
What It Do with the LUE: Welcome to the West Music Fest

By Lue Dowdy

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- What It Do is Nipsey Hussle, Dogg Pound, Mack 10, Mozzy, King Lil G, The Outlawz and several other artist’s.

I’m calling all my Inland Empire rap fans. Don’t miss out! Cabana Life Concerts and Streetwise Clothing presents “Welcome to The West 1st Annual Music Festival” on Saturday, May 26 in Ontario at the Citizens Bank Arena.

This concert is going to be lit’ especially with the lineup hittin’ the stage. Tickets can be purchased online. You can catch me in the building conducting interviews on behalf of LUE Productions and the Westside Story Newspaper. Until next week L’s!

Your story or event should be in my column ‘WHAT IT DO WITH LUE’ in the Westside Story Newspaper! Inbox me on Facebook for details. Make sure to pick up your copy. #WSSP #LUEPRODUCTIONS

Exclusive Interview: Granddughter of the Late Bob Marley, Donisha Prendergast, Chats on Family Legacy, Film and Activism Work

By Naomi K. Bonman

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- “Life itself is an active abstract interpretation of one’s reality. I won’t be defined.” Those words were spoken by filmmaker and activist, Donisha Predergast, who is also the granddaughter of late Reggae legend, Bob Marley.

Over the last couple of weeks, Donisha has been in countless newspapers, blog sites and news coverage regarding the recent race issue that she and her friends were faced with when checking out of an Air BNB in Rialto, California. Although that issue is of importance within the community, Miss Donisha and her family actually enjoyed bringing the Kaya Fest to the Inland Empire, which she mentioned in a recent interview with me.

I wanted to bring a little bit of positivity and take the light off of the Air BNB situation and focus more on what Prendergast is up to and what she is working on. Before we get into the interview, here’s a little information on who Donisha is for those who only know her as part of the Marley family.

Donisha Rita-Claire Prendergast is an actress, model, dancer and poet. She was born on December 29, 1984. Through the years while in the field, she increasingly developed a love for acting and the theatre. She landed several lead parts for “Jambiz” (Production Company in Jamaica). Her first role came as Karen in “Puppy Love”. Immediately she followed up by playing Cindy Relisha in “Cindy Relisha and the DJ Prince”.  She also has appeared in a number of major promotional ads including the new Ammars spread which appears in newspapers and billboards throughout the Caribbean and parts of the world including the U.S.A. many doors. Donisha aspires to become a Child Psychologist.

Click below to listen to the interview

Emerging Young Leaders Learn About Issue of Mental Illness By Learning to Balance Stress, Personal Lives

RIVERSIDE, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Balancing school, work and personal issues is a struggle for many of the participants of CCAEJ’s Emerging Young Leaders program.

This is why several participants underwent several presentations from community leaders regarding the importance of mental health on Saturday, May 5.

“Finding stability in your life can be difficult, but it’s essential to have boundaries of what you can and can’t do,” explained Italia Garcia, CCAEJ’s director of Civic Engagement.

“Be forgiving of yourself and create a work environment that aligns with your needs,” she said. “All of this gets real. It’s important to learn to succeed, despite having some dark clouds in your life.”

On Friday, May 11, the Young Emerging Leaders met with Congressman Mark Takano (D-Riverside), Assemblymembers Sabrina Cervantes (D-Eastvale) and Jose Medina (D-Riverside) and Riverside Councilman Jim Perry to discuss local issues and receive insight on college and career readiness. 

The Emerging Young Leaders program will conclude with a graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 19. The ceremony will begin at 12 p.m. and will be held at their headquarters located at 3840 Sunnyhill Drive in Jurupa Valley.

“Amazing Woman – Mama!”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Wonderful, tired, worn-out Mama… Sit down… Relax… Clear your mind of all thoughts… Forget the morning drama… Forget the battle cries… Let go of today’s worries and stresses…. Throw your cares on the Lord… and just rest… Mama…  Amazing Woman!

You are incredibly strong. You balance work, home, children, husband, cleaning, finances, cooking, shopping, planning, appointments… all these and many more. You work hard. You are relentless! Sit down and relax, mama! Yes, you can do it all!” is the message we hear and see. But underneath “doing it all” is a woman who I know sometimes feels like she’s crumbling under the weight of it all. Let yourself off the hook!  Breathe! Exhale!

“O if I had wings like a dove! I would surely fly away and be at rest; Truly, I would flee far away; I would lodge in the wilderness. I would hurry to find a shelter for myself from the raging wind and tempest …. [Psalms 55]. 

Oh mother, I thank God for the caring you’ve shown me through the years. I thank God for a mother who sacrificed many things, behind the scenes, unbeknownst to her children who never wanted for anything. I thank God for a mother who led by example and put others before herself. I thank God for a mother who forgave when others caused her pain. I thank God for a mother that persevered and handled set-backs with grace. I thank God for a mother that prayed for her children to find their way back, instead of pushing them further away. But most of all, I thank God for blessing me with a mother who introduced me to Him when I was old enough to talk. For without Him, I’d be lost and certainly wouldn’t appreciate the mother he gave me. Oh mother, I am forever grateful for all that you are and who you have taught me to be. The gratitude I have for you can hardly be expressed by words. Thank you for everything Mother!

 “All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all of my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her” [George Washington].

“All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life” [Abraham Lincoln].

I encourage you, if your mother is still a live; appreciate her because she is irreplaceable. If she is no longer here, may her soul rest in peace. I know God has made a perfect home for her in heaven.

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL Mothers!




The Red-Carpet Premiere of ‘Look, I’m Still Here’ Kicks Off This Saturday

Daz Patterson

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- On Saturday, May 12 at 6 p.m., the Patterson Non-Profit Organization (PNP) is premièring the movie, “Look, I’M Still Here”. This is a red-carpet affair at the Sturges Theatre located at 780 N. E Street in San Bernardino.

The movie is based on a true story of a young girl who had to fight for everything and those fights have continued into her adult life. She learned early in life to depend on God’s grace and mercy.

Daz Patterson shares her story of determination, tenaciousness, surviving cancer four times all without ever considering giving up.

The movie has a tremendous and multitalented cast which include: Sid Burston, Nei-Ce Knight, Susan Lewis, Sebrenia Burt, Bobby Bryant, Linda Davis, Raheem Mitchell, Erica Brown, Anita McZeal, Sharon Hardin, Myron Hester, Michelle Patterson-Peters, Daz Patterson, and a host of supporting cast.

For more information please call (909) 874-3411 or (909) 418-7619. You can also go to Eventbrite.com and search for “Look, I’M Still Here.”


Letter to the Editor: Healthy Child Care: Invest Now and Reap Dividends

Child Care Provider Explains the Importance of Healthy Environments in Early Child Care

By Ronneisha Davis-Lewis

Ronneisha Davis-Lewis

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- In South Los Angeles, healthy food options are scarce and fast food is far more accessible than fresh fruits and vegetables. As a child care provider at South Los Angeles’ Moore’s Daycare Preparatory School, Inc., I have an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of the children who are in my care. It’s important for me that they have an environment complete with healthy foods, opportunity for physical activity and limited time in front of a screen. Parents, who often times work long hours, trust me to provide the healthiest environment available for their children.

And they are not alone.

In Los Angeles County, 50 percent of children 0 to 5-years old spend at least part of their day in child care. They will carry some of the habits they develop in child care throughout life. It is critical to invest in our children’s health via introducing and reinforcing healthy lifestyle choices when they are young. This will reverse some of the poor health trends current youth and adults are experiencing, such as higher obesity rates, increased incidence of diabetes and dental disease.

And meal time is a great opportunity to start.  Many childcare providers like to use meals and snacks to incorporate healthy eating habits, as well as introduce kids to new foods, learn new words, and discover how to share with others. By introducing kids to healthier options, they learn to eat nutritious meals and snacks at a young age, which provides a platform for healthier eating as they mature. Food can be a source to strengthen a community’s health and wellness. By providing and introducing healthier food options, I know it will increase the likelihood these kids will become healthier adults.

Yet, there is more to building a healthier lifestyle than healthier food.  We also need to provide opportunities and space for kids to be more active.  

This investment will allow early childcare providers to purchase items such as tricycles and safe climbing equipment for age appropriate physical activities. We would also invest in resources that allow parents to know how much time their children spend engaged in these healthy habits. For example, a checklist board that shows how many vegetables the children ate that day, how much time they spent playing outside, and how much time they spent watching TV.  This is a tool that would allow the children to help track their engagement, while allowing the parents to see the improvements this investment helped create.

Our community has an opportunity to invest in our children’s future, which in the end is an investment back into our community.  Supporting an increase in funding for family child care homes would allow me and other providers to better incorporate nutrition standards and provide even healthier food options to the young children we look after. These resources would also allow those in low-income communities the opportunity to implement and provide even healthier standards and more access to fresher, healthy food.

Get involved in our campaign to increase state funding that will help child care providers such as me create even healthier environments for our children – yours and mine.  To participate in this campaign, go to http://www.heart.org/HealthyECE. You can also use the hashtags #EarlyCareHealthyHabits and #ECE on social media posts.

Hundreds Trained to Recognize and Assist Individuals in Mental Health Crisis

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- The San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) is partnering with faith-based organizations and community groups to provide no-cost mental health training designed to equip participants on how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

Since July 2015, DBH has conducted over 27 Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainings for over 500 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 81. The 8-hour training provides participants with the skills to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis. According to the National Council for Behavioral Health, as of May 21, 2017, 1 million people nationwide have been trained in MHFA including former First Lady Michelle Obama, Patrick Kennedy, Dr. Oz and Lady Gaga.

Throughout San Bernardino County, DBH has provided MHFA trainings for the San Bernardino County Unified School District, the University of Redlands and students from Bloomington High School, California State University San Bernardino and Copper Mountain College. DBH has also trained county partners from the Housing Authority, Aging and Adult Services and the Transitional Assistance Department.

Churches who have hosted a MHFA Training include: Way World Outreach, First Baptist Church of Redlands, Congregation Emanu El, The Gate, First Assembly of God-Victorville and Mt. Zion Church of Ontario.

Jeffery and and LaDonya Milner began a mental health ministry at Mt. Zion Church of Ontario three years ago and to date, have held six MHFA trainings for over 100 people.

“Our goal is to educate people, reduce stigma and serve the community,” LaDonya stated. “The training is so helpful and has been well received by the attendees. We have an 87-year old church member who has never missed a training! The Lord has blessed this ministry!” 

“DBH applauds the hundreds of individuals throughout the County who’ve completed MHFA training,” DBH Director, Veronica Kelley, said. “DBH is proud to offer this training at no-cost to the community, made possible through funding provided by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).” 

The MHSA was passed by California voters in November 2014 and is funded by a 1 percent tax surcharge on personal income over $1 million per year. 

For more information on MHFA training, call (909) 388-0884 (7-1-1- for TTY users) or visit www.sbcounty.gov/dbh. 

Inland Leaders Charter School “GOLD Night” Builds-Up Middle School Girls

YUCAPIA, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Inland Leaders Charter School in Yucaipa, California is taking a proactive approach to creating a positive school culture and preventing bullying behavior. For the second year now, teachers and staff members have organized an event they call “GOLD night,” the acronym stands for, ‘Girls Overnight for Leadership and Discovery’. The event provides an intensive and fun overnight workshop for the 6th-grade students who will be transitioning to the school’s middle school program in the fall.

The program was inspired by a need to equip the students with the skills to overcome social and emotional challenges which girls tend to face as they enter their teen years; the kinds of challenges, the teachers observed, that often breed negativity among peers. The event was fully funded and sponsored by the Inland Leaders Charter School Board. Products and services were sponsored by community partners: Parakaleo Crossfit, Jazzercise, Bic Bands, Ocampo’s Mexican Restaurant, Hair stylist, Shannon McVey and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Alyson Foote.

Workshops addressed relevant issues such as body image, conflict resolution, social media pitfalls, personal empowerment, and kindness. The students were also treated to nutritious late-night snacks and valuable information about health and nutrition. Wearing T-shirts which proclaimed, “Strong women LIFT each other up,” the student’s expressed appreciation for the event; one stating, “It is really amazing how we learned to connect with ourselves.I feel better prepared for middle school. I loved GOLD night; you should do this every year!”

A middle school teacher reflects, “It’s extraordinarily valuable for us teachers to be establishing a dialogue and connection with our girls regarding the social issues that impact our students and our school culture. I’m extremely grateful to be working with the caring and dedicated women on our faculty who came up with the idea for this event, and for the commitment of many others which brought it to fruition.”

The “GOLD night” program has been so successful that a “BOLD night” has been created for the school’s 6th-grade boys this year as well. The public charter school’s administration and staff are excited to see how these events will foster stronger leadership through empathy and positivity on the ILCS campus.

What is Inland Leaders?

We are a kindergarten (including TK) through 8th-grade public charter school dedicated to creating leaders for the 21st century. Learn more at www.InlandLeaders.com.


Internationally Acclaimed, Award-Winning Gospel Songwriter, Dr, Margaret Pleasant

Dr. Margaret Pleasant Douroux

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- (EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- Dr. Margaret Pleasant Douroux, an internationally acclaimed and award-winning Gospel songwriter, will be the guest speaker at Temple MB Church for their Mother’s Day Service.  Dr. Douroux’s songs include “Give Me a Clean Heart” and “If It Has Not Been for the Lord on My Side.” Our service will begin at 10:30am, Sunday May 13, 2018. Come out and be blessed! Please invite your family and friends. Temple’s address is 1583 W. Union St. San Bernardino, CA. The church office number is (909) 888-2038. Raymond W. Turner, Senior Pastor