
Santa Visits ARMC To Bring Toys And Holiday Cheer

COLTON, CA- Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) leadership, leaders from the City of Colton and San Bernardino County, joined the Colton Police Officers Association to deliver toys, candy, and Christmas cheer to children and families spending the holidays in the hospital on Dec. 21. Santa Claus made a special appearance, escorted by Colton Police throughout the hospital including the lobby, emergency department, pediatric unit and clinic.

Children gathered around Santa as he pulled gifts from his bag amidst many “Ho, Ho, Ho’s.” More than 500 toys were wrapped and hand delivered by uniformed officers, Santa Claus and his elves and distributed throughout the entire hospital. Media were allowed into the hospital to follow Santa and to capture the holiday joy.

Operation Giving is a holiday tradition of the Colton Police Officers Association. This is the fifth year of Operation Giving at the hospital and more than 900 gifts have been donated over the years. Each year officers support families in need and senior citizen groups by delivering Christmas trees, meals, and presents.

Echos of Success at the Rose Parade

By Earl Heath 

The 128th Edition of the Tournament of Roses was a rare on in that it took place on Monday January 2 and the temperature (40 degrees) were closer to that of New England ‘s winter Day than that of a  Pasadena afternoon. Some million or so peopled lined the streets of Pasadena

“Never on Sunday” was the call by the for this year New Year’s day fell on a Sunday and with keeping with Tradition of the Founding Fathers. They believed Sunday to be a day for family and worship. Its theme “Echos of Success “ found a way through some 41 floats, 19 marching Bands and 20 equestrian units.

The three Grand Marshalls Olympians Allyson Felix, Greg Louganis and Janet Evans all had success during their careers. Thus there could not be a better trio for the theme.

What It Do With The LUE: The Youth

Aniya Randall

Aniya Randall

By Lue Dowdy

Awwwwwwwwwww shucks the NEW YEAR and the YOUTH is WHAT IT DO! Aniya Randall born on December 9, 2005 and born and raised in the Inland Empire is known for her many talents.

As a young child Aniya was no stranger to the entertainment world. She began dancing and singing along aside her talented dad R&B Singer, Yung Muusik.

Giving her the name, Princess Aniya, Yung Muusik has booked this talent young star in shows from the Inland Empire to Hollywood. Princess Aniya also was an act on the X-factor TV show. Performing, spending time with her dad playing with her friends and Lil brother is extremely important to this Lil Diva. I’m certain that she’ll make her way up the entertainment ladder.

Remember to always support the YOUTH. Until next week folks! L’z!

Social Lites Inc., Beautillion Christmas Season Activities

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-   During this Christmas Season, the Knights of the Beautillion and their court attended and participated along with Amina Carter in the Kwanzaa Event at the San Bernardino Valley College.

Among their community service activity, the Beautillion Knights and their court: the Squires, Fair maiden, and Pages participated in assembling Christmas bikes, and Tricycles for the Christmas Bikes Give Away Event that was held at the San Bernardino Boys and Girls Club.

The Social Lites, Inc. of the Inland Empire Beautillion Program is celebrating its 50th year in the community.  For more information, go to www.sociallitesinc.com or contact Lisa Blacksher, Beautillion Chairperson at lisasocialites@gmail.com or Bettye Brewster, President at (951) 204-0022 or bettyebrewster@yahoo.com

Boys & Girls Club of San Bernardino Annual Toy Give Away Serves Over 500 Local Children

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- More than 500 children showed up to receive toys during the Boys & Girls Club of San Bernardino’s (BGCSB) Annual Toy Giveaway on December 23, 2016.

Each year, BGCSB toy drive collects hundreds of toys with the help of local businesses and the community. This year’s contributors were Vanguardia Event Co., 7eleven, Kuehne+Nagel, Rotary International and Westside Action Group.  

Children from ages 5 to 17 received bikes, games, basketball courts and an assortment of other toys. 


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On January 16, 2017, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Second Baptist Church, 420 E. Stuart Avenue in Redlands, will be hosting its 3rd Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Camp. The theme is year is, “All Generations Matter.

If you ever needed to remember the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is now in our nation! Register your K-12 youth for this event which is FREE! In order to get the free t-shirts for that day, they must pre-register by January 5th. This event will be life changing and will build hope and character in our children and youth.

To local businesses and community organizations, they are asking you to help them sponsor children and youth with donations toward t-shirts (5.00 per youth) and with food for the cook-out. You may contact Margaret Green at (909) 557-7142 to provide donations for this important event.

?For more information call (909) 793-1074 or email jackiegreenvanguard@yahoo.com.

“If You Go to Hell You Will Have No One to Blame but Yourself!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

It will not be God’s fault. It will not be the church’s fault. You will not be able to blame your family nor your friends. If you go to hell you will have no one to blame but yourself! For every single person who ends up in Hell can blame only themselves for being there. And no passage makes this clearer than [John Chapter 8]… Don’t be like the Pharisees. Jesus in His great love, sent the Pharisees men like the Apostle Paul, all His disciples, and James and Jude, to be huge obstacles to the unbelief of the Pharisees. Yet, the Pharisees climbed over those obstacles and continued on their way to Hell. Don’t you do it! For it is a dreadful thing to die in the very act of sin—to be caught away by the justice of God even while the transgression is being perpetrated! Jesus boldly told the Pharisees they were “serpents”, and a “generation of vipers”, and that they were going to Hell. Like the angels told Lot, you better “Flee for your life! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away.” Because make no mistake about it, if you perish in your sin, you will go to Hell and you will have no one to blame but yourself!

For years now God had shown such longsuffering towards you, just as he did Sodom. Restraining his anger, giving you much time to repent and change your ways. Truly, God is love, so much so that He somberly declares, “As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die…Repent and live!” For God says, “His Spirit shall not always strive with man…” Don’t be one of the multitudes of people who will lift up their eyes from Hell, crying out as they remember the “random” incidences where the Holy Spirit tried to reach them. Don’t let that be said about you.

You know Jesus told the Pharisees that He was going to send prophets, wise men, and scribes who would follow Him, and who would attempt to tell them the truth [Ezekiel 33:7] “As for you, son of man [woman], I have made you a watchman… whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from Me…” and that is what I am doing today. If you do not turn from your sins and repent you will go to hell and you will have no one to blame but yourself. Remember the issue is between you and God and no one else. You must account to Him for yourself. It will be no one’s fault but your own if you deliberately seal your own doom. Don’t do it! What do you have to look forward to if Christ is not your Saviour? At best, you have only a few more years in this world with its pleasures, its troubles and sorrows. Then come death without hope and nothing beyond but everlasting doom. What folly to go on without Christ and miss heaven. Jesus says, “Come NOW, and let us reason together: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” [Isaiah 1:18]. If you go to Hell, you’ve got no one to blame except yourself. I am preaching the truth to you. Will you take heed? Hell is a horrible place of torment, pain and misery, please don’t end up there!

“Now I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” [Deuteronomy 30:19]

Nursing Pioneer Linda Burnes Bolton Named Inaugural Recipient of James R. Klinenberg, MD, and Lynn Klinenberg Linkin Chair in Nursing

Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, (right) with Lynn Klinenberg Linkin. Burnes Bolton, vice president for Nursing, chief nursing officer and director of nursing research, has been named Cedars-Sinai's first James R. Klinenberg, MD, and Lynn Klinenberg Linkin Chair in Nursing. Her work has impacted healthcare policy, clinical practice and patient care across the nation while elevating the role and enhancing the professional training of nurses.

Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, (right) with Lynn Klinenberg Linkin. Burnes Bolton, vice president for Nursing, chief nursing officer and director of nursing research, has been named Cedars-Sinai’s first James R. Klinenberg, MD, and Lynn Klinenberg Linkin Chair in Nursing. Her work has impacted healthcare policy, clinical practice and patient care across the nation while elevating the role and enhancing the professional training of nurses.

LOMA LINDA, CA- In recognition of her extraordinary accomplishments in nursing leadership, innovation and clinical practice throughout her 45-year career, Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, has been named Cedars-Sinai’s first James R. Klinenberg, MD and Lynn Klinenberg Linkin Chair in Nursing.

?Burnes Bolton currently serves as health system chief nursing executive, vice president for Nursing, chief nursing officer and director of Nursing Research at Cedars-Sinai. Her work has impacted healthcare policy, clinical practice and patient care across the nation while elevating the role and enhancing the professional training of nurses.

“There are very few professionals who have a sure grasp of policy and practice, who navigate Washington, D.C., Sacramento, board rooms, classrooms, laboratories, patient care units and community clinics with equal assurance,” said Thomas M. Priselac, president and CEO of Cedars-Sinai. “Her devotion to patients, and the staff that care for them, is unwavering.”

In addition to her responsibilities at Cedars-Sinai, Burnes Bolton has served as president of the American Academy of Nursing, the American Organization of Nurse Executives and the National Black Nurses Association. She also was vice chair of the Institute of Medicine Commission on the Future of Nursing, as well as chair of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation committee on Transforming Care at the Bedside.

During a dedication ceremony, Burnes Bolton expressed gratitude to the Klinenberg and Linkin families, as well as, her fellow nurses.

?”This chair is much bigger than me. It is about nursing as an enduring and vibrant profession and about our responsibility to everyone who trusts us with their lives,” Burnes Bolton said.
?”It emphasizes our commitment to delivering effective, efficient, equitable and inclusive care to each patient who comes to us.”

The James R. Klinenberg, MD and Lynn Klinenberg Linkin Chair in Nursing is named for the late Dr. Klinenberg, who held various leadership roles at Cedars-Sinai during his 30-year career, and for his wife, Lynn Klinenberg Linkin, a public relations professional with a deep commitment to community and philanthropy.

Trustee Joseph Williams Selected as President of San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustee

RIALTO, CA – The San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees elected officers for its 2017-18 academic year at its annual organizational meeting last week. Representing District 2 (Rialto and Muscoy) Trustee Joseph Williams was elected to serve his first term as President of the Board of Trustees.

“It is an honor to be selected by fellow Governing Board Members to serve as President and I’m humbled of the opportunity to help continue fostering a community college that embraces diversity and provides a world-class education to prepare our future Inland Empire workforce,” said Joseph Williams. “I am excited about this opportunity and I am most interested increasing student success. It’s my desire to see textbooks become more affordable; increase the number of people with at least a middle skill credential and ensuring our tax dollars are spent on academic initiatives and infrastructure that will continue making our colleges the jewel of the Inland Empire.”

?Joseph Williams was appointed to fill a Board of Trustees vacancy in 2013 and then elected to the position in November, 2014.

As Founder and CEO of the Youth Action Project (YAP), Joseph Williams has served youth and adults of the Inland Empire for nearly two decades. YAP empowers youth and young adults in development of the skills and habits needed for economic and social success. YAP integrates youth popular culture in its program to engage positive dialogue, decision-making, and actions that will improve educational and workforce outcomes.
?Prior to founding YAP, Joseph Williams was employed with the County of San Bernardino for nine years, working for the Department of Behavioral Health, the Workforce Development Department and the Sheriff’s Department.

He currently serves as a Executive member of the California Workforce Develop Board and the California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, and the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board.

Joseph served as the SBCCD Student Trustee when he was a college student, has Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and is currently completing a Masters of Arts in Social Impact from Claremont Lincoln University.

To learn more about Joseph Williams, visit www.josephrwilliams.com

What It Do With The LUE: Another Year Gone

By Lue Dowdy

Another year gone is WHAT IT DO! Having people that truly believe in you and support you is the best feeling in the world. Sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader or roaring squad. Don’t be afraid to encourage and motivate yourself to higher heights. This year I’ve had the pleasure to feature and highlight several talented artists in the Inland Empire. I count it a blessing to be able to provide a platform and share their stories.

I’d like to thank Mr. Wallace Allen, one of my mentors, for allowing me to be a part of his amazing team at the Westside Story Newspaper; for believing in my vision. Until next year L’zzz high in the air and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!