and reverse things at that point. It will be too late!

Learn the lesson from the parable of the rich man. The rich man knew who he was. He knew where he was. He looked from a bottomless pit of eternal darkness where he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face and looked into a city of perfect light where the Lamb is the light. He looked from a city where people were weeping and crying, to a city that was flooded with joy unspeakable, where people were singing around the throne of God. He looked from a waterless inferno called Hell, toward the sparkling river of life that flowed beneath the Throne of God. He heard the sobs and the screams. And he listened to the saints on the other side, singing on the hills of Glory. He looked from a city where the wicked can never be at rest, to a city where everyone was at perfect rest.

He heard Satan laugh in his face, “You fool, you fool! You sat in that church every Sunday. You sang the songs. But you never, ever confessed your sins and received the Blood Atonement for your life. One, 60-second prayer could have done that! But because you didn’t do that, you’ve lost your soul. Then, Satan laughs!

Hell, a place of unquenchable fire [Mark 9:48]. A place of darkness [Revelation 9:2]. A place of eternal damnation [Mark 3:29]. A place of everlasting destruction [2 Thessalonians 1:9]. A place where God’s wrath is poured out [Revelation 14:10]. Each is a reality, and each is ultimate finality.

The application of this message is very clear. Without Jesus, you go to Hell! [Revelation 20:15].

You’ve Been Warned! Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand!

Cannabis and Kids: California Assembly Advances Bill to Address Pediatric Poisonings

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

The Cannabis Candy Child Safety Act, Assembly Bill (AB) 1207,  authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks), passed the Assembly with a 61-0 vote on May 25.

The bill aims to tackle the recent surge in pediatric poisonings and hospitalizations caused by the consumption of cannabis products.

AB 1207 — focused on the packaging and advertising of cannabis products –was introduced on the Senate floor for the first time on May 26 – a day after it cleared the Assembly.

“When Prop 16 was passed in 2016, there was a distinct promise to California voters that legalization of recreational cannabis would not come at the expense of our children,” said Irwin on the Assembly floor before members voted on the bill last week.

“But in reality, the very opposite has occurred. Poison Control Center calls due to pediatric exposures has skyrocketed since 2016, and they will only continue to increase as time passes,” Irwin continued her statement to her colleagues. “In 2021, California had 793 cannabis exposure calls to Poison Control Centers for children five years of age and under.”

According to Irwin, both illegal and illicit cannabis products are contributing to the rise in poisoning among children.

Since the passage of Proposition (Prop) 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act,  companies have marketed hundreds of legal cannabis products in California that resemble candies and foods. These products are known to appeal to children and youth, proponents of the legislation claim. For example, a fruit-flavored, high-potency cannabis e-joint that mimics the now-banned JUUL nicotine e-cigarettes is known to attract teenagers.

Prop. 64 was a voter-led initiative in 2016 that legalized cannabis in the California. The law made possession, cultivation, and sale of cannabis or cannabis products legal for those over 21 years of age.

Supporters of AB 1207 claim the bill upholds the promise and intent of Prop 64 by introducing measures to protect children and youth. The bill more clearly defines and prohibits products, packaging, and marketing that appeal to children or and teenagers, and prohibits flavored cannabis products known to hook kids.

“We must protect our children from the reckless labeling and marketing of cannabis products that are designed to be attractive to them,” Irvin posted to her Twitter account on May 22.

Irwin’s legislation aligns with other California laws that have made it illegal to sell flavored and vapor products to anyone under the age of 21.
California Controller Malia Cohen led the movement to eliminate the sale of vapor products, menthol cigarettes, and flavored cigars in the city of San Francisco when she was member of the Board of Supervisors there.

The products were eliminated because of the danger they presented to children. Now Irwin is focused on systemic regulatory failures and widespread cannabis commercialization that has led to Cannabis products within reach of the youth.

Irwin shared the data below to support her argument for increased restrictions:

* Annual cannabis exposures reported to California Poison Control increased from below 200 in 2010 to over 1600 by 2020; 50% involved children, with half being under the age 12. There were only 16 total reported gummy exposures between 2010 and 2015 vs. 409 in 2020 alone.

* Cannabis-related emergency department visits in California increased by 75% between 2016 and 2020, mainly involving the consumption of plant material, followed by edibles, concentrates and vaping products, demonstrating that the problem extends beyond just edibles.

* At Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, children under age 10 testing positive for THC quadrupled since 2016, mostly from edibles, of which three quarters were from candies or gummies. Half led to hospitalization and one in ten to intensive care, costing over $15 million dollars just at one hospital.

Pediatricians, parents, public health, education, and youth advocacy groups joined California Assemblymember Irwin in a virtual press conference in support of AB 1207.

Dr. Natalie Laub, researcher at Rady Children’s Hospital and UC San Diego, has conducted research on accidental cannabis ingestion by children. Dr. Laub states that San Diego County accidental ingestions have increased from fewer than 10 cases in 2019 to 100 in 2022.

The issue can be prevented, Dr. Laub said.

“I have seen hundreds of young children become ill, many critically ill, after accidentally eating cannabis that looks like candy,” said Dr. Natalie Laub, Pediatrician and researcher at the University of California, San Diego. “With every child I see, I ask the same question…why does a drug that could kill a child have to look like a gummy bear? The answer is it doesn’t. AB 1207 would help keep cannabis products that look like candy out of the hands and bodies of our young children.”

Chino Hills Native Serves Aboard Forward-Deployed Navy Warship In Japan

By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Xiaoming Zheng, Navy Office of Community Outreach

YOKOSUKA, Japan – Ensign Keith Masnec, a native of Chino Hills, California, serves in Japan aboard a forward-deployed U.S. Navy warship.
Masnec joined the Navy two years ago. Today, Masnec serves as a surface warfare officer aboard USS Robert Smalls.

“I’ve always looked up to my grandfather as he was in the Korean War as a gunner’s mate,” said Masnec. “I have heard stories and looked up to him and this is something I wanted to do.”

Masnec attended Chino Hills High School and graduated in 2014.

Today, Masnec relies upon skills and values similar to those found in Chino Hills to succeed in the military.

“A lot of my teenage years, I was a Boy Scout and became an Eagle Scout,” said Masnec. “Through Boy Scouts, I learned the importance of team building and giving people autonomy to do what they are good at.”

Modern U.S. Navy surface ships provide a wide range of warfighting capabilities in multi-threat air, surface and subsurface environments.

A Navy surface ship is capable of operating independently or as part of carrier strike groups, surface action groups or expeditionary strike groups.

Jobs aboard a U.S. Navy ship are highly specialized, requiring both dedication and skill, according to Navy officials. The jobs range from maintaining engines to handling weaponry along with a multitude of other assignments that keep the ship mission-ready at all times.

As a member of the Navy, Masnec is part of a world-class organization focused on maintaining maritime dominance, strengthening partnerships, increasing competitive warfighting capabilities and sustaining combat-ready forces in support of the National Defense Strategy.

“We are on the front lines and I am proud to be part of this amazing group of sailors because we are a vital part of fairness and safety of the sea,” said Masnec.

Masnec serves in Japan as part of the Forward Deployed Naval Forces. These naval forces operate with allies and partners to preserve a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Service members in this region are part of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which has the largest area of responsibility in the world.

“As the largest force in our nation’s front line against revisionist actors, U.S. Pacific Fleet meets this great responsibility with strength, resolve and confidence,” said Adm. Samuel Paparo, U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander. “Together with our joint and combined partner operations, we are positioned to defend – across all domains – any attempts to threaten our nation, our allies and partner’s security, freedom and well-being.”

Masnec and the sailors they serve with have many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during their military service.

“I am proud of achieving the top fitness award during Officer Cadet School,” said Masnec. “I felt proud of myself when I received recognition from the Marine instructor.”

As Masnec and other sailors continue to train and perform missions, they take pride in serving their country in the United States Navy.

“Serving in the Navy means constantly pushing myself day in and day out,” said Masnec. “When I am able to overcome difficulties, especially in terms of leading sailors and taking care of their needs, there is never a dull day.”

Masnec is grateful to others for helping make a Navy career possible.

“I want to thank my family,” added Masnec. I also want to thank Troop 220 who shaped me into the person I am today.”

Transitional Kindergarten in California Is Expanding

By Tanu Henry, Edward Henderson and Lila Brown | California Black Media

Last Wednesday, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond and the California Department of Education announced Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs are expanding in California.

Now, Thurmond says, TK will be free to all four-year-old children, regardless of family income, over the next few years.

Children born between September 2018, and April 2019 are eligible to register now in TK for the coming 2023–24 school year.

The expansion is part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $2.7 billion plan to enroll 400,000 4-year-olds in an additional year of public education. It is expected to be the largest universal preschool program in the country. Benefits of the program will include higher achievement in math and reading throughout elementary school, increased likelihood of graduating from high school and increased likelihood of earning a college degree. 

City of San Bernardino Awards $730,000 in Grants to Local Small Businesses and Non-Profits

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The City of San Bernardino has awarded $730,000 to 30 local small businesses and nonprofits as part of a grant program it launched last fall. Within the next few months, the City anticipates awarding an additional $2.27 million to approximately 120 additional organizations.

“We are so grateful to San Bernardino for this grant,” said Viva La Boba co-owner Tansu Philip, who received $25,000. “We are going to use these funds to take care of our staff and expand our business.”

The Mayor and City Council allocated $3 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to create the Small Business and Non-Profit Training and Grant Program in partnership with the Small Business Development Center. Qualifying small businesses and non-profits located in the City of San Bernardino, receive funding between $10,000 and $35,000 each.

Funds were awarded on a first come, first served basis to eligible San Bernardino based organizations that completed an online application, participated in an SBDC training program focusing on growing or sustaining their business, and took part in a one-on-one consultation session with an SBDC consultant.

Grant recipients were grateful for the business training in addition to receiving the funds.

“The four-week marketing class we took was very handy,” said Gear Doctor owner Alfredo Castro, who received $25,000. “Now we are on social media, and it is working out for us.”

Within the next seven weeks, City staff expect to award the remaining funds when the remaining program participants complete their training.

“The Mayor and City Council recognize the vital role our local small businesses and non-profits play in San Bernardino. They are our local employers, our service providers, our shops, and our restaurants,” said San Bernardino Economic Development Manager Amanda Hernandez.

Grant funds may be used for working capital to cover the day-to-day business operating expenses such as rent/lease payments, mortgage payments, payroll and benefit costs, utility expenses, inventory, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) or other similar expenses that occur in the normal course of operations.

Dr. Zachary Ginder, Executive Director of the Inland Empire Autism Assessment Center, which received $35,000, said, “This will go to help support changing the lives of so many families. Thank you, San Bernardino.”

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass Signed Her First City Budget with $1.3 Billion Investment to Combat Homelessness

By Tanu Henry, Edward Henderson and Lila Brown | California Black Media

Last Friday, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass signed her first budget since taking office in January. During the ceremony, she pledged to make L.A. safer and more equitable for all Angelenos. Bass was joined by City Council President Paul Krekorian, Council President Pro Tempore Curren Price and Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, Chair of the Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee.

According to Bass, the budget will allow the city to expand its existing strategies to fight homelessness while advancing new ones to improve the city’s infrastructure, address climate change, and enhance city services.

“I am so proud that the City Council has affirmed these priorities and is joining me in building a new Los Angeles with the urgency that Angelenos deserve,” Bass said.

The budget includes $1.3 billion investment to confront the homelessness crisis, including $250 million for Inside Safe – the new citywide program to bring Angelenos inside and shut down street encampments.

The budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 takes effect July 1, 2023.

Healthy Heritage Wraps Up a Successful Second Annual “Laughing for the Health of It” Comedy Show and Mental Health Resource Fair

ONTARIO, CA— Healthy Heritage, a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating mental health disparities within the African American community, recently concluded their second annual “Laughing for the Health of It” Comedy Show and Mental Health Resource Fair. The event took place on Sunday, May 21, 2023 at the Ontario Improv in Ontario, CA, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

The evening was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a shared commitment to mental health advocacy. Attendees were treated to an unforgettable comedy show featuring the hilarious talents of Fritz Coleman, Richard Weiss, Sean Grant, and the charismatic host, Donna Maine. Their performances had the audience bursting with laughter, providing an uplifting and entertaining experience for all.

Keynote speaker Martinez “Marty” Sellers from the Marsell Wellness Center delivered a powerful and insightful presentation on mental health, further emphasizing the importance of destigmatizing conversations surrounding mental well-being. Sellers’ contribution to the event was invaluable, leaving a lasting impact on attendees.

The event also created a valuable platform for connection and support, giving attendees the opportunity to engage with more than 20 vendors who came out to provide access to health and wellness resources and help end the stigma surrounding mental health.

Phyllis Clark, CEO of Healthy Heritage, expressed her appreciation for the overwhelming response to the event. “We are thrilled with the success of ‘Laughing for the Health of It’ and the support shown by our community. This event allowed us to bring together the community in a fun and engaging way while raising awareness about mental health and promoting resources for support. Our agency is committed to continuing our mission of eliminating mental health disparities and look forward to hosting more impactful events in the future.”

The evening also showcased a vibrant art exhibit by fine artist, Maurice Howard, entitled “Our Healing Garden,” which added a visually stunning element as people entered the venue. Attendees had the opportunity to explore the artwork and appreciate the profound message of healing and resilience it conveyed.

In recognition of Healthy Heritage’s exceptional dedication to mental health awareness, 13 certificates of recognition were presented to the organization by cities and elected officials across Riverside, San Bernardino and LA counties.

Healthy Heritage extends its heartfelt gratitude to all the sponsors, including the California Department of Public Health, Marsell Wellness Center, Riverside University Health System of Behavioral Health, California Reducing Disparities Project, African American Family Wellness Advisory Group (AAFWAG), and the Broken Crayons Still Color Project.

For more information about Healthy Heritage, its programs, and future events, please visit them on the web at https://linktr.ee/healthyheritage or contact (951) 293-4240.