
San Bernardino Receives $1.4 Million in Federal Funding to Renovate the Historic Roosevelt Bowl

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Congressman Pete Aguilar was joined by San Bernardino city
leaders and community members on January 23 to announce $1.4 million in funding from the recently approved Federal budget to renovate the historic Roosevelt Bowl at Perris Hill Park.

“It is my privilege to announce that I secured $1,400,000 in Community Project Funds to restore this historic venue,” said Rep. Aguilar, who represents much of the City of San Bernardino. “I will always prioritize our community and our economic growth, and I’m looking forward to working closely with our local government officials to secure more funding for San Bernardino.”

In 2022, the San Bernardino Mayor and Council committed $600,000 to begin the renovation of the Bowl. The $1.4 million in Federal funds will enable the City to complete the restoration.

“For 90 years, the Roosevelt Bowl has been a treasured venue that has brought musical performances, plays, and cultural events to the residents of San Bernardino,” said Mayor Helen Tran. “Thanks to the work of Congressman Aguilar, we will be able to restore, renovate, and upgrade the historic Bowl for generations to enjoy.”

“The 1,800-seat Bowl was built and dedicated in 1934 as part of the depression era Federal Work Progress Administration (W.P.A.). For many years, the outdoor amphitheater was a featured gathering place in San Bernardino for musical, artistic, and cultural performances, civic events, and graduations.

“San Bernardino residents have been patiently waiting for us to bring back the activities the Roosevelt Bowl used to host,” said 2 Ward Council Member Sandra Ibarra. “Thank you, Congressman Aguilar. On behalf of everyone who misses the Roosevelt Bowl, you are helping to bring it back.”

Improvements will include the renovation of the main building, concession stand, and bathrooms; upgrading the facility to be compliant with the American with Disabilities Act;” “concrete and electrical work; restoration of the access trail; upgrades to lighting and sound systems; the installation of fencing; and restoration of landscaping and irrigation.

While the renovations are expected to take approximately one year to complete, San Bernardino plans on bringing back a summer concert series at the Bowl in June.”

“An aerial photo of the historic Franklin D. Roosevelt Bowl at Perris Hill Park.”

Republican Lawmakers Announce Agenda to “Fix California”

By Solomon O. Smith | California Black Media

California Senate Republicans recently held a rally at the State Capitol announcing their legislative goals “to fix California” for the next year.

Slamming proposals and policies their Democratic colleagues and Gov. Gavin Newsom are championing, the GOP State Senators presented several bills of their own. They also called for more oversight – and in some cases, a total rehaul — of state programs addressing crime, homelessness, education, climate and more.

“Crime is soaring, homelessness is out of control, the cost of living is unsustainable, schools are failing students, our water infrastructure is outdated, and our communities are susceptible to wildfires,” said Sen. Brian W. Jones (R-Encinitas), Senate minority leader and host of the Jan. 25 event.

“As the loyal opposition I am proud to stand here with my colleagues and commit to fixing this state,” Jones added.

The Republican lawmakers presented their agenda for 2023 a few weeks after Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Huntington Beach) delivered the Republican response to Newsom’s 2023-24 California budget proposal. More than once, Nguyen, in her speech, pushed for oversights and audits and rebuked Democrats’ handling of the state government.

Sen. Kelly Seyarto (R-Murriato) slammed high crime rates and human trafficking under Democrat leadership. Democrats hold a super majority, he said, pointing out the 32-to-8 ration of Democrats to Republicans in the State Senate. He blamed progressive policies for rising crime in the state, citing Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon who met heavy opposition for his attempts at bail and police reforms.

Seyarto called for the creation of a task force to examine the fentanyl epidemic, which he links to high crime rates. Opioids have been a leading cause of drug overdoses across the country, according to death rates reported by the National Institute of Health.

“California’s approach to public safety needs to change, for our families for the survivors and for our community,” said Seyarto.  “In order to do that we need to fix California and pass these effective policies.”

The Republicans’ condemnations of California’s social and economic health go against assessments Democratic leaders are making.

During his budget announcement earlier in January, Newsom said his proposals are putting the state on “solid economic footing while continuing to invest in Californians – including transformative funding to deliver on universal preschool, expand health care access to all and protect our communities.”

Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) said Newsom’s decision not to cut critical resources is making a difference.

“We’re seeing that in action as local communities, emergency responders, and state agencies do all they can to help us get through these severe winter storms, armed with the resources and tools made possible in past budgets by lawmakers determined to prepare our state for what may come,” she said.  “While no one can predict the future, we are entering this year from a position of strength and readiness.”

Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood), one of two Black State Senators (the other is Sen. Lola Smallwood Cuevas (D-Ladera Heights), said Newsom’s budget moves the state “in the right direction,” while acknowledging that, facing a $24 million shortfall, lawmakers will have a challenge to set priorities.

Water woes and wildfire fears were also on the Republican agenda. Sen. Brian Dahle (R-Bieber), said there are several major dams and the Sites Reservoirs in his district, which is the largest Senatorial district in square miles in the state. Dahle blames Democrats for the ongoing drought, calling them out for not making more of an effort to complete the reservoir, which was funded in 2017.

The Sites Project Authority issued put out a report, that concluded had the facility been completed, it could have stored a total 382,000 acre-feet of water for the state.  Dahle criticized the lack of action on water storage and plans to streamline the process while holding Democrats “feet to the fire.”

Sen. Roger Niello (R-Fair Oaks) discussed the Republican proposal for homelessness, called the ACT Plan. Almost 28% of all unhoused people in the United States (about 170,000 people) in 2021 lived in California – although the state’s population accounts for about 12% of the US population.  These numbers are growing according to a data sheet from the Senate Housing Committee.

Niello said, California has “thrown” $20 billion on the homelessness problem, but it remains unsolved.  “Common sense measures,” he said, created by California Senate Republicans are needed to tackle the issue. Niello said he introduced Senate Bill (SB) 232 to make it easier to treat mental health among the unhoused. But Niello also wants to know where monies earmarked for homelessness in the past have gone.

“No more fake checks, no more failing programs,” warned Niello, “Californians deserve better for their money.”

Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) used “choice” when referring to school policies, a word which has become synonymous with Charter schools. Ochoa Bogh said recent state test score data reveals that 53% of students don’t meet the English standard; 67% failed math; and 71% scored below the passing grade in science.

Although California student test scores have fallen over the last few years, Education officials say the lower scores are  the result of COVID shutdowns, and many of those numbers are slowly improving, according to a report from the California Department of Education. The report shows that significant improvements have been made and that all scores across the country are lower, but California has done better on average than most of the nation.

Black students, however, have been the lowest performing sub-group in the state (only above students with disabilities) even before the pandemic began.

“Quality education is one of the most important services that government provides to our children,” Ochoa Bogh said. “Unfortunately, California students continue to fall further behind.”



“The Need of Tears!”

By Lou K Coleman-Yeboah

After all that has been done and said [ U.S. Apology for Slavery, Jim Crow, July 29, 2008], “Our nation still has need of tears! Tears for all those lynched, maimed, whipped, shamed, and debased by our history of race hatred. Our country has need of tears for those who suffered and for those at whose hands they suffered.” [Albert Raboteau -Author, Slave Religion].

Although the Senate acknowledged “the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery” and apologized to African Americans, on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery; and although the House of Representatives had passed a similar measure the previous year, Congress could not resolve the two apologies because of differing views on how the resolution would be used in any discussion of reparations. The Senate version was insistent that an apology would not endorse any future claims. The House could not agree. Significantly, the office of the president of the United States has never issued an apology. For a nation that can’t even agree on an apology, there is “The Need of Tears,” because the United States has never given an unconditional apology for slavery.” [Theodore R. Johnson III].

Mourn for the millions of Africans who died in the transatlantic slave trade. Mourn for those black bodies that were subject to unconscionable white enslavement, violence, and oppression. Mourn for those who lived through forms of carnage, mutilation, rape, castration, and injustice that will forever mark the profound ethical failure of this country. For we have not properly mourned nor repented past atrocities afflicted upon us as a people of color. Clearly, a trauma of this magnitude in the life of a people must be acknowledged and mourned before celebration can take place.

Mourn for the black people who were never meant to be included within the ideal norms of American democracy, yet forced themselves to dream as they faced nightmares, to continue breathing as they were suffocating from the stench of black bodies lynched and burned alive, and who forced themselves to stay alive when suicide would have been easier. [George Yancy]

And just as Jews refuse to forget Hitler’s Germany, we black Americans must refuse to forget the often-unspeakable atrocities we endured. Even after slavery was abolished, and the Emancipation Proclamation had been passed, prejudice amongst us was and is very prevalent.

So, “What to the Slave is [Black History Month]. [Black History Month] is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.” [Paraphrasing Douglass 1952]. I’m not a fan about Black History Month. February 1st everybody running their black history ads telling you little factual tidbit about black history. Come March 1st, no more stories, no more conversation. I tell you, “The Need for Tears!”

Crafton Hills College Hosts Naming Ceremony for The Kirsten Greek Respiratory Care Classroom

YUCAIPA, CA— When respiratory care students at Crafton Hills College (CHC) enter room PSAH-115, they will see late alumna Kirsten Greek’s name, reminding and inspiring them to continue their passion for helping others as they pursue their careers.

On Saturday, January 21, Kirsten’s family celebrated the official naming of the space and the Greek family’s legacy of philanthropic giving.

“We are over the moon this is being done,” said Kirsten’s dad, Forrest Greek. “We feel her spirit will always be in this room and that her spirit will help others be independent and successful.”

After high school, Kirsten initially attended a university but felt like she wasn’t flourishing as she had expected to. She left and went to work with her mother at the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans’ Hospital in Loma Linda. There she worked directly with patients and decided to study respiratory care at CHC, where she excelled in her new pursuit.

“She blossomed,” Forrest said.

“She loved it,” added Valorie Greek, Forrest’s second wife and longtime friend.

In May 1993, Kirsten Greek graduated from CHC and began building a career at local hospitals like San Bernardino County Hospital and St. Bernardine Medical Center in San Bernardino, Calif.

Unfortunately, despite finding success in her field, Kirsten was dealing with mental health issues and lost her battle with bipolar depression in 2011.

Among those in attendance included Ariana Rogge, a 28-year-old respiratory care student who, despite traveling from Temecula to CHC five days a week, wanted to show her appreciation to the Greek family and found herself driving back to campus again on the weekend.

“They’re creating a legacy here today,” she said.

Rogge said she wanted to show her gratitude to the Greek family, who created an endowment in Kirsten’s memory that will grant every respiratory care graduate $300 to assist with the expense of licensing upon program completion.

“Most of us come to community college because we can’t afford to go straight to a four-year university,” Rogge continued. “I am really grateful for their contribution.”

The Greek family ties to the area go back several decades. With two young children in tow, Forrest and his first, late wife Adella, moved to the area some 60 years ago and began planting their roots and raising their children here.

Despite the profound loss of their beloved Kirsten, the Saturday afternoon name unveiling celebrated her and her memory. One relative traveled from the Midwest to be at the ceremony because of the positive impact that Kirsten made on the family.

The Greeks’ philanthropy continues to benefit other programs and areas on campus. CHC President Dr. Kevin Horan said the Greeks’ generosity is assisting the college in removing barriers for students.

“The California Community College System is the most affordable higher education system in the United States. Yet, it is out of reach for millions of people at the same time. Gifts like this will remove a barrier,” he said.

“Any time anyone visits the building, Kirsten and the impact she had on the Respiratory Care Program will be remembered,” Horan continued.

“Kirsten will live on forever here at Crafton,” Horan concluded.

For more information on the Greek family’s contributions or to learn more about how to aid in the success of CHC students, visit www.craftonhills.edu/foundation, or contact Michelle Riggs, Director of Institutional Advancement, by email at mriggs@craftonhills.edu or by phone at 909-389-3391.



San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran Appointed to SCAG Committee on Community, Economic, and Human Development

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The City of San Bernardino has announced that Mayor Helen
Tran has been appointed to serve on the influential Community, Economic, and Human Development Committee for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Tran will represent both the City of San Bernardino and the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA).

“I am pleased to have been appointed to this committee,” said Tran. “Having a seat at the table on the committee that oversees local housing allocations is critical for San Bernardino and the region.”

SCAG’s Community, Economic and Human Development (CHED) Committee reviews projects, plans and programs of regional significance for consistency and conformity with applicable regional plans. Included in its duties are the oversight of the growth visioning and growth forecasting processes, as well as the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), which determines additional housing requirements for every city in Southern California to meet.

“I look forward to representing our interests to ensure the San Bernardino achieves a balance between both housing and jobs,” added Tran.

Mayor Tran joins San Bernardino Council Member Damon Alexander representing the region on a SCAG committee. Last month, Alexander was appointed to the Committee on Energy and the Environment.

SCAG is an association of local governments and public agencies that convenes to address critical regional issues. It is the nation’s largest metropolitan planning organization, encompassing six counties (Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura), 191 cities, and 19 million people in an area covering more than
38,000 square miles.

California Advocates Shine Light on Pregnancy-Related Deaths Among Black Women

By Charlene Muhammad | California Black Media

April Valentine, 31, planned to celebrate her new birth with family and friends, but instead her loved ones found themselves in front of Centinela Hospital in Inglewood on Jan. 28, protesting her death.

Valentine’s family alleges that she complained about leg pain for hours during the birth of her child on January 10, but was ignored and neglected by her caretakers at the medical center that specializes in maternal care.

Valentine, pregnant with her first child, died that day.

Her plight is only one episode, advocates say, in what is an escalating crisis affecting Black women during pregnancy throughout California and across the country

Recently, a group of advocates collaborated to bring awareness to the Black maternal and infant health crisis with a free screening of the film “Birthing Justice: Every Woman Deserves A Beautiful Birth Story” at The Miracle Theater in Inglewood. A panel discussion complemented the feature-length documentary.

Birthing Justice covers the issues underpinning – and helping to fuel — the maternal health crisis within the African American community and articulates best practices to enhance birthing equity for all women, especially Black women.

The audience completed a preliminary survey online prior to viewing the film, and later filled out a post survey online. Denise Pines, the executive producer of Birthing Justice and co-founder of Women In The Room Productions, talked about the “the goal of this survey.”

“We probably will end up having a hundred screenings, and we want to share with legislatures, policy makers, with healthcare institutions, the lived experience of people who are coming into the screenings so they actually have the real data, and we can use that to make the case for some of the actions we want to see happen,” she said.

The event was sponsored by African American Infant/Maternal Mortality (AAIMM), Girls Club-Los Angeles, Southern Christian Leadership (SCLC)-Southern California, Charles Drew University, Black Maternal Health Center of Excellence, Children’s Institute, and Black Women for Wellness (BWW).

Pines recommended supporting and volunteering with the organizations that do the much-needed work to address pregnancy-related deaths of Black mothers and babies and to get better outcomes overall.

The filmmakers explored what they are calling a “national epidemic” in four regions: Washington, D.C., Augusta, GA, and several areas in Missouri, and California. They interviewed women affected by current policies — birthing moms and healthcare professionals, as well as birthing advocates, activists and policy makers at the forefront of advancing policy change.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Black women were three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White women. Multiple factors contributed to these disparities, such as variation in quality healthcare, underlying chronic conditions, structural racism, and implicit biases.

Birthing Justice strongly noted that the high mortality rates among Black women are not due to their genetic makeup, what they ate, how they behaved, nor any bad habits placed them in this situation. When compared to poor White women with less education, Black women had worse death rates. Black women are unable to buy or educate themselves out of being a statistic when it comes to pregnancy-related deaths. The cause is not race, but racism.

Women In The Room Productions has partnered with the National Birth Equity Collaborative (NBEC), one of the leading policy organizations in the country, to support legislation and public education they believe will make a difference. One such policy change is the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2021, which is comprised of 12 i bills addressing various dimensions of the Black maternal health crisis. One of the bill’s sponsors, U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14) appeared in the film.

Pastor Thembekila Smart, Executive Director, Women of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Southern California Chapter moderated the four-person panel in Inglewood and kicked off the discussion with her own birthing stories, ranging from an emergency c-section with her second child during which the doctor asked her husband ‘if one must be saved, who would it be: his wife or his son? Her third birth was in her 24th week and her son was hardly one pound. Both babies survived and are now thriving young men, Smart shared.

“We did not have any idea that our birthing experience would go this way,” said’ Smart, who described the current state of Black maternal health in the United States as “medical apartheid.”

During their discussion, the panelists amplified the main themes of Birthing Justice as they made the case that encouragement, resources, and support are necessary, along with improved medical care, to transform the maternal care system.

Dr. LaTanya Hines, an OB/GYN and member of the Association of Black Women’s Physicians (ABWP) said she was an unapologetic and proud advocate for Black women.

“Nobody should die in pregnancy,” she said.

Dr. Hines addressed the importance of OB/GYN care, stressing the need to start conversations with patients from their first visit about planning their pregnancies. She said their vital statistics are also critical — making sure that their blood pressure, blood sugar and weight were well controlled before they got pregnant so that their birthing experience is healthy and safe.

“I am going to work with you, and we will have a shared decision-making plan,” Hines emphasized. “The goal of giving more to your patients because they need more, and if we happen to give little more than what they need, it’s okay.”

Debbie Allen, Founder of Tribe Midwifery, said women should not assume that medical establishments will give them the care they are supposed to receive.

“Demand it,” she said. “There are so many layers as to why we get the care that we get, but until those things change, we have to take responsibility to make sure we get the care we deserve,” Allen advised.

Allen said women should ask questions, involve their partners, and treat childbirth like planning a wedding.

Leigh Purry is Senior Manager of Community Health, Blue Shield of California’s Health Transformation Lab.

“This film will shine light on the critical issue of saving lives and this film will help ensure that every pregnant and birthing person’s voice is heard,” said Purry.

“This film will help ensure that people have access and receive all the support they need to feel safe and cared for. Racism exists and it exists in healthcare,” she added.

For more information about the movement to ensure Birthing Justice for Black mothers and their families, and to find a film screening in your area, visit BirthingJustice.com.


Felicia Alexander: Newest SBCUSD Board Member

By Angela M. Coggs

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at the 777 N F Street in the newly remodeled San Bernardino Board of Education building, change and newness was in the air.

While some people were home, settling in to watch the President Biden’s State of the Union Address, there were also many people in the San Bernardino who braved the cold, windy temperatures outside to witness Felicia Alexander be officially sworn in as the newest San Bernardino City Unified School District Board Member. On January 24, 2023, the SBCUSD Board of Education made the provisional appointment of Alexander to fill a vacancy on the governing board. The vacancy was created in December when Dr. Gwen Dowdy-Rodgers resigned to accept an elected position on the San Bernardino County School Board. She will serve on the Board until the next general election in November 2024.

“Tonight, was a very emotional night as I had the honor of being a part of the swearing in of Felicia Alexander,” said Dr. Gwen Dowdy- Rodgers, San Bernardino County Superintendent of School Board Trustee Area D. “She is an engaged and compassionate leader that will make a great asset to SBCUSD.”

The room was filled with community members, friends, family, and members of the Divine Nine, all of whom were there to support Alexander as she took her oath. She was sworn in by her husband, San Bernardino City Councilman Damon Alexander, while her predecessor, Gwen Dowdy- Rodgers, held the Bible. The room bustled with cheers of excitement while family and friends quickly gathered for a few posed pictures. Alexander graciously took her place in the center in a sea of members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., as they showed support on a large scale.

“A heartfelt welcome to our newest board member and superintendent,” said community member and San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (retired) Carolyn Tillman. “I am looking forward to achieving what is possible for our students in San Bernardino.”

After all the flowers, hugs, pictures and smiles, Alexander took her place among the other board members, to continue with the agenda for the evening. With a beautiful congratulatory bouquet of red roses placed at her side, Alexander stepped in and did not miss a beat. The community welcomed her with open arms and know she is there the serve the students, parents, teachers, and the district. While others may remember February 7, 2023, as the night Lakers star LeBron James broke the NBA’s all-time scoring record, surpassing Kareem Abdul- Jabbar, our community will remember it as the night Felicia Alexander stepped into a new challenge and made her presence known. She has arrived!

Oak Hills High Claims Back-to-Back Win in San Bernardino County Mock Trial Championship

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- For the second year in a row, a team from Oak Hills High School won the San Bernardino County Mock Trial championship title and will advance to the state competition in March.

“The outstanding performances by students at this year’s Mock Trial were incredibly exciting to watch,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “It’s inspiring to see the teams work together to form persuasive arguments, utilize their critical thinking skills and practice the art of public speaking.”

Citrus Valley High School from Redlands Unified School District took second place during this year’s county competition. The team may be able to compete at the state level as a wildcard.

Part of the Oak Hills High School Mock Trial team poses together at the finals competition held at the Rancho Cucamonga Superior Courthouse on Jan.14. Back row, left to right: Rubi Gamez, Sandra Martinez Rivera, Francisco Rodriguera, Danielle Mitchell, Nicholas Markloff. Bottom row, left to right: Robert Long, Sofia Palomares, Abigail Sicairos, Sara Orellana.

Members of the Mock Trial 2022-23 Oak Hills High School Team:

  • Jasmine Alvarez
  • Alejandra De Lira
  • Ryan Douty
  • Rubi Gamez
  • Angel Haro
  • Moniqua Jimenez
  • Shantel Lewis
  • Robert Long
  • Nicholas Markloff
  • Sandra Martinez Rivera
  • Danielle Mitchell
  • Sara Orellana
  • Sofia Palomares
  • Jasmine Persley
  • Francisco Rodriguera
  • Abigail Sicairos
  • Coach Jeni Boulanger
  • Assistant Coach John Boulanger

Members of the Mock Trial 2022-23 Citrus Valley High School Team:

  • Juliana Acuna
  • Eleanor Brinegar
  • Alyssa Camacho
  • Alexandra Carreon
  • Ava Esteves-Jaime
  • Morgan Fierro
  • Maddox Flowers
  • Alyssa Gidley
  • Ariana Gutierrez
  • Vivienne Igbinosun
  • Brianna Ilacas
  • Inara Khankashi
  • Bella Moreno
  • Domnic Pedroza
  • Marsha Rajagukguk
  • Noah Sanchez
  • Rashad Tyler
  • Coach Kathryn Fonken-Stoker
  • Assistant Coach Debbie Muniz

More than 400 students representing 26 teams from 24 high schools competed in this year’s county competition.

Mock Trial simulates a criminal case in which high school students portray various courtroom roles including bailiffs, clerks, artists, journalists, attorneys and witnesses, representing both the prosecution and defense.

Students present their case before a real judge and use constitutional amendments and legal objections.

This event is co-sponsored by the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools and the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s office.

Oak Hills High School will advance to the California Mock Trial Finals scheduled for March 17-19, 2023.

For more news and information, visit the SBCSS Newsroom and follow us @SBCountySchools on FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube.

SBCUSD Class of 2022 Earned More Than $11 Million in Scholarships

SBCUSD and Partners Assisting Class of 2023 in Obtaining Scholarships

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Every year, San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) high schools assist seniors in preparing portfolios that will help them apply for and obtain college scholarships. For most seniors, that task is complete and soon they will begin participating in mock interviews, so they are able to put their best foot forward during the actual scholarship interviews that happen later in the school year.

Additionally, the two non-profit organizations that coordinate and fund scholarships specifically for SBCUSD students—San Bernardino Community Scholarship Association and Making Hope Happen Foundation—have begun coordinating with high school scholarship counselors for the next scholarship application window.

Based on the fact SBCUSD students in the Class of 2022 earned more than $11 million in scholarships and grants, including adult students from Inland Career Education Center (ICEC) and students from the district’s alternative high schools, these efforts appear successful.

Although past performance is no guarantee of future success, the Class of 2022 scholarship earnings demonstrate what a community can do for students and the future when they work together.

Indian Springs High School graduated 342 students in the Class of 2022 who can boast about their combined total of $3,125,000 in scholarships and grants, including more than $360,000 in military scholarships and enlistment bonuses.

Cajon High School’s 583 graduates, which included International Baccalaureate (IB) students, earned $1,950,999 in scholarships and grants, with $440,000 coming from military scholarships and enlistment bonuses. Another SBCUSD IB school, Arroyo Valley High School, proudly graduated 555 students, with 70.6 percent of them earning scholarships and grants totalling $1,459,690.

With 327 graduates in the Class of 2022, San Gorgonio High School secured $2,046,734 in scholarships, including $619,200 in military scholarships and enlistment bonuses.

A full 100 percent of Middle College High School’s 59 graduates earned scholarships totalling $900,000.

Of Pacific High School’s 239 graduates in the Class of 2022, 162 earned $800,278 in scholarships, including military scholarships and enlistment bonuses. And 78 of 232 San Bernardino High School graduates earned $694,412.

SBCUSD’s continuation high schools also boasted scholarship recipients, with 20 San Andreas High School and 19 Sierra High School graduates in the Class of 2022 earning $13,050 and $26,618, respectively.

Seven of ICEC’s 109 adult high school diploma and GED graduates earned a combined $14,819 in scholarships.

“I’m proud to say that the vast majority of the non-military scholarship dollars are the direct result of efforts by our District and our local community,” said Ginger Ontiveros. “Local businesses, charities, and individuals have donated time and money to the Making Hope Happen Foundation and the San Bernardino Community Scholarship Association—two nonprofits geared specifically to support SBCUSD students—just to make sure our students have a chance at success.”

Community Scholarship Association members were responsible for 313 graduates in SBCUSD’s Class of 2022 receiving a total of 364 scholarships totaling $283,447.

“The Scholarship Association awards scholarships only to SBCUSD graduates. Charter school and private school students are not eligible for these scholarships,” said longtime Association member and former SBCUSD high school counselor Blythe Anderson. “Many of our Board members are former District employees or scholarship recipients, so it’s important to us that we support students in our schools.”

For more information or to donate to the Making Hope Happen Foundation, visit https://makinghope.org/. To create your own scholarship or donate to one of the many existing Association-managed scholarships, contact Susan Zavala, Communications/Community Relations Department Secretary I, at susan.zavala@sbcusd.k12.ca.us.

Assemblymembers Jackson and Kalra Call for Broader Definition of “Professional Attire”

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

Assemblymembers Corey Jackson (D-Riverside) and Ash Kalra (D- San Jose) have introduced a resolution to alter the dress code on the floor of the lower chamber of the State Legislature.

House Resolution 9 (HR9) would make it appropriate for individuals visiting the chamber floor to wear attire considered professional dress based on various cultural standards.

According to Assembly Rule 118.1, “Members of the Legislature, officers or employees of the Legislature, accredited members of the press, or any other persons may be restricted from admission to the Floor of the Assembly if they are inappropriately attired”. As the current rule stands, there is room for discrimination against attire that does not meet Eurocentric standards, proponents of HR 9 say.

Asm. Ash Karla

“Eurocentrism, which refers to a bias on the vantage point of European and Western cultures, has played a role in establishing what is considered “appropriate” fashion, often forcing individuals to adopt various forms of professional attire that conflict with their ethnic or religious backgrounds,” Kalra and Jackson stated in a press release.

“With increased emphasis on anti-racism and inclusion, it is imperative that the Legislature and its members adopt this House Resolution to welcome professional attire of all cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities, so we are able to serve the people in the State of California,” the lawmakers added.

Jackson, who received his doctorate in social work, says he is s aware of the microaggressions that perpetuate racism within professional spaces.

“I’m using HR9 to educate people about how sinister racism is in our society. To make sure that people understand that it’s not just the big things like hate crimes and mass shootings due to race. But, also, it’s the little things we’ve been taught since we are children in America; that is Eurocentric hair, skin tones and dress is superior to anything else.”

In his own form of protest, Jackson rarely abides by the traditional expectations of dress on the chamber floor by not wearing suits and ties. At least once a week, he wears a dashiki.
“I am just sending a message that if California is going to call itself a state that is proud of its diversity — that it is anti-racism, anti-hate, anti-xenophobia, anti-discrimination, we need to start with the State Capitol itself.”

While there hasn’t been a specific incident where an Assemblymember was denied entry to the chamber floor because of their cultural garb, Jackson has received complaints about not wearing a suit and tie.

The spirit behind HR9 has drawn comparisons to the “CROWN Act”.

The CROWN Act (Senate Bill 188) was drafted and sponsored by State Senator Holly Mitchell. It passed unanimously in both chambers of the Legislature and was signed into law on July 3, 2019.

Mitchell is currently a Los Angeles County Supervisor representing the 2nd District.

The act ensures protection against discrimination based on race-based hairstyles by extending statutory protection to hair texture and protective styles such as braids, locs, twists, and knots in the workplace and public schools.

So far, Jackson and Kalra have received support from Democrats and Republicans on the resolution as they have pointed out that their legislation is not calling for a removal of professional attire standards, but for the inclusion of cultural equivalents of professional attire.

The resolution is currently going through the legislative process. If approved by relevant committees, it will move to the chamber floor where it will be heard and voted on by members of the Assembly.