
What It Do With The LUE: Young Miller Da Don

By Lou Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Making Moves in the rap game is What It Do! Rapper Young Miller Da Don is making sure that that world knows about his music and his movement.

Young Miller Da Don

When on social Media, I see this artist consistently networking, performing and promoting; all important ingredients when it comes to staying relevant in the music industry. Though the original No Limit soldiers are no longer on the front lines, the second generation of troops are still holding down the fort.

Raised in the ranks of one of Hip-Hop’s most powerful clans, Douglas Michael Miller (a.k.a. Young Miller Da Don) is now taking the family business to higher heights. The 27-year-old Cousin of Master P, Young Miller says that growing up with the No Limit Records CEO (Master P) taught him how to survive and be a winner in the entertainment business.

After being robbed at gunpoint in his hometown, his mother decided New Orleans wasn’t the place for him. Leaving the Calliope Projects at age 12, Don went to live with his uncle Master P, who’s also his mentor. Master P showed Don the ropes which gave him an awareness about the ins and outs of the industry. It was a difficult adjustment for Don due to the language barrier and new school, but he survived.

Having penned his own poetry and rhymes since age 10, Young Miller reunited in L.A. with his cousins, including Master P’s son ‘Lil Romeo’; under P’s tutelage, they formed a rap group called ‘ Rich Boyz’.

Independently releasing their only LP, “Young Ballers”—“The Hood Been Good to Us”, in 2005 the group toured briefly and even appeared on 106 & Park. Unfortunately, Hurricane Katrina hit that same year and halted promotional plans for the group. With the band now disbanded, Young Miller is determined to make his mark as a solo MC. Don – “I will succeed by keeping my family morals and values first.” Catch my reviews of talented artists like Don Miller right here. Until Next week L’z!

Remembering an Iconic Voice in Music and the Community: Nancy Wilson

By Billy Gee

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- Well, music fans, we’ve just lost another music icon.  On Thursday the 13th of December, the voice of Ms. Nancy Wilson – undisputedly, one of the most mellifluous voices most of us have ever heard – was silenced by her transition from this life, just as the Moon made its transit through Pisces, the sign under which she was born.

I must say, Nancy’s demise was personal for me.  Her sultry voice was so much an integral part of me – so much a part of the musical landscape of my life – that I honestly can’t recall the first time I heard her singing.  I think it might’ve happened around 1962 as a result of my listening to her debut album (‘Remember those?), Nancy Wilson and Cannonball Adderley.  Hearing her sultry voice would cause my pubescent hormones to run wild!  I often would feel as though she was singing to me!  I must’ve dreamed about her dozens of times, growing up in Atlanta and just beginning to learn how to play the piano, myself.  Her recordings of masterpieces like “Guess Who I Saw Today,” “The Grass Is Greener,” “How Glad I Am,” and “When I Look In Your Eyes,” quickly became firmly embedded in my teenage heart, mind, and soul, where they remain until this very day.

Somewhere around my senior year in high school I was fortunate enough to hear Nancy in a live concert at the old Atlanta Municipal Auditorium (where thousands of Atlanta youngsters marched to the tune of “Pomp and Circumstance” at their high school commencement exercise).  Some things you experience in life you never forget, and that was one such occasion for this enthusiastic listener.  Providing instrumental accompaniment to Nancy’s impeccable vocal stylings was trombonist Si Zentner’s big band, so for all of an hour-and-a-half or so yours truly was as close to heaven as he’d ever been.  What stands out in my mind most about that evening is the fact that throughout the entire performance my heart was beating faster than the top speed of the ’67 Chevy Camaro I was pushing back then could run.  I couldn’t have been more excited if Nancy had been sitting in my lap, nibbling on my ear and unbuttoning my shirt!

With that somewhat graphic description of my reaction to an incredibly talented female song stylist, I give you “the Fancy Miss Nancy!” 

Nancy Wilson Biography – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Wilson_(jazz_singer)

“Guess Who I Saw Today” (LIVE!) – 

“Looking for Man’s Approval When You Should be Wanting God’s Approval!”

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Oh, I know I’m right about it because [John 12:43] says, “For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.”

Listen, “If you seek the approval of any man, you cannot please God!” [Galatians 1:10]. As Christians, our chief concern should be to gain God’s approval. We should not seek the approval of men, even of our family and friends, but of God Himself.  I tell you, the same misplaced desire for approval is why Jeremiah rebuked Israel: “Be appalled, O heavens, at this; be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the LORD, for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water” [Jeremiah 2:12–13]. Craving human approval is a cistern that cannot hold water. Why chase the approval of man?  There is a tyranny and bondage in living for man’s approval.  “Instead of living in bondage, craving the approval of everyone around us, the Bible calls us to live for the approval of God.

I tell you, we need to be like Jesus – he got his validation from God – he pressed on despite the lack of approval from others.  Besides, the Scriptures call us again and again not to live for the expectations of man, but for the satisfaction of God. Tell me, can anything compare to having the smile of God’s approval? Having God’s approval is the only thing worth living for. Let’s be motivated by seeking approval – but not the approval of men or the approval of our culture – but the approval of God. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts. [1 Thessalonians 2:4].

May we intentionally seek God, his will and his pleasure above all others, and may God continually minister his truths to us – Amen.

“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”  [Colossians 1:9-10]

NAACP Riverside Branch to Swear-in New Officers on Monday, December 17

 (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—-RIVERSIDE, CA— On Monday, December 17, the NAACP Branch of Riverside will be swearing-in new officers. The ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. at Bordwell Park/Stratton Center located at 2008 Martin Luther King Blvd in Riverside.

Officers getting sworn in include: Dr. Regina Patton-Stell, President; Sharron Lewis-Campbell, 1st Vice President; Natasha Ferguson, 2nd Vice President; Mary Welch, 3rd Vice President; Nina Moore-Hailiburton, secretary; Collen Hairston, assistant secretary; Charles Walker, treasurer; and Maudie Wilson, assistant treasurer.

Editorial: To Push the Black Agenda in 2019

By Mic Flex

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— To push the Black dollar agenda, we need to start with the “consumer staple products”. Staples include companies that produce items such as food, beverages and non-durable household and personal products, also food or pharmaceuticals.

Let’s start with toothpaste, toilet paper and laundry detergent; these are type of items that we use on a daily basis. “To think Chinese” is to get such items price points down to compete at a reasonable rate.

To market these “CSP’s” to the Black community would be to structure a habit of buying a “pre-packed CSP” on a monthly basis based on family size “at a reasonable rate”. To the producers of products, how much pieces of items would you need to sell to get the price points that at what is required? Therefore, this would be a movement that would have to be on a global scale in order for our economy to thrive.

We have all these “CSP’s” available online through various web hosting’s, but we have to see it in the physical form. By that I mean our products must be available at the local swap meets the inland malls, anywhere that a Black person seems fit to open up an establishment they should have access to all these products.

CAPSBC Board of Directors Honored at Recognition Event

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools’ Expanded Learning program has been notified that it will continue to receive state and federal funding for the 2018-19 academic year.

The Expanded Learning program, which will receive a total of $304,500 between two grants, has been recognized as a statewide model for initiating training opportunities and increasing access to programs for schools and districts across the region. For the 2018-19 academic year, there were 266 after-school programs countywide, including five being implemented at the high school level in the Apple Valley and San Bernardino school districts.

“This funding makes a tremendous difference in assisting our schools and districts to provide high-quality, after-school, academic and educational opportunities for our students,” County Superintendent Ted Alejandre said.

Funding for the grant is split between support from the California Department of Education and the federal government.

What It Do With The LUE: Artist Maurice Howard

By Lou Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Beautiful Art is What It Do! Maurice Howard is an emerging artist whose unique style of works we can expect to see more of in local and national art ventures.

Howard was born in Waco, Texas and raised in Southern California. When he was three years old, his family relocated to France where his father served in the military. After a few years in Europe, they returned to the United States. At the age of 19, Howard became inspired to paint.

Model Portia and artist Maurice

He attended several independent art schools and later enrolled into Cal State Fullerton University where he majored in fine art studies.

After completing college, he was hired by Hanna-Barbera Production Studio as an “in-between” in the animation department. Following his employment at Hanna-Barbera, he worked as a technician in a dental office in Pasadena, California.

Inspired by Salvador Dali, McEscher and African-American graphic artist and painter Charles White, most of Howard’s work is in the realist and surrealist styles. Using a mixture of pencil, acrylic and oil, he creates rich images and stunning abstracts that are exceptionally unique, such that, once you view them for a period of time, a mysterious image is revealed under his continuous layers of lines and curves.

In 1982, Howard was commissioned by the City of Hollywood to create a mural. His popular image of the “Melrose Clown,” was not only seen in the community, but viewed in two major films, “The Last Dragon” and “Rhythm of The Night.”

As an emerging artist, Maurice credits renowned artist Charles Bibbs for his success today.

“Charles Bibbs has been my source of inspiration and motivation and I’m privileged to have this opportunity to work with an artist of his caliber.”

Maurice’s work has been well received at the following art venues: The Essence Artist Market in New Orleans, “The Artwalk at the Plaza,” Los Angeles, The Masks-UnMasked Exhibition, Riverside, and other local art venues.

For more info contact (951) 310-2176

No Shave November Initiative Raises Over $8,000 For Cancer Research

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—-LOMA LINDA, CA— Loma Linda University Health’s fourth annual No Shave November fundraiser partnered with the San Bernardino Police Department and finished with over $8,000 donated to Loma Linda University Cancer Center.

The two organizations collaborated for the awareness month, during which male and female participants skipped shaving in order to raise awareness about cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Kerry Heinrich, JD, CEO of Loma Linda University Medical Center, said he is thankful for this partnership that has been established on behalf of patients. 

“I am grateful for the San Bernardino Police Department and their commitment to engaging in helping make the Loma Linda University Cancer Center an institution that is focused on research for a cure, and support for patients,” Heinrich said. 

For Captain Paul Williams of the San Bernardino Police Department, and his team, their motivation for participating in this annual fundraiser lies in their faith for generational impact.

“All of us have been touched at some point in our lives, by cancer,” Williams said. “What I’m hoping for — and what these officers are hoping for — is that the money they can help raise will help their kids and their grandkids.”

To close out the fundraiser, a celebratory event was held at Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino Campus Friday, November 30. At the event, all participants were judged and awarded for everything from best beard to best attempt. 

After the program, two local barbershops offered free straight cut shaves on site to those men who had participated in the month-long awareness. The one female participant opted out of the service.

School Board Honored November Outstanding Students

EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The San Bernardino City Unified School District Board of Education honored 12 students with Outstanding Student Awards at the November 6, Board meeting. The San Bernardino Symphony also recognized students by providing them and their families with free symphony tickets.

Outstanding Student Award winners are recognized for achievement in academics, athletics, fine arts, citizenship, or for showing significant improvement in these areas. Students are awarded and inspired to have hope for their future by thinking about long-term educational and career goals.

Emmerton Elementary School Outstanding Students

Second-grader Diego Florido has already mastered all of the high frequency words, and he is eagerly expanding his vocabulary beyond that. He is always eager to take on new challenges. Right now, his goal is to play soccer and attend UCLA to study epidemiology.

Second-grader Emperor Martin has an amazing heart. He is kind and friendly with everyone. He is well-behaved, inquisitive, and enjoys a challenge, making him a model AVID scholar. Emperor’s long-term goal is to become a police officer.

Third-grader Matara Teava is a respectful and responsible student. She is doing well in reading, writing, and math, but math is her favorite subject. Matara wants to become a middle school teacher and a famous hula dancer.

Highland-Pacific Elementary School Outstanding Students

Fifth-grader Heaven Calaway is the type of student every teacher wishes for. She works hard, participates in classroom discussions by posing in-depth questions, and is an all-around great student. Heaven likes to help people, so she is thinking of becoming a doctor or owning her own bakery.

Third-grader Allysa Villarreal never hesitates to seek out information or help to overcome a challenge. She is a model for her classmates, not only academically, but because of her strong moral character and compassion. Allysa wants to attend college and write a mystery comic book.

Sixth-grader Achilles War Cry Hart Zavala is a true leader. He has a positive attitude, empathy for others, and good communication skills. He wants to study computer science and robotics at CSUSB and become a game designer.

Jones Elementary School Outstanding Students

Sixth-grader Kimberly Martinez is an English learner, but she hasn’t let that challenge stop her from serving three years on the student council and helping incoming students successfully transition into the Jones Elementary learning environment. Kimberly plans to study nursing at Valley College before transferring to UCLA.

Third-grader Khloe Mendez is an exemplary student who is dedicated to her studies. She is achieving at or above grade level in reading and math. Khloe wants to attend Harvard University and someday become a surgeon.

Third-grader Melanye Reyes is a great role model. She is respectful, responsible, and works hard. She is in the Dual Language program and is reading at a 4th-grade level. Melanye wants to become a biliterate teacher someday.

Muscoy Elementary School Outstanding Students

Sixth-grader Diana Moran is a pleasant and positive student. As a result of her hard work and growth mindset, she has made tremendous academic progress. She is advanced by two grade levels in reading. Diana wants to go to college and eventually work in a bank.

Fifth-grader Arianna Puga is always thinking of others. She helps out at school and she does it with a smile. She even helped launch a clothing drive for the needy. Arianna knows she wants to attend college, but she hasn’t decided which one yet.

First-grader Nigel Tamallo is a model citizen. He is an active listener and classroom participant. He struggled in kindergarten, but now he is working at grade level in all subjects. Nigel wants to become a firefighter.

Pacific High School Outstanding Students

Twelfth-grader Marissa Ocasio is a kind, giving person. She helps her classmates and volunteers regularly with the Tzu Chi food distribution program, all while taking A.P. courses. Marissa wants to major in psychology or sociology and become a high school counselor.

Ninth-grader Miranda Owen has a 4.0 GPA, ranks #3 on the school’s singles tennis team, and plans to try out for basketball and track and field. Miranda said she wants to attend college and search “the multiple opportunities available in the world.”

Eleventh-grader Joseph Pratt is known for his hard work, positive attitude, and kindness. He plays football on the varsity team and string bass in the City Honor Orchestra. Joseph plans to attend a university in California, but he hasn’t decided on a school or major yet.

“Listen, You Can No Longer Go Along with the Crowd!”

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— If you know the difference between right and wrong, then you know what you need todo to please the Lord. No matter what others do, you know what you have to do.God makes this personal; the Bible says, “And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.” [Galatians 6:9]. Doing right is not an option in theChristian life. James says, “Anyone, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins. [James 4:17]. That means doing the right thing even when it doesn’t make sense. That means doing the right thing regardless of consequences. That means doing the right thing when everybody else is doing the wrong thing.Yeah, we live in a society today that wants us to conform: Conform to what they want and the way they want to live, but I want you to know today that we are called to be different. We are not called to fit in, but rather to stand out. [Romans 12:2] tells us: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”.

I don’t know about you, but there’s something in my spirit that resonates with people who live by their convictions. There is something in my spirit that resonates with people who is willing to stand and say, No! I’m attracted to people who have that kind of courage and conviction. There is something magnificent about integrity, something beautiful and powerful. I am not talking about being perfect, because that is not going to happen. But character does matter, it matters a lot.

That is why I love me some Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They had a set of pre-determined convictions that they were not willing to compromise. The Word of God had become their moral compass.[Exodus 20]. They said, we’re not bending. They said we’ve made up our minds.We’re not going to be pressured, bribed, manipulated, or coerced. We’ve drawing a line in the sand and we are willing to even pay the ultimate price of losing our lives because we are so convinced of these convictions are from God. I tell you, there is something magnificent about integrity, something beautiful and powerful.  You can no longer go along with the crowd. Remember, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. [Matthew 12:36-37].

Choose today to be different.

People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.[Proverbs 10:9]

Decide today that it’s over now. No more following the crowd. No more doing as the crowd do. You have been called to be set apart. Believers in Christ have been called to live this unique life and different lifestyle. Distinct, separate, not the same, out of the ordinary, unusual.  Christ was distinct, separate, out of the ordinary, and he called his followers to be like him. Any man or woman who accomplishes anything worthwhile must have the courage to live differently because they are marching to a different drummer and are not afraid to be out of step. I tell you, you can no longer go along with the crowd!