
Justified, One of the Most Prolific Writers of Our Time Has Come Back To the Rap Game with a Message

Men Of Faith In Action at the ‘Heal The Ville’ event last month.

Men Of Faith In Action at the ‘Heal The Ville’ event last month.

Edited By Naomi K. Bonman

After losing his mother, National Best Selling Author Linda Hudson Smith, and his wife of 7 years and music partner, Neccola “Justilady” Smith, eleven months apart from Lupus and Cancer, Justified was left to fend for himself while raising his two young daughters, Synia and Scotlyn. Facing the many challenges that piggy back single parenthood, Justified tapped into his Faith and relationship with God to climb the mountains placed in front of him. In a situation where most young men would buckle under pressure, Justified rose to the occasion and stayed in the game and excelled.

During one of the most difficult times in his life, Mr. Smith penned and recorded his single “Blessed” which speaks on the everyday blessings that most humans lose sight of while enduring trials and tribulations. Lines such as, “Even though My Whip Aint Brand New Off The Lot, I Thank God That I’m Dipping And I Aint Gotta Walk,” not only engages listeners, but also reminds them to count their blessings and focus on the brighter side of their struggles.

Justified has rounded up an army of men who refer to themselves as the M.O.F.I.A, better known Men Of Faith In Action. These men have come together to bring a blessing to the city of Victorville where Justified currently resides by launching an operation called “Heal the Ville”. Under ‘Heal the Ville’, M.O.F.I.A. recently blessed the city last month with a distribution of free diapers, baby wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, maxi pads, back to school supplies and clothing to those who stood in need of a blessing. Over 300 people were present at the event.

The next event that Justified will be at is the “Daughter’s Lives Matter Awards” held at Fiesta Village on Saturday, September 19 at 10 a.m. Mr. Smith will be performing his singles “Promise to My Young Ones” and “Blessed” alongside his daughters. “Daughters Lives Matter” is led by Terry Boykins, CEO and Founder of Street Positive. Boykins has taken Justified under his wings and has been a mentor in showing him the ropes and leading him in the direction of his true calling which is to be a voice of truth for the streets. For those who would love to attend the event this Saturday, Fiesta Village is located at 1405 E. Washington Avenue in Colton. Please visit www.streetpositive.com for more information.



Women Helping 2 Empower Women (W.H.E.W.) Wellness Event Focused on Sickle Cell

YWE Founder Gwen Rodgers, Rev. Bronica Martindale-Taylor, Yolanda Markham, Sharon Ellis, and Dr. Margaret Hill.

YWE Founder Gwen Rodgers, Rev. Bronica Martindale-Taylor, Yolanda Markham, Sharon Ellis, and Dr. Margaret Hill.

By Angela M. Coggs

IMG_0305On Saturday, September 5, 2015 Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation hosted their 3rd Annual Wellness event in the Henderson Auditorium at San Bernardino Community Hospital. The event began at 8am continental breakfast for all the attendees. The event, “Women Helping 2 Empower Women (W.H.E.W.)”, invited women to participate in a day focused on Sickle Cell Awareness and overall health. The idea was to highlight emotional, physical, and spiritual health. The event featured keynote speaker, Dr. Beverly Crockett, featured speaker, Farron Dozier, and the testimonials from Therese Adjivon, Carletta Loftin, and Janice Freeman-Neubel.

The event was kicked off by Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation founder, Gwen Rodgers’ warm welcome.  The call to action from Rodgers to become aware and vigilant about health and fitness was heard loud and clear thoroughout the day. Activities focused exercising the body beginning with Reverend Bronica Martindale- Taylor IMG_0242physical activity called, “The Harvest Dance.” Everyone was out of their seats and participated wholeheartedly.

Feature speaker Farron Dozier, a Sickle Cell Advocate and radio personality on WDC Radio Show, spoke passionately about living with sickle cell trait after learning he had Sickle Cell when he was 29 years old when was he a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army.  Dozier was discharged from the military because he was no longer physically fit for service. His youngest of three daughters (Deja Dozier) was also diagnosed with sickle cell at a young age.  His story reverberated with the audience as he spoke about the pain he endured growing up and it being dismissed as growing pains. He discussed his experience living with the disease known as, “The Silent Killer,” which primarily affects the African American population but has been known to affect other nationalities.

IMG_0292Dozier’s organization, “WHATZ DA COUNT,” and his campaign, “What’z in your Genes?” provides sickle cell trait awareness and to re-educate the community about the sickle cell trait and thalassemia trait.

After Dozier spoke about the importance of getting tested for Sickle Cell, over 30 attendees signed up and were tested by medical professionals from Community Hospital where a room was set up to draw blood. Attendees, speakers, vendors as well as YWE Board Members were tested and the results will be sent to them in the mail in the next few weeks. Another highlight of the day was the powerful testimonials.

Therese’ Adjivon is a young woman who is determined to change lives. She was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia at the young age of 3. Although she has struggled with obstacles in her life, her positive outlook was sensed by everyone on the room. She credited her mother for allowing her to be raised in her home and not in a hospital room. Despite the hurdles she has to endure she still finds time to be a mentor and coordinator for an organization called FOOCUS2 and also an advocate for patients that battle Sickle Cell and other rare disorders. Adjivon spoke with passion and her words resonated with the audience when she said, “Just because I have Sickle Cell doesn’t mean that it has me.”IMG_0271

Carletta Loftin began her testimonial with playing the beginning of Kirk Franklin’s song, “Declaration (This Is It!)”. She said that the words meant a lot to her. She started her testimonial by saying she was a mother of three but later indicated she was diagnosed with Bell Palsy/ Blood Disorder which prevented her from carrying her first two children to term. Her daughter Carrington is her little miracle baby. Her story of determination and survival was deeply felt by the attendees. Loftin words of purpose and encouragement touched the audience in such an uplifting manner that it inspired many to stand to their feet and shout. She is a fighter and is not willing to give in or give up on the fight.

When Janice Freeman-Neuble, a neo soul artist originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, stepped up to the podium to share her story she began to sing “I Won’t Complain.” Her voice was so strong and her vocals filled the room. The words alone evoked heartfelt emotions and she shed a few tears along with the audience. After gathering herself she simply stated, “For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been sick.” She shared her life and her struggle. She recounted how doctors gave her mother six weeks to plan her funeral when she was a young child. “I have been struggling with Lupus since 2007, but I have had severe illnesses as far back as I can remember,” Neuble proclaimed. She was very young when she was diagnosed with a kidney infection and she had meningitis in the ninth grade. It has been a very long struggle for her but she counts her husband Dion, daughter Hannah, and stepson Dylan along with her strong spirituality as her strength as she takes each day at a time.

IMG_0308“Her voice, which permeated the air, echoed her life experience. Every melodious word was an expression of pain and appreciation, of struggle and triumph of frustration and confidence,” Kimberly Garret said of Freeman-Neuble. “She reminded us all that God’s mercy and goodness is sufficient. Her strength brought me to tears.” At a glance, prayer circles were seen throughout the room. It was defiantly an emotional event, but it was also a safe place to be vulnerable and let go.

Dr. Margaret Hill, San Bernardino City Unified School District Board of Education Vice President, was present and also participated in the fitness activities of the day. When Harriette Coggs- Stuckey, Founder/Director of Heart and Soul Line Dance, invited the participants to learn a dance/exercise she choreographed, Dr. Hill was on the floor with everyone else. Several routine were taught and practiced by the group and everyone appeared to enjoy themselves. “I enjoy workshops where there’s something for everyone. Seeing the young and the mature on the same dance floor at the same time was phenomenal. I guess it’s called building age cultures,” said Hill when asked her perception of the day’s event.

A Step Ahead Entertainment demonstrated a Chicago Steppin’ dance routine choreographed to Janet Jackson’s new song, “No Sleeep”, that was exceptional. The men and women looked radiant in their all white outfits.  Afterwards the dancers gave step-by-step instructions to the audience and many of them took to the dance floor and tried the dance moves. Everyone involved had a really good time.

Just Move Consulting Director and Lead Trainer, Author, Health and Fitness Specialist, Erin Young, invited a few audience members to come to the front of the auditorium to practice a few exercises that she demonstrated. She explained that one does not have to go to the gym in order to work out and be fit. Audience members asked questions and participated in the activity. Using a medicine ball, resistance bands, and chair she taught the group effective and useful.

Keynote speaker Dr. Beverly Crockett

Keynote speaker Dr. Beverly Crockett

Keynote speaker, Dr. Beverly Scott, author of, “Just Run the Race- You Are a Champion,” closed the event with a motivational speech about running your race, fighting your personal battles, surviving challenges, and being champions. She shared her personal struggles and showed how this disease (Sickle Cell) affects everyone including her as she shared about a family member who struggles with this disease and how they elects to deal with it. She encouraged and uplifted those in attendance by saying that no matter what someone goes through, we can beat the odds and come out victorious.

Overall, the event was a success. Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation raised the bar when it comes to wellness events in San Bernardino and the Inland Empire. Attendee Sharon Ellis stated that “the event was well organized, time conscious, informative and a lot of fun.” The community event was inspirational, a worthwhile cause focused on fitness for the mind body, and soul, which provided a day of awareness, soul searching, and unity. “I was pleased with the integrity of the group of women sponsoring the event. This was my first time at a Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation event and health awareness clinic in San Bernardino. I was a vendor at the event but I was also able to participate in the informational and physical fitness sections of the day,” said vendor Garbrille Stuart, from 1 Pound at a Time. “I appreciate YWE for the opportunity to allow me to showcase my organization and learn the importance of health, wellness, and the importance of getting screened for Sickle Cell.  YWE did a fantastic job. I commend them for their leadership and professionalism. I was grateful and moved by all the speakers for sharing their knowledge.”

“I am excited about what the YWE’s Board is doing to promote wellness for women in San Bernardino. None of this could happen without the continuous support from the community and our sponsors, such as Dignity, Edison International, and Kaiser Permanente,” said Gwen Rodgers, Founder of Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation. “W.H.E.W. was a powerful event and there are more to come. I’m also looking forward to Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation’s 10 year anniversary, “Night of Elegance” Fundraiser in January. Stay tuned and like the Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation Facebook page.”







Majestic! The 26th Annual Black Rose Awards Banquet Review

Ms. Kim-Evette Anthony and Lou Coleman

Ms. Kim-Evette Anthony and Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman and Pastor Robert L. Fairley, D. Minister of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church

Lou Coleman and Pastor Robert L. Fairley, D. Minister of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Talking about being blessed to be among The Who’s who in the Inland Empire, it was indeed a privilege for me to be in such awesome company; thanks to my dear friend Ms. Frances Grice. It was a fantastic evening mingling with inspiring and influential leaders. The music by J. Bokins was relaxing; the food was delicious; the atmosphere was inviting and the rest is history. If you missed it, you would not want to miss it next year; it was exquisite! The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation Committee did a splendid job. Special thanks to Ms. Margaret Hill, you are appreciated!

Just to name a few of the who’s who that were in attendance included: Pastor Robert L. Fairley, D. Min- New Hope Missionary Baptist Church; Ms. Kim-Evette Anthony – Urban Philanthropy Institute – Humanitarian of the Year; Mr. David Clark– Am I My Brother’s Keeper – Yes I Am!; Ms. Gwendolyn Dowdy-Rodgers – Newly Appointed San Bernardino School Board; Rikkie Van Johnson – Mayor Pro Temp, City of San Bernardino; Ms. Genevieve Echols, President of San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation; Ms. Kathryn Ervin – California State University San Bernardino; Mr. Terrance Stone – Young Visionaries Youth Academy; Rev. Arnelia F. Carpenter – Assoc. Minister – New Hope Missionary Baptist Church; Ms. Desiree McKenzie – SBBCF 2015 Miss Black San Bernardino; Mr. Troy Ingram, 1st Vice President – Black Rose Co-Chairperson; Juanita H. Scott; Carter High School Junior ROTC; Chief Joseph Paulino; Officer Marcus Pesquera; Chino Fire Foundation; Kathryn Ervin; John Coleman; and the list goes on, and on, and on.

Westside Story Newspaper congratulates ALL recipients!

Lou Coleman and community photographer John Coleman

Lou Coleman and community photographer John Coleman

Margret Hill and Lou Coleman

Margret Hill and Lou Coleman

Rafael Rawls and Lou Coleman

Rafael Rawls and Lou Coleman

Black Rose4

Lou Coleman (Left) and Ms. Gwendolyn Dowdy-Rodgers (right)

Black Rose3

Lou Coleman and Mr. David Clark



“Vacate the Premises!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

I want you to know that, that is the explicit meaning of the words of Jesus in [Matthew 7:21-23] “…Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity  I tell you multitude of people who expect to go to Heaven will go to Hell. Thousands of “good” people, “moral” people, church members, teachers, prophets, apostles, priests and preachers will find themselves lost when they expected to be saved; condemned when they expected approval; cast out of Heaven when they expected to be received into eternal bliss. They are professors without possession. They are church members, perhaps, but not Christians. They are reformed but not reborn. They have lamps but no oil. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. Dangerous Deception!  Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.” [Jeremiah 14:14] [Matthew 24:24]. This is precisely the nature of deception Paul referred to in [2Cor. 11:13-15] “You put up with it easily enough. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.”  I tell you their end will be what their actions deserve.

Take Heed…. Do not be deceived… Spend time studying God’s Word; know and understand what it says. Remember what God said in [Hosea 4:6] “My people perish for lack of knowledge. That’s why [Proverbs 4:5] encourages us to, “Get wisdom and get understanding… for we cannot rely on just listening to sermons and teachings from Bible teachers and pastors.  We must let the Scriptures speak to us directly; and the only way to do that is to study them for ourselves. Listen don’t take my word for anything… don’t believe anything I say… “Test everything.” Check it out for yourself and see if it aligns with what the Bible teaches [1John 4:1] [1Thess 5:19-22] because as Jesus drew near to the end of the Sermon on the Mount, He took the time to remind us of the seriousness of our salvation. He wanted all who heard Him to be sure that they were genuinely converted. See the Bible clearly warns that in the last days strange doctrines will come forth – introducing another Jesus, another Spirit, another Gospel [Matt. 24:4-5] [2 Tim. 3:1-5] [1Thess 2:9-10]. Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves [Matt 7:15].

It is my prayer that you will allow the Spirit of God to speak to your hearts today. It may be that there is some reading this that has never been truly saved. Perhaps this is the day when you will meet Jesus as your Savior. Maybe there are those who think they are saved, but in truth, you’re not. I am praying that God will speak to your heart today! Perhaps there are those who know you have never been converted. There is no better time than right now to get that taken care of….  If what you believe to be true turned out not to be true, wouldn’t you like to know about it?  Do Not Be Deceived… Give all you have to get true knowledge.



Pepperdine University Black Alumni Council (Bac) Presents The 3rd Annual “Sound Investment Benefit Concert”

Mark Allen Felton

Mark Allen Felton

LONG BEACH, CA- The Pepperdine University Black Alumni Council (BAC) will host the 3rd annual “BAC SOUND INVESTMENT BENEFIT CONCERT” scholarship concert on Saturday, October 3.  The event will take place at the Hotel Maya in Long Beach (700 Queensway Drive, Long Beach, CA) from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.  The goal of the event is to raise scholarship funds for African American students at the five schools of Pepperdine University.

The benefit concert will be headlined by the multi-faceted and award-winning saxophonist Mark Allen Felton. A Chicago native, Felton began paving his musical pathway at the tender age of 11. He was inspired by such great artists as Grover Washington, Jr. and Earth, Wind and Fire, and continued honing his talent throughout high school and college. Felton has written several hundreds of songs including the theme song for the nationally syndicated radio show Radioscope. His musical career has spanned more than 20 years – playing around the country and throughout the world, including Japan, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Felton has shared the stage with many accomplished artists including: Al Jarreau, Oleta Adams, Patti LaBelle, Chaka Khan, Kenny G., Kirk Whalum, Dave Koz, Billy Preston, Marcus Miller, Lalah Hathaway, and Jeffrey Osbourne, to name a few.

Groove Theory

Groove Theory

Entertainment will also include performances by jazz band The Groove Alliance (TGA), featuring Sheri Whitten (lead vocals); Fleming Robinson (lead vocals and guitar); Robert “B-Bow” Abraham (drums and vocals); Reginald Varnado (keyboard and vocals); Martineau “Mott” Perkins (saxophone and vocals); and Ollie Elder, Jr. (bass). TGA was formed in 2001 by bassist Ollie Elder, Jr., as “Base Six.” His vision for the band was to perform instrumental smooth jazz using the saxophone, piano, and bass as lead voices. Responding to demands of Rhythm and Blues (R&B) dance tunes, the band recruited songbird Sheri Whitten and became known as TGA. To date the band delivers high quality R&B music. Their sound is a combination of jazz, pop, and reggae.

In addition to enjoying the awesome sounds of Felton and TGA, attendees will have the opportunity to dance, mix and mingle, while supporting a great cause.  Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit the event website at http://bit.ly/2015soundinvestment


Memorial ceremony set at county center in Riverside on anniversary of 9/11 attacks

RIVERSIDE, CA- Riverside County will observe the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States with a memorial ceremony on Friday (9/11) at the county government center in downtown Riverside.

The memorial will begin at 9:30 a.m. outside the County Administrative Center. Scheduled speakers include Supervisors Marion Ashley and Chuck Washington, Sheriff Stan Sniff and Cal Fire/Riverside County Fire Chief John Hawkins. There also will be a Ringing of the Bell ceremony, conducted by a Fire Department honor guard to recognize those who died, including first responders who perished while trying to rescue other victims. Members of the public are invited to attend the ceremony at 4080 Lemon St. in Riverside.


Community invited to attend event celebrating recovery

Vickie Baumbach, DBH Alcohol and Drug Services Program Manager II, and Veronica Kelley, DBH Assistant Director, at 2014 Recovery Happens Event.

Vickie Baumbach, DBH Alcohol and Drug Services Program Manager II, and Veronica Kelley, DBH Assistant Director, at 2014 Recovery Happens Event.

ONTARIO, CA- The Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) and its community partners invite the public to help celebrate National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month by attending the 12th Annual Recovery Happens event on Saturday, Sept.19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Cucamonga-Guasti Regional Park, 800 N. Archibald Avenue in Ontario.  This no-cost event is made possible through the support of local community partners, agencies and businesses.

Recovery Happens will feature children’s activities, family games, entertainment, free refreshments (while supplies last) and agency booths providing educational resources. A special tribute will take place for individuals in recovery, their families and friends, and those working in the field of prevention, substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services.

This collaborative event between DBH’s Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) and community partners is designed to increase awareness and understanding of substance use issues while celebrating recovery. Recovery Month is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and was adopted by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors in 2011. This year’s theme, “Join the Voices for Recovery: Visible, Vocal, Valuable!” emphasizes the value of peer support in educating, mentoring, and helping others.

“Recovery happens every day. In September, we celebrate the journey taken by community members, family and friends, towards wellness, prevention, treatment and recovery,” said DBH Assistant Director, Veronica Kelley. “DBH is honored to host this annual event to support those we serve.”

DBH’s ADS provides a full range of substance use disorder prevention, treatment and education for communities and residents of San Bernardino County through a network of community based organizations and County-operated clinics with the goal of promoting prevention, intervention, recovery and resiliency for individuals and families. Through ADS, DBH is supporting the Countywide Vision by working to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being.

For additional information regarding this event or DBH ADS services, contact Lois Mergener at (909) 386-8262 (711 for TTY users) or lois.mergener@dbh.sbcounty.gov or visit www.sbcounty.gov/dbh/News/.

The 3rd Annual Pink and White Celebration honors Dr. Angela D. Martin

Madrid Martin (center) and women

Madrid Martin (center) and women

RIVERSIDE, CA-The 2015 The CARE Project, Inc.’s, Woman of Excellence Award to be presented to Dr. Angela D. Martin – Physician In Charge at Kaiser Permanente, Meridian Clinic at the third annual Pink and White Celebration.  The event honors Inland Empire breast cancer survivors and celebrates life on Sunday, October 4 at 5 p.m.

“It’s the non-profit’s biggest fundraiser of the year,” said founder Carrie Madrid.  “We are proud to have the event sponsored by D and D’s Dance Center and held in their beautiful ballroom at 1445 Spruce Street in Riverside,” she added.

Tickets are $30 each, $240 table of eight. Admission includes:  Pink carpet photo, dinner, DJ, dancing, raffles and live performances.  Reserved seating tickets are on sale now at Eventbrite.com

“This is the 3rd Annual Pink and White Celebration. The first two years were a huge success honoring many breast cancer survivors and raising breast cancer awareness throughout our community.  Last year’s event was standing room only with more than 250 people in attendance. This year, reserved seating has been put in place and tickets will not be sold at the door,” said Madrid.

Riverside’s Police and Fire department’s personnel and breast cancer awareness vehicles will be on site to welcome the honored survivors as they arrive.

Entertainment for The 3rd Annual Pink and White Celebration includes: Special performance by jazz saxophonist and Riverside native, J. Anton Boykin; Special guest speaker, Evelyn Erives – 99.1 KGGI/iHeart Radio and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s 2010 Woman of the Year.

Stage III breast cancer survivor, Carrie Madrid, founded The CARE Project to help support local patients, undergoing and recovering from Cancer treatment.

The CARE Project provides gas cards, grocery gift cards, prepaid Visa cards for copays, utility bill assistance, Chemo “CARE” Packages, counseling and mentoring.

The first 30 registered survivors receive free admission.  Each guest must be accompanied by at least one paying guest.  Contact Carrie at (951) 707-7965 to register.

For more information including sponsorships opportunities please contact Carrie Madrid at tcpfounder@gmail.com or call (951) 707-7965.  All donations are tax deductible.


‘Our Children Sing’

Naimah S. Allen

Naimah S. Allen

By Deborah Ealy

‘Our Children Sing’ is an annual program held in San Bernardino, CA on or around September 11th of each year. This event was founded by the late Alice F. Page, community leader, entrepreneur, and “peace major,” in September 2002.   The “Our Children Sing’ program allows a venue for many of the talented youth in our schools, churches, and gang-riddled communities to come together in peace to celebrate one another without the fear of violence. In this world of grown-up wars, national rivalries, and teen and young adult gang violence, Alice believed that we should start our peace outreach by reaching out to our children while they are still young and impressionable and teach them how to work, play, fellowship, perform, and communicate with one another without resorting to violence.

After the devastating events of 9/11, Alice felt that she could no longer sit idly by without doing something, anything, to help in the fight against violence and in the push towards peace.  She began her fight by reaching out to numerous public officials and people of influence in the city and state in an effort to bring about a National Day of Peace which would be observed annually on September 11;  just one day of peace when there would be no guns, no violence, and no fighting.

Alice worked tirelessly to bring about peace and non-violence one step at a time, starting here in her own backyard. She measured her own success not by her own wealth or comfort, but by the lives she touched on a daily basis.  Like the heroes of 911 she knew that she needed to do something to make the world a better place.  She chose to put her words, her beliefs, her dreams into action and stepped forward with a plan to promote peace.

The ‘Our Children Sing’ program is coordinated by Vicki Lee, Homeless Liaison for San Bernardino City Unified School District. The event will be held at Norman F. Feldhym Library, 555 West 6th Street in San Bernardino on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at 3 p.m. The recipient of The Alice F. Page Award will be Beverly Earl  from Catholic Charities,  and special recognition will be given to The late Frances Montano from Ballet Folklorico who was faithful until she passed away.

This year’s  participants include James Ramos supervisor 3rd District, Fajamora Fox, , Naimah S. Allen,  Kya Gary, Pacific Cultural Club, Malichi Compton, Gloria Chavez and The Ballet Forklorico Cultural Group; New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Children’s Choir Cathedral of Praise International Ministries Dance Team; Arroyo Valley High school Marching Hawks, and San Bernardino High School  Air Force Junior ROTC. They are not performing just to showcase their talents. They are not just dancing because their parents or friends are watching. They will not be just supporting another community event. No: they dance, they perform, they sing for peace.

Forever in Our Arts: Humanitarian, Black Rose & Community Service Banquet to be Held this Friday

Edited by Naomi K. Bonman

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation is happy to announce the winners of the 26th Annual Humanitarian of the Year, Commitment to Community Service and Black Rose Awards, which will be held on Friday, September 11 at The National Orange Show, Valencia Ballroom located at 689 South “E” Street in San Bernardino. There will be a social hour at 6 p.m. with the dinner and awards starting at 7 p.m. Honorees for this year’s celebration include: Kim Evette Anthony, Humanitarian of the Year; David Clark, Community Service; Chief Joseph Paulino, Charles Chuck Burns Award; Officer Marcus Pesquera, Black Rose; and the Chino Valley Fire Foundation, Black Rose.

Kim has given tirelessly of herself, using her skills and abilities to help others.  Much of her work is on a pro bono basis because of her unrelenting commitment to serving her community.  She has provided countless number of volunteer hours providing services to nonprofit and community based organizations including Stop the Violence Foundation and the establishment of the Regional Violence Prevention Coalition.  She volunteered with the Red Cross in Houston, TX serving and supporting displaced Hurricane Katrina survivors. A product of the foster care system, Kim spent fourteen months during her reign as Ms. California delivering motivational speaking and raising funds and awareness for the plight of foster children and at-risk youth.

David, a retired military person, volunteers his time at March Air Force Base assisting retirees with their retirement and other benefits.  He also assist the families of the deceased, making sure they get the paperwork needed for proper burial.  In addition, he mentors students at San Gorgonio High School as well as the youth and young adults at his church.

Chief Joseph Paulino makes sure that over 50,000 students are safe each day and has implemented an explorer program for the middle and high school students in the district.  He still finds time to provide service to his community.  He is a member of 100 Black Men of the Inland Empire and recently, he hosted a Searching of Mentors Summit at California State University, San Bernardino.  He volunteers his time with the annual Christmas toy giveaway, safety fairs, and positive tickets program.

The Chino Fire Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the safety and welfare of the public through educational programs, direct assistance, and financial support of charitable organizations, victims of tragic events and injured firefighters.  Their Adopt a Family program makes funds available to families that have suffered personal tragedy such as an un-expected death or a fire-related loss.

Officer Pesquera was in training when early one morning, he and his fellow officer approach a few individuals who appeared to have suspicious behavior.  OfficerPesquera’s quick thinking saved the lives of both men.  Unfortunately, his fellow officer was critically wounded but Officer Pesquera was able to save both lives.  He volunteers in his community at the firing range and his skills enabled him to protect the citizens of San Bernardino.

For more information or for last minute tickets, please visit www.sbbcfoundation.com or call (909) 210-6373.