The stones of the Pharaoh
Stone of Pharaon is an HTML5 puzzle game. The goal of the game is to clear all the grid, matching two or more block of the same color. The user loses a life if a single block is clicked.
Stone of Pharaon is an HTML5 puzzle game. The goal of the game is to clear all the grid, matching two or more block of the same color. The user loses a life if a single block is clicked.
Play Sudoku HTML5, one of the most popular puzzle games of all time. Sudoku is the most fun brain game you will ever play in your life. Available for mobile and desktop devices..
Snake 3310 HTML5 is a tribute to the original Snake for Nokia 3310. Do you remember all the hours wasted on your Nokia 3310 playing it? Now you can play again the classic Snake game in HTML5!
In Refuge Solitaire we have to sort the outer piles to the 8 decks in the middle. 4 of them in the order King-2 and the other deck from Ace-Kind. In addition we can move the cards in the tableaus on top of another as long as it has the same suit and is one lower or higher than the current value of the card to reach other cards.
By Lou Coleman
Harboring unforgiveness in your heart. Don’t you know the Bible says, “If you do not forgive others, God will not forgive you?” You don’t want to put yourself in the position of God not forgiving you just because you are too prideful to forgive someone else. That’s a dangerous place to be in, and it’s not worth it. Let it go! I tell you, you cannot afford to hold on to an unforgiving spirit. Harboring unforgiveness is like getting bit by a rattlesnake. It releases a poison to the soul. It will eat you up from the inside out. It will destroy you like a growing cancer and worst of all it will make it impossible for you to live a victorious Christian life. Let it go, forgive, and move on! If you don’t, you are in Sin. It is that simple!
If I can get one point across to you today let it be this, “Forgive… and Set YOURSELF Free!” Release the hatred, bitterness and resentment. You may not feel like forgiving, but do it anyway for it is in your own best interest to forgive. You are the one who God is trying to protect. You are the one who receive the most benefit from forgiveness, not the other person. When you forgive others there is a freedom where you are no longer shackled by your own anger. Decide today that you are not going to go through another year plagued by the curse of a bitter spirit that robs you of your peace, robs you of your joy, and robs you of your power. It need not be anymore! Even though it goes against every fiber of your being! Even though every pore of your body screams, “No, I can’t, you don’t understand!” Even though you want the other person to know the pain they inflicted on you, I will say to you as [Booker T. Washington] said, “… Let no man make you lower yourself by hating him.” Extend to them what God has extended to you, forgiveness. Besides, there is no caveat that says to forgive only when the other person deserves it or to forgive if they ask for forgiveness. God has been very clear about forgiveness. He has given us specific direction in numerous Scriptures, all of which can be summed up in just one word — Forgive! [Mark 11:25; Luke 6:37] Now if you think you have been wronged so badly that you can’t forgive, I want you to consider Jesus’ own story.
While Jesus was hanging on the cross, after being abused, spat upon, beaten, and mocked, He cried out: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” [Luke 23:34] This passage is an example of the beauty and wonder of forgiveness. It may have been a parent, an ex-spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, a sibling, a friend, a relative, or perhaps a stranger. It may have been a hurt that came from some violent or reckless act. It may have been something that somebody should have done, but didn’t. It may have been something that took place over many years. Either way, forgiveness is not an option. All of us have been hurt by people. Sometimes they hurt us on purpose. Other times, people can hurt us when it’s not intentional. The point is that we have been given a command, and the command is to forgive. You have to be very purposeful in forgiving. Ask God to show you how to forgive anyone you may be holding unforgiveness against. It’s not going to be easy, but the rewards are so worth it! “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Local celebrity Vincent Ayon aka Invinceable, the publisher of Phat Inc. Magazine, is once again donning his Santa hat. With the support of Subaru of San Bernardino, the former hip-hop artist proudly presents his 4th Annual Red Carpet Toy Drive. Hosted by Albert Ricks of Subaru San Bernardino and Phat Inc. Magazine, the 4th Annual Red Carpet Toy Drive takes place on Sunday, December 18 at 2 p.m. at the San Bernardino Auto Center, located at 645 Auto Center Drive in San Bernardino. The Red Carpet Toy Drive has become a staple in the Inland Empire community and is recognized as one of the area’s most entertaining and charitable events. Over 200 toys were collected and distributed last year.
“We are thrilled to once again partner with Subaru of San Bernardino for our annual Red Carpet Toy Drive,” says Invinceable, founder and publisher of Phat Inc. Magazine. “It’s an honor for Phat Inc. Magazine to be able to continue to bring cheer during the holiday season to so many wonderful kids. This is a great opportunity for the community to come together in the Christmas spirit while making a difference in the life of a child.”
The Red Carpet Toy Drive is free to the public and promises to be a day filled with music, courtesy of the Inland Empire’s own Chris Loos of Old School 104.7 FM, live music performances, special guest celebrities, raffles, giveaways, and free goodie bags to the first 100 guests. Attendees who bring an unwrapped toy will receive a complimentary taco plate and a free beverage.
As with previous Christmas events, proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Boys & Girls Club of the San Bernardino Mountain Communities. According to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau over 28.5% of children in the Inland Empire are living far below the poverty level. For over 20 years the Boys & Girls Club of the Mountain Communities has been helping these young people to reach their dreams and realize their full potential.
Invinceable has always strived to make his community proud. The rap music artist first made national headlines with the release of his single, “A Soldier Never Dies.” The touching anthem was dedicated to the memory of Invinceable’s cousin, Anthony Hector Vargas, a Marine who lost his life in a San Bernadino neighborhood home after returning from battle in Iraq.
For additional information regarding supporting or attending the Red Carpet Toy Drive, contact Invinceable at
VICTORVILLE, CA- The High Desert Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will host a Kwanzaa Celebration on Saturday December 17. The celebration will be at Victor Valley College downstairs in the Student Activities Center from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. This event is for all ages and free to the public. Come learn about Kwanza and participate in this event.
The Alumnae Chapter will also sponsor the 11th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Peace March Monday January 16, 2017. The location is the corner of Seneca Rd. and Civic Drive in Victorville (Victorville Courthouse). The March begins at 10 a.m. This event is free and open to the public.
For more information on both events, call 760-951-0680 or 760-240-7147.
RIVERSIDE, CA- The Fair Housing Council of Riverside was the site of holiday joy and the spirit of giving on Tuesday, November 22, 2016. The Riverside Alumni Chapter (RAC) of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and members of its Kappa League Youth Program collaborated with the Council, community volunteers and local charitable organizations to provide turkeys, canned goods, clothing, socks, shoes and toys to families in need.
Over 400 families were served with the help of community partners, which included the Silhouettes of RAC Kappa Alpha Psi, Theta Pi Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc., the Pi Rho Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and Martin Luther King High School Black Student Union.
On the heels of its successful turkey giveaway, the Fraternity is in the midst of finalizing the details of its upcoming Shop with a Kappa event, which is its annual toy distribution to Riverside children.
“Every year we look forward to shopping with the children and their families, because it allows Kappa to impact the children in a meaningful and memorable way”, says Polemarch Demarius Carmichael. Walmart Stores has partnered with the Fraternity to host the annual shopping spree, which will take place on Sunday, December 18, 2016. Participants are referred by the Fair Housing Council and other charitable organizations based on need.
SAN BERNARDINO – Redlands High School continued its winning ways as it wrapped up its record 14th San Bernardino County title in the 35th annual Mock Trial competition that was decided on December 10.
Cajon High School, which was looking for its first county title, gave a spirited and competitive performance, but Redlands’ experienced team pulled out another victory. It was the school’s third title in the past four years.
“This truly was a team effort in every sense,” said Redlands coach Donna St. George, who has been with the team for each and every one of the school’s county titles.
Superior Court Judge Charles Bradley congratulated both Cajon and Redlands for the expertise and poise each showed in the finals at the San Bernardino Justice Center.
“I have no doubt both of these teams could go onto the state competition and win. You are very, very good,” he said.
With the victory, Redlands advances to the state mock trial competition in Riverside in March.
Team members for Cajon are: Lily Bolanos; Valerie Covarrubias; Lauren Helt; Siduri Ho; Eva Henery; Natalie McGlockin; Angela Monroy; Tyler Peyton; Melody Satele; Steven Schwartz; Anna Smith; Jalen Stevenson; and Madison Thomas.
Redlands team members were: Courtney Cappelli; Emma Dixon; Vibhi Ganapathy; Tiffani Le; Bailey McKernan; Michael Moralez; Hazel Naftzger; Tiffany Rekem; Christian Valdez; Tyler Vallecorsa; and Katelyn Zabaleta.
Approximately 400 students representing 32 high school teams have participated in the Mock Trial competition this year. This event is co-sponsored by the San Bernardino County
Superintendent of Schools and the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s office.
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Saturday, December 10, community members and elected officials came out to celebrate the 50th Anniversary Kwanzaa Celebration. The annual celebration was held at San Bernardino Valley College. This year there was a special skit presented by the PAL Charter Academy.