
As California Shuts Down Again, GOP Lawmakers Push for Health, Education Data

By Quinci LeGardye | California Black Media 

More than half of California is now under a regional stay-at-home order. 

Last week, when the governor announced the impending shutdown, he said health officials had carved the state into five regions. Their goal is to coordinate a broad emergency response that would reach across county lines and consider the proximity and capacity of health services within each area based on population and density. Those regions are: Northern California; Greater Sacramento; Bay Area; San Joaquin; and Southern California. 

Effective Dec. 6 at 11:59 p.m., the Southern California and San Joaquin Valley regions went under the order after both areas’ intensive care unit (ICU) capacities fell under 15 % — the threshold Gov. Newsom set last week as the bar that would trigger shutting down. 

Five Bay Area counties also went under the order voluntarily on Dec. 6. 

But as the state strengthens restrictions, Republican lawmakers are calling for transparency. They are calling on Gov. Newsom to share data that detail the affects that COVID-19 related restrictions have had on Californians. On Dec. 3, Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) called on the governor to revise the state’s re-opening standards, called the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. 

In November, Grove wrote a letter asking the governor to allow gyms, museums, places of worship and restaurants to remain open for indoor use with social distancing guidelines whenever the state enforced its strictest social isolation policies under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. 

Last week, Grove also called on Gov. Newsom to release data relating to mental health, domestic violence and the achievement gap in education between Black and Brown students (and lower income students across the board) and their White peers since March. 

“Californians have a right to public health data that is being used to shape their lives, and the governor owes the state leadership that is committed to transparency and accountability. We have to ensure the state’s actions are based on a holistic approach that protects out mental, social, and emotional well-being along with our physical health,” said Grove. 

State health officials announced Dec. 5 that ICU capacity had fallen to 12.5 % in the Southern California region, and 8.6 percent in the San Joaquin Valley region. Statewide, California had the highest number of new coronavirus cases for one day on Dec. 5, with 25,000 new reported cases. 

The stay-at-home order went into effect three days after Gov. Newsom announced the 15 % threshold for ICU. capacity. It affects 33 million Californians, 80 % of the state’s population. The order will last for three weeks, and it will be renewed on a weekly basis until the region’s projected I.C.U. capacity increases to 15 % or more. 

“We are at a tipping point in our fight against the virus and we need to take decisive action now to prevent California’s hospital system from being overwhelmed in the coming weeks,” Newsom said. 

Under the order, gatherings of any size of people from more than one household are prohibited. Non-essential businesses must close, including bars, wineries, hair salons and barber shops, nail salons, museums, movie theaters, playgrounds, indoor recreation facilities and amusement parks. Travel is also prohibited except as necessary for permitted activities, such as working at essential businesses or doing necessary shopping. 

Retail businesses can stay open, but they are limited to 20 % capacity, and restaurants can only do takeout or delivery. Schools that are already open for in-person instruction can remain open along with critical infrastructure businesses. Also, worship services and protests are allowed as long as they take place outdoors. 

Though most activities are now closed, the state government encourages members of the same household to visit parks and beaches, which remain open under the order, to maintain their physical and mental health. 

The current stay-at-home order is the most restrictive statewide order since the March 19 order, which closed everything except essential businesses. On Nov. 21, the state directed counties with high caseloads to stay home and close non-essential businesses between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., but case numbers continued to rise. 

The regional stay-at-home-order also comes soon after the Thanksgiving holiday. Public health officials have expressed their fear that the impact of Thanksgiving has yet to be seen, since any possible COVID-19 infections from that time can begin to show symptoms within the next week or so. 

“We know that those cases that occurred around people’s dinner tables or activities and travel through Thanksgiving are going to show up right about now,” said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly on Dec. 7. “We believe that the levels of transmission that we’ve been reporting will likely continue to go up because of those activities.” 

The current list of counties under the stay-at-home order as of Dec. 7 include: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Imperial, Inyo, Mono, Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Benito, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne. The Bay Area counties under the order include: San Francisco, Santa Clara, Contra Costa and Alameda, with Marin County going under the order Dec. 8.

Women of Color Protest at Governor Newsom’s Offices to Urge Appointment of a Black Woman to Kamala Harris’ Senate Seat

NEWS PROVIDED BY | Platinum Star Public Relations

Like a modern-day Harriet Tubman, VP-Elect Kamala Harris opened the door to claim a seat at the U.S. Senate table. U.S. Congresswomen Karen Bass or Barbara Lee should carry the torch lit by Harris.”

— Marie Y. Lemelle, CA Black Women Coalition 

The movement of powerful and politically active Black women throughout California and the U.S. will continue to join forces to strongly urge California Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint either Rep. Karen Bass or Rep. Barbara Lee to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated upon the ascension of VP-elect Kamala Harris to her new position. Taking the movement from social media and phone calls targeting Newsom’s office, two protests of elected officials, influential Black women, allies, and organizers will take place on Tuesday, December 15 from 11 a.m. to noon at California Governor Gavin Newsom offices at the California State Capitol, 10th and L Streets, Sacramento, CA 95814 and Ronald Reagan Building, 300 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013.

“Black women play a critical role in everything I do and say, and I would love to see a Black woman replace our Vice President-elect Kamala Harris,” said U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-South Carolina, the majority whip of the U.S. House of Representatives and highest-ranking African American in Congress. “U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif. 13), and U.S. Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-Calif. 37) are both qualified and prepared to be California’s next junior senator.”

“If gender equity is California’s promise as stated by First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, we are calling in that promise from the Governor’s office,” said Northern California Protest Leader Hon. Shay Franco-Clausen, Corresponding Secretary CDP Black Caucus and Silicon Valley Chapter lead for BWOPA. Black women voted in record numbers to deliver a victory to Democrats and this Country. It’s time to make room at the table we helped build and uplift Black women. California needs to replace Vice President Elect Kamala Harris seat with another Black woman.

“Black women in the Democratic Party have saved this country over and over again,” said Molly Watson, Board Member, Black Women’s Democratic Club. “If a Black woman is not appointed, our country loses the Black woman’s voice in the U.S. Senate.”

“Failing to appoint a women of color is a step back,” said Amiee Allison, President, She the People. “This is a moment for the governor to rise to the challenge.” In 2016, Californians voters chose a progressive Black woman to represent them in the Senate. The voters’ will must be respected by appointing a progressive Black woman to replace VP-elect Kamala Harris.

Historically, Black women are blatantly excluded from leadership roles. Kamala Harris, the only Black woman in the U.S. Senate, changed the game for us and proved that a Black woman is invaluable to the progression of California and our Nation. Let’s not forget that Black women voted in record numbers to deliver a victory to Democrats and our country. “Karen Bass and Barbara Lee can fill those shoes perfectly without breaking their stride,” said Alfre Woodard Spencer, an actress and activist.

“Like a modern-day Harriet Tubman, Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris kicked opened the door to claim a seat at the U.S. Senate table,” said Marie Y. Lemelle, MBA, former State Board Member for Barbering and Cosmetology and City of Glendale Commission on the Status of Women. “Harris’ legacy is to lead more Black women to the table who will represent a forgotten but strong California population.” It is no surprise that women are already underrepresented in the U.S. Senate; and that is unacceptable. California should continue to buck the trend and send another Black woman to the U.S. Senate.

December 1st marked the 65th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat. Her right to keep her seat was a symbol of will power and the right to claim a prominent place in this world. We are ready to repeat the historic and courageous move that Ms. Parks made to demand respect and inclusion. She stood her ground without a coalition of Black women by her side. We earned the right to #KeeptheSeat and will continue to fight to never give up our seat to represent all people but especially the largest population in the State of California.

We live the values of gender equality, fairness, community, diversity, and authenticity that are essential to strong leadership. We ask that you do not overlook our progressive leaders Bass and Lee to carry the torch lit by Kamala Harris. Don’t dim the light of the Black woman’s spotlight and voice.

There is no doubt that Bass and Lee are ready to take on the challenges and issues that face Californians. They have the experience and the relationships to step in Kamala Harris’ shoes and step up to the table with confidence and determination. They know how to get the work done in Congress while advocating for the needs of Californians.

This is our time, and we are staking our claim to the seat that Kamala Harris earned with the support of Black women. Diversity in our leaders is the core to who we are in California. Together, we benefit from a variety in experiences and perspectives.

Tell Gov. Newsom why we need to #KeepTheSeat and #AppointABlackWoman, write to the Governor’s Chief of Staff Ann O’Leary at ann.oleary@gov.ca.gov.

For more information or the #KeepTheSeat toolkit, contact Marie Y. Lemelle, Platinum Star PR at (213) 276-7827 or marielemelle@platinumstarpr.com.

Torres to Hold Virtual Listening Sessions on Building Back I.E. Economy

POMONA – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) is hosting a series of virtual listening sessions over the coming months on building back the Inland Empire economy.

These events are an opportunity for community members to share their challenges and concerns with Rep. Torres, receive guidance from local experts, and ensure their voices are heard. The topics discussed will be the priorities Rep. Torres fights for as the new Congress convenes in Washington in January.

Upcoming listening session dates, topics & speakers:

December 15th: Housing

A conversation addressing the Inland Empire’s housing challenges and the support available to Inland Empire residents. Topics will include the lack of affordable housing, support for the homeless, and job opportunities.

December 17th: Economy & Transportation

A conversation on the local economy and transportation investments that will help the Inland Empire rebuild as we overcome coronavirus. Topics will include COVID relief, job training opportunities, youth diversion programs, public transportation, transportation infrastructure and the logistics industry.

~~~Event Details~~~


Congresswoman Norma J. Torres

Local Experts on Housing, Transportation & the Economy

Residents from across the Inland Empire


Listening Sessions on Building Back the I.E. Economy


December 15th: Housing

December 17th: Economy & Transportation

Both events will be at 7:00 pm PT


Sign up to participate by clicking here.

Smiley Library Closes In-Person Services Through January 4, 2021

REDLANDS, CA—- As a result of new State public health orders and increased COVID-19 hospitalizations in the Inland Empire, the Board of Trustees of the A.K. Smiley Public Library voted unanimously Tuesday, December 8, to suspend in-person library services through at least Jan. 4, 2021.

“We regret having to take this step and are hopeful that conditions will allow us to resume in-person services sometime early in the new year,” said Board of Trustees President Bill Hatfield.

Books, magazines and DVDs will still be available from the Smiley Library’s Books-to-Go program. Cardholders can select materials online, by email or over the phone. Details are available on the library’s website at www.akspl.org.

Other electronic resources, including virtual storytimes and programming, databases, digital editions of the New York Times, Flipster magazine service and the Kanopy and Kanopy for Kids streaming networks are available online 24/7 for all Smiley Library cardholders.

Patrons can continue to return material into the library’s book drop; however, the library will be unable to accept donated material until further notice.

For further information, visit the library’s website or call (909) 798-7565

Black Woman in Tech Creates New Fundraising Opportunities for HBCUs

Although spare change technology, also known as round-ups, has been around for a few years, Dominique King, Founder of I Heart My HBCU, was the first to bridge this technology to Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) via a single mobile app.

“I Heart My HBCU became the first platform where users could donate spare change to any of the 104 HBCUs in one place,” says King.

King launched this groundbreaking funding platform three years ago, in 2017, joining an elite group of black women tech entrepreneurs. This technology could have been directed towards many other areas of need, but her plan was to preserve the rich heritage of HBCUs and combat challenges that lead to the closures of some of these great institutions, such as Concordia College in Alabama.

King is passionate about her efforts to preserve the viability of these institutions; being a HBCU graduate herself, of the prestigious Howard University in Washington, D.C., she knows first-hand the importance of not only the cultural significance of HBCUs, but the vital role that the education she received at Howard has played in the many successes she has earned in her life to this point. In her consistent and constantly evolving spirit to give back, she toiled tirelessly to develop a novel way to support HBCUs in their efforts to continue producing scholars and leaders of today and tomorrow. It was out of this spirit of selflessness that I Heart My HBCU was born.

How It Works

In as little as 2-minutes, users can download the I Heart My HBCU app in iOS or Android stores and link their bank account. The I Heart My HBCU app rounds up each credit or debit card purchase to the nearest dollar. The spare change will then be donated to the user’s five favorite HBCUs.

“When creating this app, it was important for me to encourage HBCU Alumnae to support all HBCUs. Users can easily adjust how much or how little of their spare change they share to their five favorite HBCUs,” says King.

Always innovating, King is continually updating the app to attract more non-HBCU alumnae, in an effort to help HBCUs expand their donor base beyond its students and alumnae, into other segments of the Black community and all supportive communities in general. While HBCU alumnae are large in numbers, preserving our HBCUs will take a community effort. I Heart My HBCU’s chat integration creates a virtual community for HBCU alumnae, the Divine Nine, and friends of HBCUs to network, exchange ideas, support other black-owned businesses and, most importantly, support HBCUs. During a time when people are increasingly isolated due to the pandemic, we need a tool that fosters community. Recognizing the dire need for communal interaction, I Heart My HBCU intentionally goes beyond a “set and forget” platform and attempts to attract new users and keep them engaged with features such as chatrooms, in-app challenges, and even the chance to get your student loans paid!

About I Heart My HBCU

Founded in 2017, I Heart My HBCU is committed to supporting the educational institutions that help shape creative, talented, and brilliant young black minds, and to pay homage to the incredible role that these institutions have played in the lives of all of its alumnae by securing an even brighter future for its current students and those yet to come. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, 80 cents of every dollar will go towards funding Student Scholarships – Student Emergency Fund – Sports Programs – Academic Programs – Campus Upgrades – Endowments, and more.

Get connected: www.iheartmyhbcu.org and FB/IG/Twitter @iheartmyhbcuorg. For press, contact Dominique.King@iheartmyhbcu.org 

Holly Mitchell Sworn in to Serve on All-Women LA County Supervisors Board

By Tanu Henry | California Black Media  

This past weekend, Martin Jenkins, California’s first and only African American Supreme Court Justice, swore in former California State Sen. Holly Mitchell to the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors.  

For the first time in history, the five-member leadership team that Mitchell is joining, which represents nine cities in California’s most populous county, is composed of all women. Mitchell will serve as chair Pro Tem of the current board, which Los Angeles County political insiders have now dubbed the “fab five.”  

Representing the county’s Second District, Mitchell is the second Black woman to serve on the board that oversees Los Angeles County’s robust $36 billion budget, the largest for a county government in the country.  The first Black woman to serve on the board of supervisors was Yvonne Brathwaite-Burke. She served twice: from 1992 to 2008 and from 1979-1980.  

“I have to think that somewhere on high, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is smiling,” said Jenkins in his remarks, acknowledging the installation of the all-women county board. “When she was asked by a reporter how many women it would take for her to feel that there was enough diversity on the Supreme Court, she said ‘all nine, all of them” Jenkins said, quoting Ginsburg. “And in the fab five, you all have accomplished just that.” 

Before the administering the oath, on a more personal note, Jenkins praised Mitchell, who he says he says he has known for over 25 years, for her accomplishments and leadership ability. 

“Holly is a deeply committed public servant,” Jenkins continued.  “She’s the best kind of public servant. She’s smart, a true visionary, pragmatic in her judgments, humble and forceful at the same time. And last, she is a leader – a charismatic leader.”  

Mitchell, who represented the state’s 30th Senate District and was the only African American woman serving in the California State Senate from 2013 to 2020, succeeds Mark Ridley-Thomas, who is also Black. In her new role she represents the Second District of Los Angeles County. The district covers an area that includes parts of Los Angeles, Carson, Compton, Inglewood, Mar Vista, Ladera Heights, Crenshaw, Lynwood, and other cities. It is located in the region of the state that has the highest number of African Americans.  

“Equity will be at the center of all of our work,” Mitchell promised in her remarks. “As we fight to bring more housing to those in need, more mental health services, more job opportunities and real second chances for re-entry, they will be accomplished through that lens. And I look forward to collaborating with the newly-formed anti-racism initiative established by the supervisors.”  

Mitchell joins the board when Los Angeles County faces the worst occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state. The county also faces a homelessness crisis that is the worst in the country, heightened racial tensions, a strained relationship between law enforcement and minority residents of the county, among other problems.  

The other women on the board are: Hilda L. Solis (First District), who served as United States Secretary of Labor during the Obama administration; Sheila Kuehl (Third District); Janice Hahn (Fourth District); and Kathryn Barger (Fifth District).  

During the virtual swearing-in ceremony, soul singer and Oakland native Goapele sang “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” and religious leaders representing Christianity, Judaism and Islam offered prayers. The event’s Master of Ceremony Manuel Pastor, a professor at the University of Southern California, also paid tribute to Native American ancestors he called the “caretakers of the land.” 

Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles), who says she looks up to Mitchell and considers her a “big sister,” has announced that she is throwing her hat in the race for Mitchell’s Senate seat.  

In another virtual ceremony last Friday, Gov. Newsom swore in Jenkins to the California Supreme Court.  

“The residents of the Second District are fortunate to have you represent them,” said Ridley-Thomas to Mitchell. Ridley-Thomas served on the board for 12 years.  

“I’ve worked with Holly for many years through state and county partnerships, tackling some of the most daunting social issues of our time — homelessness, child maltreatment, human trafficking, poverty, criminal justice reform and structural racism,” Ridley-Thomas said. “She is a trailblazer, a leader, a fighter on the frontlines pushing for equity and justice for those who have no one else to stand up for them.” 

Black Women Leaders to Sen. Feinstein: Give Up Your Own Seat for Sec. Padilla

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media? 

Black women leaders have a recommendation for Dianne Feinstein, California’s senior U.S. Senator: consider giving up your own seat so that California Secretary of State Alex Padilla can fill it. Their call is to appoint a Black Woman with political experience and a track record of success – someone who will be ready on day one to serve.    

News broke last week that Feinstein, who has represented California in the upper house of the U.S. Congress for 28 years now, reached out to Gov. Gavin Newsom. She called to let him know that she supports Padilla, who is Latino, as Sen. Kamala Harris’s replacement in the U.S. Senate. 

Black leaders campaigning for the governor to replace Harris with an African American woman responded promptly.  

“The good senator herself has been sitting in that seat for a longtime. She has served our state well. Very honorably. Maybe she should consider resigning, which would make room for Secretary Padilla to carry on her legacy,” said Amelia Ashley-Ward, publisher of the San Francisco Sun-Reporter, the oldest Black newspaper in the “Golden Gate City.” 

Ward said once Harris is inaugurated Vice President of the United States in January, the United States Senate will lose its only African American woman.  

“That is a terrible loss for America. That is our seat,” Ward continued. “It was won by an African American woman and she had hundreds of thousands of African American women working hard with her, holding her up, standing behind her to win that seat. Not to mention millions of other Californians. Kamala was the second Black woman in history to serve in the United States Senate and she is currently the only Black woman in the United States Senate. She is the face and the voice of Black women from all across this country and we will lose that when she’s gone.” 

Padilla, who is from Los Angeles, served as an aide in Feinstein’s Senate office in the 1990s. 

“I told him,” Feinstein said, talking about her appeal to the governor in support of Padilla “And my sense is that he’s going to represent California very well. And he’s someone I’d be happy to work with and bring Hispanic representation to the Senate for the first time.” 

Dr. Amos Brown, a civil rights activist, president of the San Francisco branch of the NAACP and pastor of Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, says representation is important. He said Gov. Newsom should appoint either Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA-37) or Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-13).  

“The seat must go to an African American woman. How can there be no Black woman among Democrats in the U.S. Senate? The women we are recommending are smart, qualified and prepared to replace Harris,” he said.  

In an all-out effort to ensure that an African American woman continues to serve in Harris’s U.S. Senate, Black women groups in California and across the United States have launched a social media campaign to spread the word and garner support. They say the party establishment wants Black people to vote for a Democratic majority in the Senate by turning up to vote in the January runoff election in Georgia, but they do not want to fight to make sure a Black woman is represented in the United States Senate.  

The Black Women for Wellness Advocacy Project (BWWAP), Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA), the Black Women’s Democratic Club (BWDC), and numerous leading Black women in the state are speaking in one voice, sending a clear and forceful message to Gov. Gavin Newsom that he should pick a Black woman to replace Harris.   

To amplify their message the women are employing podcasts, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, digital flyers, emails and catchy taglines. Public service announcements will flood the internet according to the of organizers for the campaign. 

“This is an initiative by Black women from across California who are elevating the conversation around the appointment for Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s U.S. Senate seat,” said Dezie Woods-Jones, founder of BWOPA, oldest Black political action organization in the state. “It is a full court press directed to an audience of one and that audience is Gov. Gavin Newsom.” 

There are three African Americans serving in the United States Senate. Harris, Cory Booker, a Democrat from New Jersey, and Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina. 

But after Jan. 20, 2021, when Harris is sworn in as Vice President, there will be no Black woman in the US Senate. Gov. Newsom can either decide to make an appointment to complete Harris’s term, which ends in 2023, or he can hold a special election.  

The Black women organizations have also set up several online hubs to push the issue. They are asking people around the country to email their support to help them Keep the Seat for Black Women in the U.S. Senate. California residents can  email Newsom directly. Or they can also message him at this site as well. On social media, they can send a tweet to the governor @GavinNewsom. 

California Black Women Coalition for #KeepTheSeat Demand Governor Gavin Newsom to Appoint a Black Woman for the #USSenate

By Marie Y. Lemelle, MBA

Governor Gavin Newsom,

Like a modern-day Harriet Tubman, Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris kicked opened the door to claim a seat at the U.S. Senate table. Her legacy is to lead more Black women to the table who will represent a forgotten but strong California population.  It is no surprise that women are already underrepresented in the U.S. Senate; and that is unacceptable. California should continue to buck the trend and send a Black woman to the U.S. Senate.

Historically, Black women are blatantly excluded from leadership roles. Kamala Harris, the only Black woman in the U.S. Senate, changed the game for us and proved that a Black woman is invaluable to the progression of California and our Nation. Let’s not forget that Black women voted in record numbers to deliver a victory to Democrats and our country.

Far too often the work and sacrifices of Black women go unrecognized and undervalued. We urge you to honor and embrace the hard work and determination that Kamala Harris and Black women have forged through to keep California strong.  We earned the right to #KeeptheSeat and will continue to fight to never give up our seat to represent all people but especially the largest population in the State of California.

December 1 marked the 65th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat.  Her right to keep her seat was a symbol of will power and the right to claim a prominent place in this world. We are ready to repeat the historic and courageous move that Ms. Parks made to demand respect and inclusion. She stood her ground without a coalition of Black women by her side.

Today, Black women from across the Nation are in full force to stand beside U.S. Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA-37) and U.S. Congresswomen Barbara Lee (D-CA-13) and fight for them to be the right choice to fill the seat.  Don’t mute the Black woman’s voice. 

We live the values of gender equality, fairness, community, diversity, and authenticity that are essential to strong leadership. We ask that you do not overlook our progressive leaders Bass and Lee to carry the torch lit by Kamala Harris.

There is no doubt that Bass and Lee are ready to take on the challenges and issues that face Californians.  They have the experience and the relationships to step in Kamala Harris’ shoes and step up to the table with confidence and determination. They know how to get the work done in Congress while advocating for the needs of Californians.

This is our time, and we are staking our claim to the seat that Kamala Harris earned with the support of

Black women.  We are the backbone of the democratic party, both as voters and organizers. Diversity in our leaders is the core to who we are in California. Together, we benefit from a variety in experiences and perspectives.

We know that both Bass and Lee are leaders that we can trust and depend on in crisis. That said, we deserve to maintain our representation in the U.S. Senate. Governor Newsom, we urge you to hear us and appoint Bass or Lee to the seat.

It’s time to deliver for us.

California Black Women Coalition for #KeepTheSeat

Hon. Donesia Gause-Aldana  Carson            Hon. Sydney Kamlager-Dove  Los Angeles   Hon. Deborah Robertson     Rialto

Hon. Aja Brown                        Compton        Hon. Lula Davis-Holmes           Carson            Hon. Emma Sharif           Compton                                                                                                                                Hon. Cheryl Brown                  Sacramento    Hon. Yvonne Horton                 Inglewood     Hon. Diane Watson     Los Angeles

Hon. Autumn Burke                Los Angeles     Hon. Holly J. Mitchell               Los  Angeles   Hon. Shirley Weber       San Diego

Hon. Michelle Chambers       Compton          Hon. Treva Reid                        Oakland          Hon. Lori Wilson          Suisun City

Melina Abdullah           Los Angeles

Aimee Allison                Oakland

Bobbiejean Anderson  Moreno Valley

Ebani Anderson             Los Angeles

Niele Anderson             Los Angeles

Joy Atkinson                 Los Angeles

Sheila Baker                 Bellflower

Kim Ballard                  Lancaster

Sabrina Benson            Rialto

Vicki Blakley                 Sacramento

Charlotte Bland            Los Angeles

Sheila Brown               Los Angeles

Taisha Brown               San Diego

Tonya Burke                Perris

April Burton                 Compton

Velma Butler                Pasadena 

Barbara Calhoun          Compton

Darla Carpool               Los Angeles

Jasmyne Cannick          Los Angeles

Sandi Cook                    Los Angeles

Lori Cordinus                 Orange

Maureen Craft               Elk Grove

Karen Earl                      Los Angeles

Nolice Edwards              Sacramento

Kimberly Ellis                 Richmond

Dionne Faulk                  Inglewood

Nourbese Flint               Los Angeles

Norma Foree                 Long Beach

Carolyn Fowler                Inglewood

Dallas Fowler                  Inglewood

Gail Francis                     Lake Elsinore

Tresla Gilbreath               Sacramento

Glenda Gill                      Los Angeles

Angela Gipson                 Inglewood

Le Cresha K. Gipson        Carson           

Wendy Gladney               Upland

Alice Goff                        Los Angeles

Gloria Gray                     Inglewood

Sharon Guest                  Los Angeles

Kellie Hawkins                 Los Angeles

Jacqueline Hawthorne   Los Angeles

Nichelle Henderson        Gardena

Ingrid Hutt                      Los Angeles

Danielle Hollis             Burbank

lona Hendrick             Los Angeles

Patsy Howard             Los Angeles

Cine Ivery                   Inglewood

Andrea Jackson           Los Angeles

Jannell Jackson           Sacramento

Joan Jackson                Los Angeles

Adrienne Johnson       Pasadena

Rachel Johnson           Gardena

Deidre Jones               Long Beach

Rev. Dr. Joy Johnson  Antelope

Laniece Jones              Oakland

Holland Jordan            Castro Valley

Angela King                 Los Angeles

Marie Y. Lemelle         Glendale

Bennetra Lewis           Lancaster

Alicia Lewis                 Los Angeles

Arnetta Mack              Inglewood

Natasha Marshall       Inglewood

Phyllis Marshall           Sacramento

Ronnie Martin             Los Angeles

Tamry McCauley         Santa Clarita

Tina McKinnor            Hawthorne

Tonia McMillian          Bellflower

Dewanda Mitchell      San Bernardino

Tracy Mitchell             Pasadena

Tamela Mitchell          Pasadena

Pamela Mitchell          Pasadena

Sarah Morris               Adelanto

Shenia Morris             Victorville

Gloria Myles               Los Angeles

Ingrid Palmer              Los Angeles

Ann Perkins                  San Bernardino

Sharon Polk                 Los Angeles

Sandra Poole               Sacramento

Angela Reddock           Carson

Lenee Richards            Los Angeles

Audrena Redmond      Long Beach

Diane Robertson          Los Angeles

Rosa Russell                 Los Angeles

Patt Sanders                Inglewood

Jamie Scott                  Inglewood

Andrea Slater                 Vallejo

Dolores Spears                Los Angeles

Brianna Spratt                 Irvine

Jasmine Stanley               Los Angeles

Tiffani Stone                   Elk Grove

Novell Thompson            Fontana

Gloria Gray                     Inglewood

Anette Walker                Hayward

Jackie Washington          Hawthorne

Molly Watson                  Los Angeles

Denise Watts                  Canyon Country

Daphne Wayans              Tarzana

Yvonne Wheeler           Long Beach

Wanza Tolliver                 Los Angeles

Kathy Williamson             Los Angeles

Katrina Williams            Long Beach

K. Patrice Williams        Vallejo

Wanda F. Williams            Sacramento

Gail Willis                          Los Angeles

Lolita Willis                        Long Beach

Ethell Woods                     Los Angeles

Jimmy Woods Gray            Los Angeles

Rashina Young                    Carson

Melanie Young                     Long Beach

Tiffani Stone Alvidez           Elk Grove

Jacque Robinson-Baisley    Pasadena

Shay Franco-Clausen           San Jose

Lola Smallwood Cuevas       Los Angeles

Julia Cooksey-Evans            Northridge

Cheryl Lanier Gates             San Francisco

Kellie Todd-Griffin                Carson

Dezie Woods-Jones              Madera

Kendra Noel Lewis              Sacramento

Patrice Marshall McKenzie   Pasadena

Pamela Bright-Moon             Los Angeles

Eva Hoffman-Murray             Bellflower

Pastor Thembeklia Smart     Los Angeles

Roslyn Austin Stewart           Los Angeles

L’Toya Wheeler Tate            Corona

Charisse Bremond Weaver   Pasadena

Charlotte Northern White     San Diego 

Miss USA 2019, “Extra” Correspondent Cheslie Kryst Named Law Firm’s First Diversity Advisor

The former Poyner Spruill litigator and historic, Black ‘trifecta’ queen titleholder to continue firm work in integral new role

NATIONAL—– Current “Extra” television correspondent and Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst has been announced as North Carolina-based law firm Poyner Spruill’s first Diversity Advisor. The prestigious law firm is one of the country’s oldest, its roots tracing back to the 1800s.

“I am honored to return to the firm where I previously served as a member of the litigation team,” said Kryst who was a member of the 90-attorney firm’s litigation team before being crowned Miss USA. “This role will allow me to provide guidance on diversity and inclusion, using my previous experience serving as a member of the firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, my studies earning an undergraduate degree with a focus in human resources and my Master of Business Administration degree, and my various experiences speaking nationwide about diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

As a Diversity Advisor, Kryst will sharpen and advance Poyner Spruill’s diversity and inclusion goals. Her role will also see her working alongside the multidisciplinary law firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Kryst’s practice at the firm previously focused on complex civil litigation. She was also active in assisting the firm with diversifying its ranks and fostering an inclusive environment by interviewing diverse internship candidates through the firm’s involvement in the NCBA Minorities in the Profession program and the Charlotte Legal Diversity Clerkship, helping to author the firm’s first Diversity and Inclusion Plan, and organizing the firm’s annual Black History Month celebration.

While on sabbatical during her reign as Miss USA 2019, she continued to advocate for change and used her platform to speak against injustice, noting her passion for criminal justice reform, and has worked pro bonofor clients serving excessive time for low-level drug offenses. She traveled across the country speaking about diversity and inclusion, including most notably in a workplace culture discussion hosted by the Society of Human Resource Management, during which she addressed harassment, ageism, and generational differences, among other issues. In her onstage questions during the 2019 Miss USA Competition, Kryst spoke in support of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements and described the Millennial generation as “innovative” before going on to win the title.

“We are excited to have Cheslie serve the firm in this new role and to remain part of the Poyner team,” said Dan Cahill, managing partner of Poyner Spruill. “Her passion, world experiences, and knowledge will offer great insight and direction. Our firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee is energized about working alongside Cheslie to continue progressing towards and reaching our goals as we commit to fostering a firm culture that is both diverse and inclusive.”

Kryst, a Charlotte, NC-native, is the first attorney to win the Miss USA title and was the longest-reigning Miss USA in the competition’s history. She was notably part of the “trifecta” of Black queens who wore the crowns of America’s three most well-recognized and reputable pageants – Miss America, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA – simultaneously this past year.

Since October 2019, Kryst has been working as full-time correspondent at “Extra” where she covers the latest celebrity and entertainment news. She is active in her role as a Global Impact Ambassador for Dress for Success and serves on the National Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters America.

“I am looking forward to amplifying the voices of the underrepresented in this new role” said the 29-year-old Kryst. “It is an honor that Poyner Spruill trusts me to make an impact.”

Rashida Jones To Become First Black Executive to Lead A Major Cable News Network as MSNBC President

By Cedric ‘BIG CED” Thornton, Black Enterprise

There is history being made! According to Deadline, as of February 1, 2021, Rashida Jones will be taking over as president of MSNBC, making her the first Black executive to lead one of the major cable news networks. She is replacing Phil Griffin, who will be stepping down next year.

The chairman of the NBCUniversal News Group, Cesar Conde, had made the announcement in a memo that was sent to the staff. According to NBC News, Jones, who is currently senior vice president at NBC and MSNBC, will take over at MSNBC on Feb. 1.

Jones currently leads the breaking news and major events coverage.

Conde announces the move via a staff memo:

“Rashida knows and understands MSNBC, in part because it’s where she started when she first joined NBCU seven years ago.  She knows that it is the people who work here that make it great, and she understands its culture. She also appreciates the impact and potential of the brand.

“As you know, Rashida currently leads coverage of breaking news and major events across NBC News and MSNBC, in addition to overseeing dayside and weekends news programming on MSNBC. In the last year alone that has meant, of course, that she has masterfully guided our coverage of the global pandemic, the social justice protests and unrest, Decision 2020, and the two most-viewed Democratic presidential debates in television history. She helped lead the preparation for Kristen Welker’s role as general election debate moderator. And she has steered many of our groundbreaking editorial series, including Justice for All and Climate in Crisis.”

Before she joined NBC News, the Hampton University graduate was the news director for the NBC affiliate in Columbia, South Carolina, and also served as director of live programming for The Weather Channel.