
Cal State San Bernardino Sociology Professor, Dr. Mary Texeira, Explores Race and Social Status in the #MeToo Movement

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Mary Texeira, Cal State San Bernardino sociology professor, brought attention to intersectionality and the overwhelming issues of sexual harassment at the Yotie Talks presentation “Exploring Race and Class in the #MeToo Movement” on Thursday, June 7.

Texeira wrote her doctoral dissertation about sexual harassment among women in law enforcement and “has been thinking of these issues for a number of years.” When the #MeToo movement started, she said she was impressed by the celebrities who were stepping forward and telling their stories.

“I’m really encouraged by the way people have been responding to this stuff,” she said, “and I think it’s because of the voices of those powerful women in Hollywood and in Silicon Valley and places like that who have insisted that this stop.”

However, she says there are still many groups whose stories we have yet to hear.

“As Oprah pointed out in her speech at the Oscars,” Texeira said, “there’s a whole group of women … who have been left out of this conversation, and so I want to do my part and call attention to their voices also.”

Texeira pointed out that the further away you are from being a heterosexual, white male, the more vulnerable you become in society.

“The marginalized are the most broken because of their, at least, triple jeopardy of race, class and gender,” she said and mentioned that sexual orientation, gender expression and other factors also come into play, making these people increasingly marginalized.

Texeira highlighted documentaries such asRape on the Night Shift,” about women janitors, andRape in the Fields,” about agricultural workers.

“These are the women who are voiceless, literally because they don’t speak English,” she said, “but also because they’re making life comfortable for us, stuck out in the fields or stuck in office buildings — somebody cleans this space at night, sometimes all alone here at night, which makes her very, very vulnerable.”

Texeira also shared a story about the sexual harassment occurring in public housing in Baltimore, and the victims, who are predominately underprivileged African-American women, are continually ignored.

According to Texeira, the most important part of the presentation was the topic of toxic masculinity. She quoted Niobe Ways, author ofDeep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis of Connection,” as saying: “We essentially raise boys in a culture that asks them to disconnect from … their desire for relationships and all sorts of things the boys articulate that they want.” Way says that this cycle leads to a culture that accepts lonely, aggressive boys, and puts them in positions of power to perpetuate such abuse against women and other men who are perceived as weaker.

Infamous men tied to sexual assault cases were also discussed, such as Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Brock Turner, the Stanford student who served only three months for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, and whose judge, Aaron Persky, notoriously said that any sentence longer than six months would “profoundly affect this young man’s life.”

“Let’s have better consequences, let’s have stronger laws and rules that work,” Texeira said, “I don’t necessarily believe in the whole idea that stronger laws are going to take care of everything, but we have certainly been lax when it comes to domestic violence, rape … we have marginalized women victims and women survivors and we should … move them from the margins to the center.”

Texeira, who has taught introductory sociology, critical thinking and classes on race and gender at CSUSB since 1994, has a doctorate in sociology from the University of California, Riverside. Texeira’s research focuses on social inequality with a focus on race and ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality.

The Yotie Talks series was launched in the 2015-16 academic year by CSUSB’s University Diversity Committee to discuss current issues that are critical to the university, with a goal of creating space for dialogue for the campus community.

Queen Latifah Names New Carnival Horizon in Naming Ceremony Showcasing Talented Young Artists of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Carnival Cruise Line’s newest ship, Carnival Horizon, was officially named by godmother Queen Latifah in a ceremony in New York recently that showcased the talented young artists from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital whose artwork adorns the Dreamscape, a stunning three-deck-high LED sculpture in the ship’s atrium.

Following the ceremony, Latifah squared off against Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl champion Jake Elliott in Lip Sync Battle: Horizon modeled after the hit Paramount Network TV series and rolling out across the Carnival fleet.

Latifah rocked the house with her incredible interpretation of the Weather Girls classic “It’s Raining Men,” while Elliott had a chance to live out his rock star fantasies performing Whitesnake’s arena anthem “Here I Go Again,” all performed with back-up dancers from Carnival Horizon’s Playlist Productions to a packed house in the Liquid Lounge.

But the big winner was St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital which received a $100,000 donation from Carnival representing monies raised from various fundraisers, both onboard and ashore.  The funds continue the line’s ongoing support of St. Jude with more than $16 million raised in the fight against childhood cancer since the partnership began in 2010.

“Carnival Horizon’s naming ceremony was one of our best yet, with Queen Latifah carrying out her duties as godmother then battling it out with Super Bowl champion Jake Elliott of my hometown Philadelphia Eagles in an entertaining Lip Sync Battle,” said Christine Duffy, president of Carnival Cruise Line.  “We were also delighted to showcase the wonderfully talented children from St. Jude whose artwork on the Dreamscape will be forever associated with this spectacular ship,” she added.

Added Latifah, “My time aboard Carnival Horizon was nothing short of incredible.  In addition to having the honor of serving as the ship’s godmother, meeting the amazing kids from St. Jude and their families and squaring off against Jake in an all-out Lip Sync Battle is certainly something I will always cherish.”

“This is an absolute thrill for our patients and their families to have their artwork featured as a permanent display on this magnificent ship,” said Richard Shadyac Jr., president and CEO of ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “The ongoing support of Carnival team members and their customers around the globe for our lifesaving mission plays a critical role in advancing research and treatment for pediatric cancer and other life-threatening diseases.”

As the newest ship in the fleet, Carnival Horizon introduces several innovations, including the first-ever Dr. Seuss water park, a new teppanyaki venue, and Smokehouse Brewhouse, a unique dining concept that combines real deal BBQ favorites created by Food Network star and longtime partner Guy Fieri, along with four craft beers brewed on board by brewmaster Colin Presby.   

The second in the line’s Vista-class series, Carnival Horizon also includes features like SkyRide, an IMAX Theatre, a Havana section with its own Cuban-themed bar and pool, and Family Harbor with extra-roomy staterooms and the Family Harbor Lounge.

Carnival Horizon kicks off a summer schedule from New York with a four-day cruise to Bermuda departing later today.  The ship will operate four-day Bermuda and eight-day Caribbean departures from New York through September then reposition to Miami for year-round six- and eight-day Caribbean cruises beginning later that month. 

To learn more about Carnival Cruise Line or to make a reservation, visit Carnival.com, call 1-800-CARNIVAL, or contact any travel agent.

“The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Listen, Jesus was not into the business of wasting time. Therefore, to all you pretense and treachery God’s chosen people; God says, “You have the brazen look of a prostitute… and because you refuse to be ashamed,” you too like Israel, the northern ten tribes, will be judged and destroyed for the sins of idolatry, immorality, greed, violence, and abuse of the poor [Jeremiah chapter 3]. You will be indicted of two evils:  Forsaking the fountain of living waters and hewing for yourself cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. For you have deliberately forsaken the Lord and have chosen to worship false gods – God calls that spiritual adultery, fornication, and you have been caught in the act!

I want you to know that as the Lord sent Amos and Hosea to warn Israel of the coming judgment and he sent Isaiah and Micah to warn Judah, he has sent me to warn you that if you do not repent, and if you persist in your rebellion you will be taken into captivity for you are committing all the same sins Israel and Judah committed, with far less excuse. You are sinning against a far greater light.

“Woeunto you, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of Me.” [Isaiah 30:1]  “Woe unto you, scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites…” [Matthew 23:14]. “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of Hell?” [Matthew 23:33]… Know that the end has come upon you, and I will send My anger against you saith the Lord; I will judge you according to your ways, and I will repay you for all your abominations.  My eye will not spare you, nor will I have pity; but I will repay your ways, and your abominations will be in your midst, then you shall know that I am the LORD [Ezekiel 7:3-8]. Therefore, consider how far you have fallen and repent. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place [Revelation2:5].

God appealed to Judah, [Jermiah 3:22] and with all my heart, I appeal to you to return to the Lord and let him heal your faithlessness.

David said, “Yet as surely as the LORD lives and you live, there is about one step between you and death!” [1 Samuel 20:3]

“So why do you endanger yourself every hour?” Repent and be converted!” [1 Corinthians 15:30-31]



Pacific High School Educator Honored for Teaching Character Education

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- SAN BERNARDINO, CA-  Four local Rotary Clubs came together Tuesday, May 8 to honor educators with the Character Education Award, and Pacific High School teacher CJ Eastwood took home the trophy.

“There is a literal trophy,” Rotary President and SBCUSD director Chris Tickell said. “It’s a very large, perpetual trophy that the winner’s school gets to display until next year’s Character Education Awards luncheon.”

Local Rotary clubs established the Character Education Award in 1991 to honor educators whose teaching best exemplifies the virtues of character education in the classroom. The Rotary Club of San Bernardino awards the top finalist a $2,000 honorarium and recognition on the perpetual trophy.

Pacific High Principal Dr. Natalie Raymundo said Character Education winner CJ Eastwood “creates a safe and supportive learning community that encourages students to be involved in the community. Overall, (CJ’s) biggest contribution to character education is helping students understand the impact of their words, actions, and inactions on the school and broader community.”

The Character Education finalists were Benjamin CervantesDel Vallejo Middle SchoolCara NelsonCurtis Middle School; and Rebecca RoblesMuscoy Elementary School. Finalists each receive a plaque and a $250 honorarium.

The following San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) educators were also nominated for a 2018 Character Education Award:Catherine CowlesKendall Elementary SchoolEunice GutierrezGomez Elementary School; and Paul PradoHolcomb Elementary School.

The Character Education Award luncheon is sponsored by San Bernardino Rotary Club, San Bernardino Rotary Club Crossroads-Loma Linda, San Bernardino Rotary Club North, and San Bernardino Rotary Club Sunset.

Your Cable – Internet Bill Will Increase

By Jerome Horton, California Black Media

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- If Senate Bill 822 (Weiner) passes in its current form, your internet rates will increase. 

States around the country are rushing to restore the net neutrality rules developed under President Obama and rolled back by the Trump Administration.  However, as they say, “the devil is in the details.”   

Senator Weiner’s legislation, SB 822, would attempt to restore internet connection safeguards for Californians that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reversed, but would do so at your expense by shifting the cost from wealthy internet providers to consumers.  This is particularly concerning because it hurts those who can least afford an increase in their internet bills, expands the current wealth inequity, and impedes access to technology.  

The original goal of “net neutrality” was that internet service providers and governments would treat all data on the internet equally and not discriminate or charge differently based on the user, services, website, application, or device – in other words, it would provide an open internet.

However, one of the bill’s provisions would ban popular free data offers, like streaming movies and music that do not count against data plans. These free data plans, also known as zero-rated plans, are discounts used by millions of consumers to stream popular online content like video or music.  Data shows that this act disproportionately hurts poor to middle-income earners who have a significantly higher reliance their smartphone as their only form of internet access. 

These consumers will get hit with higher monthly costs when they exceed their data caps, or they’ll have to throttle their own internet use. The problem is that consumers rely on their internet access to get jobs and healthcare information and whether consumers pay an extra $10, $15, or $20 per month, it’s not affordable for many low-income people. This amounts to a regressive tax, which wasn’t in the Obama net neutrality rules.

So, who does benefit?  If you scratch the surface of the net neutrality issue, you’ll see that it’s also a business-to-business issue. The bill appears to be written to favor very large “edge providers” – massive internet companies who generate so much traffic that infrastructure needs to be built around them, thus giving them a free ride (at our expense) when it comes to funding their equally massive infrastructure needs. That will shift all the costs onto ordinary consumers.

Although budding entrepreneurs and small businesses with limited financial resources would still be allowed to build an online presence for little to no additional cost, all public entities would be required to comply with procurement restrictions that would delay the deployment of critical new services. Yet with the right amendments, and political will, we can protect the little guys and the consumer. 

Net-neutrality is necessary, but not at the expense of poor to middle-income earners, as this goes beyond the Obama net neutrality policy and hurts California consumers in the process. Remember one of the greatest tricks the devil ever played was convincing the people he does not exist.  Believe in the devil or not, we need to amend this bill and protect consumers and small businesses before the cost of living goes to hell.  Individually our voice has meaning; collectively it has power. Consider calling your legislator today to get their perspective – because “silence grants consent.”

Re-elected in 2014, Member Jerome E. Horton is the Third District Member of the California State Board of Equalization, representing more than 9.5 million residents in Los Angeles, a portion of San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties. He was first elected to the Board of Equalization in 2010. Member Horton also serves as the Board of Equalization’s Property Tax Committee Chair. He is the first to serve on the Board of Equalization with more than 21 years of experience at the BOE. Horton previously served as an Assembly Member of the California State Assembly from 2000-2006.

The five-member California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is a publicly elected tax board that serves a significant role in the assessment and administration of property taxes.

Come Volunteer at the Young Visionary Firework Booth

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- SAN BERNARDINO, CA-This 4thof July, come out and support Young Visionaries at their firework stand by purchasing or volunteering starting Sunday, July 1 to Wednesday, July 4.

 The stand will be located at 306 W Baseline Street in San Bernardino in the parking lot of 7-11 (on the corner of Baseline and Arrowhead).

To volunteer please call (909) 723-1695 or email info@yvyla-ie.org.


Pastors Schedule Block Party for Saturday, June 23

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Saturday, June 23 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at La Placita Park located at 685 N Mt Vernon Avenue in San Bernardino, the Pastors of San Bernardino are having a community block party.

The San Bernardino Pastors United (SBPU) is inviting the entire community to La Placita Park community block party.  There will be a life-saving message delivered by Dr. Michael Owens of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church.  The message is simple, “We are here for you; come unto us if you are heavy laden.”

 The Pastors are working together in unity and solidarity to bring the Gospel message into the streets, trying to save lives. They are taking a united stance against crime in our streets and violence in our schools and community. Come expecting a Holy Ghost party with powerful gospel music, prayer and testimonies about the power of God.

The mayor, city council, law enforcement and other agencies will be in attendance. Bring the children for a special program which will include face painting, gifts and much more!

There will be free food, free groceries, free shoes, free games, popcorn, a TV and prizes to be raffled off. SBPU is expecting the attendance to be in the thousands. Preregister or volunteer at (909) 353-7977 or visit www.sbpastorsunited.org.

Local firefighters wait tables and raise over $4,500 for Loma Linda University’s Children’s Hospital

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)-LOMA LINDA, CA-– In true first responder fashion, local firefighters came out to lend a helping hand at the annual Tip-A-Firefighter at The Old Spaghetti Factory on Wednesday, May 30.

Firefighters from Loma Linda, Redlands and Colton Fire Departments came out to serve lunch and dinner to guests at the Redlands restaurant. All tips collected by the men and women in uniform were donated to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH). 

The event raised more than $4,500, which will go toward Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow, and the construction of the new Children’s Hospital tower.

The Old Spaghetti Factory in Redlands has successfully hosted the annual event for the last seven years, raising nearly $40,000 for LLUCH.

Scott Perryman, MBA, senior vice president/administrator, for the hospital had the pleasure of dining at the restaurant with his family and was served by local first responders.

“These men and women already do so much for our community,” Perryman said, “and to see them come out and do this for our kids reinforces their reputation of heroism. I am truly thankful for their service.”

Letter to the Editor: Avoid Summer Brain Drain- READ!

By Dr. Margaret Hill

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- When you think of reading with a child, maybe your son, daughter or grandchild, it’s a happy thing. Perhaps it’s the bedtime story, maybe it’s a favorite book they want to read again and again. But maybe you didn’t know how much more it is than just a fun moment to share together. This is the cognitive foundation for future success. It is especially crucial for children in disadvantaged homes where experiences in elementary school years can impact whether they earn a high school diploma and continue to college.

Research shows there continues to be a literacy and academic achievement gap between children in poverty and their more affluent peers. However, when children in low-income homes have resources for reading, and reading is a priority in the home, they do better academically.

The nationwide problem of differences in learning levels for economically disadvantaged children has been referred to as the “30 million-word gap.” By the age of 3, children born into low-income families hear roughly 30 million fewer words than their more affluent peers. Researchers, psychologists, educators and early childhood development specialists have found that to equalize differences in children’s development, a greater effort must be made to increase children’s cognitive experiences. Reading together is a perfect way to do it. 

With summer just around the corner, we believe this is a great time to think about how much learning can be lost over the summer when kids are out of school. This is known as the “Summer Slide” – the time when knowledge gained in school is lost because of the decreased academic engagement over the summer break. Two months of learning loss results in major summer brain drain. For example, summer learning loss accounts for two-thirds of ninth grade achievement gaps in reading. Disadvantaged children often fall behind their peers who continue to steadily build their skills over the summer months. Because we care about all children in our communities and their future well-being, we are compelled to take action to promote literacy resources.

Here are three tips for parents: 

  1. Set a goal to have your kids read six (6) age appropriate books over the summer. 
  2. Let children select appropriate reading materials for themselves. 
  3. Read out-loud together and gently correct mistakes.

We hope parents will consider bringing their children to our free book giveaway at Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County on Saturday, June 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. The event is called Summer Book Fest 2018 and Resource Fair. We were generously granted books by the Molina Foundation as part of their Launch Into Reading initiative, and we are happy that we can give away thousands of these brand new books for children of all ages. New books are often not financially feasible for parents to provide and we are here to help. And parents, we are having a resource fair at the Book Fest event with over 20 agencies on-site to provide information, goods and services to help families.

Thank you parents, grandparents, care-givers, and other adults who encourage children to read. Your efforts make a difference in the lives of youth in our communities.

What It Do with the LUE: $500 Youth Competition

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- It’s coming back! LUE Productions 2nd Annual ‘Show it Off’ Youth Competition scheduled for October. We’re looking for talented youth to audition for FREE on Saturday, June 30 in San Bernardino at the Feldhym Library from 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m. Our goal is to provide platforms for aspiring artists and quality shows for the community to enjoy.

If you know of a talented youth that can sing, dance, rap, recite poetry or spoken word, play in a band or any sort of unique gifts please send them our way. In order to participate you must reside in the Inland Empire and you must be 19 years if age or under.

Our team is looking to award the 1st place winner $500, the 2nd place winner with $100 and 3rd place winner will with $50 in cash along with trophies. All music or performances must be clean. If selected more details about the show will be given.

Get on the priority audition list by texting your name and contact number to (909) 567-1000 or emailing Lue.info@yahoo.com. Let’s keep positive events such as this going for our youth. Until next week L’s!