What It Do With the LUE: Winner of LUE Productions 2017 B.S.M. Competition-Clyde Gatewood
By Lue Dowdy
Winner of LUE Productions 2017 B.S.M. Competition, Clyde Gatewood, is What It Do! History was made! It was a packed house and something different. LUE Productions was able to pull off the 1st Big and Sexy Men Competition in the Inland Empire. The event was created to bring focus to the plus-size community and to show that sexiness and confidence comes in all shapes and sizes. Body shaming in my opinion is another form of bullying and it needs to STOP! No longer do you have to be a size 0 or 4 to be considered beautiful or handsome.
The event was held at the Women’s Club of San Bernardino on Sunday, August 27 where a total of four handsome men competed for a crown, trophy, and $500 cash. It wasn’t easy! Each had to endure rehearsals, multiple photoshoots, and more in preparation for the competition.
The categories consisted of four sections: Boss Look, Summer Nights, Free Style, and Questions. Contestants were also judged on their group opening performance and individual performances. We had the pleasure of having VIC Camp, former Miss California Lea Freeman, Celebrity Hair Stylist Brittney Shearz, and Gina Carter as our panel of judges. Alfred Parker, Michelangelo, Clyde Gatewood, and Maurice Cunningham did a fabulous job from beginning to end. The ladies loved them!
The evening was hosted by Petti Model Krystal Yvonne and very funny Comedian Tamiko Kirkland. The audience could not stop laughing with Tamiko’s hilarious jokes. We continued on with our mini BBW fashion show featuring DIVA’s Outlaw Fashions provided by Mrs. ‘Riisha Shelby. The pieces provided by DIVA’s Outlaw Fashions were smoking hot and gorgeous. R&B Singer Annyett Royale blessed our ear gates and DJ UpperKutt kept it live on the turn tables. Food was catered by PitStop BBQ and the moments captured on film by ILondon Fog and F.W. Photography. Special thanks to all our volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and supporters. We could not have done it without you all.
Make sure to follow LUE Productions on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, IG, and Snapchat for upcoming events. Donations are welcome and can be made via PayPal under Lue.info@yahoo.com. Remember to always love the skin you’re in! Until next week L’z!