
Uninsured Californians Will Pay Tax Penalty

Though young and in good health, Marcus Sesay of Riverside enrolled for health insurance in 2015 to fulfill the mandate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Sesay, a 35-year-old native of Sierra Leone, was not motivated by free services like an annual checkup and other health screenings, but wanted to avoid the tax penalty consumers will face if they fail to get coverage in 2016.

“Having insurance is the law, and I obey the law,” said Sesay, a security guard who has a plan with Health Net and pays $65 a month for his coverage. “Insurance also gives me peace of mind. We don’t know what tomorrow might bring.”

Protecting your financial tomorrow is one of the many reasons to sign up for affordable, high-quality health care.

“It’s impossible to predict when or whether someone will get sick or have an accident, which makes purchasing health insurance a wise decision for anyone,” Covered California Executive Director Peter V. Lee said. “Now there’s another reason to get insured — taxes.”

The “shared responsibility payment” is a new tax penalty that Americans have to pay this year if they can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it. It is called a shared responsibility payment because everyone in the United States is now required to be part of our health insurance system — buying health coverage for themselves and their families rather than relying on others to pay for their care.

Those who do not buy health insurance in 2016 may be subject to the penalty, which is $695 per person in a household or 2.5 percent of their income, whichever is greater. That’s the stick the law can whack you with, but Covered California prefers offering most consumers a helping hand —financial help paying for coverage.

Of those already enrolled, almost 90 percent got financial help to cover their premiums. In 2014, consumers who qualified received an average of $5,200 to pay for their insurance. For more information and to find local, no-cost assistance, visit CoveredCA.com and click the “Find Local Help to Enroll” button in the middle of the page.

Youth Action Project Hosted YAP TALKS: An MLK Event


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Friday, January 15, 2016, Youth Action Project hosted YAP TALKS: A Martin Luther King Jr. event, to commemorate and honor Dr. King’s life and legacy. This event was held at the San Bernardino Valley College Library Viewing room.

YAP TALKS strongly resembled a TED Talks. Four speakers were invited to deliver 15-minute speeches that incorporated the philosophies, teachings and principles of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to current issues experienced by San Bernardino community members and its youth. Each speaker projected a positive message by bringing awareness to these issues and by sharing their insight on how we can resolve them. The speakers consisted of:

Enrique Murillo, Professor at California State San Bernardino and Executive Director of Latino Education Advocacy Days (LEAD); Johnathan Buffong, co-founder of Buffong Consulting and Mental Health Consultant with the County of San Bernardino; Raihanah Medlock (Grand Terrace High School, Junior), Sheba Jennings (Summit High School, Junior), & DeVon Clay (California State University, San Bernardino, Freshman); Lolita Lyles, Professor at California State Long Beach and University of La Verne; and Rev. Dennis Brown, influential speaker who is also known as the “Voice of King.”

The event also featured a special guest, R&B sensation, Abraham McDonald. You may have seen him on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Voice. He graced everyone with his humorous personality and beautiful voice.

Jonathan Buffong, a speaker for this event, said, “To see the community celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King life’s work and dreams is always a great thing. Youth Action Project went an extra step when they did YAP TALKS, as each speaker not only analyzed King’s memory, but also forced the audience to look at ways to actualize how they can implement Dr. King legacy in their daily life. That’s when you will see true change in the way we engage with each other”.

Eleven-year-old student, Alexis Gallarzo, simply said, “I loved listening to everyone’s speech, especially since I am learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in class right now. The best thing about this event were the girls who free-styled their poems. It was so cool!”

Carol Flores, one of the event coordinators, said, “It was an honor working on an event that served as an agent to promote social change. My goal was to construct an event that would make people think about their current predicament and take action by fighting for social justice and equality as Martin Luther King Jr. did.”

Youth Action Project had one purpose in mind when planning YAP TALKS and that was to host a community event that would impact a diverse audience. C.E.O Joseph Williams closed the night with a powerful quote stating: “Youth Action Project was pleased to host this event. Our aim was to see Dr. King’s dream implemented. I believe we did just that.”

What It Do With the LUE: The Model Experience (TME)

Mussett Gonzalez

Mussett Gonzalez


Erika Bardere

Erika Bardere

The Model Experience (TME) – is WHAT IT DO WITH THE LUE this week. LUE Productions photographer, Mr. Freddie Washington of Freddie’s Photography, was out and about. Sunday, January 10 he was doing what he do in Orange County. Mr. Washington had the opportunity to be one of the many talented photographers for the fashion show “The Model Experience.”

The Model Experience is based in Los Angeles, California. A modeling development firm for individuals aged 4 to 28. Spoke person for TME, Ashley Covarrubias, says that “The Model Experience is a CATALYST for unsigned Models creating unique opportunities and experiences for emerging models.”

More than 400 individuals attended this year’s event. The Inland Empire was represented by two beautiful young ladies. If you’re thinking about getting into the model industry please check out TME website for upcoming audition dates. Shows are in San Diego, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Until next week L’z Up!

The website is www.themodelexperience.net and contact email is: info@themodelexpereince.net. Congratulations to Local I.E. Model, Erika Bardere. Erika was born in Fontana and grew up in Riverside. She is now living in San Bernardino and has done a few videos with Kid Ink, Chris Brown, Omarion, and Nervo. Her designer was Higher Level Design and the photographer was Michael Moriatis. The other local I.E. Model was Mussett Gonzalez, 19. She graduated from Eisenhower High in 2015. Her designer was B.I.M. Mode and the photographer was Freddie Washington.

Exclusive Interview with former Temptations member’s son, David Ruffin. Jr.

By Naomi K. Bonman

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, which stands true when it comes to being from a musically inclined family. David Ruffin Jr., son of legendary former lead singer of the Temptations David Ruffin, understands the expectation that has been placed upon him and he has been on the rise of making his voice heard while continuing to keep that RUFFIN soul with a little hip-hop twist.

David originally created wrote, and sung the chorus/hook for “Gin & Juice,” from the Doggy Style LP released by Deathrow Records in November 1993, which was one of the hottest hits of the 90s featuring Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. Ruffin Jr has also worked with other unforgettable artist such as: Chuck D, Redman, TmoneyG, MistaPerkins, Classified (Canadian Mc), Spyder D, Kurupt, Daz, Nate Dogg, Sisquo & Jazz of DruHill to name a few.

(From left to right): Naomi K. Bonman, David Ruffin Jr., and Ms. Toi

He has also toured, performed with and opened for the legendary singing group The Dramatics. Over the years, several highly touted music publications such as The Rolling StoneThe Source and Rap Pages have labeled him as  “talented and up?and-coming.”

Currently, Mr. Ruffin Jr. is preparing for his first television documentary entitled, “Real Blood Lines,” which portrays the ups, downs, and in between of a couple dozen of his friends that also happen to be children of world known entertainment, acting, and sports icons as well. The show is anticipating an air date on Discovery-Life sometime this year. He is also working on The Sons of Motown project which is a presentation or production of Temptation music and songs, performed and or recorded by 5 of the Sons of “a” Temptation.

I recently interviewed Mr. Ruffin Jr. where had a great conversation about his father’s legacy, his career and what he has in store.

For those who do not know, we have some youngins’ our there reading this interview, first and foremost, who is David Ruffin?

David Ruffin was the former lead singer of The Temptations and is well-known for songs like, “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg”, “I Wish It Would Rain”. As well from his solo career. One of his solo hits was, “Statue of a Fool”. He was also recently awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award. That’s who David Ruffin is. I am his son.

So you’re pretty much brought boring into the music industry right? And most would automatically assume that of course you would go into music in some aspect. Has this only been a passion of yours?

No, it wasn’t. I wouldn’t say I was born with the bug immediately. I was more in the sports and automobiles.

Definitely far off from the music scene (LOL). So what eventually got you into music?

I guess what really got me into the first of all I had my first tape deck, and then after that I became a deejay. My first real experience in music. My real first experiences in having music published was, “Gin and Juice”. I’ve been around I’ve done some work.

What are you currently working on right now?

I’m working on a few things right now. I’m finalizing mixing and mastering, another LP entitled, “Bloodline,”. I released, “All my life”, E.P.. back in 2010. Then I released, “Live and You Learn”, the single in 2014. And I’ve been really trying to decide if I want to release a single and then the album. But over the next few weeks I’ll make that decision. Either it’s gonna be the album or single, just before the album.

And we can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve. But what can we except?

Western style. It’s kind of like my style. Well, I mean I’m an artist. Okay, so like people paint. Some people paint all different types of art and some people stick to one genre. I write music from different standpoints depending on what the music sounds like is where I might put those songs. But I write Country-Western, Hip-hop, R&B, Jazz and Gospel. I’ve done a little bit of everything.

But I guess I would have to call my own style rough and risque. It’s it’s a lot of conscious music, combined with a good, old fashioned and some seductiveness. Rough and risque would be the kind of approach to the blurred lines. And of course there is a story in each song about my life and about what. I’ve been through and where it has brought me.

Sounds very interesting! Do you have any featured artists on the album?

Yeah yeah. We featured artists that’s gonna be on on this album. I have a couple of people who have shown interest. Miki Howard is one of them. I’m trying to get a couple of people featured. But more than anything because it’s taken us a minute to really work this out, I have to really try to stick to the core and the essence of me and not use other people’s names that to branch or spring off of.

Aside from music, I know you do a little acting. Do you have any projects in the works?

I have been placed as an attorney in the Bridget Harris story, which was shot last August. We’re just waiting for the budget to kick in with that. Other than that, I guess that’s about it. I’ve done some voiceover work. Not much though. The. Biggest thing that I did was an animation called Paradox. The acting thins is growing as time goes on though.

When you’re free, I know you’re a very busy man, but when time permits, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I really enjoy hitting the resorts and sliding down the slopes on the snowboard. I also enjoy making making music. I’ve just recently gotten into production. I like I spending time trying to produce music to pass by time. I enjoy watching and participating in sports, like basketball and football. Every now and then I play PlayStation 2. I try to keep life simple.

Follow David Ruffin Jr.

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Mourners Salute “Saint” Dorothy “Mommie Helen” Pryor-Rose

Mommie Helen

Mommie Helen

BOTTOMLINE… Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen

The passing of Dorothy Pryor Rose, known as “Mommie Helen,” was acknowledged on Tuesday at a lovefest disguised as a memorial service. The celebration of Dorothy’s life suggested that the sweetest thing at Mommie Helen’s Bakery, the celebrated home of peach cobblers, potato pies, red velvet cake and other “desert-heaven” items… That the sweetest thing was not the deserts, the sweetest thing was Dorothy Pryor-Rose herself, the Mommie Helen!
The recurring theme of the memorial service was “Dorothy was so very nice to me”… “Dorothy was the smile that never went away”… “Dorothy was the forgiver”… Dorothy was my inspiration” and on and on… But nothing I heard was as powerful as what I already knew.
You see, Ms. Dorothy had proven to be a member of the “Band of Angels” on the day that I first met her… The bakery had recently opened and we had completed our first meeting discussing advertising. I was leaving to meet my wife to take her for a very important Dr. Appointment, but my car would not start!  To make a long story short, despite just meeting me, Ms. Dorothy gave me the keys to her car saying, “Go take your wife to the doctor”!
She did not buy advertising from me, but Mommie Helen’s never really needed advertising because of the constant echoes from the screaming accolades and praise that apparently are caused each time someone bites into one of her cakes, cobblers or pies.
So though Mommie Helen’s Bakery will still produce cakes, cobblers and pies that will make you scream with joy, its sweetest item, Mrs. Dorothy Rose-Pryor, has moved on to a new heavenly address! All of us who knew her will miss her, because we will surely remember her.

In Memory of Culinary Pioneer, Dorothy Pryor Rose “Mommie Helen”

Mommie Helen

Mommie Helen

Re-edited by Naomi K. Bonman

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Sunday, January 24 the community lost another pioneer. Dorothy Pryor Rose, known to most as “Mommie Helen”, was the founder and namesake of The Original Mommie Helen’s Bakery. She was renowned by celebrities and locals for her pies and widespread friendship. She was 69-years-old.

A San Bernardino native, Rose was given the inherited the name Mommie Helen from her mother, Helen Williams, who opened the family-ran bakery in 2000 in Colton before it outgrew two locations before moving to San Bernardino in March 2015. Some of Mommie Helen’s renowned customers included Oprah and Shaquille O’Neal. O’Neal ordered 250 peach cobblers from the bakery for his wedding. Magic Johnson was also a customer.

“After “Mommie” had a major heart attack in 2003, she shifted to a consulting role and handed ownership to her daughter Tedra Rose, who kept the business open after her mom died Sunday. “She was — she is — a guardian angel, and she’d want someone to always be at the counter,” Tedra said.

A person of strong faith, Pryor Rose was always getting into long conversations with people she’d just met and helping them out whenever she could, although she rarely told others what she’d done, said Tedra Rose.

Scholarships, loans, free baked goods — it added up, Tedra Rose said. To make that charity a bit more organized, a foundation will be created in her name, she said.

Loved ones and community members paid tribute to Mommie Helen this past Tuesday, January 26 at Sunrise Church.


Assemblymember Brown Introduces the 47th Assembly District Youth Academy Members for 2016

Back row: Daniel Enz, Assemblymember Brown’s office; Garrett Dewhirst, Grand Terrace High School; Patrick Davis, Arroyo Valley High School; Ivan Gudino, Slover Mountain High School; Tatum DeMarco, W.A. Carter High School; Aastha Chaudhary, A.B. Miller High School; Michael Egiebor, W.A. Carter High School; Dominick Maiorca, Kaiser High School; and Ramses Jair Castro, Middle College High School. Front row: Lyzzette Martinez, Arroyo Valley High School; Johanna Silva, Alta Vista Public Charter; Rebecca Egiebor, W.A. Carter High School; Assemblymember Brown; Kalynne Brantley, W.A. Carter High School; Maria Mendoza, Kaiser High School; and Ashley Jones, Assemblymember Brown’s office. Not pictured: Josue Marin, Kaiser High School; Jordan Brown, Middle College High School; and Omar Moreno, A.B. Miller High School.

Back row: Daniel Enz, Assemblymember Brown’s office; Garrett Dewhirst, Grand Terrace High School; Patrick Davis, Arroyo Valley High School; Ivan Gudino, Slover Mountain High School; Tatum DeMarco, W.A. Carter High School; Aastha Chaudhary, A.B. Miller High School; Michael Egiebor, W.A. Carter High School; Dominick Maiorca, Kaiser High School; and Ramses Jair Castro, Middle College High School. Front row: Lyzzette Martinez, Arroyo Valley High School; Johanna Silva, Alta Vista Public Charter; Rebecca Egiebor, W.A. Carter High School; Assemblymember Brown; Kalynne Brantley, W.A. Carter High School; Maria Mendoza, Kaiser High School; and Ashley Jones, Assemblymember Brown’s office. Not pictured: Josue Marin, Kaiser High School; Jordan Brown, Middle College High School; and Omar Moreno, A.B. Miller High School.

SAN BERNARDINO, CAAssemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) held her first meeting with the 47th Assembly District Youth Academy on Saturday, January 23.  The Youth Academy, comprised of local high school students, will work together to create a legislative proposal and organize a community outreach activity. Additionally, they will participate in professional development classes and district field trips.

“The intended goal of the Youth Academy is to improve the quality of life in our communities, while enhancing our students’ leadership skills,” stated Assemblymember Brown. “Our students are very insightful and passionate about making a difference in their community. I’m so honored to work with them, and I look forward to a successful outcome.”

During the first meeting, students were given an overview of the program; learned about the legislative process; and participated in an open discussion about issues affecting youth in the 47th District.

“It was really great to understand the legislative process and know that I, along with other really brilliant minds, will be creating a piece of legislation that will hopefully impact our community,” said Johanna Silva of Alta Vista Public Charter in San Bernardino. “I really look forward to growing with the group, and helping solve some of the problems that face the 47th District.”

“I’m very thankful for this wonderful opportunity to work alongside peers from the 47th District, as well as our state Assemblywoman, Ms. Brown,” said Dominick Maiorca of Kaiser High School in Fontana. “I’m looking forward to helping the community through public policy and our outreach event. I cannot wait to begin our mission to gain leadership experience and to better the community we live in.”

This year’s Youth Academy members include: Garrett Dewhirst, Grand Terrace High School; Lyzzette Martinez, Arroyo Valley High School; Patrick Davis, Arroyo Valley High School; Ivan Gudino, Slover Mountain High School; Johanna Silva, Alta Vista Public Charter; Tatum DeMarco, W.A. Carter High School; Rebecca Egiebor, W.A. Carter High School; Michael Egiebor, W.A. Carter High School; Kalynne Brantley, W.A. Carter High School; Aastha Chaudhary, A.B. Miller High School; Omar Moreno, A.B. Miller High School; Dominick Maiorca, Kaiser High School; Maria Mendoza, Kaiser High School; Josue Marin, Kaiser High School; Ramses Jair Castro, Middle College High School; and Jordan Brown, Middle College High School.

For more information, contact Ashley Jones at (909) 381-3238.

Give me your income tax check

By Ashly Broussard

Cash rules everything around me, dollar dollar bill yall, ( C.R.E.A.M. ) are the popular lyrics to a song by the Wu-Tang Clan. Then there’s the famous saying or quote money makes the world go round.

The saints view of this should differentiate from the secular, but the saints have allowed the secular perspective to cause a worldly transformation inside the Church of Jesus Christ. Am I the only one that notices the urgent declarations from pastors around income tax season? The call isn’t for repentance, but rather more money. Were being taught that being obedient in paying tithes or giving contributions is and act or deed, that’s accepted from God, even if your hearts are not in the right place. Joel 2:13 says ,“ So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love; and He relents from doing harm.”

Just recently I came from under a deception of being bribed into giving bigger tithes and offerings in order to expand a part of the church building, where I had fellowshipped. I remember my husband and I wanting to be anonymous in our giving, so we no longer put our names on the tithe and offering envelopes, but instead just threw money into what we thought was going towards the churches building fund, but since then it seems that particular pastor has become an affiliate of everything and has yet to use the money raised to build the project we were raising the money for. I’ve seen the pastor and first lady bring in a Gospel celebrity to perform, open up stores and even salons. All of which cost money.

Its sickening because this time last year, the entire church was involved in raising around $20,000. This was all under the angel of the house proclamation of it being from God. By the middle of the year, the end of tax season, the money raised for the building expansion no longer was being mentioned, but one of the worst things and what I believe to have been an abomination in God’s sight was them allowing a false prophetess to prophesy lies to God’s children. In the beginning of her performance she expressed to those seated in the pews how a woman at a gas station had asked her if she was going to perform. She told us her response to the woman was that she wasn’t apart of a show, but that’s exactly what it was, a spectacle. We were all drawn in when she gave us a story about God using her as a point of contact to deliver her sibling of cancer. Claiming to have supernatural power is one thing, but she then laid hands on a woman diagnosed with cancer and started doing some weird theatrical movements as though she felt the disease exiting that vessel. Then following that she opened up an umbrella at the altar and all the sheep ran and threw money into it. Instead of God’s sheep using discernment or waiting around to see the prophesy fulfilled, they were under the power of this delusional spirit that boldly dealt treacherously in Gods house. In the biblical days false prophets were killed. In fact Micah 3:11 says, “ Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money.”

The Word of God says in 1 Peter 4:18 that the righteous is scarcely saved. One of the worst things that has happened to the church of Jesus Christ is to become worldly rich, instead of spiritually. We as Christians have become overwhelmingly distracted by the deceitfulness of wealth, the word prosperity and gain. Paul spoke about this greed in 1 Timothy 6:5 that a time would come when people think that gain is godliness. The actual buildings have become more important than God, His Kingdom and sheep. Every church isn’t called to be a mega church. For those that God have called to be mega, should be viewed as a vast of souls belonging to God  in those vicinities. Not as the pastor being so deep or real that he should be on TV and pastoring hundreds of thousands. Embarrassingly we feel as though were doing the Will of God in making the sanctuary look like something from a fairy tale, thus 50-75% of the congregation is living on some type of government assistance. This paradox has become the churches modus operandi in robbing God publicly. Christians are mocked because we place ourselves in mock-heroic situations. Jesus’ life clearly illustrates that He wasn’t even considered middle class. ( Luke 9:58 Jesus replied “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.)

The bible says Jesus carried the government on His back, yet were appearing on game shows to put on a spectacle for unbelievers? We are the temples of the Holy Spirit, yet we claim to be glorifying God by worshipping MAMMON; PUBLICLYMatthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. For the LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS NEAR. The Bible clearly states that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, yet we have compromised His Word, and have done everything the Bible says not to do, ALL FOR A LITTLE CASH. Justifying scriptures as though God would really make and exemption, or show partiality or favoritism for one individual. Acts 10:34 God is no respecter of persons. Matthew 21:13 “It is written My house shall be called a house of prayer’, but you are making it a den of robbers.

Excepting tithes and offerings during the services and afterwards having tables and chairs stationed right outside the sanctuary doors, selling CD’s to promote yourselves. If He was angry with buying and selling taking place in the courts of the sanctuary 2,000 + years ago, then most definitely, He would flip over tables and drive out those buying and selling in His house in 2016. He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.  Romans 15:4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Acknowledging that we are Christians on TV game shows before and entire audience of unbelievers. Then dancing in the spirit, being slain, falling down and jumping around as though God had part in that. Yes, Proverbs 13:22 says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. This doesn’t mean that we go out and make ourselves look ridiculously foolish to impress the world, so that they release their money to us. 2 Corinthians 6:14 What fellowship can light have with darkness?  The reason a lot of Christians aren’t walking in victory in their finances is because were practicing trickery, bribery, extortion, lottery and casting lots. Were becoming weary in waiting on God, and more dependent on the things of the world. Seeing pastors engaging in deceitfulness and still following or investing in them, instead of making a bold stand by speaking up. Acts 5:29 Peter and the other apostles replied “ we must obey God rather than men. The world has dramatically transformed the church instead if it being vise versa.

Next, consulting psychics and using pendulums, is going to be permitted inside the same buildings we worship God. Do you really expect God to grant your hearts desires or enlarge your territories, and your not doing anything to distinguish you from the wicked? And why? Because their punishment have not been executed, so you think that you can get away with these crimes too? The fear of the Lord is to hate everything that is evil. Not compromise for a little paper because you don’t want to have to work. The Bible says to work with your hands.  Psalms 90:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:11  If your flipping burgers, flip them with all of your heart, as if you were getting ready to serve Jesus a double-double or quarter ponder. Those of you in janitorial or maintenance, scrub those floors squeaky clean, wax them toilets, and shine those tables as though Jesus were coming into your work place today. Security officers and guards instead of staring into outer space, study your Word and show yourself approved. ( this is currently my occupation and I stay feasting on the Word ) Colossians 3:23 whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord not men. Then will the Lord make you most prosperous in all your work.  Deuteronomy 30:9 God will do what He promised. He is not a man that He should lie, for He shall supply our every need. Not mammon, deal or no deal, wheel of fortune, price is right, lets make a deal or who wants to be a millionaire. If He wants to make you a millionaire to further His Kingdom, then He will make you a millionaire. But if its not His Will stop forcing it to happen. Maybe your and individual who every time gets a new job, career or mate, forgets The Lord. And by Him knowing this, He’s waiting for you to learn that He wants to be first in everything: your week, day, finances etc.  Or maybe your and individual who hasn’t cared for or managed the little that He has blessed you with. And Him seeing that you are still irresponsible, He’s maturing you. There’s a reason those of us living paycheck to paycheck are in that predicament. But as our soul prospers everything else around us will prosper.  Matthew 6;33 But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.

What’s being preached is that money increase or financial increase means the Holy Spirit is with you. This is hypocrisy and financial exploitation. There are rich atheist, evolutionist and those belonging to the illuminati. But riches has become normal in the body of Christ and I don’t think Sheppard’s realize that they have become corrupted.  And besides, seeking His hand is just too traditional for those that are on the pursuit of God. Especially if you can fathom it was His mouth that spoke life into existence, so His face is just as exuberant. Sure spending $10.00 on a slot machine that you can walk away $100,000.00 richer, would be and awesome gain, but I’m here to tell you the Bible says to work with your hands, not gamble or lottery. Proverbs 17:23 A wicked man accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the course of justice. What happened to BE STILL AND WAIT ON THE LORD? Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man will be richly blessed , but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. And we wonder why we see so many sick among our bothers and sisters in Christ. Proverbs 1:19 such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it. That Strongman or that Spirit of Whoredoms ( love of money, gluttony, spirit soul or body prostitution ) is celebrated among believers. We jump, shout and run around the church building when the pastor says money is coming, but when Salvation is preached people get up and walk out. Why? Because they heard that message to many times before or they feel their saved so that message couldn’t be speaking to them. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 People who want to get rich fall into temptation and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

To many Saints of God are backsliding back into bondage of addiction to drugs, sleep, food and etc. because of the Spirit of BONDAGE, because of the Spirit of HEAVINESS, and because of the Spirit of WHOREDOMS.  But I Love God to much to sit back and watch His people perish because of lack of knowledge. JESUS said in Matthew 23 that it is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. If it had not been for The Holy Spirit opening my spiritual eyes to all of this, I would have still been the one who received the seed that fell among the thorns, and I would have still been worried about this life and the deceitfulness of wealth. Running to the church jumping around like and Tasmanian devil every time I heard a pastor mention the word MONEY. Then leaving feeling miserable because I wasn’t taught not to worry about this life. Or to look to The Author and Finisher of my fate to supply my every need. But because we have to seek the approval of others we need more money to change our fleshly appearance with bodily surgeries, and better or more expensive wardrobes. And now because were feeling good about ourselves were no longer content with our spouses. We need a bigger house and a more lavish car to go along with our new lifestyles. Saints of God, with greed comes misery. We heard and read how Judas after accepting the money to betray Jesus, he then threw the money into the temple and hang himself. There is not enough money in this world to buy Salvation or to save your soul. Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath. Proverbs 15:16 says it is better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil. We see preachers making headlines for being exposed for having sexual relations with members in their congregations.

The wives’ of pastors having to fight their husbands mistresses. Even how male pastors are engaging in homosexual relations with young men. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having wealth or possessions. Luke 12:48b For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. But when pastors are seeking bigger tithes and offerings, and 50-75% of the congregation is living on government assistance, while they chase after their dreams, this is evil. Its ok to ask for offerings to help expand the building or parking lot, but what’s a disgrace is when the members are out searching for help everywhere else, except the church because their unaware with what the church is really for. Acts 4:32 -36 talks about how believers shared their possessions and their was not a needy person among them. A pastor made a sermon directed to my husband and I, after we gave a woman in need the money she needed to move her and her children from where they lived. He stood in the pulpit the same day I handed her the envelope and said that we are to bring the money straight to the church and then they would distribute it. But from her statements, she had already gone to everybody for help and got denied. If on your way to church you see a homeless family walking the streets, and all you have in your wallet is tithes; do you really assume God would be angry with you from helping out someone in need, and not having money to place in a basket once you arrive to the building? The building is not the Church. You and I are the Church! See we’re being scared half to death and in fear that if we don’t give bigger offerings that what happened to Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11 will happen to us. Ecclesiastes 5:10 Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. Pastors are bragging about buying their 3rd, 4th, or 5th house, yet homeless saints of God are sitting in the pews crying their eyes out, because they don’t have a place to go. It’s a shame when members are afraid to reach out to the leaders and Sheppard’s to lend a help in hand, because of the fear of being rejected.  Sheep are out there struggling to make ends meet, while we sit back and watch pastors self-indulge. But WOE to him who builds his realm by unjust gain to set his nest on high, to escape the clutches of ruin. The Bible teaches that people who hold onto their possessions are stingy, but God rewards generosity not stinginess. We are being taught to become fanatical in demanding God for what we want.( Like Jacob ) When was the last time you heard a pastor say Lord only if it is your will, or if it isnt your will keep this cup far from me?) Instead, its give me this, give me that. Yes I know Im a sinner, and I havent truly submitted to your will, but until I reap the harvest I feel I deserve, Im going to continue doing things my way.’’ Boasting and bragging is the new Church trend. Altar calls sound like this Come on down to the altar if you want YOUR MONEY!, What would life be without MONEY?” “ Todays sermon is on THE MONEY GOD IS SENDING YOU.” “ Money, Money, Money.

We don’t even go to church for deliverance and healing anymore. Do we even believe in healing and miracles anymore? We want the devil to flee from us but what don’t want to do the first part of that scripture which says “ submit to God”. 1 Timothy 6:6 Godliness with contentment is great gain. But we no longer want to walk by faith and trust God when we have needs. As it is written “the just shall live by faith.( Hab 2:4, Heb 10:38, Gal 3:11 ) All we want to know is what it means to have plenty. So we end up accepting bribes or bribing someone out of their possessions. A wake up call for me was when I had a dream of someone giving me $5,000.00. There’s nothing wrong with that right, especially if someone has it like that? It is better to give than receive. But the next day after waking up from that dream, the same guy who claimed to be a Christian tried to bribe me into paying him $50.00 so that he could give me a $ 3,000-5,000 credit loan to a furniture store. His exact words we’re, Christian or noteverybodys hustle is the same.

I would be a liar if I said I didn’t think about it. But I sinned against God by even thinking about committing such evil. And I remembered that JESUS was tempted 40 days and 40 nights, and not once did He give into temptation. But He resisted the devourer and right after that He walked right into His ministry. So I REPENTED. Then I went into Spiritual Warfare with Satan and his demons because I will practice what I preach. Then when I came across that lukewarm Christian again I proudly told him, secular and saints hustle isn’t the same. There are those of us that follow The Way, and there are those of you that are perverse and are trying to get in thru another way, but Jesus is The Way, The truth, and The life and no man gets to the Father accept by Him. Saints of God if we try and rush God for our blessings, we will end up with and Ishmael just like Abraham and Sarah. All God needs is a yielded vessel. Some one who will do what the Word says, not merely, but with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. Please I’m urging you to  chase after Him and His righteousness, not money. Seek justice Saints of God. Don’t be a willing party to the death of your brothers/sisters in Christ. SPEAK UP ! Stop being cowards. Yes the wolves in sheep’s clothing will come after us, but stand firm in your faith and do not waver from The Word of God. Don’t fear what man can do to your flesh but, rather what God will do to your soul. If I would have accepted that bribe, this wide door of opportunity would have never opened up for effective work. But, I have learned the secret of being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things thru Him who strengthens me. And the same God I serve will meet all the needs of the readers that are blessed by this article, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To Our God and Father be the glory forever and ever Amen.

“They Say…!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Love will make you do some crazy things, but honey child, I want you to know that Faith will call you to do some craazzzy things. Faith will call you to believe the impossible is possible! Faith will call you to believe that after all the hell you have gone through and are going through, the best is yet to come! Faith will call you to risk it all, to dare to do the most audacious, most extreme things imaginable! Faith will have people calling you crazy, saying, you’ve lost your mind! The King James Version of the Bible translates the concern of Jesus’ family for him in these words: “He is beside himself.” The old J.B. Phillips New Testament translates it, “People were saying, ‘He must be mad!’” The 1995 Contemporary English Version, said, “When Jesus’ family heard what he was doing, they thought he was crazy and went to get him under control” [Mark 3:19-21].  Imagine that! Jesus considered… Crazy! Gone Mad! Beside Himself!

You might as well come to terms with it today; when you are sold out to Jesus, not everyone will be happy that you got saved! There will be some people in your family and among your friends that will criticize you for living for Jesus. They will call you a Jesus freak, religious nut, holier than thou, think you better than everybody else, all that and more. Well, ‘Don’t Worry- Be Happy’ because being crazy, and being beside ourselves, God no longer calls us servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, He calls us friends, for everything that He learned from His Father He has made known to us [John 15:15]. And those who would follow him, those who would be his disciples, those who would live as and be the people of the Way, are called and summoned and challenged to be just as crazy as Jesus. I tell you we need some Christians who are as crazy as the Lord. Crazy enough to love like Jesus, to give like Jesus, to forgive like Jesus, to do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God — like Jesus.  So for those of us who would follow him, those of us who would be his disciples, and for those of us who would live as and be the people of the Way, it might come as a shock, but we are called to craziness.

So to the crazy ones like me; The misfits; The rebels; The troublemakers; The ones who see things differently; They can quote us, disagree with us, glorify or vilify us; but what they can’t do is ignore us; because we change things. We push the human race forward. We understand that we are not called to just reasonable faith; we are called to “Radical Faith” in God! The woman with the issue of blood is a good example. (Mark 5:25-34). She said, “If only I could touch the hem of his garment. I will be made whole.” Radical Faith! When the four men (Mark Chapter 2) cared enough about their paralyzed friend to bring him to Jesus, remove the roof tiles so they could lower him down to where Jesus was teaching… faith enough to believe that if they took desperate measures on behalf of their friend THE IMPOSSIBLE WOULD HAPPEN; and, it did! The man received a double miracle – the salvation of his soul and the gift of full deliverance from paralysis. He took up his bed and walked home. Desperate needs demand desperate faith. I want you to know that Biblical Faith is a powerful weapon. Mountains yield to its power. Sin, Satan and sorrow bow before its authority.

I tell you, we need some crazy Christians. Sane, sanitized Christianity is killing us.  We need some crazy Christians like Mary Magdalene. Christian’s crazy enough to believe that God is real and that Jesus lives. Crazy enough to follow the radical way of the Gospel! Crazy enough to believe that the love of God is greater than all the powers of evil and death!  Know that it is ONLY BY FAITH that enables God to work on our behalf. It is ONLY BY FAITH that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8). It is ONLY BY FAITH that all things happen in the life for the child of God. “Radical Faith” – “Real Faith”— “Gone Mad Faith” – “Beside Yourself Faith” – “Bull Dog Faith,” affecting the way you talk to the way you walk. Faith that turns you into a dare devil!  Follow after it and live in it! Walk the walk that you talk! It is a choice and the choice is yours! Take it on… Faith the greatest of God’s gifts to His children!  “Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind up in here, up in here…!”

[1 Cor. 1:27] God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong!

Letter to the Editor: Mr. Mulvihill True Colors

James L. Mulvihill

James L. Mulvihill

By Keith McCarter, B.S., J.D.

During a heated campaign last November for the 7th Ward City Council Seat of San Bernardino City, James L. Mulvihill, placed first with over 6 percent more votes than the next highest vote getter.  There were five candidates, but yet he received the lion’s share of the votes.  I must say, this was quite impressive.

Some went so far as to blame Mr. Mulvihill for all of the city problems.  This was a bit absurd taking into consideration there are seven council people and one mayor who also has a say in the direction of the city’s agenda, but none the less, some swore up and down that Mr. Mulvihill, who has been sitting in his current council seat for only two  years, was apparently the problem for all the problems of the city which has been developing for well over 15 years.

Despite the tenor of the Campaign leading up to the November 2015 election, after receiving the highest number of votes, Mr. Mulvihill reached out to those who did not win the election.  Not only did he reach out, but he offered to make at least one of his previous competitors a part of the city‘s political structure by appointing him to the San Bernardino Police Commission.  Now this police commission appointee can continue his interest in making San Bernardino a safe place for us all.  This act of civility shows that Mr. Mulvihill is genuinely concerned about making San Bernardino City better by placing highly qualified and motivated competitors in key positions of the city’s structure.

Mr. Mulvihill appointed Mr. Damon Alexander to the San Bernardino City Police Commission.  Mr Alexander is the first federal law enforcement officer on the commission.

Many say you can measure the success of a person by the depth of his character.  The character of Mr. Mulvihill dictates that his success as councilman shall be predestined.  Now we see that Mr. Mulvihill’s true color is not that of gloating nor selfishness but that of teamwork and a true commitment to the betterment of our city.