What It Do With the LUE: Big Sexy Men & Big, Beautiful, Women
By Lue Dowdy
B.S.M. and B.B.W. is What It Do! Big sexy males and big beautiful woman wanted; because you asked for it we felt that we should deliver!
LUE PRODUCTIONS First Big Model Competition is brewing! We are calling all you sexy big men to strut on the runway. This will be epic! The winner will take the $500.00 cash prize, crown fit for a king, and photo shoot. The competition scheduled for the month of June directly after Father’s Day. A $50.00 registration will be required for those interested.
We’re in search of B.B.W. Models to be in our fashion show during the event. We all know the sexiness comes in all sizes. It’s about the confidence that shines from within a person. LUE PRODUCTIONS is big on bringing unique and entertaining events to the inland empire. Please support us. Until next week l’z!
For more information contact us via text at (909) 567-1000 or at (909) 556-7637. You can also email us at lue.info@yahoo.com.