Deadline Nears for January Insurance Coverage under the Affordable Care Act

Covered California Canvassing Neighborhoods – In an effort to enroll eligible African Americans in affordable health coverage, Covered California is launching an aggressive neighborhood canvassing initiative that includes door-to-door outreach, enrollment events at churches, branded outreach vans and educational materials at barbershops and hair salons in high-priority African American
Submitted by Covered California
An important deadline approaches for Californians who want to start the New Year with the protection of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Open enrollment is underway and consumers who want to be covered on January 1, need to enroll by December 15.
Covered California, the agency that administers the ACA in California, has made African American outreach a priority for the year three of the historic program. Since 2014, more than two million people have gotten insurance through Covered California, including African Americans who make up 5 percent of the state’s population that is eligible to receive financial assistance to help them pay for coverage and medical care. African Americans though have been slow to enroll at a rate that matches their share of the population.
“While we have all worked together to dramatically raise awareness about the new law, we have more work to do,” Covered California Executive Director Peter V. Lee said. “We estimate there are still more than two million uninsured people in California who are either eligible for Covered California or qualify for Medi-Cal.”
Through Covered California, consumers can get financial help, or tax subsidy, that can be worth hundreds of dollars per month and bring health care within reach.
They are spotlighting the fact that more than half of those who have enrolled in Covered California — almost 700,000 — pay less than $100 a month, with the balance being covered by the federal tax credit. That is real affordability.
“You can find out if you qualify for financial help, and examine your plan options, by using the “Shop and Compare Tool” at,” Lee said.
Going forward Covered California will be spotlighting enrollment events at storefronts, insurance agent offices, community events and other locations. Go to the agency’s website to “find local help.”
This year’s open enrollment period is three months long, and runs until January 31. However, if you qualify for Medi-Cal, you can enroll at any point during the year. If you or someone you know doesn’t have health care coverage right now, this is the opportunity to enroll in Covered California.