
This 17-Year Old Black Entrepreneur’s Beauty Brand is Worth Almost $500K — And She Has More Than 40 Different Products!

Zandra Cunningham, the founder and CEO of Zandra’s Beauty, an all-natural skincare line, started her company when she was just 9-years old. Now, at age 17, her Buffalo, New York-based company has more than 40 products and is worth almost $500,000.

Zandra decided to start her own company after he kept buying skincare products that would leave her skin dry and itchy. “I made it my mission to make products that smelled good and kept my skin soft without irritating it. I wanted to give girls a natural alternative to all those commercial products with yucky unhealthy ingredients,” she say.

But it wan’t easy starting a company in an already competitive industry.

A tough beginning: Zandra started making her own lip balm in the family’s home kitchen. It wasn’t as easy as she thought. She had to learn how to create formulas and use the right ingredients.

Her first attempt to sell her products at fairs and markets did not produce the results she wanted; People did not take her seriously because of her age. Even her parents were skeptical about whether their daughter was serious or just had a hobby.

Proving them wrong: Instead of accepting defeat, Zandra focused her frustration at proving them wrong.

Because of her determination and persistence, her company’s products are now in stores across America, including Paper Source and Whole Foods. Even her parents are working for the company and supporting her all the way.

Her beauty products include a line of balms for lips, cuticles, knees, and elbows, hair and body products, lotions, deodorants, and much more.

Learn more about Zandra’s Beauty by visiting their web site at www.zandrabeauty.com or follow her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/zandrabeauty

To All You Halfhearted, Self-Satisfied, Fence Straddling Christians…”

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

Lou Coleman-Yeboah

By Lou Coleman-Yeboah

Jesus says you make him sick to His stomach. He says, “He knows your deeds and works, that you are neither cold nor hot, and that He wish that you were either one or the other, cold or hot!–but because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, He’s going to spew you out of His mouth….”—[Revelation 3:15,16,19] For you provide neither refreshment nor healing. You are useless to Him and His purposes for the church in the world. Conniving, trying to have your cake and eat it too, trying to get the full reward but not paying the cost. Repent you hypocrite! For half-heartiness is treacherous in God’s eyes. Half-heartiness is a serious mistake. You better think deeply about Apostle Peter’s warning, “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God…”  You may be 80 percent for God and 20 percent for the world, but the truth is that not even 99.999 percent is good enough for God. He requires of you nothing less than total commitment. There is no gray area! You got that?

Listen, it doesn’t matter if you are Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Evangelicals, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Christian, Assemblies of God, Seventh-Day Adventist, Mormon / Latter-Day Saints, Churches of Christ, Jehovah’s Witness, Buddhism, Hinduism or whatever, you better know that if you are half-hearted and self-satisfying, you are in danger of being violently rejected. Jesus says, “If you do not repent and become zealous, then the mechanical, cool, superficiality of your faith will be your destruction, and He will spew you out of His mouth.”

I want you to know that in [Amos chapter 5], God boldly confronts the sin of His people. He declares that He despised their actions…He hated their religious festivals and observances. He refused to accept their offerings and sacrifices. The sound of their praise made Him angry and He was fed up with their idolatry. The call of Christ, to the church at Laodicea and for you today is to repent of all wickedness, all half-heartedness and all self-sufficiency. You can longer halt between two opinions. Repent before it’s too late!

Exclusive Interview: Chante Moore Chats on New Album, Tour, and Love

Chante-Moore-THE-RISE-OF-THE-PHOENIX_By Naomi K. Bonman

Where are all my R&B lovers at? You know those ‘REAL ONES’? Those of you that love that music that just feels good to the mind, body, and soul? Those that enjoy those love songs that you can vibe and chill to. If that’s you then you are probably a fan of and are very familiar with Ms. Chante Moore.

Those that follow her regularly have probably been anticipating on when her next album, “Rise of the Phoenix” will be dropping. Well, it’s finally here and you can pre-order it today to get it on the release date on Friday, September 29. 

In efforts to promote the album, Chante did a few phone interviews last week and I was blessed to be one of those lucky individuals that got the opportunity to chat with her for a few minutes. We talked about love, what’s she’s been up to, and of course the new album. 


Chante Moore (Podcast/Radio Interview: Click Here)

Your new and long awaited album, “Rise of the Phoenix” releases on Friday, September 29. What can fans except from this one compared to previous albums?

…I think these are songs that they can make love to, songs that they can dance too, and songs that they can drive too [laughs]. I think that it just gives you a little bit of everything. These are beautiful times when we can share our lives in song. I just try to make sure that I put all of my heart and experiences into the music because it is important for me to share my real heart and not just what somebody else may think that I may sing. These are all songs from my heart.

Are there any shows or a tour coming up to compliment the new album?

We certainly will be on tour. The best thing that you can do for those dates because I’m horrible, I don’t remember sometimes what day it is today, so please don’t go by me [laughs] but look it up on ChanteMoore.com. We will definitely be posting the dates on there, so yes be on the look out for the ‘Rise of the Phoenix’ tour.

One of the ways that people have been able to connect with you is when it comes to love. So what lessons in love have you learned?

To take each moment as it comes, and I say ‘Carpie Diem’ a lot, just seize the day, seize the moments that come and make the most of them because when you’re with the people that you love tomorrow is not promised. So, if you make sure that you give all and you say everything that you mean to say, and if you love them tell them that you love them. If you’re disappointed in something let them know that with love that you’re disappointed or want more out of this or that. I think being honest and open and supportive of the ones we love, you don’t have time for all the fake and wasting time lying and deceitfulness.

I agree. In addition to your music, you’ve been doing some acting. I recently seen you in a few stage productions. So, do you have any new acting gigs coming up?

Not now. Right now I just want to go and support the record and let the people know that its out on the 29th and I did a Christmas album as well, so that comes out in November. The first week of November. So, right now it’s about the music. I didn’t want to do another play because you do have to promote the play and make sure your present for that, so I didn’t want to anything but focus on the music and the performances that are coming up.

Understood. So, you’re working on a Christmas album, what can we except from that?

There’s four remakes and six originals and it’s called “Christmas Back to You,” and it will be out in November. We already shot one video and we’re going to shoot a couple more. But it’s really good [laughs]. I love it! I’m listening to it a lot now; I’m listening to my other CD. I just mix them up. What’s beautiful is that they’re all about love and loving each other and taking time out to love each other with your family and your loved ones. That’s what it’s about. That’s what life really is. That’s apart of life that makes life worth living. It’s not just about going day to day. It’s like Groundhog Day, if you don’t make it special. So, that’s really part of my mode of operation! [laughs]

Awesome! Love it! What is one unknown, fun fact that fans may not know about Chante?

Well, let’s see…I’m sort of a foodie. Not sort of, I’m a foodie [laughs]. I love food! I have named my inner eater. I’m always saying that there’s a fat girl dying to get out and I don’t let her out [laughs], but I did name her. Her name is Beaula and whenever I’m really super hungry, I’m like, “Oh, my god, Beaula stop!” [laughs] but she loves to eat. So, whenever I’m really eating something good, most of my fans know that I really do love to eat. They know, “Uh, oh there goes Beaula!” That is one thing that I absolute love and I also love just laughing. I love watching crazy movies and funny movies and love stories. I love old movies as well. It’s just about taking in the moment that makes life bright and fun because there’s enough negativity that’s going to come from every direction without even asking for it so prepare for that, but try to smile as much as you can.

Awesome! Thank you, Chante,!

It’s my pleasure.

How can we remind people to follow you?

You can follow me @IAMCHANTEMOORE on Instagram and Twitter. @ChanteMoore on Facebook. If you forget all of that stuff, just go to chantemoore.com and you can get all the information for my tours, my YouTube channel, @ChanteMoore by the way, and you can get information for the new record where you can order right this moment and get it on the 29th! I encourage you to pre-order and get it immediately.  

Community Town Hall Meeting Urges Officials to Help Break the Cycle of Imprisonment in San Bernardino County

By Angela M. Coggs 

On Wednesday, March 9, over 100 community members and parents gathered at Life Center Church in San Bernardino for a town hall meeting to address public officials about a crisis of imprisonment that is fueled by the school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and high rates of prisoner recidivism. The meeting began with an outstanding dramatic monologue from actor and C.O.P.E.’s resident artist, Mr. Amad Jackson. His performance focused on ending the cycle of mass incarceration. The audience was encouraged by his noteworthy delivery.

The community concerns addressed in the meeting were: Challenging the use of citations that prevent students from getting driver’s license and enlisting in the military, ensuring that San Bernardino county spends money on intervention/prevention programs and not prison, and making sure that school funding serves those most in need of academic support. The goal was to make the community voices heard with decision-makers who have the authority and power to do something about the community’s concerns.

San Bernardino County Supervisors, Josie Gonzales and San Bernardino County School Board Members, Hardy Brown Jr., San Bernardino County Schools Earl Smith, San Bernardino City Unified Director of Student Services Ray Culberson, and San Bernardino City School Board Members, Barbara Flores, and Gwendolyn Rogers, and Danny Tillman were all in attendance.

The town hall meeting, organized by Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (COPE), intended to keep public officials focused on the school-to-prison pipeline and concerns that the excessive use of citations and arrests that could otherwise be handled apart from law enforcement involvement, could keep students in a never ending school-to-prison trap. As school board members in San Bernardino City Unified School District continue to press for a new discipline policy that would, among many things, reform the district’s practices on school citations and school-based arrests, the town hall illuminated citations as a county—wide crisis.

Testimonies from two parents from the Rialto Unified School District highlighted the need for a county-wide look at discipline policies involving school citations. Charnice Miller, shared a story about her daughter who was cited for a fight in which she defended herself after notifying the school administrator that she was being bullied. The parent and student were never provided with an alternative to suspension and expulsion, nor adequately informed about the citation process but was mandated to pay a $400 fine. A similar story shared by another Rialto parent highlighted the pain and trauma her son experienced as a result of an incident in which he was ultimately found innocent but that landed him a ten day suspension. San Bernardino City School Board Member Barbara Flores agreed that the problem lies in “the way we (the district) communicate with our parents because right now it is unacceptable.”

Another parent shared a heart wrenching story about how her son, a SBCUSD graduate from Cajon High School, is still dealing with the effects of a school citation while away in college. From the campus of Howard University, Brandon Watts shared a video testimony of how a citation issued in the 8th grade, may now impact his eligibility for a summer internship in the White House. He urged public officials to take a different approach because citations can do a lot of harm. The SBCUSD motto is to “Make Hope Happen” but the constant issuance of citations to students is not giving the students hope, it is in fact discouraging the students. They are not feeling hopeful.

When questioned about what the San Bernardino City Unified School District board members intend to do to ensure that San Bernardino Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) money is earmarked for school funding , alternative discipline, as well as other intervention programs such as mental health programs so that students are adequately supported, SBCUSD Board Member Rodgers responded without hesitation. “What we are making sure is that funding is targeted to support necessary for the specific students that are more at risk, which we all know is the majority of all of our students. The targeted funding what we have and we know that funding is on a limited basis but we have to make sure we maximize it in every way that we can.” She spoke about specific line items that are set for the specific needs and for the specific things that the community and parents have brought to the Board’s attention.

“This is a critical time because once that money is allocated it definitely can change from year to year,” SBCUSD Board Member Tillman also added. The school district has been making positive changes on behalf of the students. “Two big things that we (the school district) did do were to ensure that all students have the ability to have access to a computer and the internet. Every student in our district can get one computer per household.” He also stated that school pays the monthly payment for the internet access. Secondly, Tillman stated that they also eliminated the wait list for the CAPS Program. “This past year the wait list went away. That cost us about three or four million dollars.”

On the other end of the pipeline, a testimony from a formerly incarcerated female, who is now drug free, working, and giving back to community, shares a story of redemption and what is possible when there are resources available. Demita Burgess, a San Bernardino resident, urged the County to make sure that Proposition 47 meets its intended outcomes and give people a second chance to be productive citizens. In 2014, California voters passed Proposition 47, a ballot measure to reduce some felony records to misdemeanors and use the savings from prison spending for intervention and prevention services such as drug treatment and mental health services. The savings may also be directed to youth intervention and prevention programs. However, according to Governor Brown the savings from prison spending only amounts to approximately $29 million. However, the Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) indicates that the savings is closer to $100 million dollars. Community members urged County Supervisor Josie Gonzalez and other officials to join a statewide effort urging the Governor to adopt the LAO’s calculations so that resources can be properly utilized for adult and youth intervention and prevention efforts. The collective voices have the power to dismantle the pipeline.

The break a cycle imprisonment, community members want public officials to take action by instituting policies that undo the cycle and place youth and adults in a better position to be productive citizens.

“I was very inspired to become more involved in the community and school boards to ensure our children has the same chance and opportunities as their neighboring peers,” said Alondra Ladison, Site Supervisor for San Bernardino County Preschool Services Department.

“I was very inspired to become more involved in the community and school boards to ensure our children has the same chance and opportunities as their neighboring peers,” said Alondra Ladison, Site Supervisor for San Bernardino County Preschool Services Department.

This effort was organized by Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement in partnership with Inland Congregations United for Change, Youth Action Project, Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches, African American Mental Health Coalition, and members of the African American Education Collaborative.

With the input and feedback from the community hopefully the San Bernardino City Unified School District will depart from its current code of conduct, which is based on a zero-tolerance approach, and make a strong commitment to an approach that is grounded in teaching and learning, interventions and restorative practices.


UNCF Los Angeles Walk for Education Returns This Saturday

LOS ANGELES, CA- Lace up for a purpose at the UNCF Los Angeles Walk for Education on Saturday, September 30. More than 250 community supporters are expected to come together in historic Leimert Park Village for the celebration of education benefiting deserving students and UNCF’s member universities. 102.3 Radio Free KJLH’s Adai Lamar will serve as the emcee of the fundraising event. 

“We are so excited to bring this event back to the community,” said Karika Thompson, development director of UNCF. “The UNCF Los Angeles Walk for Education is a great place for everyone to come together and show their support of UNCF and help get students to and through college.”

Whether you walk or run, bring the whole family for a day full of fun, food, entertainment, kids’ activities and health screenings. Members of the local community are encouraged to register as an individual or form a team and get donations to help secure better futures for all of us, one step at a time. 

UNCF has been changing lives for generations by enabling more than 445,000 students to graduate from college since it was founded. Last academic year, thanks to the commitment of UNCF stakeholders and sponsors, local area students received more than 2 million in scholarship support. With UNCF’s steadfast commitment to Los Angeles, local students are pursuing higher education at 63 colleges and universities across the United States. This event is made possible by the support of this year’s sponsors Southern California Gas Company, a Sempra Energy Company; Superior Grocers and many others.

To register for free or for more information about the UNCF Los Angeles Walk for Education or sponsorship opportunities, visit UNCF.org/LosAngeleswalk or contact Karika Thompson at karika.thompson@uncf.org or 213.639.3800 ext. 3814.

Can’t attend but want to give? Text UNCFLA to 50555. The smallest donation can make a large impact in a student’s life. 

Follow this event on social media: Facebook & Twitter @UNCFLA Instagram @UNCF_LA; #UNCFLAWALK 

What It Do With the LUE: Clyde Gatewood

By Lue Dowdy

Clyde Gatewood is What It Do!

Big, sexy, and confident is what he is. Born and raised in Rialto, California, Clyde Gatewood also known as G Woods, he possesses several talents.

Currently working on a new music project, singing and song writing is something that comes natural to Clyde. Along with the music, Clyde is a truck driver and Blogger that loves to make people laugh and pissed at the same time. He’s a loving family man and an entrepreneur that is in the process of starting his own trucking company. He finds the time and energy to make it all balance.

Clyde is also this year’s winner of LUE Productions “Big Sexy Men Competition.” He saw! He came! He conquered! Once again, congratulations to Clyde Gatewood.

Until next week folks L’z!

‘Black Future Leaders, Inc.’ Educating Students in the Age of Information Technology

By Angela M. Coggs

Black Future Leaders, Inc. held their 32th Annual Summer Residential Program at California State University, San Bernardino from Friday, September 8 to Sunday, September 10. This year’s focus was Information Technology.  

The program was attended by 35 students from several school districts, including San Bernardino, Riverside and Los Angeles. They were given the opportunity to explore Arrowhead United Way’s sponsored STEM activities. The program was open to students who complete an application, provide a recent transcript or report card, and has maintained a 3.0 or higher grade point average.

On Saturday, September 10, the students participated in a one-day informative technology seminar where they learned (1) how to build a technologically responsive website using share point, (2) the role of mobile technology in a business environment and (3) how to disassemble and rebuild computer servers. 

Danny Tillman teaching students about the the stock market and how to buy, sell and invest responsibly 

Danny Tillman teaching students about the the stock market and how to buy, sell and invest responsibly 

The scholars were placed in groups and participated in a healthy, academic challenge. Each group was responsible for organizing and preparing a Financial Analysis Project. Students were asked to pick a company and analyze its stock market performance. The top two groups did their company research on Johnson & Johnson and Chevron.?  

First Place – Johnson & Johnson Group: Anaya James, Nenna Obih and Lyric Page

Second Place – Chevron Group: Kelly Gadsden, Yonathan Habermariam, Nia Howard, and Darnell Smith 

End of Program/ Luncheon Photo (Danny Tillman -left and Lois Carson - sitted in the center)

End of Program/ Luncheon Photo (Danny Tillman -left and Lois Carson – sitted in the center)

In order for the students to obtain their dorm room key for the weekend, they had to submit an essay as part of the programs requirements. The topic varies each year but expectations remain the same. Students are asked to write a 500 word essay entitled “Hidden Figures, A History to Inform the Future.” The BFL Board of Directors believe with the book and movie “Hidden Figures” students should continue the focus on areas of study such as the careers of the future. This year’s Hidden Figures Essay winners were as follows: 

1st place- Danielle Lilley 

2nd place- Yonathan Habtermariam 

3rd place– Jamin Garbutt

Group Photo 

Group Photo

It is evident in today’s society that life will continue to be concentrated in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S.T.E.M.). Former President Barack Obama advised that these areas define the way to win the future and made these critical areas his priority during his time in the White House and also now through the Obama Foundation. African-American youth are seldom seen in the science classrooms or at the science fairs. Black Future Leader’s goal is still to change the paradigm. 

Black Future Leaders, Inc. was sponsored by Arrowhead United Way and Southern California Edison.

CEO and President of Arrowhead United Way Doug Rowand stated, “The opportunity for students to be exposed to STEM education is an important step in their future careers.” He added, “We are proud to support the engineers of our future.”? 

Black Future Leaders, Inc. is a program for African American students designed to develop leadership skills and build self-esteem to help them reach their full academic potential. Mrs. Lois Carson is one of the founders who are still active in the BFL program. The educational assistance program was designed for high school achievers from both Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Students must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA to participate. The idea for the program came from Dr. Jean Peacock, professor at California State University, San Bernardino and it was incorporated in 1985.  

For more information about Black Future Leaders, Inc. please visit www.BlackFutureLeaders.webs.com or email: BFLeaders@yahoo.com.




Getting Them Ready Early! Arroyo Valley High School Hosts College Night

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Arroyo Valley High School is hosting the San Bernardino City Unified School District’s 27th Annual College Night on Thursday, September 28 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

College Night is open to all District students and their families. High school juniors and seniors are especially encouraged to attend. During the two-hour event, students and parents can learn about financial aid and meet with college representatives to learn about admissions requirements and course offerings.

Among the more than 70 scheduled attendees are representatives of the California State University and University of California campuses, San Bernardino Valley College, trade schools, and military recruiters.

Arroyo Valley High School clubs will be selling refreshments during the event.

College Night is one of several services the District provides to make it possible for students to pursue a post-high school education.

The San Bernardino Community Scholarship Association, with assistance from the District’s Communications/Community Relations Department, works with local individuals and businesses to offer hundreds of college scholarships to District graduates. The District’s Class of 2017 earned more than $8 million in college scholarships, including 10 military academy appointments.

District high schools provide challenging, college-level coursework through Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) classes. The classes prepare students for the rigors of college and the related A.P. and IB tests, for which students can earn college credit. IB courses are offered at Cajon and Arroyo Valley High Schools.

Middle College High School, in a collaborative effort with San Bernardino Valley College, allows enrolled students to take both high school and college courses with the opportunity to graduate with a diploma and associate’s degree.

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) teaches study and note-taking skills, encourages personal responsibility, and guides students on a path to college. AVID is offered at most District high schools and middle schools.

For more information about College Night, contact Arroyo Valley High College and Career readiness teacher Ann Le at (909) 381-4295, ext. 410018. AVHS is located at 1881 West Base Line Street in San Bernardino.

Parents who would like to enroll their child in AVID, AP, or IB programs should contact their child’s school.

This Week’s Job Listings

Company – is seeking a Journeyman Dry Waller in San Marcos, CA.  Call Nicole (760) 535-5592

Great Company – is seeking Drivers Helpers/Moving Appliances in Perris, CA.  $11.50-$12.00/hr.  Call (888) 854-6455

Concrete Subcontractors Field Construction Workers needed – in Montclair, CA.  Call to inquire (909) 267-3655

Swimming Pool-Repair/Remodel Tech needed – in Anaheim, CA.  Call Chris Brown (800) 880-6919 ext. 220

60 + General Laborers needed – in Ontario, CA.  Call (909) 476-2955

Company – is seeking Drivers/Detailers & Painters in Riverside, CA.  Apply at 7373 Orangewood Drive, Riverside, CA 92223

Local Company – is seeking a Sign Installer in Riverside, CA.  $11.00/hr.  Apply at 2900 Adams Street #B, Riverside, CA 92504

Ranch Hand needed (F/T) – in San Jacinto, CA.  Call Helen (626) 773-6016

Entry Level Window Cleaning Tech needed – in Corona, CA.  Call (951) 588-3246

Coronado Stone Products, a Second Change Employer – is seeking a Production Manager in Fontana, CA.  www.indeed.com

Go Staff, a Second Chance Employer – is seeking Construction-General Labor in Ontario, CA.  $10.50/hr.  www.indeed.com

Saladino’s Foodservice – is seeking an Order Selector in Ontario, CA.  $14.00/hr.  www.indeed.com

Schneider National – is seeking a Traffic Office Specialist in Fontana, CA.  www.indeed.com

Lineage Logistics – is seeking a Compliance Practitioner in Mira Loma, CA.  www.indeed.com

Ponderiffic Adventurer – is seeking a General Laborer in the Inland Empire, CA.  www.indeed.com

Agent Beta – is seeking a Net Suite Developer/Administrator in Corona, CA.  $3,300.00-$4,500.00/mo.  www.indeed.com

Legacy Supply Chain Company – is seeking an SCO Area Manager in Jurupa, CA. indeed.com

Lineage Logistics – is seeking an Asset Protection Associate in Riverside, CA. $12.50/hr.  indeed.com

Home Chef – is seeking a Production Supervisor in San Bernardino, CA. indeed.com

Temeco Logistics – is seeking an Inventory Coordinator in Pomona, CA. indeed.com

Evolution Electric Vehicles, Inc. – is seeking a Warehouse Clerk in Chino, CA. $25,000.00-$35,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

KeHe Distributors – is seeking an Order Selector in Chino, CA. $15.22-$15.83/hr.  indeed.com

Pacifica Foods – is seeking a Food Manufacturing Packer in Corona, CA. $11.00/hr.  indeed.com

Penske – is seeking a Branch Service Manager in Industry, CA. indeed.com

Vario Corporation – is seeking a Warehouse Associate in Chino, CA. indeed.com

Taylored Services, LLC – is seeking an Operations Supervisor in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Bluefin Distribution – is seeking an Assistant District Manager in Anaheim, CA. indeed.com

Luxury Scent Box – is seeking a Shipping Coordinator in Corona, CA. $15.00-$18.00/hr.  indeed.com

Dalix – is seeking a General Warehouse Specialist in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $11.50-$13.00/hr.  indeed.com

CTC – is seeking a Yard Worker in Rialto, CA. $14.00/hr.  indeed.com

Aranda Tooling – is seeking a Shipping Receiving Supervisor – 2nd Shift in Chino, CA. indeed.com

Altech Electronics, Inc. – is seeking a Logistic Warehouse Manager in Paramount, CA. $45,000.00-$60,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Live Nation – is seeking a Special Events Logistics Coordinator in Riverside, CA. indeed.com

Redneck Trailer Supplies – is seeking a Materials Handler/Warehouse in Mira Loma, CA. indeed.com

Calibre International – is seeking a Purchasing Specialist in Irwindale, CA. indeed.com

Boudreau Pipeline – is seeking a Laborer in Corona, CA. indeed.com

Hubsan USA Corporation – is seeking a Warehouse Supervisor/Manager in Walnut, CA. $30,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Clarcor Air Filtration – is seeking a Packaging Associate in Corona, CA. indeed.com

Drora Group – is seeking a Project Manager/Sales Assistant in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Walmart – is seeking an e-commerce Seasonal Material Handler in Chino, CA. $13.50/hr.  indeed.com

Semihandmade – is seeking an Inventory Management Person in Duarte, CA. indeed.com

JKP Flooring – is seeking a Lead Warehouseman in Anaheim, CA. $30,000.00-$40,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Alvarado – is seeking a Warehouse and Shipping Clerk in Chino, CA. $12.50/hr.  indeed.com

Penske – is seeking a Clerk-Night Shift in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Emser Tile & Natural Stone – is seeking a Warehouse Supervisor-Shipping in Ontario, CA. $65,000.00-$75,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Niagara Bottling Co – is seeking a Packaging Engineer in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Seldat, Inc. – is seeking General Labor in Walnut, CA. $18,000.00-$25,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Macy’s – is seeking a Seasonal Retail Merchandise Handler (F/T) in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com

Lineage Logistics – is seeking a Sanitation Worker in Mira Loma, CA. $12.50/hr.  indeed.com

Superior Groceries – is seeking a Receiving Manager in Fontana, CA. indeed.com

Cooltron Industrial Supply – is seeking a Warehouse Specialist in Walnut, CA. $30,000.00-$36,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Nature’s Market – is seeking a Packaging Supervisor in Irvine, CA. indeed.com

Coastal Pacific Food Distribution – is seeking a Freezer Order Selector in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

The Right Choice – is seeking a 1st and 2nd Shift Order Picker in Fontana, CA. $10.50/hr.  indeed.com

Quick Crete Products Corporation – is seeking a General Laborer in Norco, CA. indeed.com

Los Angeles Unified School District – is seeking a Migrant Program Tech (Instructional Assistance) in Los Angeles, CA. $16.20/hr.  indeed.com

Roto-Rooter – is seeking a Field Laborer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com

Capstone Logistics – is seeking a Warehouse Selector and Receiver in Rialto, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com

Maddox Concrete, Inc. – is seeking Concrete Laborers in Corona, CA. indeed.com

United Natural Foods, Inc. – is seeking a Selector, Sign on Bonus – $2,000.00 in The Inland Empire CA. indeed.com

Kann Enterprises, Inc. – is seeking a Forklift Operator/Order Puller in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $10.50-$12.00/hr.  indeed.com

Simplified – is seeking a Cherry Picker Operator in Ontario, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com

Honeyville, Inc. – is seeking a Material Handler in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com

Urban Crafting – is seeking a Manufacturing/Production Worker-Flexible hours in Pomona, CA. $10.50-$11.00/hr.  indeed.com

iMacket – is seeking Testing/Shipping Associates in El Monte, CA. indeed.com

Geodis – is seeking a Continuous Improvement Engineer II in Fontana, CA. indeed.com

Vitco Foods – is seeking a Van Driver/General Laborer in Fontana, CA. indeed.com

SEKO Logistics – is seeking a Warehouse Supervisor in Chino, CA. indeed.com

Centuri Construction Group – is seeking a Laborer Natural Gas Utilities Construction in Eastvale, CA. indeed.com

Centuri Construction Group – is seeking a Laborer-Road Paving in Chino, CA. indeed.com

Rite Staff, Inc. – is seeking a General Laborer in Corona, CA. $11.50-$12.50/hr.  indeed.com

West Coast Staffing – is seeking Packers in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Bridgestone America – is seeking a Material Handler in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Pro-Active Staffing – is seeking a General Laborer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. $11.00-0$12.00/hr.  indeed.com

Spectrum – is seeking a Warehouse Specialist in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Wrawp Foods – is seeking a Production Worker in Pomona, CA. $10.50/hr.  indeed.com

Ryder – is seeking a Material Handler I in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com

Vistar – is seeking a Picker/Packer in Ontario, CA. $11.00-$12.00/hr.  indeed.com

Dura Technologies – is seeking a Material Handler and Packaging Associate in Bloomington, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com

Empire Tile & Marble Supply – is seeking an Inventory Data Entry Receiving Clerk/Accounting in San Bernardino, CA. $13.00-$14.00/hr.  indeed.com

Capstone Logistics – is seeking a Freight Handler in Fontana, CA. indeed.com

Partners Personnel – is seeking a Material Handler in Mira Loma, CA. $21,840.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Mobile Modular Portable Storage – is seeking a Yard Worker with Forklift Experience in Mira Loma, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com

Jada Toys, Inc. – is seeking a Logistics Clerk in Industry City, CA. indeed.com

Copart, Inc. – is seeking an Automotive General Laborer in Colton, CA. indeed.com

Concord Foods, Inc. – is seeking a Warehouse Order Selector in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

Associate Direct Services, LLC – is seeking a 1st Production Worker in Mira Loma, CA. indeed.com

Suna Solutions – is seeking a Shipping and Receiving Clerk in Moreno Valley, CA. $13.00-$13.50/hr.  indeed.com

Office Star Products – is seeking a Shipping Clerk in Fontana, CA. $12.00/hr.  indeed.com

Humana, LLC – is seeking a Warehouse Order Selector (Grocery) in Ontario, CA. $14.00/hr.  indeed.com

La Tortilla Factory – is seeking a Warehouse Coordinator in Commerce, CA. $16.00-$18.00/hr.  indeed.com

Coca Cola Refreshments – is seeking a Merchandiser in Perris, Lake Elsinore and Hemet, CA. indeed.com

ProPipe – is seeking a Laborer in Walnut, CA. indeed.com

Associate Direct Services, LLC – is seeking a Pallet Puller/Packer in Industry, CA. indeed.com

Golden State Foods – is seeking a Warehouseman in La Puente, CA. indeed.com

Park West Companies – is seeking a Commercial Landscape Contractor Laborer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. indeed.com

Hal Hays Construction, Inc. – is seeking a Construction Laborer in Riverside, CA. indeed.com

Smith & Sons Construction, Inc. – is seeking a General Construction Laborer in San Bernardino, CA. $14.00-$18.00/hr.  indeed.com

Esri – is seeking a Data Screen Test in Redlands, CA. indeed.com

The Progress Group – is seeking a Packing and Shipping Worker in Placentia, CA. $11.00/hr.  indeed.com

Paver Décor Masonry, Inc. – is seeking a Paver Installer Cutter Laborer in Calimesa, CA. $14.50-$20.00/hr.  indeed.com

FS Commercial Landscape, Inc. – is seeking Landscape General Laborers in Riverside, CA. $12.00/hr.  indeed.com

Wood Castle Construction, Inc. – is seeking General Labor in Covina, CA. $11.00/hr.  indeed.com

Sears Hometown & Outlet Stores – is seeking a Receiving Lead in West Covina, CA. indeed.com

Truck Viva – is seeking a Warehouse RMA/Return Specialist in Walnut, CA. indeed.com

Landcare – is seeking a Laborer-Landscaping in Riverside, CA. indeed.com

Chartwell Staffing Solutions – is seeking an Order Picker in Chino, CA. indeed.com

Agua Tri – is seeking a (P/T) Laborer in Ontario, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com

XPO Logistics – is seeking a Material Handler in Redlands, CA. indeed.com

Pro-Active Staffing – is seeking Production Workers in Corona, CA. $11.00/hr.  indeed.com

Resource Employment Solutions – is seeking a Receiving Lead in Fontana, CA. indeed.com

Team Quest Staffing – is seeking a Production Worker in Chino, CA. $12.00/hr.  indeed.com

Affluent Staffing – is seeking a Production Worker in Ontario, CA. $10.50/hr.  indeed.com

Superior Employment Service – is seeking a Packer in Ontario, CA. $10.50/hr.  indeed.com

Staff Holdings, Inc. – is seeking a Bilingual Shipping Clerk in Ontario, CA. $13.00/hr.  indeed.com

Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration – is seeking a Program Specialist in Loma Linda, CA. $67,845.00-$88,194.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Walmart – is seeking an HR Manager Non-Sortable Fulfillment Center in Chino, CA. indeed.com

The UPS Store #5255 – is seeking a (P/T) Center Associate in Norco, CA. indeed.com

All Women’s Bootcamp – is seeking a Bootcamp Trainee in Upland, CA. $1200.00-$3000.00/mo.  indeed.com

Flex College Prep – is seeking an Admissions Consultant/Counselor in Diamond Bar, CA. $36,000.00-$60,000.00k/yr.  indeed.com

Ayres Hotel Ontario Mills Mall – is seeking a General Manager in Ontario, CA. indeed.com

To Receive This Flyer on Line Email Q Doswell, II at: qdd25@verizon.net

51st Social Lites, Inc. Beautillion Program Underway

Donna Little James, Social Lites, Inc. 51st Beautillion Chairperson

Donna Little James, Social Lites, Inc. 51st Beautillion Chairperson

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The 51st Beautillion Program sponsored by the Social Lites, Inc. of San Bernardino has started. Young men seeking scholarship opportunities, in addition to being mentored by leaders in the community, are encouraged to attend the upcoming briefings to learn more about the program.  Parents are encouraged to attend briefing meetings to gain better insight about the program.

Bring a friend and tell a friend to join you in attending the two scheduled briefings.  Briefings will be held on Saturday, October 7 and October 14 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the San Bernardino Boys and Girls Club located at 1180 W. 9th Street in San Bernardino.

Mrs. Donna Little-James is the chairperson for the upcoming 51st Beautillion Program.  The program will officially start on October 22 and commence on March 24, 2018 at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.

For more information, please call Donna Little-James at (909) 528-9793 or co-chairperson, Mrs. Bridgette Shaw at (909) 648-6165 or publicity chairperson, Mrs. Twillea Evans-Carthen at tevanscarthen@yahoo.com.