Letter to the Editor: Manifesto Humanitarian
By Keith Mccarter
To battle systemic racism and eliminate police abuse of power resulting in the wrongful death of Black Men across America, every law enforcement department must commit to hiring 30% Black Men to serve as officers within their department. This will assist with the systemic racism in the field of employment and provide prospective to other officers by letting them know that wrongfully killing a Black Man will not be tolerated.
There are basically two levels of government-State and Federal. Each level has three branches. The first branch is the legislative which create the laws. The next level is the executive level which enforces the laws. The third level is the judiciary which basically punishes people for breaking the laws. When it comes to Black Men, the police believe it is their right to function as both levels of government-the executive and the judiciary by enforcing and punishing for an apparent violation of the law no matter how minor. These actions are illegal and will no longer be tolerated.
To eliminate the problem of the historic and purposeful poor treatment of Back People in America, Black people must focus on being elected to the Legislative branch of the federal government. By doing this, we gain the capacity to write better laws and to eliminate the bad laws which affects the nation as a whole.
All Black Men must allocate 5% of their income to furthering the interests of American Black Men. Whether you use your money to buy a child in your neighborhood a computer for his school or donate to a congressional campaign to help a Black Man get elected into a federal office, both are acceptable. Allocating 5% of your resources are mandatory but where you allocate it is a personal choice. We must help ourselves while simultaneously holding America accountable for the past, current and future wrongs of purposely embedding racism as normal practice withinin society and public organizations.
Choose a weapon. In this age of technology we, the public now have a weapon that is more powerful than the weapons carried by the law enforcement officers. Most people carry phones and most of those phones have cameras. We need to make it a practice to film any and every police action involving our people. Keep a safe distance and use the zoom on the camera. Often times the officers get agitated and attempt to block the view of the camera. This is why everyone from every angle must record the incident. If there was any question as to the treatment of the suspect, publish the video to your social media listing the date, time and location (City and State) DTL.
Punishment must be delivered swiftly to bad law enforcement officers. Each city and county must have the courage to create policy to punish officers for misconduct. One such policy could be as follows: Any officer who hits or cause harm to a subdued suspect-handcuffs or otherwise, is automatically suspended without pay for one month. After two such suspensions the officer is permanently relieved of duty and banned from working in law enforcement.
Each of us must publicly say what they will do to support this Manifesto Humanity. Me, as the author of this Manifest vows to support this Manifesto and its aim of bettering humanity by:
Assist a maximum of 10 people every month in writing proper and effective law enforcement complaints at no cost. (Any Location)
Use a minimum of 5% of my income to help Black Men get elected into the Federal Legislative System.
Record every police encounter I come across until the suspect is either taken safely into custody or released.
On your social media, make it known. What will you do to support the aims of this Manifesto Humanity. Even though this Manifesto Humanity was born out of the happenstance of the Black plight here in America, everyone can take action in support of the aims of this document. Humanity has no Race nor creed.
Preface: 1905 the last full-blooded Aboriginal Tasmanian Died. They were a dark skinned people who lived on an Island outside of Australia. In 1803 there were up to 15,000 living in their closed community. The British arrived and killed off all but 400 by 1835 by way of unlawful and malicious killings and by purposefully introducing deadly diseases. Prior to this, they were completely isolated from the huMan race for 8,000 years. Of the remaining 400, most were jailed and by 1905, they no longer existed.
Unless something is done, this will be the fate of the American Black Man. In the beginning of our American Experience we were brought to America as slaves. After the apparent abolishment of slavery Black men were sent to prison systematically. This still continues. Many laws were created for the sole purpose of sending African Americans to prison. This still continues.
Blacks have been treated much more harshly by the legal system. A Black Man is sent for prison for far longer than their white counterpart who commits the same crime. This still continues. When the African America populous commits a crime the legal goal is to send them to prison for as long as possible. When the American Caucasian populous commits a crime the legal goal is to rehabilitate them and to avoid prison time. This continues today. Case and point, African Americans became hooked on cracked cocaine which literally desecrated the culture. Not only were the small time dealers sent to prison in large numbers but the addicts were left with no social support structure. On the other hand, with the recent opium epidemic, the legal solution has been to rehabilitate those who has become addicted and the doctors openly prescribe the drug, and others, to the patients to help them overcome their habits.
The most telling fact which pinpoints the animus of the matter is the following. For the opium crises, drug companies are being sued to get the money to help with addict recoveries. Whereas for the crack cocaine the actual suppliers of the crack cocaine was the America Central Intelligence Agency whose goal was to raise money to buy firearms in third world countries without detection. There was no legal recourse for the addicts of crack cocaine and the ultimate perpetrators, US CIA, evaded responsibility. Keeping these facts in mind, I have created a Manifesto which, if implemented by Many people, will prevent the American Black Man from becoming extinct.