
What It Do with the LUE: Couples in the Industry

Husband and wife duo of Ultimate West, Eazy and Queen Vee

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— Couples in the industry is What It Do! These days I’m seeing more couples putting it down together in the music industry. How awesome it is to be able to be married to the one you love while building an empire!

This week I am happy to feature my friends Hip-Hop Group Ultimate West. I just love how they work so well together. The music that they bring to the game is refreshing. Please learn more about this Hip-Hop couple below.

Ultimate West consist of members Eazy and Queen Vee. Eazy is from San Bernardino, California and Queen Vee is from West Covina, California.

Eazy is an artist, producer, featured DJ and owner of Ultimate West Entertainment for the group. Queen Vee is an artist, owner of Exqusite Moments Photobooth, graphic designer and owner of Ultimate West Entertainment.

They formed 2013 and since have performed in different states and cities in California, Nevada, New York and Baja, California (Mexico). The duo puts out great Techno and Hip Hop that all ages can dance to. It does not have any explicit content.

When the duo hits the stage, it really excites people. They have opened up and met several celebrities throughout their music career.

“Its’ all about being different from other artists and groups,” the dup states. “Before we perform on stage, we always praise our God in front of everybody. We had made a promise to God and to ourselves that we will be humble to our families, friends, fans and supporters.”

Google Ultimate West Entertainment and all of their social media handles will come up. They thank our God for all his blessings that he has given to them!

For business inquires, contact them at (424) 281-9817 or email them at ultimatewestent.01@gmail.com.

Bottomline: Mom said, ”If I catch you in a lie, I can only wonder how many I have missed you in…”

Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen IV

Judge Kavanaugh’s schoolmates have declared that while in high school he was drunk enough to puke his guts several times with witnesses… Judge Kavanaugh says he does not remember being drunk as stated. He has additionally stated that he did not attempt to forcefully disrobe Dr. Ford at a party while they were both drunk.  The judge has indicated that he was never drunk while in high school. However, Judge Kavanaugh and his classmates have exposed their affection for wild drinking parties in their yearbook, casual and income generating writings and in recent conversations… Enough has been said about their drunken conduct to suggest that someone is lying… Either the judge when he says he did not get drunk at all, or his classmates when they say that he did. If all of the classmates are lying, we need to know!  If the judge is lying, is he qualified to sit on the highest court in the land?…

What if the judge is lying? At this point that seems to be a serious possibility!  I think that the drunken acts of high school students should not be held against them for life… However, lying about  things that seriously affect and effect other people is extremely serious, especially if the lying one is being considered for a lifetime job that depends on that person’s honesty as well as their passion for the law and their compassion for the good of our country!  

There needs to be an independent investigation of each of the charges of sexual abuse regarding Judge Kavanaugh. The endorsement of Judge Kavanaugh by President Donald P-Grabbing Trump adds to my concern!


Photo Recap: Nearly 1,000 Attendees Support SB Pastors United Block Party at MLK Middle School

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— On Saturday, September 22 at MLK Middle School in San Bernardino approximately 1,000 city residents attended SB Pastors United Block Party. Prior to the ‘block party’, nearly 100 people marched in unity to encourage and bless the community.

The Community Block Party was filled with guest speakers, meet and greets with law enforcement and public officials, food and clothing giveaways performances and plenty of family activities.

(Photo Credit: Bill Sandefur)


Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation Presents ‘Tragedies to Triumph’

6th Annual Women’s Wellness Conference was a success!

By Angela M. Coggs

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— On Saturday, September 8, Young Women Empowerment Foundation (YWE) hosted their sixth Annual Women’s Wellness Conference at San Bernardino Community Hospital in the Henderson Auditorium located at 1805 Western Avenue in San Bernardino from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. YWE invited family, friends, faith-based organizations, students and community supporters to their augural event that focused on emotional and physical health and wellness. It was a free event for women in the Inland Empire, although there were several men in attendance.

1. Gwen Rodgers (YWE Founder and CEO) and Eloise Gómez Reyes (California’s 47th Assembly District)

This year’s theme was Tragedies to Triumph. It refers to recovery and resiliency. When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one’s life. During the wellness conference attendees learned how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies. Another component of the event was acknowledging the importance of self-care.

The featured speakers included Spring Eatmon, Nina Torres, Tina Darling, Patricia A. Gonzales (Natural Health Educator) and Wendy Whitmore (LMFT/ Clinical Life Coach/CEO Truth Healing Evolution Counseling). The diverse group of speakers provided the perfect combination of knowledge and resiliency. They represented the most effective group of women who could deliver their message with compassion and decorum. Each speaker allowed time for questions at the end of their segments and they did not disappoint.

2. Speaker Spring Eatmon and Gwen Rodgers (YWE Founder and CEO)

Vickie Lee and Madeline Freeman performed an emotional and riveting dialogue that centered on a real-to-life situation regarding health issues and grief and loss. Lee’s performance brought many of the attendees to tears because so many resonated with her familiar story. It took the engaged audience into a deep and personal look inside a medical issue that is preventable yet so many of us ignore the warning signs.

“Their stories were so impactful. Sadly, I’ve experience both,” exclaimed one of the attendees at the conference.

It was an eventful and interactive conference. The women in attendance had the opportunity to participate in interactive demonstrations and hear life changing testimonials from other women about self-care, tragedies, and triumphs.

3. Attendee Tamika Casey and Dr. Margaret Hill, San Bernardino City Unified School District Board Member

In addition to providing useful self-care and wellness information at the conference, the attendees was also invited to get physical during the live line dance demonstrations by Heart and Soul’s Linda Gibbs. The line dance demonstrations has been a huge success for the past three years and this year was no different. Gibbs energetic personality match her energetic performance. Everyone participated in the dancing segment and enjoyed the heart pumping activity.

The event was sponsored by San Bernardino Community Hospital and Kaiser Permanente. Special acknowledgement to The San Bernardino Symphony for donating several sets of tickets to the eager audience and Crown Wigs & Beauty Supply for donating several big gift baskets filled with hair accessories and products for raffle prizes. Nebu & Co. raffled off a beautiful wig to an excited and thankful attendee. Additionally, gift cards and the beautiful centerpieces from each table were also given out as raffle prizes.

There were several vendors at the event that provided samples, information, as well as products for purchase, as the attendees visited the booths thought out the conference. The vendors included:

  • Shalikah Skeete- Mindful Complexions
  • Dorothy Jarmon- Artistic Flow (jewelry and clothing)
  • Ipyani Lockert- Motivational Realizations/ Mama’s Tea Cakes
  • County of San Bernardino Workforce and Employment
  • Ceara Holloway- Riverside/San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc.
  • Staci Leak- Nebu & Co.  
  • Valley Star Counseling Services
  • William Long – Option House San Bernardino
  • Brenda Sutton- Paparazzi Jewelry/ Sutton Insurance Services

YWE serves to strengthen the character of young women of high school age in the San Bernardino City region of the Inland Empire in Southern California. Young Women’s Empowerment was founded by CEO Gwendolyn Dowdy- Rodgers. The mission of our program is to empower these young women to achieve at their highest potential, particularly in education, and to instill in them a commitment to return to their community as leaders and mentors.

The Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE) is dedicated to strengthening the self-esteem, character, integrity and capacity of young women ages 12-21 so that they may achieve their highest potential. YWE accomplishes its purpose through strategic partnerships with other organizations. YWE is guided by ethics and principles which exhibit respect for cultural diversity.

“I Tell You…There Is A Danger in Missing the Message!”

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— As unpopular as it may be, it behooves us to take heed to the message. You see, despite the fact that the people mocked Jeremiah and God because it seemed that Jeremiah brought nothing but God’s sad news of condemnation. This sad news was the truth. Jeremiah may have been tempted to leave out the parts that would turn his audience against him, would sound too harsh, or would make him sound like a traitor. But by God’s command, he was not to delete parts of God’s message to suit himself, his audience, or the circumstances in which he found himself. [Jeremiah 26:2]. I tell you, there is a danger in missing the message!

Early in the reign of Jehoiakim/son of Josiah king of Judah, this word came from the Lord. “This is what the Lord says: Tell them everything I command you; do not omit a word. Perhaps they will listen, and each will turn from his evil way. Then I will relent and not bring on them the disaster I was planning because of the evil they have done. Say to them, “This is what the Lord says: If you do not listen to me and follow my law, which I have set before you, and if you do not listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent to you again and again [though you have not listen], then I will make your house like Shiloh and your city an object of cursing among all the nations of the earth…” Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the Lord your God. Then the Lord will relent and not bring the disaster he has pronounced against you. [Jeremiah 26:1-6; 13]

I tell you God is still merciful and patient, and will always give warning to His people before He performs His mighty acts. Know that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. [2 Peter 3:3-5]… God is not slack! We must under that! He will perform His good work, and will bring His word to pass! And He says that He does not want any of us to perish, but that we should all come to repentance! God’s Word is full of warning for His people, if we will only heed.

In [Matthew 24:32-35] Jesus said that when we see world events now occurring, we are to know that this end is very near. Yet of the day and hour we cannot know. Yet when it strikes it will strike suddenly, unexpectedly, like a trap that springs shut on a hapless rat without warning. So the message today for God’s people and nations, is to Wake up! Be reminded and become aware of these things which will soon affect every single one of us! Time will not just “continue on” the way it has, so says the Bible. But before all this happens, and even as it begins to happen, God is faithful, and His Word says that someone will see [Ezekiel 33:3] the sword coming upon the land, and this someone is commanded to give warning or indeed lose his own life also!

Listen, God invited Noah and his family aboard the ark with the words, “Enter the ark.” [Genesis 7:1]. That’s His invitation to you today. God has not yet closed the door of salvation. At the end of the Bible, after warning of the judgment to come, God’s final appeal is, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost” [Revelation 22:17]. But lest you put it off, the Bible goes on in the next to the last verse to warn, “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly” [Revelation 22:20].

 I tell you, Jesus is coming to judge the earth; He invites you to come aboard before He comes to close the door. Come to Christ now! A call of mercy before judgment!  Jesus said in [Genesis 6], “My spirit shall not always strive with man…. Will you heed the warning?

“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eight person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly.” [2 Peter 2:4-6] do you see what the Lord is telling us here. It is a warning to us that we should not follow in their footsteps by practicing the same sins, Otherwise, we will be destroyed too when Jesus returns. “I tell you… There is a Danger in Missing the Message!”

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life…..” [Deuteronomy 30:19]

This Week’s Job News


All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.  God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the  Day of Judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.  I John 4:15-17 NLT

“Beyond Acceptance,” a true story about a loving family accepting a hard to place foster child:  (Movie Trailer) http://www.beyondacceptance.com/story

Human interest story on education:  https://youtu.be/K5LncRwDnTA

Jobs for This Week:

  • Newspaper Home Delivery Routes – in the Inland Empire, CA. Call Glen Elder (951) 533-8853
  • Automotive Tech Mechanic needed – in San Bernardino, CA. $13.00-$20.00/hr.  Call (909) 205-1657
  • Sign Spinner needed – in Old Town Temecula, CA. $11.00/hr.  Call Dylan (951) 506-0100
  • Sanitation Workers needed – in Riverside, CA. Call (951) 826-1065
  • Construction General Labor/Helpers needed – in Rialto, CA. $18.00/hr.  Call (562) 455-1770
  • Recycling Company – is seeking General Labor in Fontana, CA. $11.30/hr.  Call Maria (909) 200-5195
  • Window Installers/Helpers needed – in Placentia, CA. Call Rodney (714) 996-1807
  • ConstructionSpecialty Netting – in Garden Grove, CA. Call Hannah (714) 265-2200
  • Demolition/Cleanup Workers needed – in Pomona, CA. $12.00-$14.00/hr.  Call (909) 481-6600
  • Freight Handler Associates needed – in the Inland Empire, CA. $12.00/hr.  Call (877) 246-2855
  • CoOp Financial Services – is seeking a Dispute Clerk I in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Prime Healthcare Services – is seeking an HIM Tech I in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Citrus Community College – is seeking a Campus Safety Officer II in Glendora, CA. $3,257.00/mo.  indeed.com
  • Aftermath Scene Cleanup – is seeking a Crime Scene Cleanup Tech in Montclair, CA. indeed.com
  • Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration – is seeking a Voluntary Services Assistant in Loma Linda, CA. $37,793.00-$49,133.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • City of Riverside – is seeking a Parking Control Rep in Riverside, CA. $34,560.00-$41,976.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration – is seeking a Locksmith in Loma Linda, CA. $25.12-$29.32/hr.  indeed.com
  • Ryder – is seeking an Office Clerk I in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • J Star Auto Group – is seeking a Chrysler Level 3 Tech in Anaheim, CA. indeed.com
  • Diamond Hills Chevrolet Buick GMC – is seeking an Automotive Used Car Tech in the Inland Empire, CA. $50,000.00-$85,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • 347 Group, Inc. – is seeking a Permit Tech (Field Runner) in Pomona, CA. indeed.com
  • Community Hospital of San Bernardino – is seeking a Patient Registration Rep in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Watco Companies – is seeking a Switchman in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • XPO Logistics – is seeking a Clerk-1st Shift in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Target – is seeking a Protection Specialist in Montclair, CA. indeed.com
  • Kaiser Permanente – is seeking an Informatics Proc Specialist II in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Dayton Superior – is seeking an Administrative Assistant (Manufacturing Plant) in Bloomington, CA. indeed.com
  • Menasha Packaging – is seeking a Quality Clerk in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • National Retail Systems, Inc. – is seeking a Forklift Driver in Fontana, CA. $14.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Tiger Electric – is seeking a Certified Electrical Foreman in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Cannon Management – is seeking a Renovation Maintenance Tech in the Inland Empire, CA. indeed.com
  • Empire Nissan – is seeking Automotive Salespeople in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Behavioral Health Services California – is seeking a Program Tech in Pomona, CA. indeed.com
  • Loma Linda University Medical Center – is seeking a Central Service Tech in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Mentor Network – is seeking a Program Records Coordinator in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • City of Rialto – is seeking a Fire Prevention Specialist in Rialto, CA. $42,557.00-$57,034.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • SCTP, Inc/Sungate – is seeking a (F/T) Office Clerk in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • RDC – is seeking a Dental Tech Trainee-Plaster Tech in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • Cargo Solution Express – is seeking a Safety Clerk in Fontana, CA. $12.00-$15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Honeywell – is seeking a Technical Training Specialist in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • LeVecke Corp. – is seeking a Key Accounts Specialist in Mira Loma, CA. indeed.com
  • GHP Management – is seeking a Leasing Associate in the Inland Empire, CA. indeed.com
  • MercedesBenz of Ontario – is seeking an Automotive Service Advisor in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • SAC Health Systems – is seeking a Central Supply Specialist in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • San Antonio Regional Hospital – is seeking a Patient Access Rep in Upland, CA. indeed.com
  • County of Riverside – is seeking a Land Use Tech in Riverside, CA. $19.16-$31.77/hr.  indeed.com
  • Department of the Navy – is seeking an Assistant in Corona, CA. $37,015.00-$54,760.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Expert ABA Consulting, LLC – is seeking an Administrative Assistant in San Bernardino, CA. $2,460.00-$2,850.00/mo.  indeed.com
  • Southwest Toyotalift – is seeking a Service Tech in Mira Loma, CA. indeed.com
  • Harrington Industrial Plastics – is seeking a Product Data Specialist in Chino, CA. indeed.com
  • Amerit Flat Solutions – is seeking a Trailer Tech in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Danco DancoEN – is seeking a Plater/Plating/Electroplating Tech in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • JLM Strategies – is seeking Talent Partners in Corona, CA. indeed.com
  • O’Reilly Auto Parts – is seeking a Parts Delivery Person in Rialto, CA. indeed.com
  • Waste Management – is seeking a Gas Tech I at the El Sobranti Landfill in Corona, CA. Special Bonus $2,000.00.  indeed.com
  • Loma Linda UniversityShared Services – is seeking an HER Application Specialist I in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Southern California Edison – is seeking an Administrative Aide in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Loma Linda University Healthcare – is seeking a Research Tech in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • M & G Jewelers – is seeking a Jewelry Production Manager in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $90,000.00-$100,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • The Gilbert Company – is seeking a Transportation Dispatch Clerk in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Caco Pacific Corporation – is seeking a CNC EDM Machinist (Wired Sinker) in Covina, CA. indeed.com
  • Interstate Battery Systems of Southern California – is seeking a Delivery Driver in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com
  • Caliber Collision – is seeking a Shop Helper in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • LA Police Gear – is seeking Help in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • Concentra – is seeking a Cash Posting Specialist in Ontario, CA. indeed.com
  • San Antonio Regional Hospital – is seeking a Security Officer in Upland, CA. indeed.com
  • Tyson Foods – is seeking a FSQA Tech 5 in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Superior Grocers – is seeking a Grocery Night Crew Clerk in Fontana, CA. indeed.com
  • Accurate Grinding – is seeking a Deburr in Corona, CA. $30,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Agile Sourcing Partners – is seeking a Permit Clerk – Natural Gas Construction in Riverside, CA. $17.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • America TurnKey Fabrication – is seeking a Tool Crib Coordinator in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Rusnak Auto Group – is seeking an Apprentice Tech-Lubrication in Loma Linda, CA. indeed.com
  • Plastipak – is seeking a Process Tech in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Victor Valley College – is seeking an Administrative Secretary I in Victorville, CA. $3,293.00/mo.  indeed.com
  • Stars Behavioral Health Group – is seeking a Transportation Aide in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Victor Valley Union High School District – is seeking an Administrative Assistant I in Victorville, CA. $22.72-$27.62/hr.  indeed.com
  • St. Mary Medical Center – is seeking a Peri-Operative Tech I in Apple Valley, CA. indeed.com
  • Best Buy – is seeking a Geek Squad Consultant-Agent in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Fresenius Medical Center – is seeking a Transportation Clerk in Apple Valley, CA. indeed.com
  • Con AV Technical Services, LLC – is seeking a Tool Crib Attendant/Shipping/Receiving Clerk in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • V3 Electric – is seeking an Entry-Level Sales – Solar Rep in Victorville, CA. $60,000.00-$80,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • General Atomics Aeronautical Systems – is seeking a Documents/Record Control Admin in Adelanto, CA. indeed.com
  • Securitas – is seeking a Security Officer in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Local Area Dentist – is seeking a Pediatric Dental Scheduler Coordinator in Apple Valley, CA. indeed.com
  • Target – is seeking a Protection Specialist in Apple Valley, CA. indeed.com
  • The Branding Ink – is seeking a Vinyl Wrap Installer in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Linkus – is seeking a Satellite Installation Tech in Hesperia, CA. $35,000.00-$95,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Newell Brands – is seeking a Traffic Clerk in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Global, Inc. – is seeking an Entry-Level Customer Service Associate in Victorville, CA. $32,000.00-$49,500.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Cal Portland – is seeking a Process Attendant-Plant Operations in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Victor Valley College – is seeking a Library Tech in Victorville, CA. $19.50/hr.  indeed.com
  • Sam Caban – is seeking an Agent in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Securitas – is seeking a Mobile/Patrol Officer in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • PetSmart – is seeking a Retail Sales Associate in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • STTS USA, Inc. – is seeking an Aircraft Painter in Portland, OR. $19.00-$25.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Enterprise Holdings – is seeking a Management Trainee in Victorville, CA. $51,100.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Com AV, LLC – is seeking an Avionic Tech in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Desert Valley Medical Group – is seeking a Collector in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • LifeTime Solutions, Inc. – is seeking a Data Entry Person in Victorville, CA. $11.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Plug Power, Inc. – is seeking a Field Service Tech in Apple Valley, CA. indeed.com
  • Free Energy Savings Co. – is seeking an Installation Tech in Victorville, CA. $15.00-$18.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • 99 Cents Only – is seeking a Store Associate in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Prime Healthcare – is seeking a Collector in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Party City – is seeking a Loss Prevention Specialist in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Southern California Edison – is seeking an Administrative Aide 3 in Rim Forest, CA. indeed.com
  • GEO Corrections & Detention – is seeking a (P/T) Corrections Officer in Adelanto, CA. $15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • TKC Holdings – is seeking a Commissary Rep in Adelanto, CA. indeed.com
  • Creative Communication Technologies, Inc. – is seeking an Installation Tech in California. $35,000.00-$75,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • The Professional Tree Care – is seeking Tree Climbers and Grounds men in California. indeed.com
  • Keurig Dr. Pepper, Inc. – is seeking a Sanitation Tech-3rd Shift in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino – is seeking a Leasing Consultant in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Live Nation – is seeking Union 614 Stagehands in Devore Heights, CA. indeed.com
  • Enterprise Holdings – is seeking a Management Trainee in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Cinemark – is seeking an Assistant Manager in Victorville, CA. indeed.com
  • Alta Lighting – is seeking a Photographer/Videographer in Chino, CA. $32,000.00-$40,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com
  • Industrial Hearing & Pulmonary Management – is seeking an Audio Assistant in Upland, CA. $12.00-$15.00/hr.  indeed.com
  • Quad/Graphics – is seeking an Offset Press Assistant I in Riverside, CA. indeed.com
  • American TurnKey Fabrication – is seeking a Sheet Metal Fabricator in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com
  • Ray Products – is seeking a Toolmaker/Helper in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

To Receive This Flyer on Line Email Q Doswell, II at: qdd25@verizon.net

The Pan African Film Festival Is Accepting Submissions

Official deadline extended to September 30, 2018

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—-LOS ANGELES, CA—- The Pan African Film Festival (PAFF), the largest and most prestigious Black film festival in the US, is accepting film submissions – narratives, documentaries, features, shorts, live action and animation. The Official Submission deadline has been extended to September 30, 2018. Enter today at www.paff.org/festivals/paff-la/submissions/ or on Film Freeway.

Now in its 27th year, The Pan African Film Festival will be held February 7 to February 18, 2019, in Los Angeles, California. As always, it will be an amazing showcase of more than 170 films made by and/or about people of African descent, from the U.S., Africa and its Diaspora. PAFF also includes informative panel discussions, workshops, special screenings, guest speakers, red carpets and other festivities.

PAFF has served as a launchpad for some of today’s most successful and relevant filmmakers. Directors Malcolm Lee, Gina Prince-Bythewood and Ava Duvernay had early films in the festival. Actors David Oyelowo and Nate Parker have been actively involved. “Think Like a Man” and Bill Duke’s “Dark Girls” premiered at PAFF. Celebrity sightings are not unusual at PAFF.

At the February 2018 festival, PAFF hosted a special preview screening of “Black Panther.” Its star, Chadwick Boseman, also stopped in at PAFF.

“PAFF is the film festival for serious filmmakers who are passionate about telling their stories,” says PAFF co-founder and Executive Director Ayuko Babu. “PAFF opens doors and connects you to the heart of Hollywood. There is no other festival on earth like the Pan African Film Festival,” he said.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has designated PAFF as an official qualifying film festival for live action and animation short films.

Late submissions are accepted but incur increased fees. Avoid the higher fees and take advantage of the extended deadline. Submit now at www.paff.org/festivals/paff-la/submissions/

The Late Submission deadline is now Oct. 1 – Oct. 15. Extended Late Submission deadline is Oct. 16 – Nov. 5. For submissions after Nov. 5, please contact submissions@paff.org.


Wingstop Opens in San Bernardino Next Week

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA —-Wingstop, the award-winning concept with more than 1,000 locations worldwide, will celebrate the grand opening of its new San Bernardino location by offering free six-piece wing combos (wings plus veggie sticks or seasoned fries and a fountain beverage) to all guests who stop by to catch a first glimpse of the new location from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 25. The giveaways will continue while supplies last.

“We are extremely excited to introduce our made-to-order wings and craveable rubs and sauces to the residents and visitors of San Bernardino,” said Ted Morton, Chief Executive Officer of Sizzling Platter. “We look forward to becoming the go-to spot for all-things wings, sides and everything in between for Wingstop’s would-be, loyal and passionate fans alike.”

This new Wingstop is part of a development deal with Sizzling Platter, a Utah-based restaurant management company with more than 430 restaurant units globally. The 2,117-square-foot restaurant will provide seating for roughly 34 guests at a time.

Wingstop will be located at 1598 East Highland Avenue in San Bernardino.

Temptations…’Ain’t Too Proud to Beg’ (Life and Times of The Temptations)

Tina Knowles (mother of artist Beyoncé Knowles) chats with
HDIV News Editor Barbara James

By B. James/L. Traiger, HDIV News

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- HIGH DESERT, CA—-‘Ain’t to Proud to Beg’..A powerful and immersive musical experience that is visually stimulating with the cast stepping and harmonizing to the amazing Motown beats. The entire audience is their stage and you are seated in their neighborhood of Detroit, Michigan. A seamless flow of memorable soulful music and artistic style will leave you feeling nostalgic–all night long. Therefore, sit back and enjoy a taste of Motown music! 

Aint Too Proud to Beg, My Girl, Heard it through the Grapevine, Just my imagination, The way you do the things you do, I wish it would rain, Get Ready, I’m gonna make you love me, Cloud Nine, Ball of Confusion, I Can’t Get Next to you- All these iconic songs, and more were performed, and many got full on sweaty soul stirring, stunning vocals, and fantastically choreographed production numbers that kept the show moving and the audience dancing in their seats. 

HDIV News Editor Barbara James with Otis Williams-Temptations

Derrick (Otis Williams), starts with the back story and the rise of the most successful crossover R&B group in history, with Derrick (Otis) seamlessly pivoting between fourth wall narrator and being himself in the story as it unfolds. Of course the story weaves through the Temps rise to the top and also interweaves the African American experience in the 60s including violence against the group as they were touring the deep south and their bus being shot at by the KKK, also the racial unrest in Detroit.  Also narrating their experience of the shocking murder of Dr King, singing ‘Oh How I Wish that it Would Rain’. The storyline highlighted their desire to speak up in the late 60s through their songs, while often clashing with their mentor and record producer Berry Gordy. Gordy often expressed that music and politics should be separated.

Motown CEO Barry Gordy with actress
Debbie Allen

The Temptations were among the first black crossover artists to make it big on white Top 40 radio stations and on television, playing “American Bandstand” and “The Ed Sullivan Show” in the early 1960s – along with girl group mega-act The Supremes (and, yes, we hear “Baby Love”..an astounding rendition of the Supremes memorable top tunes ). The Vietnam War, too, gets riveting  emotional promotion with just the brief number “War.”

Keeping all this song and dance production moving is the impeccable cast led by Derrick Baskin as Temptations patriarch Otis Williams. James Harkness plays baritone and choreographer Paul Williams, whose tragic story plays out in the second act. Jawan Jackson as deep-voiced bass Melvin “Blue” Franklin, plays the peacemaker of the group. As Eddie Kendricks, Jeremy Pope lends his energetic falsetto singing style to the role. Ephraim Sykes, a former Ailey II dancer, gives

Musical artist John Legend attends opening night

David Ruffin, the early standout lead, plenty of flashy dance moves, including James Brown-like jazz splits, and a egotistical attitude. The group is clad in sharply tailored suits and ensembles filled with the vibrant colors, sequins and shiny sharkskin fabrics that made the 1960s and ‘70s such a definitive fashion era. The clothes, in this case, did make the men: image was essential, noted Berry Gordy (Jahi Kearse), who insisted they always appear as clean-cut gentlemen.

Huge kudos to the remarkable orchestra who played on point and played every Motown hit impeccably.

‘Ain’t Too Proud’, reaches for and succeeds in attaining the artistic excellence and entertainment levels of many outstanding musical stage productions. Don’t miss this superb performance playing at the Ahmanson Theatre until September 30, 2018. Visit www.Ahmansontheater.net/events for tickets.

Spiritual Living Redlands Premieres ‘The Key’ This Weekend, September 22

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)—- REDLANDS, CA— On Saturday, September 22 at 2 p.m. the Center for Spiritual Living Redlands located at 602 Church Street in Redlands is presenting a play written by local playwright Renee Hart RScP entitled, “The Key: The Inner Guide to a Higher Vibration”. 

This play is back by popular demand with new updates and surprises. The play focuses on overcoming human shortfalls and strengthening one’s faith in God.

“’The Key’ has a great message, Derrinaye Fontaine explained. “The music is good, and the dancers are extraordinary!”

“The Key is an awesome play that really touches on the ability to have Faith and trust in the unknown. I really enjoyed how each scene revealed a message that empowered you to rise above your challenges.  Beautifully written,” Carla F. said.

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased through eventbrite.com or at the door.