
San Bernardino Chief of Police, Darren Goodman, is Officially Sworn in

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The City of San Bernardino held a public swearing in ceremony for its new police chief Darren Goodman on Wednesday, June 15 at the Feldheym Main Library located at 555 West 6th Street in San Bernardino.


Goodman, whose starting date was June 6th, joins a department with 262 sworn officers and 150 civilian staff. He is the first African American police chief in the San Bernardino Police department’s 117-year history.

Goodman has been in law enforcement for over 31 years, and came to San Bernardino from the City of Upland, where he spent four years as its Chief of Police. Prior to joining Upland, he spent 27 years with the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department, including serving as the Police Chief for the Chino Hills Police Department and Commander of the Frank Bland Regional Training Center. He also worked in Corrections, Patrol, Narcotics, Emergency Operations, Regional Gang Enforcement, Fugitive Apprehension, and SWAT.

For those that missed the ceremony, a recording should be available on the city website at https://sbcity.org.

Photo Recap: Street Renaming Ceremony in Honor of Rialto Music Pioneers, JJ Fad, was a Success

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. hosted a street renaming ceremony at the San Bernardino County Government Chambers on June 11th, 2022, in honor of the Rialto music pioneers, J.J. Fad. The public was invited to join in on the celebration and a large outpour of local supporters, family and friends of the group, and artists attended the ceremony. Jesse Duran from KOLA-FM emceed the ceremony. J.J. FAD, the locally grown female artist group performed their hit song, “Supersonic” for the crowd. A street has been renamed “J.J. Fad Way” in honor of their support to the community throughout their rise of fame. The street name has already been updated and can be found on Cactus Ave. in the unincorporated area of Rialto, California.

“I am so excited to get a street in the Rialto area, where the music group JJ Fad were raised, to be renamed in their honor! The street is called J.J. Fad Way and is named after the group who always supported their city no matter how famous and busy, they got. I would like to thank all who came out, I would like to thank Jesse Duran for emceeing the event, and I would also like to thank the members of World Class Wreckin’ Cru and Arabian Prince for coming out and showing support to our girls and our city!” -Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr.

Brittney Griner, Who We Value in America…and the World

By S.E. Williams / BVN

The Black lesbian feminist poet Audre Lorde once said that she wrote “for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves.”

Lorde further stated, “We’ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won’t.”

However, in the decades since Lorde penned those words many Black lesbians are no longer silent. Yet, we must ask the question, how safe are Black lesbians today? Perhaps we should ask WNBA basketball star, Brittney Griner, who is among the growing number of prominent Black lesbians in America living out loud.

Most have battle scar evidence of their struggle to find a peaceful life in a world that in many ways, still considers who they are and who they love an aberration.  And, although disrespect and dangers continue to lurk for members of the LGBTQ+ community in America, it is still safer to live here than in many other places in the world.

Unfortunately for Griner, however, she is now trapped in a country, where racism against Blacks is normalized and where the government is working to ostracize members of the LGBTQ+ community. But how different is this really from many places in America today.

Despite the spread of anti-gay sentiments in Russia and right leaning countries across Europe, Griner plays basketball internationally during the WNBA’s off season. This despite writing about her “coming out” in her 2017 autobiography, “In My Skin: My Life On and Off the Basketball Court,” which helped make her one of the most recognizable lesbians in the world.

Racism and Homophobia in Russia

For those who have not followed Griner’s fate in recent months, she was arrested on drug charges in Russia on February 17. Her arrest came just days after a Russian court suspended a lawsuit (February 11) intended to shut down its LGBT Network—the country’s most powerful gay rights organization—for  purportedly spreading gay views, which of course, could farcically include anything from a view out one’s window of gay people walking down the street, to realistically include gay people advocating for the same rights to live and love as they choose like any other Russian.

Identifying as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender or queer has been legal in Russia since 1993 (how enlightened) however in 2013 under Vladimir Putin’s leadership, the nation adopted what’s been called the “gay propaganda” law that made it illegal to speak words related to the LGBTQ+ community around minors.

Racism and homophobia in America

Before Russia took such action, America was already contriving to do the same.

There has been much criticism recently of Florida’s recently enacted Parental Rights in Education Bill signed into law in April that appeared to follow Russia’s lead. But, it was revealed by The Center for Media and Democracy (Center), a nonprofit that tracks the work of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), that the Parental Rights Amendment was actually listed under its “Education Task Force and included in the 1995 ALEC Sourcebook of American State Legislation.

Also, according to the Center, although ALEC has tried to distance itself from this controversial legislation since 2011, it is difficult to identify any efforts to advocate against the current movement to codify this legislative into law across the country.ALEC is a nonprofit organization of conservative state legislators and private sector representatives that drafts models of legislation for distribution and adoption by conservative legislatures around the country and for decades has worked to pull America toward extremism.

Sadly, Florida’s recent law is just the tip of the iceberg. Anti LGBTQ+ toxicity is spreading quickly in America. Red states from Ohio to Texas to Indiana to Colorado to Wyoming to South Dakota, Iowa, Utah and beyond   have pushed to pass similar bills. In some instances state’s were only prevented from doing so by Democratic legislators who held the line against Republican, anti-gay governors seeking to work their will.

As we watch and point with deserved derision and criticism, the unfolding fate of Griner in Russia, Time magazine provided a chilling reminder in mid-May, of what is possible in America regarding the welfare of LGBTQ+ citizens. It recalled the successful work of  Florida’s Johns Committee—a state legislative committee that launched an LGBTQ+ purge in the late 1950s rooted in racism, homophobia, and anti-communism.

Beginning in 1957 and continuing through 1963 the Florida legislative committee persecuted and intimidated those suspected of being gay at state universities as part of the state’s resistance to federally sanctioned school desegregation in response to the 1954 Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision.

According to Time, the committee’s original goal was to uncover all communists believed to be behind desegregation. Not surprisingly since it was based on a false premise, that mission failed. This subsequently compelled the committee to find another group to scapegoat—gays and lesbians. This eventually led to a report popularly known as “The Purple Pamphlet”( because of its sensational and explicit content), that highlighted “the extent of infiltration into agencies supported by state funds by practicing homosexuals.”

By1965, hundreds of Floridians were prosecuted and charged because of their sexuality. Frighteningly, not unlike the experiences of Griner in Russia today, Florida interrogations were reportedly conducted in privacy and even worse, the accused were denied legal counsel.

A need to raise our collective voices

Today, as Griner languishes in a Russian prison—most assuredly because she is Black and a lesbian who may or may not have committed a minor drug infraction in a racist, homophobic country —,there are legitimate concerns about her safety.  As her detention days turn into weeks and weeks into months, there is little doubt it is up to all of us, Black women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, those who support and validate our right to exist and every American committed to human rights to pressure the federal government to bring her home. We must raise our collective voices to keep Griner’s freedom at the forefront of America’s political consciousness.

Audre Lorde lamented about the fate of Black lesbians in her seminal work the Black Unicorn where she noted “‘The black unicorn was mistaken for a shadow or symbol and taken through a cold country…, ” She further spoke to the power of Black women/lesbian strength and determination to live their truth stating,  “the Black unicorn is unrelenting.” I pray this perceived power is enough to sustain Griner (her wife and loved ones) in the days ahead.

In concluding her poem Lorde also reminded all of us that although the metaphorical Black unicorn is empowered, as we are witnessing today decades after Lorde put pen to paper on this issue, as it relates to Griner, “the Black unicorn is not free.”

Raise your voice to advocate for Griner’s freedom by calling the U.S. Department of State at 1-202-647-4000 and the White House at 202-456-1111 to advocate for Griner’s release. Remember, “Silence is complicity.”

Of course, this is just my opinion. I’m keeping it real.


Letter to the Editor: Start Now to Take Back the Supreme Court

By Ben Jealous

Did you ever wonder whether elections really matter? Well, the Trump Supreme Court majority has answered that question for good.

Or, more accurately, they have answered it for bad.

In the term that has just ended, the new far right-wing majority on the Supreme Court went on a rampage. They have torn up decades of legal precedent to diminish Americans’ rights and legal protections. To justify the results they wanted, they lied in their rulings the way some of them lied to get on the court. It has been a shameful display of power politics disguised as judging.

Not surprisingly, the most attention has been paid to the Court majority overturning the 50-year-old Roe v. Wade decision. A constitutional right that has made a huge difference in the lives of generations of women was wiped away. The impact will be devastating and deadly.

Millions of individuals and couples dealing with unwanted pregnancies, the trauma of rape or incest, life-threatening pregnancy complications, or even a miscarriage that some intrusive government official decides is suspicious, will have their options severely limited or eliminated entirely.

We know that those restrictions and their consequences will fall most harshly on already vulnerable people, including Black people, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and low-income people. Already in Missouri, a major health care system will no longer treat rape victims with emergency contraception because the state abortion ban puts medical care providers at legal risk.

Anti-abortion state legislators seem to be in competition to see who can pass the most extreme, intrusive, and controlling laws. Some are even trying to limit people’s right to travel from one state to another, targeting anyone who helps a person from a state that bans abortion get care in a state that permits it. It reminds me of the old fugitive slave laws that forced free states to help slave states deny people their freedom.

Unfortunately, overturning Roe is just one of the harmful decisions handed down by the Trump Court.

The Court intervened in voting rights cases to protect gerrymandering designed to limit Black voters’ access to political power. This comes on top of other rulings gutting the Voting Rights Act.

The Trump Court went after sensible regulation of guns. The far-right justices overturned a New York law more than 100 years old that required people to show a good cause to get a permit to carry concealed firearms. Communities that are already suffering from the effects of gun crime are likely to experience even greater violence now that the court has robbed public officials of options and given the extremist pro-gun political agenda the power of law.

The court also further dismantled the separation of church and state, which protects religious freedom and preserves equality under law for people regardless of their religious beliefs. The Trump court took a wrecking ball to this pillar of American society. It is forcing states to divert tax dollars to religious schools, like some southern states did when they funded white evangelical segregationist academies that emerged in resistance to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawing racially segregated public schools. This court has made it easier for public officials, like teachers, to coerce students into prayer or other religious practices. This is a very clear threat to anyone whose faith is different from the one dominant in their community or state.

In other words, the U.S. Supreme Court, which we counted on for generations to uphold civil rights and tear down obstacles to equality, is now acting as an arm of the increasingly aggressive far-right political movement.

How did we get here? Simple. Thanks to the anti-democratic Electoral College, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 even though almost three million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell prevented the Senate from even considering President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nomination so that Trump could fill it instead—and then rushed Trump’s third justice onto the court even as voters were casting ballots to remove Trump from office. Behind Trump and McConnell was a massively funded, decades-long campaign to build the political power to take control of the judiciary.

In other words, winning the presidency and controlling the Senate gave the far right the power to force its harmful agenda on the American public long after voters rejected Trump. Taking the Court back from the extremists who now control it will be a long-term project. It starts with this year’s elections.

Ben Jealous serves as president of People For the American Way and Professor of the Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. A New York Times best-selling author, his next book “Never Forget Our People Were Always Free” will be published by Harper Collins in December 2022. 

Elected Officials and Community Leaders Roll Out New Report on Online Hate and Disinformation and Call for Legislation to Require Accountability from Major Social Media Platforms

SACRAMENTO, CA– Earlier this week, Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D – Woodland Hills), other elected officials, community leaders, and civil rights organizations gathered to discuss social media’s role in amplifying recent surges in violence across the country and call for the passing of Assembly Bill (AB) 587, a first-of-its-kind measure to require social media platforms to publicly disclose their policies regarding online hate, disinformation, extremism, and harassment, as well as key metrics and data regarding the enforcement of those policies.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a key supporter of AB 587, also rolled out a new nationwide report at the event on the state of online hate and harassment in the U.S. Key findings include: Asian Americans reporting a dramatic increase in harassment, paralleling the rise in anti-Asian hate incidents offline; LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing harassment at the highest levels among all respondents; and nearly half of youth ages 13-17 reporting experiencing some type of harassment, and more than a third in the past 12 months.

“Californians are becoming increasingly alarmed about the role of social media in promoting hate, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and extreme political polarization,” said Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel. “It’s long past time for these companies to provide real transparency into their practices. The public and policymakers deserve to know when social media companies are amplifying certain voices and silencing others. This is an important step in a broader effort to protect our vulnerable communities and hold Big Tech accountable.”

New studies and reports are drawing ties between hate-motivated violence, mass shootings, and online activity. The assailants in the El Paso shooting in 2019, the Isla Vista shooting in 2014, the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in 2018, the Charleston shooting in 2015, the Parkland shooting in 2018, and the Buffalo shooting earlier this year all utilized social media to engage in hateful activity and were often radicalized online. A recent bulletin by the Department of Homeland Security has warned the public of extremist, copycat behavior promulgated in online forums following the Uvalde shooting. Just last week in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, a group of white supremacists who attempted to disrupt an attack a pride event were exposed for frequenting online chats groups targeting the LGBTQ community.

Despite widespread concerns, efforts by social media companies to self-police have been widely criticized as grossly inadequate. As disclosed by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen and other sources, social media platforms will recommend harmful, divisive, or false content even where a user is not looking for it. Facebook, for example, has evidence that its algorithms encourage polarization and “exploit the human brain’s attraction to divisiveness,” but the company has declined to implement proposed solutions to address these concerns.

AB 587 would address this troubling lack of transparency by requiring platforms to file reports disclosing: their corporate policies on hate speech, disinformation, extremism, harassment, and foreign political interference; their efforts to enforce those policies; and any changes to their policies or enforcement practices. The measure also would require disclosure of key metrics and data regarding such content, including the number of pieces of content, groups, and users flagged for violation; the method of flagging, and the type and content of action flagged.

“Disinformation and extremism are running rampant on social media platforms, and sadly it only seems to be getting worse,” said Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco). “We need to hold social media companies accountable for the spread of violent extremism and the racism, sexism, transphobia, and antisemitism taking over the internet. More accountability and transparency for social media companies will help us address this problem and keep people safer. Assemblymember Gabriel’s AB 587 will make the internet a safer place.”

AB 587 is supported by a coalition of leading civil rights and technology accountability organizations:

  • ?  “A key step in tackling anti-AAPI hate is to make our online communities safer. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been the targets of racial discrimination and scapegoating in digital spaces, which have perpetuated the rise in attacks on our community in the past two years. AB 587 is a fundamental step in the right direction and we urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to pass it out of committee.” – Linda Ng, National President of OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates
  • ?  “According to ADL’s Online Hate and Harassment Report, 65% of those in a marginalized group, including Jews, women, and people of color, experienced hate-based harassment online because of their identity. That is harassment simply for existing. This is unacceptable and we must address it with meaningful legislation. Assembly Bill 587, which is a foundational approach to bringing to light the real issue of hate online, would require big social media

platforms to be more transparent in their reporting and content moderation policies.” – Jeffrey I. Abrams, Regional Director of ADL Los Angeles

  • ?  “Greater transparency can combat the rise of disinformation, hate speech, and calls to violence that are omnipresent on social media and destructive to our democracy. By creating clear guidelines requiring online platforms to disclose their policies and their enforcement of those policies, AB 587 will increase public trust and engender more awareness by tech companies about the deceptive and harmful activity on their platforms. To preserve our democracy, social media platforms must be accountable and transparent to the public, and this bill is an important step in that direction.” – Ann M. Ravel, Policy Director at Decode Democracy and former Chair of the Federal Election Commission
  • ?  “Like many other marginalized communities, the California Women’s Law Center is sadly very familiar with the hate and harmful content that women experience every single day online. And not only do many of these companies know their platforms are toxic—especially for young girls—but they consistently play down their negative effects to the public and policymakers. We can’t continue to leave these companies to their own devices—we need transparency and accountability now.” – Betsy Butler, former Assemblywoman and Executive Director of the California Women’s Law Center

    AB 587 is set to be heard in Senate Judiciary Committee next week.

San Bernardino City Unified Board Of Education Establishes Leadership Transition Plan

On July 1, the daily operations of the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD), the state’s seventh largest, was assigned to be the responsibility of four members of the executive leadership team.

Collectively, those four leaders have vast experience in public education, have worked in SBCUSD for decades, and two of them attended District schools as children. They will alternate monthly to serve in the District’s top spot while the Board of Education conducts a thorough search for a new superintendent following the June 30 retirement of Doc Ervin. That search will continue after the November election when four seats on the governing board are filled. The Board of Education’s goal is to announce a new SBCUSD superintendent in January 2023.

Board President Dr. Scott Wyatt, a local educator, is confident the day-to-day operations of SBCUSD will be taken care of and teaching and learning will continue under this leadership plan, which starts with Associate Superintendent Harold Sullins, who runs the Business Services Division and will be the District’s administrator in charge in July. Sullins currently leads all of the business, maintenance, and information technology programs for SBCUSD. His leadership is especially important as the District prepares to open schools on August 1 for a new school year.

“As a Board, we have the utmost confidence in our executive cabinet, that is why we believe in this rotation,” Wyatt said at the June 21 Board meeting. “We have outstanding talent here in our own District and we trust our executive cabinet to lead us in the interim as we continue our search. Our schools, students, staff, and families will be in the same good hands that currently serve them.”

Also serving monthly stints in charge until a permanent leader is named will be
Ana Applegate, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. She will guide the District in August as schools welcome 46,000 students back to classrooms across San Bernardino and Highland. Applegate is a product of San Bernardino City Schools, still lives in the community, and has earned accolades for her leadership of the District’s multilingual programs.

In September Dr. Sandra Rodriguez will take the leadership post. Dr. Rodriguez is now the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services. A graduate of Cajon High School, Dr. Rodriguez is the former principal of San Bernardino High, grew up in the community, and still lives in San Bernardino.

In October, Dr. Marcus Funchess, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, will serve as the administrator in charge. Dr. Funchess has previously served as a teacher, principal, and director in the District. He was recently recognized as Administrator of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators.

Once the Board of Education resumes the search for a permanent superintendent following Ervin’s retirement at the end of June, a new leader is slated to be appointed in January.

“I have been exceptionally impressed with the strong leadership of our cabinet team,” Ervin said. “The Board’s decision to rely on a rotation of leadership is a validation of the talent and dedication we already have.”

All-Black Team of Climbers Makes History After Reaching the Top of Mount Everest

EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—(ENN)—- A team of 7 Black climbers has made history as the first all-Black expedition to make it to the top of Mount Everest, which is the Earth’s highest mountain above sea level.

Seven Full Circle Everest team members — Manoah Ainuu, Eddie Taylor, Rosemary Saal, Demond Mullins, Thomas Moore, James “KG” Kagami, and Evan Green — successfully made it to the summit of Mount Everest on May 12.

They made the attempt to summit the highest mountain in the world after countless hours of preparations, training, and dedication. It took them nearly 40 days to reach the top since they started the historic journey.

Moreover, Full Circle Everest is proud to have brought representation to the highest place on Earth wherein out of the over 10,000 summits as of 2020, only 10 Black climbers have reportedly summited. The team is hoping to change the future of mountaineering, making it more accessible to people of color.

The group wrote on their GoFundMe page, “Everest is not the end goal, but just the beginning. Our expedition will reshape the narrative of the outdoors to one that is inclusive and where everyone belongs. Each member of this team has a powerful story to share. Together, we speak to many histories, traditions, and ancestries.”

The Los Angeles Lakers Have Signed Scotty Pippen Jr. and Shaq’s Son, Shareef O’Neal

LOS ANGELES, CA— Shareef O’Neal and Scotty Pippen Jr., the sons of former NBA legends, have recently signed two-way contracts with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Shareef, who is 22-years old, is the son of Lakers icon Shaquille O’Neal who played in the NBA from 1992 to 2010. Scotty, Jr., who is 21-years-old, is the son of six-time NBA champion Scottie Pippen who played in the NBA from 1987 to 1999.

Shareef is a 6-foot-10 power forward who previously played at LSU. He struggled during his last season due to his health and some injuries. Shareef even revealed his father wanted him to just stay in school because of his condition. Still, he pushed through and will start playing for the Lakers in next month’s Summer League.

Meanwhile, Scotty had played for Vanderbilt’s Commodores for the past 3 years. He was initially undrafted in both rounds of the NBA Draft but eventually received a call from the Lakers.

The two players expressed their excitement on Twitter after signing the deal.

“Thank you for this opportunity,” Shareef said, along with a throwback video of his young self-wearing a Lakers jersey.

“Dream come true. Let’s get to work #lakeshow,” Scotty wrote.

These 2 Black Tech Entrepreneurs Will Launch Smart Cities in Ghana, Belize, and the Cayman Islands by 2030

EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK— (ENN)— Meet Joseph Carswell and Daryl D. Jones, two African American entrepreneurs who have launched a very ambitious project called Wealth First City, a series of smart cities centered around technology, finance, and green space for about 10,000 citizens. Their first three smart cities will be completed by the year 2030 and will be located in Ghana, West Africa, the country of Belize, and the Cayman Islands.

To date, there are over 225 smart cities being built around the world with the leading smart city called Neom being built in Saudi Arabia and slated to be finished in 2025.

In addition to their smart city projects, Wealth First also helps to close the wealth gap by assisting hundreds of minority-owned businesses to secure capital. To date, the company has helped hundreds of businesses and individuals $10 million in loans and lines of credit.

For more details about Wealth First, visit its official web site at WealthFirstInc.com

“Back to Lyla,” a romantic comedy directed by America Young, brought to life by the groundbreaking culturally diverse cast and crew

When “Back to Lyla” hits major Video-on-Demand (VOD) streaming and cable/satellite TV platforms such as iTunes, Amazon, iTunes, and DirecTV, it won’t just be another romantic comedy. The feature film is undoubtedly a quirky, hilarious love story jam-packed with star power featuring performances from actors known for hit shows such as “Yellowstone,” “Legacies,” and “Shameless” just to name a few. But there’s another element that deserves a moment in the spotlight: “Back to Lyla” is the brainchild of a Latin American production company and a team led by a majority of female producers and filmmaker America Young. As empowering as the cast and crew will attest to this being for them, the combination is a rarity for a feature film in Hollywood.

“Everyone talks about more diversity and representation in Hollywood, especially with women at the forefront, but it’s rare to see it achieved on such a large scale, as we accomplished with “Back to Lyla,’” said Young.

Young is riding a wave of success with a number of high-profile projects under her belt and knows a thing or two about inclusion. Young, who was honored with the Humanitarian Award by  the University of California, San Diego in 2020 for empowering women in film and television, recently directed the pilot for a soon-to-be released Apple TV+ series “Surfside Girls.” “Back to Lyla” will be her second feature film in the director’s chair.

The story for “Back to Lyla,” which was written by Guillermo Noriega who hails from Mexico, centers around a young man who is under the belief he is dying. In a desperate attempt to make the most of his life, Mark, played by Argentina-born and BAFTA-winning actor Gonzalo Martin, recruits his childhood friends to help him track down the love of his life Lyla, played by Hassie Harrison known for her roles in “Yellowstone” and “Tacoma FD.” The film also stars Emma Kenney from “Shameless,” Tracie Thoms from “Truth Be Told,” and Chris Lee who is a series regular in the hit TV show “Legacies.”

“Back to Lyla” was Martin’s first stint as a producer — a test for the international actor, which Young firmly believes he passed with flying colors.

“It felt like the stars aligned with this wonderful cast and crew for Back to Lyla. So many factors have to come together and Gonzalo was the force behind all of it. He handled it all while still giving a layered and beautiful performance. He also had a brilliant support system with Julie and Graham. I could not be more proud of our team.” said Young.

The film was also produced by Ana Menendez, Julie Bersani, Graham E. Sheldon, and executive produced by Maria Jose Michelucci. The film will be released by powerhouse distributor 1091 Pictures, which acquired the rights earlier this year.

“‘Back to Lyla’ was a phenomenal experience. I had to pivot between producing and acting, which was quite challenging at times, but I worked with an outstanding cast and crew through the entire process who understood what I was trying to convey with this film. It was an honor to work with professionals who were all on the same page and helped the film become a reality,” said Martin.

“Maria Jose was a true visionary. She saw the potential of this magical story and continuously supported the development of the film. Working with her and such a stellar production team of diverse artists brought another dimension to the filmmaking process that I will always cherish. I believe our backgrounds also contributed to the quality and uniqueness of this film, which people will be able to see for themselves when it is released,” he added.

“Back to Lyla” will be released on digital streaming platforms such as Amazon, iTunes, VUDU, and cable/satellite providers AT&T, DirecTV, and more on June 28.