“The World is in Trouble!”
By Lou Yeboah
Hear me and hear me good. If you never listen to anything else I say, listen today. The judgment of God is looming right over the horizon. Don’t be caught off guard, going about your daily life, unable to understand what is going on around you. Put yourself in a position to hear the warning, to understand what it means, and to have the wisdom to act accordingly. Our world has just about reached the limit of God’s mercy and forbearance. Man’s pride and arrogance, his greed and selfishness, his violence and brutality have reached a level which is intolerable. Our nation and world is in turmoil and this is the time for God’s people to get right with God. To repent of our own sins and to pray that in the midst of His coming wrath, He would remember mercy. [Habakkuk 3:2]. This was the message God gave to the Assyrians in Nineveh in the 8th Century BC through the preaching of the prophet Jonah. [Jonah 1:2]; and it is the same message He is giving to us today through his Word; a message of a judgment that is coming.
You know, Noah could have thought, “One hundred and twenty years is a long ways off,” and procrastinated on building the ark. But he didn’t do that. AS SOON AS HE HEARD God’s warning about the coming judgment, he went to work building the ark. It took him over a century to complete, but he kept at it. It seemed crazy to the world, but it all suddenly made sense when the sky began to pour rain and the fountains of the deep opened up. But then it was too late! Then the destruction that DID come found the people unprepared. Heed the warning! The judgment of God is looming right over the horizon.
God has issued a clear warning: A “Category 5” storm of judgment is heading toward everyone who dwells on earth! The door of His ark is still open. Flee to Christ and you will be saved. Scoff at the warning and you will be lost forever. As the three angels proclaimed in Revelation 14, ‘with loud voices’, very strong and dire warnings to the world, as well as the angel in Revelation 18, ‘crying out mightily’ to the inhabitants of the world, giving God’s final warning and call of mercy, it is high time for us to heed these final warnings, because we are living in end times.
Wake up! Be reminded and become aware of these things which will soon affect every single one of us. Time will not just “continue on” the way it has, so says the Word of God. And even as it begins to happen, God is faithful, and His Word says that someone will see [Ezekiel 33:3] the sword coming upon the land, and this someone is commanded to give warning or indeed lose his own life also!” Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among you. [Jeremiah 6: 18]. The trumpet is sounding. The time is at hand. It is near. The judgment of God is looming over the horizon. We must take heed to God’s warnings or suffer the consequences.
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live…” [Deuteronomy 30:19].