
What It Do With The LUE: Listening with LUE

By Lue Dowdy

KCAA RADIO – “LISTENING WITH LUE (Launching Unique Entertainment),” a platform for Indie Artist’s and the ART’S is WHAT IT DO! Every Sunday tune in for a chance to win free tickets to upcoming events.

Enter by: 1. Just Listen and 2. Call In And Let Us Know The 5th Song In Rotation. Every Week We Will Have a Winner. You MUST LIKE OUR PAGE In Order To Get Tickets To Upcoming Events such as “The Lunell Comedy Show” on Saturday, October 1st Here In The I.E.

Until Next Week My Peeps L’z! Call In At 909.888.5222. #Listeningwithlue #KCAA #Lueproductions

Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation Hosts 4th Annual Women’s Wellness “Healthy Me” Conference


LaToya Flowers Jones and Rochelle Wright

LaToya Flowers Jones and Rochelle Wright

By Angela M. Coggs

On Saturday, September 10th Young Women Empowerment Foundation (YWE) hosted their fourth Annual Women’s Wellness Conference at San Bernardino Community Hospital Henderson Auditorium, 1800 Western Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92411, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. YWE welcomed family, friends, students and community supporters to the augural event that focused on emotional and physical health and wellness. It was a free event for women of all ages in the Inland Empire. The event was hosted by Carletta Loflin, who was also speaker at last year’s Wellness Conference.

This year’s theme was Double D’s. Double D’s refers to diabetes and depression. The theme was based on the idea of a dual diagnosis.  Both of these diseases plague all people but especially minority women. The conference focused on the prevention of diabetes and depression as well as learning to live with and maintain it if diagnosed with either. The women in attendance participated in several interactive demonstrations/exercises which included routines by the energetic Harriette Coggs Stuckey from Heart and Soul Dance. Coggs- Stuckey blessed participants for the past two years. “I attended last year and the line dancing was one of my favorite parts. I’m glad that she returned this year,” said one enthusiastic participant. “She’s awesome. I feel renewed and ready to go.”

There were life changing testimonials from women on diabetes and depression. The speakers for the wellness conference will focused on issues that are important and relevant to women, diabetes and depression. The keynote and guest testimonial speakers’ included:

Dee De La Cruz (Diabetes Keynote) of Lue Productions 1st Big Beautiful Woman Modeling Queen Winner 2016, Pasha Fruman, PA-C (Depression Keynote) – Health Educator and Community Health Activist, Deborah Smith (Depression Testimony) Community/Business Relationship Specialist- Personal Banker WFAW, Gloria Dowdy (Diabetes Testimony)-Retired IT Specialist (Programmer)-Department of Veterans Affairs, and Lea Michelle Cash (Depression Informational) President/CEO- The Brightest Star, Inc

LaToya Flowers-Jones and Rochelle Wright (Mary Kay vendor) attended the event for the first time and had a really good time. Both enjoyed themselves and indicated that they intend on returning next year.

In addition to providing useful health and wellness information at the conference, the attendees had their funny bone exercised as comedian Amber Thorney-Croft explored the humorous side of life in general. It was the perfect ending to a successful event. Many reported leaving the event feeling hopeful, informed, inspired and refreshed.

Several vendor booths were available for attendees to visit and gain information and resources. Vendors included: San Bernardino County Nutrition Program, Mary Kay, African American Mental Health, Coalition, Sonnier Beauty, Restaurando Vidas (Restoring Lives), Riverside/San Bernardino County Indian Health Inc., Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc. and Inland Empire Black Nurses Association.

“I want to thank you (YWE) for having me as a vendor. I appreciate the fact that I was able to provide the services that my company has to offer and I was also able to be part of this awesome conference that you guys organized,” stated Diana Silva, Outreach Specialist for Inland Behavioral Health Services, Inc. “It was inspirational, educational and empowering.”

One of the most talked about item of the day was the Double D’s t-shirts worn by the Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation board members. Although some attendees were able to win a few shirts during the opportunity drawing, many more people wanted to purchase one. In response to the inquiries about how to purchase the Double Ds Diabetes and Depression event t-shirt anyone can visit the Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation website donation link at youngwomenempowerment.org to obtain one.

“This event was so informative and impactful for the women in the community,” Rochelle Wright said. “Every woman that presented at the Young Women’s Empowered Conference, blessed my life with their transparent, transformational and inspiration testimonies. The organization has a bright future ahead of them because they are planting great seeds of wisdom in preparing our youth to be successful and healthy global citizens.”

Attendees registered on Eventbrite under “Free Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE) 4th Annual Women’s Wellness Conference.  They were encouraged and invite family and friends to also register and attend the noteworthy opportunity focused on empowering women to live mentally and physically healthy lives. Over 100 women attended the event.

YWE T-Shirt Pic

YWE T-Shirt Pic

Kaiser Permanente was a Gold Sponsor for the event. San Bernardino Community Hospital, European Wax Center, and San Bernardino Symphony also provided for the event. Volunteers from the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority were also on hand to ensure the conference ran smoothly.

YWE serves to strengthen the character of young women of high school age in the San Bernardino City region of the Inland Empire in Southern California. Young Women’s Empowerment was founded by Gwendolyn Dowdy- Rodgers. The mission of our program is to empower these young women to achieve at their highest potential, particularly in education, and to instill in them a commitment San Bernardino city council member Bessine Littlefield – Richard San Bernardino Community College Trustee Joseph Williams San Bernardino County Superintendent of School Trustee Hardy Brown II Senator Connie Leyva’s Field Representative Micheal Townsend San Bernardino City Unified School Board Superintendent Dale Marsden County Board of Supervisor Josie Gonzales Field Representative Erika Willhite to return to their community as leaders and mentors.

Dignitaries who attended included:

  • San Bernardino City Council member Bessine Littlefield – Richard,
  • San Bernardino Community College Trustee Joseph Williams,
  • San Bernardino County Superintendent of School Trustee Hardy Brown II,
  • Senator Connie Leyva’s Field Representative Michael Townsend,
  • San Bernardino City Unified School Board Superintendent Dale Marsden,
  • County Board of Supervisor Josie Gonzales, and Field Representative Erika Willhite

The Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE) is dedicated to strengthening the self-esteem, character, integrity and capacity of young women ages 12-21 so that they may achieve their highest potential. YWE accomplishes its purpose through strategic partnerships with other organizations. YWE is guided by ethics and principles which exhibit respect for cultural diversity.

Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation next event: Girl Talk V (March 2017)

Community Mourns the Loss of Evan T. Carthen

Evan T. Carthen

Evan T. Carthen

Mr. Evan Tyler Carthen, 22, Pepperdine University Law Student, former California Lutheran University Student Body President, former Arrowhead Christian Academy High School Graduate (2012) and former Social Lites, Inc. Beautillion Sir Knight 2012, passed away on September 5, 2016. He was the son of Tracy Carthen and Twillea Evans-Carthen, twin brother to Eric Carthen and brother to Megan Carthen Jackson (Marcus).

Carthen, 2016 graduate from California Lutheran University with a dual major, BA in English and BS in political science.  Carthen was known for his compassionate heart and deep desire to make the world a better place. As an undergraduate, he served as president of the Associated Students of California Lutheran University Government executive cabinet and was secretary of the Black Student Union of California Lutheran University. Carthen was inducted into the California Lutheran University Scholar-Athlete Society in 2013 and 2014 in recognition of his performance on the men’s basketball team as well as in the classroom. He chose Pepperdine School of Law for its Christian mission and to fulfill his dream of becoming a district attorney.

Evan’s life was celebrated on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in addition to a celebration of life service honoring Evan Carthen on Friday, September 9, at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA and a candlelight vigil on Tuesday, September 6, at California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Tributes in memory of a life well lived are welcome by going to www.dignitymemorial.com.

“So You Want Things to Change, but You Don’t Want to Change!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Huh…. How do that work? It doesn’t! Listen, you must adopt the mentality that concludes: CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME. That’s right! If you want to see change you must first start within. It’s that simple and it’s that profound. You know Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see.” Maya Angelou said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” In other words, nothing happens unless you make it happen. You must become a game changer. And what is a game changer? A game changer is someone who will step up and make a big play that affect the outcome of the game. Change can only happen if you want to see it happen, and then the only way a change could happen is if you put your effort into it. The problem is you don’t want to do nothing, you just what things to change on its own. Well boo, boo, I hate to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t work that way!

You know most of us are praying that God will change our circumstances.  Well I want you to know that God is not the least interested in changing your circumstances.  He is interested in changing your character.  When those circumstances have changed your character then God may change your circumstances. Yea, we want God to change our circumstances. We want him to take away all of the problems, all of the pain, all the sorrow, all the suffering, all the sickness, and all the sadness.  But God says, yeah, I know that’s important but what’s most important is what’s happening in you. I’m far more interested in changing your mind than I am in changing your circumstance. Because the only way change is going to happen is if you change your mind. You change your life by changing your mind. Now why must you manage your mind; because your thoughts control your life as [Proverbs 4:23] so eloquent put it…. Nothing happens in your life until you renew your mind.

So if you are serious about wanting change, you’re going to have to live according to the Bible. You will need to read it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, and apply it because the Holy Spirit provides the power, the conviction, and the direction for life change. I tell you, you have the remedy and you have the power to rectify the situation and change things. So where does this leave you? With a decision! Change will not happen until you make it happen.

Let’s tie it all together.  God has a plan and a purpose.  That purpose is to make you like Jesus.  God has guaranteed that purpose is going to be fulfilled someday.  But he doesn’t want to wait until someday.  He wants to do it right now so that you can be a display case to the glory of God to a lost and dying world.  And so that you can be a source of life to others as Joseph became a source of life to others.  God is right now in this life trying to accomplish that purpose.  Do you know what tools God uses for that purpose?   The tool of circumstances.  God will arrange for you a set of circumstances, tailor-made, that will fit you perfectly.  The purpose of those circumstances is to accomplish God’s purpose in your life. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. We are not afflicted, either by chance or to our harm, but by God’s providence for our great profit: who as he chose us from the beginning, so has he predestined us to be made similar to the image of his Son: and therefore will bring us in his time, being called and justified, to glory, by the cross. Not only afflictions; but whatever else [Romans 8:28-29].

Deadline to Apply For Veterans Diploma Project on Sepember 23

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The deadline to apply for the eighth annual San Bernardino County Operation Recognition Veterans Diploma Project is September 23.

Applications for the Veterans Diploma Project are to award diplomas to men and women whose high school education was interrupted due to military service or internment in a Japanese American camp. The effort is sponsored by the County Department of Veterans Affairs, in partnership with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. Diplomas will be awarded to qualified applicants at a ceremony in November.

Applicants will be notified of their status and qualified applicants will be provided with the date, time, and location of the presentation. 

Veterans who served in and received an honorable discharge from World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War; or individuals who were interned in a Japanese American relocation camp and are San Bernardino County residents are eligible to participate. There is no charge to participate.

For assistance with verification of military service and/or discharge papers, contact the County Department of Veterans Affairs at (866) 472-8387 or (909) 387-5516. For more information, contact Samantha Koker at County Schools at (909) 386-2412.

Social Lites Inc., 50th Beautillion Season

The Social-Lites Inc., of San Bernardino 50th Beautillion Season will start on Saturday, October 8.  Mentoring Young Men toward a better future is there Mission.

The Beautillion Scholarship Program is designed to assist the Young Men of the Inland Empire and surrounding Communities, who are High School Seniors, College Freshman and boys of ages 8 years through 15 years old in reaching their Educational Goals.  Also the program helps to provide scholarship funding, as well as computers, gifts and awards to the young men.

All young men interested in participating in the Annual Beautillion Scholarship Program are encouraged to attend along with their parents, to the Beautillion informational briefing on Saturday October 8 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the New Hope Family Life Center, 1505 West Highland Ave, San Bernardino CA 92411.

For additional information please contact Mrs. Bettye Brewster, Social-Lites President at (951) 204-0022 and Ms. Joyce Smith, Social-Lites Vice President at (909) 534-2929.  Application available via email at Sociallites@msn.com or www.socialitesinc.com.


Author T’ana Phelice to appear at the San Bernardino Public Library

Author T’ana Phelice will be coming to the San Bernardino Public Library to discuss her books and present workshops on Saturday, September 17. This free program will take place in Kellogg Room A at the Feldheym Central Library at 555 W. 6th Street in San Bernardino from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Phelice is the author of Jaded Diamonds, Pigs and Pearls, and a children’s book, Bratty Tatty: Liddo Kiddo’s Raps&Riddles.

Ms. Phelice will also be doing presentations on self-esteem, resume-building, and interview preparation following the book discussion. Her books will be available for purchase and signing at the event. 

 For more information on the author, visit www.tanaphelice.com. For more information on this presentation call the library at 909-381-8238 or visit www.sbpl.org or   www.facebook.com/SBPLfriends.

Estate Planning Tip of the Week

By Debbie Forté 

What is a health care directive? A Health Care Directive (also called a living will) is a document that express your wishes to medical personnel and your loved ones what treatments you will allow in the event of total incapacity, coma or life threatening illnesses.  In example, if you become brain dead with no chance of recovery you can elect to not be put on life support or have life support removed.  You can elect which surgeries, medications and treatment plans you support or wish to decline in the event these decisions have to be made.

It allows you to name an agent(s) to also be able to make medical decisions for you as well in the event you are unable to.

What is a durable power of attorney? A power of attorney is a legal document that gives someone you choose the power to act in your place to handle your finances in case you ever become mentally or physically incapacitated. A durable power of attorney simply means that the document stays in effect if you become incapacitated and unable to handle matters on your own.

With a valid power of attorney, the trusted person you name will be legally permitted to take care of important matters for you — for example, paying your bills, your banking needs, managing your investments, or directing your medical care — if you are unable to do so yourself. Your agent can handle mundane tasks such as sorting and opening your mail, depositing your Social Security checks, as well as more complex jobs like watching over your retirement accounts and other investments, or filing your tax returns. Your agent doesn’t have to be a financial expert; just someone you trust completely who has a good dose of common sense.

What is a HIPPA authorization and who needs one? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is a Federal law that required the establishment of national standards to protect the privacy of patients’ health care information. The Privacy Rule, which took effect on April 14, 2003, regulates the use and disclosure of “Protected Health Information.”

This authorization allows your doctor or hospital to disclose protected health information to a third party specified by you (your agent–spouse or family member) to obtain necessary information in order to make medical decisions for you in the event of you being incapacitated and unable to make decisions for yourself. 

What It Do With the LUE: Getting Plugged In

the-plug-store-2By Lue Dowdy

Getting Plugged In is WHAT IT DO Inland Empire! So just like socks go on your feet or a bat goes well with a glove, so does music and fashion. Congratulating THE PLUG on their nomination for LUE Productions 2nd Annual MY MUSIC, MY MIC Indie Artist’s Awards Show, scheduled for Saturday, October 15 in San Bernardino at the National Orange Show from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tickets now available for $15 at The Plug.

Over the years rap, hip hop, and R&B artist have walked the red carpet in stylish clothing designed by top notch fashion designers in the game. We ‘have seen styles come and we seen have some go. Some ‘cray-cray’ and some well let’s just say okay. I am happy to highlight The Plug, a local indie clothing store located right here in the Dino.

The Plug was founded by brothers James Moreno and Jamal Moreno in 2013. Starting off making custom hats, the two brothers decided to make custom shirts to match. With both of them having a good sense of fashion it came natural. Some would ask why here in San Bernardino.the-plug

“With San Bernardino being saturated with talent it works,” James Moreno said. “San Bernardino is home; we love this place, the good and the bad, it’s still home. We wanted to shine some positive light on our city and show others we can do our own thing. Don’t nobody love us like us.”

The type of clothing that can be bought include Hometown Nativez brand, one of their best-selling and in-house brands. You can find local clothing, headwear at its finest, The IE as a whole San Bernardino and surrounding cities, up and coming street brands, hip-hop brands, and some major brands across the U.S. They also carry up and coming independent artists across The IE apparel and music.

The Plus is located inside The Waterman Discount Mall at 999. N waterman Avenue in San Bernardino (92410). Store hours are: closed Tuesday, Wednesday – Monday open at 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. except on Sunday’s where they close at 6 p.m. There’s no telling what you might come across at THE PLUG. So please stop in and SUPPORT! Until Next Week L’ZZZZZZ!

Meet Kimberley Zulkowski, Former Foster Child Turned Hollywood Filmmaker

By Naomi K. Bonman

 The best Hollywood success stories are those that have testimonies of triumph, courage, and strength. They are the ones that capture the audience’s hearts and inspires them that they too can overcome whatever they are going through or where they are from in order to accomplish their dreams. Kimberley Zulkowski is a former foster child that has broken the mold and has become a successful Hollywood filmmaker.

I recently was able to catch up with Zulkowski for a second interview where she went deeper into her life’s journey. She shared her story of strength, survival, and sparkle through her upbringings in Milwaukee. She is now using her experiences to inspire others and to also give back to her community. 

In the interview, Kim chatted about her current crusade to help #OperationSaveMilwaukee, which is on a mission to stop the killing and clean up this 52306 zip code. The area has been seeing a spike in homicides within the last two years which has become a nightmare for such a small town. In lieu to #OperationSaveMilwaukee, Zulkowski is also working on a new production titled, “53206” where she has used local city actors who are now up to par with big names, such as Loretta Devine, Denzel Washington, and many other greats.

In addition to the film, Zulkowski also serves as a private donor of ‘Angels of Darkness’ to families who are unable to pay for funeral services for those that were victims of the violence in the community. She helps victims of homicide with their transition to heaven from outfitting them in the most beautiful of clothes, often releasing doves with a horse and carriage with proper prosthetic make-up and complimenting casket.

“From 9-year-old children gunned down in the comfort of their own home watching television on their couch to grown men, Kimberley dedicates herself entirely to the repair of her former community. Though successful and with a beautiful family of her own in the safety of the suburbs,  Kimberley still returns to serve as a mentor to those in dire straights needing guidance, food, “blessing bags” stuffed with personal hygiene products and more. If anyone knows how to #GiveBack, it is Kimberley Zulkowski.” stated by Kelly K. of Jaded Umbrella. 

To listen to the interview, click below:
