Submitted by Angela Coggs
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Young Women Empowerment Foundation (YWE) will host their fifth Annual Women’s Wellness Conference at San Bernardino Community Hospital Henderson Auditorium located at 1800 Western Avenue in San Bernardino on Saturday, September 9 from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. YWE invites family, friends, faith-based, students and community supporters to this augural event that focuses on emotional and physical health and wellness. This is a free event for all women in the Inland Empire.
This year’s theme is, “Silence No More.” It refers to not keeping silent regarding heart disease and domestic violence. Both areas of concern plague all people but especially minority women. The conference will focus on the prevention of heart disease as well as learning to live with and maintain if diagnosed. Women who attend will have the opportunity to participate in interactive demonstrations and hear life changing testimonials from other women on heart disease and domestic violence. There will also be complimentary continental breakfast, lunch, entertainment, giveaways, and opportunity drawings.
The three keynote speakers for the wellness conference will focus on issues that are important and relevant to heart disease and domestic violence. The keynote and guest testimonial speakers are as follows:
Dr. Romeo Brooks, Ph.D. (Keynote)
Herbalist, Iridologist, Natural Hygienist and Naturopathic Medicine
Roots Nutrition
Melinda Cuellar
Divine Connections, H.O.P.E.
*Joyce Fairman
Hearts of Color
As we continue to mourn the loss of our beloved friend and heart health advocate Joyce Fairman we will celebrate her memory during her original scheduled speaking time.
Cuellar will discuss domestic violence and how Divine Connections, H.O.P.E. mission to offer guidance, empowerment, education and resources for building healthy relationships. Option House will also provide additional information about domestic violence and conduct a question and answer segment at the end. Additionally, a unique skit on the subject of domestic violence will take a personal look inside a potential volatile situation.
Dr. Brooks will discuss preventing and living with heart disease and how the physical body is not only the expressed image of the invisible mind but is also the visible barometer of what occurs in our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
In addition to providing useful health and wellness information at the conference, the attendees will also be presented with the opportunity to get physical during the live line dance demonstrations by Heart and Soul’s Harriette Coggs Stuckey. The line dance demonstrations has been a huge success for the past three years. Please come dressed to participate. Workout clothes are highly encouraged and recommended.Please register on Eventbrite under “Free Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE) 5th Annual Women’s Wellness Conference. Also, please encourage and invite family and friends to register and attend this noteworthy opportunity focused on empowering women to live mentally and physically healthy lives. Space is limited, sign up today.
YWE serves to strengthen the character of young women of high school age in the San Bernardino City region of the Inland Empire in Southern California. Young Women’s Empowerment was founded by CEO Gwendolyn Dowdy- Rodgers. The mission of our program is to empower these young women to achieve at their highest potential, particularly in education, and to instill in them a commitment to return to their community as leaders and mentors.
The Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE) is dedicated to strengthening the self-esteem, character, integrity and capacity of young women ages 12-21 so that they may achieve their highest potential. YWE accomplishes its purpose through strategic partnerships with other organizations. YWE is guided by ethics and principles which exhibit respect for cultural diversity.
All inquiries, pre-register individual or groups, please email Tiffany James at ywefoundation@gmail.com.
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