Black Rose 2015 Honorees Have Been Announced

The Chino Fire Foundation will be receiving a Black Rose Award this year. (Photo courtesy of Chino Fire Foundation)
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation is happy to announce the winners of the 26th Annual Humanitarian of the Year, Commitment to Community Service and Black Rose Awards.
The Humanitarian of the Year award will be given to Kim Evette Anthony. Kim gives tirelessly of herself, using her skills and abilities to help others. Much of her work is on a pro bono basis because of her unrelenting commitment to serving her community. She provides countless number of volunteer hours servicing nonprofit and community based organizations including Stop the Violence Foundation and the establishment of the Regional Violence Prevention Coalition.
Kim volunteered with the Red Cross in Houston, TX serving and supporting displaced Hurricane Katrina survivors. A product of the foster care system, Kim spent fourteen months during her reign as Ms. California delivering motivational speaking and raising funds and awareness for the plight of foster children and at-risk youth.
Davis Clark will be receiving the Commitment to Community Service award. David, a retired military person, volunteers his time at March Air Force Base assisting retirees with their retirement and other benefits. He also assists the families of the deceased, making sure they get the paperwork needed for proper burial. In addition, he mentors students at San Gorgonio High School as well as the youth and young adults at his church. He transports church members and neighbors to doctor appointments and the grocery stores and is involved in the food and toy outreach for the citizens on the west side of the city. He ministers to the residences of Highland Palms Residential Living and when the senior citizens ask for special food and clothing, he purchases them with his own funds.
The Black Rose Charles Burris 1st Responders’ Award will be given to Chief Joseph Paulino. Chief Joseph Paulino makes sure that over 50,000 students are safe each day; and has implemented an explorer program for the middle and high school students in the district. He still finds time to provide service to his community. He is a member of 100 Black Men of the Inland Empire and recently, he hosted a Searching of Mentors Summit at California State University San Bernardino. He volunteers his time with the annual Christmas toy giveaway, safety fairs, and positive tickets program.
The Chino Fire Foundation and Officer Marcus Pesquera will both be receiving the Black Rose Award. The Chino Fire Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the safety and welfare of the public through educational programs, direct assistance, and financial support of charitable organizations, victims of tragic events and injured firefighters. Officer Pesquera was in training when early one morning, he and his fellow officer approach a few individuals who appeared to have suspicious behavior. Officer Pesquera’s quick thinking saved the lives of both men. Unfortunately, his fellow officer was critically wounded but Officer Pesquera was able to save both lives. He volunteers in his community at the firing range and his skills enabled him to protect the citizens of San Bernardino.-