
City of San Bernardino Names Daniel Hernandez as Public Works Director

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The City of San Bernardino has announced that Commerce Public Works Director Daniel Hernandez has joined San Bernardino as its new Public Works Director.
“Daniel Hernandez has a proven track record of both leading effective Public Works Departments and private sector experience getting things done efficiently and cost effectively,” said City Manager Robert Field. “This is another win for San Bernardino.”

Hernandez is an accomplished and seasoned leader with two decades of experience in the public sector, aerospace, and manufacturing industries. He has spent the past six years leading public works departments in Los Angeles County, first in Huntington Park for three years and most recently as Public Works Director in the City of Commerce. In both Commerce and Huntington Park, Hernandez modernized those departments, implementing productivity and performance measurement systems, cost controls, work order/process systems, and customer care and responsiveness programs.

In 2011, Hernandez was elected City Clerk in Montebello and served a four-year term.

The San Bernardino Public Works Director oversees the wide variety of operations and programs in the Public Works Department, including Capital Projects, Fleet, Environmental Compliance, Traffic Operations, and Maintenance and Operations. Public Works is also responsible for the maintenance of the city’s parks and community centers.

It’s an honor and privilege to serve the City of San Bernardino,” said Hernandez. “I look forward to taking on challenges, embracing the opportunities, and leading the Public Works Department in achieving the City’s goals.”

Hernandez’s start date was May 16th.

Buffalo Shooting Underscores The Human Cost Of Hatred

By Hamil R. Harris

The fatal mass shooting inside a Buffalo, New York, grocery store on May 14 has shaken the faith of national political leaders by echoing a tragic and familiar refrain across the country — another mass shooting that appears motivated by race and hate.

Payton Gendron, 18, traveled 200 miles from his home in Conklin, New York, to Buffalo, where he strapped on body armor, walked into the Tops Friendly Market and shot 13 people in the store. He streamed the attack online before the police subdued him. Eleven people shot were Black, while two were White — 10 of the victims died.

Federal authorities found a racist 180-page document written by Gendron, who said the assault was intended to terrorize all non-White, non-Christian people to persuade them to leave the United States.

A Washington Post analysis of more than 600 messages found that Gendron had planned to target the Tops grocery store since February, because its customer base is mainly Black.

“The American experiment in democracy is in danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime,” said President Joe Biden in a Buffalo speech May 17. “It’s in danger this hour. Hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America but who don’t understand America.”

Biden went on to say, “In America, evil will not win, I promise you. Hate will not prevail. White supremacy will not have the last word.”

Part of the crowd that gathered May 17 at the Delavan Grider Community Center in Buffalo to grieve with New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and President Joe Biden over the grocery-store shooting in that city. (Mike Groll/Office of Gov. Kathy Hochul)

Law-enforcement officials said that New York State police troopers were called to Gendron’s high school last June for a report that the-then-17-year-old had made threatening statements.

From President Biden to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, political officials have offered many words in the wake of a shooting that has stoked fear and worry across the country, while law enforcement searches for answers.

The Sunday morning after the incident, Hochul spoke at True Bethel Baptist Church in Buffalo, where she said: “Our hearts are broken, and I’m going to say one thing: Lord, forgive the anger in my heart right now.

“Forgive me, Lord. I know it doesn’t belong there, Lord,” Hochul said. “I was raised to love and respect and care. Well, to hear these stories and the pain that’s out there in a community that I love so well — I’m angry.”

The governor went on to quote Psalm 34: “’The Lord is near the broken-hearted and saves the crushed of spirit.’ Well, Lord, I know you’re here because we are so broken-hearted, and we are crushed in spirit at this moment. But this is temporary because with your love, Lord, we will rise up, and our crushed spirits will rise again.”

Gov. Hochul also took practical steps. On May 20, she issued two executive orders.

The first Executive Order is designed to fight the surge in domestic terrorism and violent extremism frequently inspired by social media platforms and internet forums. The Executive Order calls on the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to establish a new unit, dedicated solely to the prevention of domestic terrorism, within the Division’s Office of Counterterrorism.

The second calls on New York State Police to establish a dedicated unit within the New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC) to track domestic violent extremism through social media. The second Executive Order will require State Police to file for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) under New York State’s Red Flag Law whenever they have probable cause to believe an individual is a threat to themselves or others.

In addition, Hochul is proposing legislation to close “Other Gun” loopholes by revising and widening the definition of a firearm to get dangerous guns off the street.

While she offered political remedies, spiritual leaders also made pleas to end violence.

Bishop Vashti McKenzie, the interim president and general secretary of the National Council of Churches, said in a statement: “Our communities have not healed from the onslaught of violence from past White supremacist attacks and now the scabs have been ripped off to bleed again.”

McKenzie stood with President Obama and other bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church after the young white supremacist Dylann Roof walked into Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015 and opened fire, killing nine people during a midweek Bible study.

“This racial violence has to stop,” McKenzie said. “We must all increase our efforts to bring racism to an end. That will not happen by only making ceremonial or performative gestures that don’t get to the root causes of the problems. We have to do the deeper work. This is especially true for Christians.”

The Rev. Eric Manning, pastor of Mother Emanuel AME, said in a statement that he and members of his congregation could empathize with the suffering from the May 14 shooting in Buffalo.

“We can relate to your hurt, pain and anger,” Pastor Manning said. “The congregation of Mother Emanuel was in the same place almost seven years ago.”

A memorial to the victims of another grocery store mass shooting, this one in Boulder, Colorado, in March 2021. (gotojbb/Flickr) 

On May 17, New York City Mayor Eric Adams joined faith leaders who came to a Harlem vigil for the 10 victims of the racially fueled mass shooting.

During the vigil at Bethel Gospel Assembly Church, Adams placed one of the 10 pink roses on a table. But he also referred to a shooting closer to home — race and hate are not the only reasons why people of color are being killed.

“You are no less demonic,” said Adams to the drive-by shooter who killed an 11-year-old girl in the Bronx. Adams had just visited her parents, and he drew parallels between the Buffalo shooting and New York City gun violence.

Many communities around the country are hosting vigils for racial healing after the Buffalo shooting. In Rockville, Maryland, people from Jewish, Asian, Hispanic and other groups targeted by white supremacists were to gather for a vigil at the Rockville Seventh-day Adventist Church.

“As a family of faith, we pray for healing for all who have been affected,” the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America said in a statement on May 19. “But as much as our prayers go up and our hearts go out to those who have been devastated by this horrific event, we cannot stop there.

“We denounce this mindless and premeditated act of hatred and violence. We call on all people of goodwill to use their voices and platforms to denounce hatred and racism in all of its forms. May we use this evil intention as a catalyst to propel us to action and demonstrate that love is stronger than hatred.”

Senior contributor Hamil Harris is an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, and has been a lecturer at Morgan State University. Harris is minister at the Glenarden Church of Christ and a police chaplain. He was a longtime reporter for The Washington Post.

Produced in association with Religion Unplugged.

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The post Buffalo Shooting Underscores The Human Cost Of Hatred appeared first on Zenger News.

Hyundai Motors Into NFTs

By Jonathan Hobbs

Korea’s largest automaker, Hyundai, announced that it is entering the online community-based non-fungible token (NFT) market, becoming the first automaker to do so.

Hyundai said in a press release that it is collaborating with Meta Kongz on NFT projects and memorandums of understanding (MOUs).

“The Hyundai NFT community will provide its users with the Hyundai brand experience in the metaverse by sharing NFTs depicting its mobility solutions. The Hyundai NFT Discord and Twitter channels opened on April 15, and the official NFT website is scheduled to open soon in May,” Hyundai said in the press release.

A short film introducing the automaker’s Metamobility Universe was also released. In it, the automaker presented its vision for a future in which virtual reality will be used to enhance mobility.

“The Hyundai NFT universe will extend the Hyundai brand experience, especially with MZ generation, in a completely new way, further reinforcing our commitment to innovation in both the real world and in the metaverse,” Thomas Schemera, Hyundai Motor’s global chief marketing officer, said. “We are extremely excited to introduce ‘Metamobility’ through our own NFTs and start this journey with Meta Kongz.”

 “We are extremely excited to introduce ‘Metamobility’ through our own NFTs and start this journey with Meta Kongz,” said Thomas Schemera, Hyundai Motor’s global chief marketing officer. (Courtesy of Hyundai)

The automaker distributed 30 limited-edition NFTs on April 20 to commemorate the premiere of the short film. Even as the Hyundai NFT universe evolves, these releases will continue throughout the year, the company said. The proceeds from the sale of Hyundai NFTs will be allocated to project and community management, it added.

“|The Hyundai NFT community will provide its users with the Hyundai brand experience in the metaverse by sharing NFTs depicting its mobility solutions.,” the automaker said in a press release. (Courtesy of Hyundai)

Meta Kongz has just completed governance voting on an agenda pertaining to the migration of the Klaytn chain to the Ethereum chain. The majority of votes cast were in support of the migration.

Meta Kongz will migrate to the Ethereum blockchain, a necessary step for the internationalization of the project. Due to the purported difficulty of attracting non-Koreans to the Klaytn chain, many NFT traders prefer to use the Ethereum chain with the Metamask wallet. As a result of the relocation, Meta Kongz it likely to receive increased exposure.

Hyundai Motor Co. has operations in more than 200 countries with more than 120,000 employees. “Based on the brand vision ‘Progress for Humanity,’ Hyundai Motor is accelerating its transformation into a Smart Mobility Solution Provider,” the company said in its press release.

“The idea behind Metamobility is that space, time and distance will all become irrelevant. By connecting robots to the metaverse, we will be able to move freely between both the real world and virtual reality,” Chang Song. Hyundai’s president and head of the transportation-as-a-service division, said earlier this year.

Produced in association with MetaNews.

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The post Hyundai Motors Into NFTs appeared first on Zenger News.

Opinion: Why Every Californian Should Support the Prescription Drug Pricing Bill

By Dr. Oliver Brooks | Special to California Black Media Partners

In 1992, the federal government enacted the 340B Drug Discount Program. It afforded community health centers (CHCs) the ability to provide pharmacy services to their patients, a service that many CHCs did not have the resources to provide otherwise.

The program protects safety-net providers, including CHCs, from escalating drug prices, allowing us to purchase drugs at a discounted rate from manufacturers and pass those discounts directly to the patient. This program is presently under threat.

That is why I support Dr. Richard Pan’s Senate Bill (SB) 939. This bill, currently being reviewed by the Senate Committee on Health, would prohibit discriminatory actions by drug manufacturers and administrators when providing 340B drugs to health centers and the patients they serve.

It provides important consumer protections that are necessary to protect 340B savings and ensure that the savings remain with health centers and their communities, creating greater access to health care and equity for all.

The 340B Program also allows safety-net providers the ability to accrue savings that must be reinvested directly into patient care and services. Thus, the program enables covered entities to stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services.

For 30 years CHCs have used those savings to provide free medications to patients experiencing homelessness, free transportation vouchers, free nutrition classes, and hire provider types (like community health workers) who are not billable within Medi-Cal.

Today, there are over 1,300 health centers in California that provide care to 7.2 million people – that’s one in every five Californians and one in three Medi-Cal patients.

Additionally, 68% of CHC patients are from BIPOC communities. CHCs are often the only source of primary and preventative care for California’s most diverse communities, including those experiencing homelessness, immigrants, and agricultural workers.
Anyone who walks into our health centers today can access a variety of services from primary care to dental to behavioral health care and a variety of wraparound services, regardless of whether they have health insurance, or an ability to pay for care. A large part of why we’re able to offer those services is thanks to savings we receive from the 340B program.

In recent years the 340B program has been under assault by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), drug manufacturers, and others within big Pharma.

Through the expansion of the Affordable Care Act & Medi-Cal, more low-income patients can access healthcare in California, meaning more are also able to access medications, causing the 340B program to expand. Given this fact, manufacturers have put practices in place that limit patient access to 340B priced drugs while PBMs focus on trying to take 340B savings away from CHCs, and out of the local communities that need them, threatening patient access to critical medicines made available through the program.

Health centers were born out of the Civil Rights movement to ensure that all communities, particularly communities of color, would have access to high-quality care that is provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. This program has allowed covered entities, including CHCs, to contract with local pharmacies so that our patients can access low-cost medications in a convenient manner. The continual acts of greed by pharmaceutical companies and PBMs threatens equity and access that CHCs were designed to create.

Community health centers around the country are sounding the alarm over Rx drugs manufacturers’ attacks on the federal 340B program. Since 2019, 21 states have passed laws addressing PBM discrimination against 340B covered entities.

It’s time for California, the policy trendsetter, to become the next state to protect the 340B program so it can operate as intended.

That is why Dr. Richard Pan’s SB 939 is so important and why I so fervently speak in favor of this legislation.

About the Author

Dr. Brooks is Chief Medical Officer and past Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at Watts Healthcare Corporation in Los Angeles, California (CA)




COMIC CON Revolution Celebrates 5th Anniversary May 21 & 22

ONTARIO, CA— Comic Con Revolution is returning to the Inland Empire May 21 & 22, 2022 for its 5th Anniversary convention. They are once again bringing an all-star lineup of comic talent, professional wrestlers, celebrities, toys, collectibles, and family-friendly fun to the Ontario Convention Center.

Making their inaugural appearances for our 5th anniversary are Jim Starlin, Mark Waid, Gerry Conway, Kenneth Rocafort, Sammy Guevara, Anna Jay, Tay Conti, and The New Age Outlaws, they are only the tip of the iceberg. We will be announcing guests every week from now until the show.

For year 5 they are expanding the size of the show by increasing the size of the show floor and reconfiguring our layout to create an even better experience for all attendees. This means more exhibitors, an incredible artist alley, more cosplayers, more guests and even more fun.

“We can’t believe it’s our 5th Anniversary in the Inland Empire,” said co-owner James Ross. “The community has embraced Comic Con Revolution and we want the 5th Anniversary to be an experience that attendees will never forget.”

As always, kids 12 and under are free with a paid adult, so mark your calendar for the 5th Anniversary of Comic Con Revolution This May 21st and 22nd at the Ontario Convention Center.

Guests scheduled to appear include:

Azura Cosplay, Sandy King Carpenter, Ming Chen, Chris Claremont, Dameon Clarke, Tay Conti, Gerry Conway,, Grey Delisle, Road Dogg, Neo Edmund, Christian Gosset, Girls Got Rhythm, Sammy Guevara, Billy Gunn, Gene Ha, Olivia Hack, Travis Hanson, Kyle Herbert, Anna Jay, Kids Can Cosplay, Livesay, Mike Mckone, Cassandra Lee Morris, Nerd Mafia, New Age Outlaws, Dustin Nguyen, James O’Barr, Order of Gallifrey, Eirc Palicki, Darick Robertson, Kenneth Rocafort, Saberguild Outer Rim, Science Fiction Coalition, Scuba Steph, Patrick Scullin, Beth Sotelo, Stacy Cosplays, Star Trek – The Fleet, Jim Starlin, Angi Viper, Dave Wagner, Mark Waid, Claudia Wells, Gary Whitta, with many more to be added.

Comic Con Revolution

For the latest information, and to purchase tickets visit https://www.comicconrevolution.com/ontario/

Follow them on social media at:






  • Ontario Convention Center

2000 East Convention Center Way

Ontario, CA 91764



  • Weekend Adult Premium $129
  • Weekend Adult $45
  • Weekend Teen $35
  • Saturday Adult $30
  • Saturday Teen $25
  • Sunday Adult $25
  • Sunday Teen $20
  • Kids 12 and under are free with a paying adult


  • Saturday, May 21 – 10am (9am with advance ticket purchase) – 6pm
  • Sunday, May 22 – 11am (10am with advance ticket purchase) – 5pm



California Will Be First State to Break Down Black Employee Data by Ethnic Origin

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Last week, when Gov. Gavin Newsom presented the annual May revision of his budget proposal for the next fiscal year, he announced that California will establish new demographic categories when collecting data pertaining to the ethnic origin of Black state employees.

Kamilah A. Moore, the chairperson of the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans, said the breakdown of data is “amazing news.”

“California will become the first state in the nation to disaggregate data for its Black population by ancestry/lineage,” Moore posted on her Twitter page on May 13. “This will assist the task force in our efforts to develop comprehensive reparations proposals for descendants.”

Disaggregated data refers to the separation of compiled information into smaller units to clarify underlying trends and patterns. Newsom’s actions are similar to a bill authored by then-Assemblyman Rob Bonta.

In September 2016, former Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1726 into law that required the state Department of Public Health to separate demographic data it collects by ethnicity or ancestry for Native Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Islander groups.

Recently, disaggregation of Black data has been a top priority for some Black lawmakers and advocates supporting reparations for Black descendants of American slavery in California. In January, Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena), introduced AB 1604, the Upward Mobility Act of 2022, legislation that will require the state to breakdown the data of state employees by ethnic origin.

The Assembly Committee on Appropriations is currently reviewing the bill.

AB 1604 promotes mobility for people of color in California’s civil services system and requires diversity on state boards and commissions. Newsom vetoed AB 105 last year, the legislative forerunner to AB 1604, which Holden also introduced.

Shortly after he was appointed chair of the Assembly Committee on Appropriations in January, Holden reintroduced the legislation as AB 1604.

Holden, a member of the California Legislative Black Caucus, said AB 1604 will give the Reparations Task Force more accurate data to utilize in its study and deliberations. The bill was passed by the Assembly Committee on Public Employment and Retirement on March 14.

In a written statement released in October last year, Newsom said he vetoed AB 105 because “the bill conflicts with existing constitutional requirements, labor, agreements, and current data collections efforts” but found disaggregation useful for dissecting data about California’s workforce.

As stated in his 2022-2023 May revision of the state budget, under the section titled “State Workforce Demographic Data Collection,” Newsom proposed the separation of Black employee data beginning with the state’s 2.5 million-plus employees.

The Department of Human Resources (CalHR) will work with the State Controller to establish new demographic categories for the collection of data pertaining to the ancestry or ethnic origin of African American employees.

The collection of this data, the document states, “continues CalHR’s duties to maintain statistical information necessary for the evaluation of equal employment opportunity and upward mobility within state civil service.”

In March, the nine-member Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans decided with a 5-4 vote that lineage will determine who will be eligible for reparations.

The May Revision also includes $1.5 million in funding for the Department of Justice to continue supporting the work of the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans

Supporters of disaggregation say it will serve as a key tool for the task force as it enters its second year of studying slavery and its lingering effects on African Americans.

The state’s reparations task force will recommend what compensation should be and how it should be paid by July 2023.





Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. Hosted Earth Day Community Clean Up Events in Muscoy and Bloomington

SAN BERNARDINO, CA– On Saturday April 23rd, in honor of International Earth Day, Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. hosted a community clean up in both Muscoy and Bloomington. With over 350 volunteers altogether in attendance at both locations, and over twenty community partners assisting, both unincorporated areas were left cleaner and healthier for those who reside there. Tons of trash from all over Muscoy and Bloomington were properly disposed, leaving parts of San Bernardino County cleaner than it previously was. The event was meant to last until the afternoon, but due to the abundance of volunteers cleaning up together, the event was completed earlier.

“This year’s community clean up event was more than a success. Seeing so many people go out of their way and volunteer to help clean up both Muscoy and Bloomington was touching. Our teamwork and community commitment to keeping our Earth safe and clean, especially the parts of town that we live brings me so much hope in what is to come for our Fifth District. This event was a huge success, and we couldn’t have done it without our community partners. I want to thank all the volunteers, our County Special Districts, Code Enforcement, California Highway Patrol, and all other partners once again for all the assistance. Let us treat every day like it is Earth Day, let us be kind to our Earth it is our only home. Looking forward to next year’s event! “-Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr.

Running to Represent: Black Dem and GOP Candidates Vying for Cal Legislature Seats

By Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

Primaries will be held June 7 for four positions on the California Board of Equalization, all 80 seats in the State Assembly, and 20 State Senate seats. Half of the 40 State Senate seats are subject to election every two years. The 20 even numbered districts are on ballots this year.

California Black Media (CBM) is reporting that no Black candidates are running for the Board of Equalization. Malia Cohen, current Board Chair and the first Black woman elected to the Board, is passing up a re-election bid to continue representing District 2 to run for State Controller instead.

There are five Black candidates running for two State Senate seats. Four are Democrats and one is a Republican. Three candidates are women and two are men.

Twenty-two Black candidates are on ballots for 18 State Assembly contests. Twenty candidates are Democrats and two are Republicans. Eight candidates are women and 14 are men. Nine races involve incumbents, and eight incumbents are Black. Three Black incumbents are running unopposed. Two Assembly seats are being contested by more than one Black candidate.

Although African Americans are 5.8% of California residents and 7% of the voting-eligible population, Black candidates are on ballots for 10% of the Senate races and 22.5% of the Assembly races.

State Senators represent an average of 988,455 residents and Assemblymembers represent an average of 494,227 residents. After the redistricting done following the 2020 US Census, African Americans no longer exceed 40% of the population in any district. Three Senate districts and five Assembly districts have African American populations exceeding 20%.

Black candidates running for State Senate are:

Republican Gregory Tatum is a pastor, U.S. Army veteran and avionics technician. He is running to represent Senate District 16 (Bakersfield). State Senator Melissa Hurtado who currently represents District 14 is in this race because redistricting changed her district boundaries. This district is predicted to be a tossup for the two Republican and three Democrats on the ballot.

Four Black Democratic candidates are running to represent Senate District 28 (Los Angeles). Jamaal A. Gulledge is a public servant. Kamilah Victoria Moore, chair of the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations proposals for African Americans, has no ballot designation. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas is an educator and community organizer. Cheryl C. Turner is a Civil Rights Lawyer. Five candidates are on the ballot. This is a solid Democratic district.

Black candidates running for State Assembly are:

Democrat Kevin McCarty is an Assemblymember representing District 7 (Sacramento). Due to redistricting, he is running to represent District 6 (Sacramento). He has four opponents. This is a solid Democratic district.

Two Black candidates are competing to represent Assembly District 10 (Elk Grove). Democrat Tecoy Porter is a pastor, educator and nonprofit director. Republican Eric M. Rigard is a retired businessman. Five candidates are on the ballot. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Lori D. Wilson is listed on the ballot as a Democratic Mayor and Finance Director running to represent Assembly District 11 (Vallejo). Recently, she won a special election to represent District 11, making her the incumbent. She has one opponent. This is a solid Democratic district.

Democrat Ida Times-Green is a School Board Trustee. She is Board President of the Sausalito-Marin City School District and is running to represent Assembly District 12 (Marin). She has three Democratic rivals. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Mia Bonta is the Assemblymember representing District 18 (Oakland). She is running for re-election unopposed. This is a solid Democratic district.

Democrat Jennifer Esteen is a Psychiatric Registered Nurse. She is on the ballot to represent Assembly District (20) Alameda. Her opponents are two Democrats and a Republican. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Maurice Goodman is a San Mateo County Community College District Trustee. He is running to represent Assembly District 21 (San Mateo). He is running against five Democrats and a Republican. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Jon Wizard is a Councilmember and Housing Policymaker. He is running to represent Assembly District 30 (San Luis Obispo). He is running against three Democrats and a Republican. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Marlon G. Ware is a University Professor and Director. He is also a retired US Marine officer. He is running to represent Assembly District 36 (Imperial). He has two opponents. Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D) currently representing the 56th Assembly District is on the ballot for this seat due to redistricting. This is a solid Democratic district.

Democrat Chris Holden is an Assemblymember representing District 41 (Pasadena). He is running for re-election unopposed. This is a solid Democratic district.

Democrat Jamie Swain is a truck driver and businesswomen. She is running to represent District 47 (Palm Springs). Her opponents are two Republicans and a Democrat. There is no incumbent on the ballot. This race is judged to be a tossup between the Republicans and Democrats.

Democrat Isaac G. Bryan is the Assemblymember representing District 55 (Los Angeles). He is the incumbent and has one opponent, a Republican. This is a solid Democratic district.

Democrat Reggie Jones-Sawyer is the Assemblymember representing District 57 (Los Angeles). He is running for re-election unopposed. This is a solid Democratic district.

Democrat Corey A Jackson is a Riverside County Board of Education member. He is running to represent Assembly District 60 (Moreno Valley). He has three opponents. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Three Black candidates are running to represent Assembly District 61 (Inglewood). Democrat Tina Simone McKinnor is Non-Profit Director and businesswoman. Democrat Robert Pullen-Miles is Mayor, City of Lawndale. Republican James Arlandus Spencer is an Environmental Consultant. Five candidates are on the ballot. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Mike Anthony Gipson is the Assemblymember for District 65 (Compton). He is running for re-election against one opponent. This is a solid Democratic district

Two Black candidates are on the ballot to represent Assembly District 69 (Long Beach). Democrat Al Austin II is a Long Beach Councilmember. Democrat Janet Denise Foster is a Healthcare Administrator. Four Democratic candidates are running for the seat. This is a solid Democratic district. No incumbent is on the ballot.

Democrat Akilah Weber Democratic State is an Assemblymember and Doctor. She represents Assembly District 79 (La Mesa) and is running for re-election against two Republican opponents. This is a solid Democratic district.

In each contest for Senate and Assembly seats the two candidates receiving the most votes in the June 7 primary will move on to the November 8 general election.


Could’ve, Would’ve, Should’ve – But Didn’t – What Tragedy!

By Lou Yeboah

I tell you; the message of the rich man should be a warning to all of us. He awoke to the fact of eternity too late. He lifted up his eyes too late. He was too busy in life to stop and look up. He was too absorbed with the Now to think of the Here-after. Could’ve, Would’ve Should’ve – But Didn’t – What Tragedy! This sad story should be a warning to each of us, not to take for granted the grace of God, as well as to realize that there are irreversible decisions in life.

If you are reading this message today and don’t know Christ as your personal Savior, do not wait till it’s too late. The weightiest application here is that one day it will be too late for repentance. As [Hebrews 9:27] says, “It is appointed for me to die once and after this comes judgment. The rich man in [Luke 16] discovered that too late. His destiny was now fixed and like in Esau’s case “there was no place for repentance.” May each of us learn from him, and from Esau, and not wait until it is too late to consider the cost of our decisions and actions.

Right now, there is still time to repent before God releases the last three trumpet judgments, referred to as “woes”. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Heed the warnings. Now is the time to set your life right. Now is the time to get your house in order. Now is the time to repent! Now is the time to put oil in your lamp. Do not be complacent. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Regrets are a killer. The rich man in his eternity of suffering is a man of regrets. He knew he was in hell, and he knew why. Don’t you do it for the Bible makes it very clear that there is a time coming when you won’t be able to be saved. These are the end times, the time of great tribulation, when God will pour out his wrath and judgment on an unbelieving world that will refuse him to the end. The Bible says God will give them up. They will curse God as they are being scorched with hailstones. They will try to hide from his wrath in vain, they will seek death, but death will flee from them. Don’t you do it. Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out [Acts 3:19].

For no one is excluded from Jesus’ demand to repent. He made this clear when a group of people came to him with news of two calamities. Innocent people had been killed by Pilate’s massacre and by the fall of the tower of Siloam [Luke 13:1-4]. Jesus took the occasion to warn even the bearers of the news: “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” [Luke 13:5]. Jesus, the Son of God, is warning us of the judgment to come, and offering escape if we will repent. If you don’t repent, Jesus has one word, “Woe, unto you” [Matthew 11:21].

The Bible says our earthly lives are a “mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” [James 4:14]. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” [Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:36]. Could’ve, Should’ve Would’ve – But Didn’t – What Tragedy!

Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. Recognizes Five Teachers from the Fifth District in honor of Teacher’s Appreciation Week

SAN BERNARDINO, CA — In honor of National Teacher’s Appreciation Week, Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. has recognized five influential educators who go above and beyond for their students. All the educators chosen are from San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Rialto Unified School District, Preschool Services Department, San Bernardino City Unified School District and Colton Joint Unified School District. These teachers have significantly changed the lives of hundreds of students in our community and that is why they were chosen to be honored this year.

  • Jill Weigmann: Special Education Program Teacher at Eisenhower High School.
  • Laurie Hicks: Reading Specialist at Dollahan Elementary School.
  • Irene Perez: Pre-School Services at the Boys and Girls Club.
  • Keith Brockie: Art and Demonstration Teacher at Arroyo Valley High School.
  • Matthew Johnson: Engineering Pathway Lead at Colton High School.

“As a past educator myself, I know the feeling of wanting to see my students grow and achieve their goals. Pushing and encouraging our students is the first step into them learning to be confident in the work they create. The role of a teacher in society is extremely important and I cannot thank them all enough. My experience as a teacher has taught me characteristics that are forever instilled in me today, and these five teachers chosen for this year’s appreciation week are just some of the few who have changed the lives of students for the better. -Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr.