
Paying Tribute to Amazing Vocalist, Natalie Cole

Natalie Cole

Natalie Cole

By Billy Gee

Like millions of others, I was shocked to learn of the demise of vocalist par excellence, Natalie Cole.  She was close to the heart of many Baby Boomers, like myself, who not only thrilled at the sound of her mellifluous voice, but who also associate her with her legendary father Nat “King” Cole.  I had the privilege of meeting her when she spoke at the commencement exercise for the Berkley College of Music when I graduated in 1995.  She shook my hand and smiled as she congratulated me.  Her smile was the kind that could melt your heart from across the street.  The experience was truly “unforgettable.”  (Pun intended.)

Even if you never had the occasion to meet her in person, chances are that you felt that she was someone that you knew personally.  Each fabulous note she sang would find its way to your heart–to the depth of your being, as was the case with her inimitable dad.

Natalie may be gone, but rest assured that she will never be forgotten; for I know she will live on in the hearts of admirers the world over who knew and loved her through her music.  Rest in peace, “Sweetie.”


Littlefield-Richard and Williams Debate On Monday, January 11

Roxanne Williams

Roxanne Williams

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- San Bernardino Six Ward voters will elect a new representative to the San Bernardino City Council at a special election on Tuesday, February 2. Bessine Littlefield-Richard and Roxanne Williams are knocking on doors throughout the Sixth Ward seeking voter support as they compete for the City Council seat.

Both candidates ran strong passionate campaigns for the leadership position. The question asked by many is, “Will the voters be as passionate about choosing leadership and get out to vote?  The general election in November drew only a small percentage of eligible voters, despite the fact that the City is transitioning out of bankruptcy and needs competent leaders.

Bessine Littlefield-Richard

Bessine Littlefield-Richard

The candidates will meet to debate their qualifications and platforms for the City Council seat on Monday, January 11 at the Ingram Community Center located at 2050 N. Mt Vernon Avenue beginning at 6 p.m. The Forum is sponsored by the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area Committee.   The candidates have been sent some questions in advance so that they will have time to research their responses as needed. The audience will also be able to present questions to the candidates. The candidates will also be given the opportunity to comment on any item or issue that is not included on the question list.

The candidates have been sent the following questions: What is your vision for Mt Vernon Ave and what is your plan? What is the status of the State Street Extension and your thoughts/plan to complete it? What do you know about the City’s Receivership Program… Does it allow for San Bernardino 6th ward residents to participate as investors? Should it? What will you do to make that program work for 6th Ward Residents?

“It’s a New Season… It’s a New Day!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“…  A fresh anointing is flowing my way; It’s a season of power and prosperity; The devil’s time is up, no longer can he bother me; ‘Cause the Creator of the universe, He fathers me; And it’s transferable, my children’s children shall be free; If you don’t know by now, you need to know it’s Jubilee; Where debts are canceled and your children walk in victory; … A new horizon; And no greater time for you to make a choice and take a stand; … All that was stolen is returned a hundred fold; Tried in the fire but coming out gold; …To every promise take a hold; It’s a New Season, It’s a New Day” [Israel Houghton Lyrics].

I don’t know about you, but today marks the beginning of a “New Season” for me. Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters… I am about to do a new thing… forget the former things”[Isaiah 43:18-19].  Now you can say what you want to say, but I say Amen to new things! You see if you are ever going to move on to new things in Christ, you must learn that you cannot depend upon past victories to sustain you. You cannot allow your past failures to possess you… In the book of [Habakkuk 1:5] the prophet was told: ‘Look around you, Habakkuk, among the nations, and see and be astonished, astounded, for I am putting into effect a work in your days, such that you would not believe it though you were told it!” I want you to know that God did a new thing in Isaiah’s day, He did a new thing in Messiah’s day, He did a new thing in the days of Pentecost, He did a new thing in the days of the Apostles, He did a new thing in the days of historical revival and He is going to do a new thing in Lou days. He said it, I believe it! – Oh, I tell you “It’s a New Season, It’s a New Day”… A year full of possibilities… A year full of opportunities! You hear what I’m saying to you, “A New Season, a New Day!”

But wait a minute; the Spirit is saying “That some of you are stuck in a rut, stumbling through life. You’re living off manna instead of feasting on God’s abundance. You’re wandering through the wilderness instead of inhabiting the Holy Land.” The Spirit says, “That it’s time now to make your move. It’s time now to receive what God has for you. It’s time now to enter the Promised Land.” For a place of promise awaits you: of contentment and joy and peace and abundance and satisfaction. It’s a land flowing with milk and honey; and God is waiting for you to enter. The Spirit says, “Don’t dwell on the pass; Turn the page.  Look ahead to what God will do in your life, today and tomorrow. Stake your claim on your territory. Begin to expect God to give you dominion in every area of your life.”

“Soon in your hand will be placed a priceless gift… Look at it closely.  There is no price maker stamped on it.  It cannot be weighed, because no scale can balance its value.  A king’s ransom in comparison is as nothing, yet it is given to beggar and prince alike.  The giver asks only that it be used wisely and well. This jewel, rare and unique, is not displayed in any shop window. It cannot be purchased, cannot be sold. No other treasure holds the possibilities this gift offers — none can surpass its golden splendor.  Of all gifts, this is one of the most precious. It has been offered many times before; today, from the depths of a limitless love it will be given again. It will be left to you to find the golden thread running through it. Only with great care will the jewel retain its luster.  Carelessness, ingratitude and selfishness will tarnish the brilliance, break the unspoiled thread, and mar the perfection.  Guard it closely, lest through weak fingers it slips from the hand.  Look often at its faultless beauty. Accept it as it is offered from the heart of the giver. Consider it as the most treasured of possessions, for of all gifts it is by far the greatest. It is the gift of the New Year.” I tell you, “It’s a New Season… It’s a New Day!”



MLK Breakfast adds “Civil Rights ‘Freedom Ride’ Experience”

The Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches, hosts the 36th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast to be held on January 18th at 7:30am at California State University Coussoulis Arena, in San Bernardino. We invite the entire city to join us at our new location, Cal State University San Bernardino, come out and help us salute a man’s whose legacy continues to thrive in our hearts as we work together to build a better world.

This year we are asking all to join us in a spectacular reenactment of a “Civil Rights Freedom Ride” to City Hall on Omni Trans SBX bus for our after breakfast festivities and our “March’ around the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. statue located in front of San Bernardino City Hall. Guided by our own 6th Ward Council member Rikke Van Johnson. Omni-Trans has so graciously provided coupons to travel from Cal State University San Bernardino, to City Hall and back, to culminate our celebration activities as we traditionally do in a final “March” around the statue. This year’s program feature includes, Patrick Hewitt renowned artist, who will tell you short stories about Dr. Rosa Parks and her contribution to the civil rights era and also his endeavor to commemorate her memory. Mrs. Vickie Lee-Nichols will render and explosive drama rendition depicting the periods of which the civil rights and recent tragedies have given us hope!

Please contact our office at 909-474-7036 to purchase a ticket or table for the breakfast, to obtain a coupon for the “Civil Rights Freedom Ride”.  We are still accepting sponsorship especially tables to be provided for youth.  This is an educational opportunity event you will not want to miss, your youth, or family to lose out on. A generational experience, to treasure for years to come!

The bus route map can be found on the back of our fliers, and coupons can be received with a ticket purchase, or prior notification by contacting the office.

Text-To-911 Saves Lives in the City of San Bernardino

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- At approximately 1 p.m. Monday afternoon, the San Bernardino Police Department received a 911 text from a woman having a heart attack and was able to dispatch fire personnel to her in time to save her life.

The text came from a 52-year-old woman who lives alone in her San Bernardino home and is hearing impaired. With this new system, which was officially rolled out just two weeks ago on December 10, the woman was able to summon immediate assistance and fire personnel transported her to St. Bernadine’s Medical Center where she is expected to make a full recovery

“This is a huge step toward ensuring the safety of the speech and hearing impaired residents of our communities and also represents a vital mechanism toward getting help to those whose safety would be further jeopardized by audibly calling 911,” said San Bernardino Police Department Lieutenant Mike Madden.  “The ‘Call when you can – Text when you can’t.’ Text-to-911 technology possibly helped in saving a life today.   We are also immensely thankful to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department for spearheading this project and making our region the driving force in the Western United States in text-to-911.”

The San Bernardino County law enforcement agencies that can accept the 911 texts are Barstow, Chino, CHP Barstow and Inland Empire, Colton, Cal State San Bernardino, Fontana, Mon       tclair, Ontario, Redlands, Rialto, San Bernardino City, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Valley and Desert Dispatch Centers, and Upland.

Local Area Talent Invited to Participate in the Annual Palm Springs Black History Month Gospel Fest

PALM SPRINGS, CA- Gearing up for another outstanding season of cultural festivities, the Palm Springs Black History Committee invites members of the community to participate in its yearly ceremonial Gospel Fest. The event, which heralds the official kickoff of the year’s Black History Month celebrations, is scheduled to take place Sunday, January 31, 2016.

Promising to be an afternoon rooted in culture and tradition, the Gospel Fest will set the pace for the 2016 Black History Month theme “Hallowed Grounds of African American History.”  It aims to highlight the rich cultural legacy upon which the Palm Springs African American community has forged here in the desert region.

“Gospel music has always been important to our community,” says Linda Gray, Gospel Fest committee chairperson and long time Palm Springs resident. “It has been a means by which we gather and communicate to express our spirituality along with our connection to each other.”

According to Gray, the Gospel Fest has traditionally held a very significant role in the Black History Month celebrations. It first started out as an all community choir made up of desert residents from across the Coachella valley.  The choir, which sung at the grand opening celebration, became the official launch to the season’s programming.  This tradition soon evolved into an event all within itself allowing the Gospel Fest to garner the position as the official opening of Black History Month for the Desert residents. It serves as a catalyst to gather the community and set the tone for the festivities to come.

Members of the community of all ages are invited to participate as we gather to celebrate and share the vast talent represented in our region. The event is scheduled to take place United Methodist Church 1555 E. Alejo Road in Palm Springs from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Admission to the general public is $2. The deadline for talent to apply is Friday, January 15, 2016. For more information contact Linda.gray@palmspringsca.gov or visit www.Palmspringsblackhistory.org

Athlete Spotlight: Boxer Rock Blackwell Teams with Africa Orphan Organization to Give Back

c81ab654-e87b-440f-84a1-93503b36976fBy Josh Dreiband

 Rock Blackwell, The World Boxing Union (WBU) novice world champion who has gone 15-0 as a pro internationally in the IBL (Spain, Great Britian, Scotland) and is now currently ranked with the WBU and IBU. Over the summer, Blackwell announced that he would be using his skill in the ring for good. Rock Blackwell has teamed up with The My Sister Cares Foundation, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to giving food, shelter and clothing to orphans in Africa, to rebuild orphanages in Cameroon.

On June 5, 2016 the WBU and IBU ranked boxer and the My Sister Cares Foundation will travel to Cameroon to break ground on their first orphanage. Blackwell, who was born and raised in Baltimore with heritage from  Yehuda, Israel. The champion of the Hebrews believes it is his calling to help restore his people, and he’s going to begin with Cameroon.

Upon their arrival on June 5th, Rock Blackwell and My Sister Cares will supply $65,000 worth of food, gas, clothes, shoes, toys and books to the children and families of Cameroon. Rock Blackwell will also be holding a boxing seminar for the kids in Cameroon’s capitol, where the Cameroon Boxing Federation will honor him for his charitable efforts

Rock Blackwell’s first trip to Africa will be one with a warm welcome. The first lady of Cameroon will be in attendance at Cameroon’s capital to receive the champ and do a traditional royal dressing, in honor of his charity.

2016 Blackwell will return to boxing under the traditional ABC, a year filled with Tv fights, championship bouts, guest star appearances and more.

What It Do With the LUE: Fitz Taylor


WHAT IT DO you beautiful people, WHAT IT DO! So as the year comes to an end, I would like to end my column with the talented artist from the Inland Empire known as rapper, “Fitz Taylor.” Right now this talented artist is riding the wave of success as he pushes forward towards his DREAM. I met Fitz almost two years ago and of course his looks captured me at first, but once I heard his music, it was all over. I became an instant fan of “The Puerto Rican Papi.”

This artist has been headlining shows such as the “South by Southwest” concert in Austin Texas, and rocking mics and stages all over Southern California. He was featured on the front page of The Source due to his record, “6 in the Morning” featuring “AD The Pen.”

Fitz’ fan base is increasing daily. Numbers don’t lie! Ending the year on a high, he recently released his second album titled, “NO DAYS OFF.” The project went viral and can be found on major music outlets and also banging in the streets. He is currently signed to “Lalow Entertainment,” and has become Vevo certified. Fitz’ project landed in the hands of the man himself, “DJ Enuff,” from Hot 97 radio, which is major. Fitz also gives back by providing free shows for community members and the youth.

Young, Talented, Gifted, and Sexy he is! You can view his work at www.FITZTAYLOR.com. Also catch him performing live in San Bernardino at the Tamale Festival January 9th and 10th at Perris Hill Park from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Until next year I.E. – San Bernardino Strong. L’z!


Los Angeles Toy Drive Unites the City of Carson through Philanthropy and Music

Torrey Adams with some of the attending children at the Music is a Part of Everyday Life Toy Drive, Tues., Dec. 22, 2015. (Photograph courtesy of Robert Byrd of BE-Radical Productions).

Torrey Adams with some of the attending children at the Music is a Part of Everyday Life Toy Drive, Tues., Dec. 22, 2015. (Photograph courtesy of Robert Byrd of BE-Radical Productions).

LOS ANGELES, CA- KhyKel Music Enterprises and The Beat Series, in conjunction with Underground PR, hosted the first annual Music is a Part of Everyday Life Toy Drive, Tuesday, December 22 at the Carson Community Center.  With sponsors and supporters such as Taxx Pros and Jan’s Christian Academy, the Music is a Part of Everyday Life Toy Drive successfully gathered a number of toys to be distributed to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Carson and House Full of Toys; used instruments were donated to the Fernando Pullum Community Arts Center, in Los Angeles.

The children in attendance enjoyed arts and crafts like making bracelets, customizing photo frames and coloring pictures.  Attendees also enjoyed an open photo booth provided by Fotos on the Go, gift bags and live performances from upcoming musical artists.  KJLH was present during the first half of the event, where Bigg Pwee did Block Hits to encourage the community to donate new, unwrapped toys and used instruments.

Performers graced the stage by delivering musical performances throughout the event.  These performers included a 10-year-old female emcee by the name of Charlee Hines; R&B recording artist, Auree “Honey Blu” Edmundson; R&B recording artist, Ashley Manley (shown in the picture to the left; photographed by Robert Byrd of BE-Radical Productions); and a dance performance by creative artist Lamont Easter, Jr.  DJ BaD provided sounds on the turntables during the second half of the toy drive and aided in playing soundtracks for the performers.

Toward the close of the toy drive, a raffle was conducted raffling off items at $1 per ticket.  Some of the items included: gift baskets, tickets to the R&B Rewind Fest and an autographed basketball from Los Angeles Lakers’ Power Forward, Julius Randle.  All proceeds were donated to Christ Centered Community Church.

Torrey “Tact Boogie” Adams, founder of KhyKel Music Enterprises and The Beat Series gave a short speech, at the end of the event, about the importance of music, philanthropy and the passion behind his creativity.  “Often times my passion gets mistaken [for other emotions].  I just love what I do…music is a part of everyday life.”   His ultimate goal, as a music producer and engineer, is to expose and involve more children in the art of making music.


Riverside Fraternity Spreads Holiday Cheer to Inland Empire Families


RIVERSIDE, CA- On Sunday, December 20, the Riverside Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. held its annual “Shop with a Kappa” gift giving event for Riverside County children.  The shopping extravaganza was held in partnership with the Riverside Wal-Mart on Canyon Springs Parkway, where children and their families shopped the aisles for much needed items.

“Giving to families and enhancing the lives of children is what Christmas is truly about,” says Polemarch Demarius Carmichael.  “I think our fraternity members had as much fun giving as the children had receiving.”

Each child received a $100 store gift certificate from a Kappa sponsor, which enabled him or her to purchase toys and essentials.  Upon checking out, the Wal-Mart management team greeted children with goodie bags and snacks.

“The children seemed very excited about the event,” says parent Angela Coggs, whose son Yonathan is a youth Kappa League member.  “Many of them were selfless and wanted to select gifts that would not only benefit them, but their entire families.”

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is an international Greek Letter fraternity that was founded in 1911.  It has more than 150,000 members with 721 undergraduate and alumni chapters.  The Riverside Alumni Chapter is actively involved in community service and youth mentoring.  Its annual scholarship fundraisers and charitable events, which include an annual Thanksgiving food drive and Shop with a Kappa, enable families to receive much needed support.

To learn more about the Riverside Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and its programs, please visit www.rackapsi.com.