Kathleen and Carl Dameron
By Kathleen Dameron
Hello my name is Kathleen Dameron and I am initiating this fundraiser. Carl is my little brother. OK he is taller than me, but he is still my little brother. In December of 2014, Carl was diagnosed with fourth stage cancer. To be specific he has CLL Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia.
Carl has spent the majority of 2015 in the hospital. In March of 2015 after his first round of chemotherapy Carl caught a wicked infection and became septic. All of his organs shut down and he went into coma and almost died. Carl was put on a ventilator and had many IVs and dozens of medicines.
Through his long months of illness, Carl was put on dialysis, lost the ability to walk and to feed himself. After weeks of rehabilitation he can feed himself and walk short distances again.
Carl has a huge heart and a strong sense of helping others. He has volunteered for the Salvation Army providing free public relations services for 11 years. He has been very active in his community helping & serving on many boards and providing free PR services to dozens of non-profit organizations. Carl is credited with helping to bring about positive changes in the Inland Empire.
Wife Malaika and Carl at Loma Linda Universiy Medical Center
Yet, it must be a man thing, he is reluctant to ask for help in his fight against cancer and lung infection. It seems to be a challenge for his ego.
Carl had a near death experience. In fact, Carl had several near death experiences between March and June. He has prayed and battled to stay alive. He is slowly healing and contemplating going back to work.
In addition to cancer, he has black mold in his lungs because toxic mold is in his house. It was discovered after he was back in the hospital with a critical lung infection.
I respectfully ask you to come together and assist me in creating a safe home environment conducive to healing for Carl.
He should not be living in his home because of the toxic mold. No one should. It is even more dangerous given that CARL has a very LOW IMMUNE system as he is on Chemotherapy and battles Stage 4 Cancer – Leukemia.
So Carl needs $20,000 to make his home safe to live in…. A home he can live in and not die in. The family’s savings are gone and Carl hasn’t worked since February. This means the family does not have the resources to fund this project themselves.
The black mold is in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, hall and bedroom ceiling. So that’s what needs to be torn out, cleaned out, then redone. The leak in the roof must be fixed, the carpets must be replaced and the walls painted.
To begin the process Carl and his family must move out all of their belongings and live somewhere else for a month. Volunteers with the Salvation Army will help with moving out. Tom Brickley, president of Brickley Environmental has agreed to help with the mold remediation. He needs materials. Habitat for Humanity will help with rebuilding after the mold removed.
What does Carl need to create an environment conducive to building his health and vanquishing the cancer and lung infection?
- Money – to cover the costs, which are lower due to already, agreed donations of work from Brickley Environmental and the Salvation Army.
- Materials – for both of these organizations.
- Lodging in the community – while work is being done on our home.
(Carl’s 14-year daughter is in high school, his 21-year-old daughter is at Cal State and his wife works full time in the community.)
- Your continued prayers for Carl to return to full health. At Loma Linda University Medical Center they acknowledge the miracle that he is alive and walking.
To Donate Click here:http://www.gofundme.com/7d24xnfw