
Social Lites Inc., 50th Beautillion Season

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Social-Lites Inc., of San Bernardino 50th Beautillion Season has begun. Mentoring Young Men toward a better future is there Mission.

The Beautillion Scholarship Program is designed to assist the Young Men of the Inland Empire and surrounding Communities, who are High School Seniors, College Freshman and boys of ages 8 years through 15 years old in reaching their Educational Goals. Also the program helps to provide scholarship funding, as well as computers, gifts and awards to the young men.

All young men interested in participating in the Annual Beautillion Scholarship Program are encouraged to attend along with their parents to the Beautillion Meeting on Sunday October 30, 2016 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Boys and Girls Club at 1180 W. 9th Street San Bernardino CA 92411.

For additional information please contact Ms. Lisa Blacksher, Beautillion Chair-Woman at (909) 659-4157, Ms. Cynthia Wilhite, Beautillion Co-Chair at (909) 838-0966 and

Mrs. Bettye Brewster, Social-Lites President at (951) 204-0022. Application available via email: Sociallites@msn.com or lisasocialites@gmail.com

BEOLA’S Southern Cuisine Celebrates Ribbon Cutting on Thursday Evening, 10-20-16

ONTARIO, CA- BEOLA’S SOUTHERN CUISINE will celebrate their new restaurant at 1845 E. Holt Blvd, Ontario, CA 91761, with a ribbon cutting ceremony performed by the Black Chamber of Commerce Inland Empire on October 20, 2016 at 6 p.m. We are delighted to celebrate with the Local Cities, Regional and State Officials, Area Chambers, Inland Empire businesses and residents.

BEOLA’S Owner Troy McSwain is a self-taught Chef who opened Beola’s as an homage to his Southern roots. The recipes – and restaurant name are inspired by his late grandmother, Mrs. Beola McSwain. However, Troy’s mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle consists of offering home-style freshly cooked, made to order Southern cuisine that retains its authentic tastes but with a healthy spin. The menu offers dishes with locally sourced vegetables and lean proteins such as smoked turkey in of lieu of ham hock.

Along with his wife, Elizabeth, sons Troy III, 22 and Alex, 21, Troy McSwain II, owns and operates Beola’s Southern Cuisine. Their sons Troy III and Alex both assist with managing Beola’s staff and day to day operations. Elizabeth and Troy have over 50 years of combined experience managing businesses. They believe that quality dishes, a welcoming atmosphere and genuine, warm hospitality keep customers returning. The McSwains are connecting the community one meal at a time.

Obituary: Lorenzo H Mills

Lorenzo H Mills

Lorenzo H Mills

March 13, 1937 – October 1, 2016

They say life is for the living and while he was with us Lorenzo H. Mills truly lived. Traveling the world, taking care of his family, servicing his country and serving in every possible capacity he could. Lorenzo will be missed by lives he never even knew he touched in keeping with the creed “Service… The Key to the Future.”

God gave the world a gift March 13, 1937 in Martinsville, Virginia. He blessed the world with a man that moved things forward. A hard worker, a selfless leader, and an example for all that witnessed his path to emulate in the name of progress.

Lorenzo Mills graduated from Albert Harris High School join the United States Air Force in 1956. Serving his country honorably he was recognized for his hard work and dedication to military service numerous times during the course of his adventurous life. In 1979, the Allied Forces of Southern Europe presented a certificate of appreciation in recognition of his faithful and efficient service in the United States Air Force. That same year he was awarded the Order of the Mole Award for his ‘meritorious performance of duty at Proto for contributing wholeheartedly to the fulfillment of the mission, and for surviving without the benefit of sunlight for a total of 1,500 days compiled over a period of 50 months.’

Lorenzo earned an Associate Art degree from San Bernardino Valley College. Next, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration and then in 1981, a Master of Business Administration from the University of LaVerne studying in both Italy and Los Angeles.

Service was the theme Lorenzo lived by. He served his community with his time, insights, and monetary resources. Recently Life Stream Blood Bank called to schedule a blood donation. After hearing of his passing Life Stream revealed that Lorenzo had been a member since 1986 where in his lifetime of donations he helped save over 300 lives with his 14-gallon total of “whole” blood donations.

He was a member of Prince Hall Lodge #17, the Democratic Committee, Toastmasters, The Black Culture Foundation;and the Kiwanis Club. As a leading member of the Kiwanis Club of Inland Center, San Bernardino since 1987, and a William A. Dunlap Fellow, Lorenzo rose in ranks the position of Lt. Governor of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District, Kiwanis International Division 36. He served as President for three terms, Treasurer, and was a chair and member of numerous committees. In 2002, earning the position of Lt. Governor presiding over 15 Kiwanis clubs Lorenzo chose to focus on Pediatric Trauma Prevention.

Lorenzo H. Mills is preceded in death by his parents Lorenza and Gertrude Mills and sister Novella Mills-Hester.

Left to continue to love and honor the memory of Lorenzo is his wife Eula Mills, two sisters Norma Jean Gebo (Bob) and Sharon Price, and three children Lisa Mills-Hardaway, Natalie Mills and Lorenzo H. Mills II, seven grandchildren Jason Hardaway, Jheri Hardaway, Lorenzo H. Mills III, Mikalya Mills, Sophia Mills, Savannah Mills, Journey McCoy and a host of nieces and nephews.

He also leaves behind many friends who have become family. Lorenzo was kind and knew no strangers…he will be deeply missed.. His memorial service will be held October 21, 2016, 10am, at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 1575 West Highland Ave. San Bernardino CA 92411.

11th Annual Taste of Soul Draws in Crowd of 300,000

LOS ANGELES, CA- On Saturday, October 15, the Los Angeles Sentential hosted its 11th Annual Taste of Soul event in Los Angeles off of Crenshaw Boulevard. This year there were over 300,000 attendees. Pictured is the Black Southern California McDonald’s Operators, whom were part of the sponsoring group for the Taste of Soul. From left to right they include: Kyle Webb, Patricia Williams, Reggie Webb, Lindsay Hughes, Nichole Enearu, Rene Webb, Kiana Webb, and Norman Carter.

Entertainment Journalist Launches Socially Consciousness Apparel and Accessory Line

Men’s Purpose Tank available online now. Photo by Naomi K. Bonman

Men’s Purpose Tank available online now. Photo by Naomi K. Bonman

RIVERSIDE, CA- Defining and bridging the gap between entertainment and socially consciousness news for millennials of color, veteran journalist Naomi K. Bonman decided that to launch a new platform under her entertainment platform Sophisticated Relations. 

Purposely Awakened was officially launched in Summer 2016 with the sole purpose of making millennials more aware of their culture, history, and business perspectives because in order for change to be created, you first have to know who you are, where you come from, and where you are going. When you know where you’re going, then you know your purpose and are ‘Purposely Awakened’. 

Just has Sophisticated Relations, Purposely Awakened started as a media site and Instagram page for people to go to and receive news and information on the things that really matter and makes a benefit in life. Now the site is expanding and offers clothing and accessories that promote brand identity and culture awareness.

To check out the store and to make a purchase, please visit www.purposelyawakened.com/shop. Also be sure to follow them on Instagram @PurposelyAwakened_, Twitter @PurposelyAwake_, and Facebook: PurposelyAwakenedMovement.

Fontana Unified Wins 2016 Golden Bell Award for Freshman Success Intervention Program

FONTANA, CA – Fontana Unified’s Summit High School has been awarded a 2016 Golden Bell Award for a program that successfully supports freshmen as they shift from middle school to high school – a transition made easier with the mentorship and guidance of junior and senior students, called Link Crew leaders.

Of the almost 300 entries that were submitted for the award, now in its 37th year, Summit’s Freshman Success Intervention Program (FSIP) was selected to win the most prestigious honor awarded to California school districts by the California School Boards Association (CSBA).

The school and District will receive the award at a recognition ceremony on Dec. 3 at CSBA’s annual Educational Conference in San Francisco.

“I cannot express how proud I am of Summit High School and its Link Crew program, especially our juniors and seniors who play a critical role in the development of our incoming freshmen, who are gaining the skills to succeed in high school,” Fontana Unified School District Board of Education President Lorena Corona said. “This Golden Bell Award validates the hard work of everyone involved in making this program a success, and I want to congratulate the Summit High community for its commitment to working together for the benefit of our students.”

Summit High School’s 2016 graduates were the first freshmen to participate in the Link Crew program, which began in 2012. Over the years, students and staff saw the program evolve from one of social and emotional support to one that uses data and statistics to improve student academic performance by reducing failing grades.

“Link Crew has transformed our school, with our upperclassmen leading the charge,” Summit High School Interim Principal Mike Micallef said. “They have experienced much during their years at Summit and have enough insight into the challenges and opportunities high school offers to effectively mentor our newest students. It is because of them, our teachers, staff and parents, that our school has seen such marked success.”

FSIP consists of 175 junior and senior Link Crew members who are extensively trained to serve as tutors, positive role models, motivators, coaches, leaders and teachers to freshmen, facilitating their academic success during their first year of high school and beyond.

While the program initially focused on social and emotional support, FSIP shifted its concentration to one of strategic intervention and support focused on academics after school data showed that a substantial number freshmen were failing first-year classes.

In the 2015-16 school year, administrators launched a number of strategies to remedy the situation, including creating a Freshmen Tutoring Lounge with the help of 130 Link Crew leaders and 45 Peer Link Tutors. The lounge serves about 40 students a day.

Other programs conducted throughout the year included freshmen parent nights and outreach opportunities, study skills and technology workshops, and parent support phone call events. Additionally, teachers, staff and administrators have supported the initiative, with freshmen teachers working in Professional Learning Community (PLC) groups to coordinate their students’ needs with how Link Crew could support them.

Link Crew leaders review missing assignments and low test scores to manage ongoing student assessments while providing guidance on academic performance goals. During the 2015-16 school year, 200 students applied for 130 positions Link Crew leader positions.

A review of data showed that Summit was able to close the achievement gap by 35 percent over the previous year, demonstrated by the reduction in the number of freshmen classes failed and an increase in students passing core classes.

“The Link Crew program is built on the belief that students can help other students succeed. With the support of our incredible teachers and staff at Summit, this program has made a substantial difference in the lives of both our freshmen and mentors,” Interim Superintendent Fontana Unified Superintendent Randal Bassett said. “I want to congratulate everyone in the Fontana Unified family for nurturing such a transformative program and earning well-deserved prestige for it.”

BOTTOMLINE: Your vote is very important! Let’s review the Propositions.

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

If you have seen any of the TV commercials or print ads regarding the Propositions, you are probably as confused as they apparently want you to be. Leading up to a forum, members of San Bernardino’s North-West PAC will join me on the “Empire Talks Back” (ETB) radio program as my guests to discuss and clarify the 17 Propositions that are on the California State Ballot. We discussed 51 thru 56 last Sunday… That program can be seen at this link   www.ustream.tv/recorded/92095530  

We will discuss Propositions 57 thru 62 this Sunday Morning on the “ETB” radio broadcast. We will review props 63 thru 67 the following Sunday, October 23rd. The NWPAC is hosting a forum on Saturday October 29th to review all 17 propositions as well as the measures on the San Bernardino City ballot. I will provide actual recommendations on the Sunday October 30th ETB program. Those recommendations will also be published in the November 3rd edition of WssNews.

ETB is broadcast on KCAA 1050-AM Radio each Sunday Morning at 10:00 with live stream video via www.kcaaradio.com and can be heard directly on your phone by dialing 832-909-1050.

The North-West PAC is presenting the forum to discuss the Propositions and San Bernardino Measures on Saturday October 29th at 2050 North Mt Vernon Ave. Refreshments will be served at the forum which begins at 9am.

“If You Didn’t Do the Right Thing…. Then What Did You Expect…Stop Your Whining!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Listen, you can’t do evil and expect good to come to you. God gives principles in Scripture to serve as warnings and as an encouragement. In [Galatians 6:7], His Word states, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows this he will also reap.” This principle applies to everyone, both Christians and non-Christians. This principle is irrevocable; there is no escape, either for the believer or for the unbeliever. It is a law of life. You cannot sow disobedience to God and expect to reap His blessing. “Behind every action is a reaction.” Every choice has a consequence. If you make wise, godly decisions, you can expect God to reward you for your faithfulness. If you make rash or sinful choices, you can anticipate negative consequences. “Do not be deceived,” introduces an undeniable truth. God may not be “treated with contempt,” or “outwitted.” Don’t think that you “can ignore the commands God has given and go [your] own way with impunity.” Don’t be fooled about this! Actions and consequences are inseparable; if you sow corn, you will not reap wheat. This is a truism of agriculture. What you plant is what you will harvest. What you do will determine what you will become and where you go. What you put in is what you will get out. In the end, over the long haul, justice is served; we all get what we deserve.

When we disobey God, the message we convey is that His Word is not important to us; we’ll simply do what we want to do regardless of what His Word says concerning our choices. These kind of evil tendencies really create an environment God can no longer operate into our lives. We literally kick Him out of our life, so that we can do what we want to do. But thank Jesus that God is so loving that He always grants us an opportunity to confess and receive cleansing. The Scripture is true, “Be sure your sins will find you out.” The Bible teaches that we cannot hide our iniquities. Saul sowed the seeds of rebellion and reaped the crop of judgment. How true are the words of Job, “Those who plow iniquity and sow trouble, reap the same.” God’s judgment is slow, but it is sure, and it is always SAD!

But when you do what is right, you bring blessings on yourself, blessings to others and you are a blessing to God. I tell you, if you’re not walking carefully, you’re living dangerously! You’re adrift without rudder or power in dangerous waters! You’re wandering aimlessly in a minefield! Christ’s admonitions to the seven churches of Asia Minor are filled with urgent warnings to repent and turn away from practices that conflict with God’s will [Revelation 2 and 3]. I tell you, repentance involves a state of mind, a disposition. More than a one-time act, it is a life of obedience that involves continual changes—spiritual growth—and a continuous desire to do the will of God, not merely for the purpose of reaping the rewards of obedience, but because it is right in the sight of God. “Therefore, having these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” [2 Corinthians 7:2]. God’s desire is to bring all to repentance and grant us the gift of salvation. As long as we yearn for His loving embrace, even if we’ve temporarily strayed from Him, He is always there for us, always ready to receive us back into full fellowship with Him.

What should you do?

If you have come to a knowledge of the truth—knowledge of God’s law; of His way of life, particularly as expressed through His Ten Commandments; of His provisions for salvation through Jesus Christ, who offered Himself for the sins of the world; of the resurrection of the dead; of the Kingdom of God and reward of the saved—and if you truly believe the good news of Christ and His Kingdom, then Peter’s timeless words are for you: “Repent, and…be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” [Acts 2:38].

If you are one who previously came to a knowledge of the truth, responded in repentance and baptism, and received the gift of the Holy Spirit, but have since drifted away from God, perhaps returning to old habits or allowing despondency and doubt to overwhelm you, then God’s Word has a message for you, as well: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” [1 John 1:9].

Whether you are new to the faith or are a “backslidden” Christian, God desires to receive you into the loving fellowship of His family. The next step is up to you!

2nd Annual Real To Reel Global Youth Film Festival Once Again A Smashing Success

Filmmakers of the future from across the country, ages 14-23, participated at this year’s 2nd Annual Real To Reel Global Youth Film Festival. The festival producers were excited at the results and are working to gear up for next year. The film festival was spearheaded by Better Youth executive director Syd Stewart and 23-year-old program director Johna Rivers, an emancipated foster youth from the community of Watts, California. Better Youth is an urban technical and media arts development agency for youth ages 12-24 to develop technical skills through mentoring and media arts training. The youth who participate in the program are at risk or victims of incarceration, gang violence, and abuse. Better Youth is committed to helping urban youth by cultivating multicultural experiences through digital media arts; in addition to fostering life skills, character development, creativity, leadership skills, advocacy and civic engagement.

Real To Reel Global Youth Film Festival is created for youth by youth providing an amazing platform for youth filmmakers to tell their own stories and highlight issues of importance from a youth perspective. The festival was free and open to the general public thanks to its sponsors The National Endowment for the Arts, The Los Angeles Film School, City National Bank, United Nations Foundation, Final Draft, NAMAC, Girl Up, Trader Joe’s and Film Freeway.

The event took place at the Los Angeles Film School on Saturday, October 8th where filmmakers, celebrities and VIP guests enjoyed an afternoon of panel discussions, screening films and celebrating the winners of this year’s film festival. Panel discussions about the importance of media arts and the power of youth voice in cinema were presented by executive director Syd Stewart, youth producer Johna Rivers, producer/writer Meg DeLoatch, TV writer Shawn Boxe and City National Bank’s Portfolio Analyst, Andrea Collins. Other scheduled events included an acting workshop with actor Melvin Jackson Jr. and a media literacy discussion with actress Monique Coleman.

Celebrities and VIP guests included Monique Coleman of Disney’s High School Musical, Melvin Jackson Jr. of BET’s The New Edition Story, Kacey Spivey of FOX’s Glee, Jax Malcolm of CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Chloe Noelle of HBO’s True Blood, Justin Tinucci of Cartoon Network’s Incredible Crew, Sara Barrett of CBS Criminal Minds,Meg Deloatch creator of UPN’s Eve, Shawn Boxe a TV writer, along with a special performance by Enny Owl and Raquel Wilson. A representative from Congresswoman Karen Bass office was there to present executive director Syd Stewart with a Congressional Certificate.

This year’s film festival winners included:

BEST FOREIGN FILM: Shivangi Mittal (“Tremors”)

BEST DOCUMENTARY: Ghandi Bridgade Youth Media (“Juvenile Justice”)

BEST DOCUMENTARY: James Williams (“Victors Not Victims”)

BEST DOCUMENTARY: Niajea Randolph (“Poems Protests & Power”)

BEST BIOGRAPHY: Rosalind Krabill (“Little Girl”)

BEST BIOGRAPHY: Maya Suchak and Darian Henry (“Finding Strength”)

BEST BIOGRAPHY: Lauren Rothman (“Embargo On Love”)

BEST BIOGRAPHY: Sergio Conriquez, Tommy Cabral and Jacob Lout (“Into Sergio”)

BEST ANIMATION: Gracie May (“Deadpan”)

BEST ANIMATION: Azure Allan (“One Day On Carver St.”)

BEST DRAMA: Spencer Muhlstock (“Wheels”)

BEST DRAMA: Jayden Gillsepie (“Slide”)

BEST DRAMA: William Leon (“Attached At The Soul”)

BEST DRAMA: Whitney Stephenson (“Dreamkeeper”)

BEST SOCIAL CAUSE: Maya Hinkin, Nicole Kim, Tarin North and William Park (“Daughters Of Cambodia”)

Concluding the event was a special awards presentation to individuals who support Better Youth and the Real To Reel Global Youth Film Festival. Award recipients included:

THE CRYSTAL AWARD FOR DEDICATED SERVICE: Actors Monique Coleman and Melvin Jackson Jr.

BEST PRODUCER AWARD: Johna Rivers, Ruben Garcia, Tynisha Lewis, Kaija Johnson, David Vera and Olympia Auset.

BEST MENTOR AWARD: Syd Stewart, Tess Canfield, Stephen Canfield, Shawn Jackson, Miguel Coleman, Deborah Griffin, Jarvis Robertson, Phil Chiu and Matthew Farrell.

Poll workers needed for the 2016 Presidential General Election

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino County Elections Office is recruiting poll workers for the November 8, 2016 Presidential General Election. Over 3,000 poll workers in San Bernardino County will be assigned to work on Election Day.

Poll workers are paid between $115 and $190 for working on Election Day and are typically assigned to work in or near their own neighborhood. Poll workers must be registered to vote, attend at least one two-hour training class, and be able to work on Election Day from 6 a.m. until approximately 9 p.m.

Many precincts require bilingual poll workers who speak Chinese, Khmer, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, or Vietnamese. Poll workers who provide this language assistance will receive extra pay.

To apply online, use the award-winning My Elections (M.E.) Gateway application on the San Bernardino County Elections Office website at SBCountyElections.com, or call (909) 387-8300.