“Don’t Let Another Year Come and Go and You Find Yourself in the Same Position!”
By Lou Yeboah
I tell you, if you are going to experience the relationship Christ wants for you and that you desire, there are some things that need to change. If you are going to have the life in Christ you want and the life He wants you to have, there are some things that need to change. I tell you, change is in the atmosphere. We are in a season of change, and the question is not “will there be change?” but will it be for the better or will it be for the worse?” you must decide. I am writing to you with a word in my Spirit [change]. God said this is a season of change, major change. He said tell my people change is coming; major shifts are going to be taking place. God said: to prophesy change so that you can participate and cooperate with him in the process. So is there anybody ready for a change? Is there anybody sick and tired of being sick and tired? Is there anybody fed up with their present situation? Because I want you to know that we serve the God of turnarounds. For the Bible is a book of turnarounds, from Genesis to Revelations we see God turning things around. Don’t let another year come and go, and you find yourself in the same position. There are blessings that are yours by design, commanded blessings. God has divinely ordered them for you, but you are not going to get them until you are in position. I tell you that there are some things that you have to change!
You know, one of the worst-case scenarios in the Bible is in the book of [Ezekiel chapter 37] – the Valley of Dry Bones. It looked hopeless, impossible, beyond the point of no return. But when the man of God started prophesying to those bones something started happening, things started changing. The situation started turning around. Bones started coming together, and they didn’t just come together but every bone found its matching bone. And when the prophet finished prophesying, in the very same place where there was nothing but dry bones there stood a mighty army fully equipped and fully empowered to fight. I tell you, something’s getting ready to change. 2019 is a new season: it’s a season of new beginnings, new connections, new anointing, new fire, new jobs, and promotions, new avenues of income, new joy, new friends, new confidence, new strength, and new health. Is there anybody ready to step out of the old into the new? If so, activate your faith right now and take a step, a prophetic symbol of moving into the new. For [Isaiah 43:18-19] says, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old, behold I will do a new thing [now it shall spring forth].” This Scripture tells us that God is doing something fresh and new, but the condition and requirement for receiving the new is to let go of the old [mentally, emotionally, and spiritually].
I hear the Spirit of God saying it’s time for a change. The discomfort, the agitation, the frustration, is your spirit telling you [it’s time for a change]. The spiritual atmosphere is very ripe for something new. Don’t let another year come and go and you find yourself in the same position.