
Knotts Family Agency to Host Jazz and Wine-tasting Fundraiser

Ann Clark and Michael

Ann Clark and Michael

Ann Clark of Rialto doesn’t consider herself a foster care parent as much as a parent to many teens in need over the years. The high school vocational education coordinator and her husband, Michael, a logistics worker, are currently parenting four adolescent girls in their home through Knotts Family Agency.

“It’s very challenging but at the same time it’s very rewarding,” Clark says. “You are able to instill the qualities and values that you would on your own children. What you expect of your own children, you expect of them also.”

Knotts, a foster care and adoption services agency in San Bernardino, will honor the Clarks and other parents at a jazz and wine tasting fundraiser from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 15 at Edwards Mansion in Redlands. The other honoree foster care parents are Deborah Martelly of Highland, Belita Foster of Rialto and Jeannette and Charles Howard of San Bernardino.

Proceeds from the annual fundraiser will help support the Knotts Family Agency Educational and Cultural Enrichment Initiative. The program exposes over 75 foster care youths in the Inland region to fun and educational activities, from Magic Mountain to math and science camps.

More than 2,500 individuals and families are served each year by Knotts Family Agency, which was founded in 1992. They receive critical support for resilience, mental health, care coordination, parenting, youth mentoring and leadership development, financial and environmental literacy and job training.

CEO Gwen Knotts says that education positively changes the direction of a young person’s life. “We really emphasize that with education and tutoring, we’re hoping to change the outcomes when the youth are emancipated or transition back to their biological family.”

Knotts provides social services to foster care families and stay in constant contact during the child’s stay. “They really go the distance to make sure these kids have what they need,” Clark says.

For tickets to the Knotts Family Agency jazz and wine tasting fundraiser, contact Sandy Oquin at (909) 880-0600. Tickets are $50/$65 at the door. Table sponsorships are also available.




Thanks to a new partnership with desertFIAT, 9th–12th graders with perfect attendance for the 2015–2016 academic school year have the chance to win an array of incentives from iPods, iPads, scholarships, up to a NEW 2016 FIAT 500.

It’s a Gas to Go to Class is a school attendance program designed to motivate students. Now in its fifth year in the High Desert, It’s a Gas to Go to Class is coming to San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD). Thousands of students attending District high schools returned to school on Monday, August 3 and heard about the program on the first day of classes. 

Pacific High School students were among the first in the District to see the new car on Monday, when representatives from desertFIAT visited the campus to introduce It’s a Gas to Go to Class. In the coming weeks desertFIAT will visit every District high school to encourage students to maintain perfect attendance.

“Giving students an incentive to be in school has made a tremendous, positive impact in the High Desert, where It’s a Gas to Go to Class started,” said Billy Mack, Director of Sales at Victorville Motors and desertFIAT. “When students miss school, they miss critical instruction time that cannot be made up,” Mack said. “That impacts teachers who have to spend extra time with the student.” 

It’s a Gas is expected to help SBCUSD significantly improve its high school attendance rates, which have been increasing in recent years. Last school year, about 1,500 high school students had perfect attendance. dj-fiat-500x-ri_653

The program is a win-win. Higher student attendance means more state funding for SBCUSD, but most importantly, it means students are more likely to succeed academically and graduate from high school. According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals, research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year—or 18 days in most districts—correlates with academic trouble.

For more information about the San Bernardino edition of It’s a Gas to Go to Class, visit www.desertFIAT.com/itsagasSB.htm.


o-mother-reading-to-child-facebook1SAN BERNARDINO, CA- It was through Steve Jefferson’s work with many illiterate children that he recognized a need for this awareness. The mission of the Urban Literacy Project, a California non-profit organization, is to help close the literacy achievement gap with low performing youths. Many schools across the country are experiencing a high number of students that drop out. Dr. Jefferson believes improving literacy can be the catalyst to change.

The National Buy A Kid A Book Day will be launched in 4 states, California, Alabama, Michigan and Georgia. We are asking people to purchase a book for a child on or before August 31st, 2015. Our goal is to have 10,000 books purchased for children on that day.

Dr. Jefferson is a graduate of University of Southern California’s (USC) International Public Policy Management Program and has a Doctorate in Education from the University of La Verne. His experience in education ranges over 30 years and has provided workshops for many school districts in the Los Angeles area on differentiated instruction and building literacy with children reading at basic and below basic levels.

Anyone interested in participating in the day to buy a kid a book should sign up on our Facebook Event Page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1607931622815005/ or email us at the urbanliteracyproject@gmail.com. People can buy a child a book on or before August 31st. The child can be a friend’s child or relative.

Let’s get exited about literacy and learning again! For more information please contact: Steve P. Jefferson, Ed. D.,  urbanliteracyproject@gmail.com




San Bernardino County Dignitaries Participate in ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Last week, Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) and other local officials took the “Ice Bucket Challenge” to raise awareness about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that renders patients unable to use their voluntary muscles. Those afflicted with ALS, including 300,000 people in the United States, lose their ability to walk, talk, move, and breathe. Assemblymember Brown took the challenge in honor of her husband, Dr. Hardy Brown, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2002. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is held annually in August until a cure is found.

BucketAsm. BrownJDG



BucketMayors office rep.JDG



President Obama’s Visit Puts Focus on Fast Growing African Economies

AGED Summit Brings Decision Making Africans to Los Angeles

5eeaObama-and-Tanzanias-President-Jakaya-KikweteLOS ANGELES, CA- President Obama visited Kenya to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit — a gathering of over 1,000 entrepreneurs from around the world, convening to discuss how small business, with an emphasis on technology, will drive Africa’s economy forward.

This was a meeting that attracted the senior leadership of companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, General Electric, etc. Africa is home to five of the ten fastest growing economies in the world, and Nairobi is considered the Silicon Valley of Africa.

The African Global Economic Development Summit (AGED) will also focus on the African Nations who are the world’s fastest growing economies…  But you don’t need to go to Africa to participate. AGED takes place August 6, 7 & 8 in Los Angeles on the USC Campus.

The Third Annual African Global Economic & Development Summit (AGED) is focused on Africa’s fastest growing economies. It will highlight what is driving them, and how Americans can engage in trade and find prosperity on the mighty continent of Africa. The summit will explore Africa’s fastest growing economies from 2013 to 2015. Africa is home to eleven top GDP producing nations among the World’s Top Twenty Fastest Growing Economies.

The Summit will disclose and highlight the African Nations which have, or are undergoing regulatory reforms to provide an enabling environment and solid footing for foreign investment. The African Global Economic Development Summit assists Americans to uncover and access the hidden investment opportunities in Africa.

The AGED Summit, a comprehensive Africa-focused business event, annually brings business and government officials from African nations to California to showcase their trade-ready projects in need of technical and investment partners. Financial institutions and investors are prepared to offer funding support.  Government entities offer export assistance, and information on public initiatives to help Americans do business in Africa. During the Summit, immediate business matchmaking between U.S. and African businesses occur because the event provides businesses functional access to contracts and potential African partners. Opportunities exist for micro-enterprises, small businesses, multinational corporations and global conglomerates. Financing is available on site. Business representatives in the United States will have a rare opportunity to connect with Africa, right here in America. This event puts decision makers in the same room. Some deals will be made and many doors will be opened!. Follow-up activities include trade missions to Africa, logistical assistance and excursions to local project development sites.

For more information and registration, visit www.agedsummit.com.


Music History was Made in San Bernardino

Diva's Basement (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

Diva’s Basement (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

By Naomi K. Bonman

It was definitely a night to remember! One that each artist in the Inland Empire will hold dear to their hearts and never forget. LUE Productions made musical history in San Bernardino, and in the Inland Empire as a whole. The first annual Indie Artist Award Show, which was held on Saturday, August 1 in The Sports Center at The National Orange Show, was a phenomenal success. It was definitely a great kick-off to roll into the end of summer!

Each artist that performed truly brought their A-game and executed their talents on stage as if they were the Grammy Awards. Some artists that stated that they didn’t want to put their award down to perform because they were appreciative to receive the honor of making great music and grinding day and night in the studio. This is the stepping stone of seeing their hard work pay off.

Speaker Junkiez (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

Speaker Junkiez (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

The evening started with a red carpet and networking affair. Each indie artist and business representative were escorted on the red carpet with their team and loved ones suited and booted in the best attire. During this hour there were also a few pre-performances and a fashion show presented by LUE Productions models. This hour concluded with a countdown to the award show.

The recipients that were recognized this year included: Yung Miss, Nya Banxx, Carl Fontaine, Aaron Swift, Teknik Yung Prospect, Official Bizz, Dunamis L1019, Imon, Gwapp Fam, T-Bone, Paul Douglass, Justified Smith, Hannibal Lec, Yung Muuisk, C Dub, Speaker Junkiez, Cali G, Lowla Scott,

LUE Productions models (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

LUE Productions models (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

and Mack Pepperboy. In addition to the artist award recipients, there were special community recognitions of individuals and companies that received “The Allen Award” for their hard work, dedication, and commitment that they do within the community. These individuals were: Wallace Allen of the Westside Story Newspaper, Monivision TV, Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities, Mike C a.k.a. The Guru of the I.E., The Real dirty Birdy, and Bigg Dee.

Surprise awards were given to Talon “Lata” Wilson Sr., Naomi K. Bonman, and Comedian Anthony Stone. They were given awards for their commitment and dedication to their contributions that make in the community, as well as to LUE Productions. To celebrate everyone’s success there was a after party where Lil Mike Tyson of THAD and LUE Productions models Faith and Cassandra hosted. Radio Base turned out the night during this hour.

If you missed out this year, mark your calendars to for Saturday, August 14, 2016. Follow LUE Productions on Facebook to keep updated with upcoming events.

Lue Dowdy (LUE Productions Founder) and Navarre Bell and Tammy Martin-Ryles of the Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

Lue Dowdy (LUE Productions Founder) and Navarre Bell and Tammy Martin-Ryles of the Black Chamber of Commerce-Inland Cities (Photo Credit: John A. Castro)

“I Thought You Knew!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Satan doesn’t give a damn about you! He’s not your friend and definitely not your buddy! He’s your enemy and his plan is to take you out by any means necessary. Make no mistake about it! His plan for your life is three-fold: To steal…to kill and to destroy you. That’s it and that’s all! He has no other plan, interest, or purpose for you nor your life. He hates you with a passion; an undying hatred, and he wants you dead. Period!

Now I don’t like to spend a lot of time talking about the Devil. He and I are not on speaking terms, you see. There are only two things that the Devil and I have in common; He hates me and I HATE HIM! But Jesus spoke about him from time to time, so it’s no sin for me to do it. Besides, I just want to remind you of what Peter said in [1 Peter 5:8] “Be alert, and be on watch! For your enemy, the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” I want you to know that he has declared an all-out war on you. And while many of us slumber at this midnight hour, just as Jesus predicted, the devil is working ferociously, making preparation for war. Ever scheming, ever devising ways to harass and destroy us. He is not your friend! All he wants is to kill you. That is his ultimate plan for you. Do not be deceived…. Satan hates your guts!

Sure, he throws out lies to make you believe that he has something that will soothe your pain, relieve your stress, quench your thirst and longings. He’s been doing that since the Garden of Eden. Bottom-line; he can’t stand you! But if you insist on befriending him anyway, knowing he hates the very ground you walk on know that God will eventually turn you over to your daddy [Satan] and when He does, your daddy [Satan] is going to do anything and everything to you and it ain’t going to be nice. For he is as evil as God is good; as selfish as God is unselfish; and as hateful as God is loving. And he is out to get you [Ephesians 6:10-12]. He has a plan of destruction and he is not just going to lie down, roll over and let you be what God wants you to be. He is working overtime to side-line you, to kill you, to steal and to destroy your life. That lying, manipulate, murderer! Never underestimate what he can do. Never underestimate how far he will go to defeat and kill you.  He wants to eat you alive! I’m telling you on the authority of God’s Word, Satan, is a cold blooded killer and he’s coming as swift as he can to take you out. You may not want to think about it or even accept it, but if you have determined to follow Jesus with all your heart, Satan has marked you for destruction.

Now I’m going to share with you three principles of Warfare. If you will latch onto these principles, you can live a life full of happiness, health, peace, prosperity and accomplishment. If you ignore them, you will live a life of defeat and depression and fear and uncertainty and self-doubt. Not to mention a lack of direction, financial ruin, and continual discouragement because that’s Satan’s objective. Without these principles you have no chance of survival! NONE! Not any! You are like a baby in front of a wild tiger seeking whom he may devour. And he will devour you, Associates, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, Doctorate and all, if you do not latch on the whole armor of God. I tell you we are under heavy attack. A spiritual and moral attack, and the devastation of this spiritual war is all around us in our society, our government, our universities, our entertainment media, our neighborhoods, our families, our churches, and our own lives. There are wounded people all around us, and we ourselves have been pierced by the fiery arrows of our enemy. To survive and to win, we must mount a strong defense and engage the enemy in battle. We must learn to “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” Because behind the confusion and fog of the battle is a crafty, powerful, and devastatingly real spiritual being that Jesus has called, “the ruler of this world” the Devil.

Now God has given us specific steps that enable us to be conquerors: First, we are to lay hold of the complete protection of Christ, what the Bible calls the full armor of God. Second, once fully armed, we are to pray. Effective prayer is the result of actively putting on the armor of God. Third and finally, in the face of Satan’s attacks, we are to stand firm in our faith with the certain knowledge that the battle is the Lord’s. Our faith in His victory; a victory that is already accomplished on the cross is what overcomes the world. So, as part of the Lord’s army, our commander has given us our marching orders, along with His authority, to take dominion from the enemy. The Holy Spirit in [Ephesians 6: 10-18] presents the equipment of our warfare.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people. This is a fight that will not end until we are before the throne of God. Every day, for the rest of your life, you must fight this fight – or you will fall. But by God’s grace, we all can stand. By God’s grace, we can reach the end of our lives and say with Paul, “I have fought the good fight [the fight of faith!] I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” I hope and pray that this message has equipped you with enough artillery to defeat Satan. Do not be deceived, Satan is not your friend, he is your enemy!




Local Students Invited to Enjoy the Ride with Southern California Mcdonald’s for CSU Super Saturday College Fair

7882011284_dacfe9285c_bLOS ANGELES, CA – Southern California McDonald’s restaurants are partnering with California State University (CSU) to provide local students with resources needed to make the goal of higher education a reality. For the third year, McDonald’s is sponsoring CSU Super Saturday, by providing free transportation from a McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino to the event at CSU Dominguez Hills in Carson on Saturday, August 8.

Students and their families from San Bernardino County will be transported from the local McDonald’s restaurant located at 1575 E. Highland Avenue in San Bernardino. The bus is scheduled to depart at 7 a.m. with a complimentary breakfast provided from 6 a.m. until 7 a.m. for those who are registered for transportation.

Super Saturday provides an opportunity for students to learn everything they need to know about attending college. Representatives from CSU’s 23 campuses, as well as other colleges and universities, will be on hand to provide information about admission requirements, obtaining financial aid, campus life, choosing a major, and showing the advantages of a college education. It is produced by the CSU African American Initiative – a program of the Chancellor’s Office’s External Relations department. Last year’s event attracted a multicultural audience of more than 2,000 students.

Super Saturday attendees will also be able to visit with McDonald’s representatives at the event to learn about Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern California’s College Scholarship Program and employment opportunities that aid students in supplementing their college costs.

Transportation provided by Southern California McDonald’s increases exposure for students who would not normally have the opportunity to attend the event. Local owner/operators support the company’s belief that learning doesn’t take place only in the classroom. Community partnerships with institutions of higher-learning, like CSU, helps to further extend that message.

The college fair will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 8. Students and their families can register for transportation at http://ow.ly/PQZr0, or by contacting L. CaCera Richmond at (310) 754-4808. For more information, visit www.mcdonaldssocal.com/ or Tweet to @McDonalds_SoCal on Twitter.



Prop. 47 Felony Reduction Clinic a Huge Success!!

unnamed (2)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Time for Change Foundation (TFCF) and community volunteers gathered to conduct a FREE PROP. 47 FELONY REDUCTION CLINIC, which was held on Saturday, July 25, at The Way World Outreach Downtown Mission in San Bernardino.  After almost 2 months of outreach efforts, those in need of assistance came out on droves to have their felonies reduced to misdemeanors at this one day event. Hundreds of Petitions were completed which will reduce barriers to employment and housing while strengthening families in the Inland Empire!

“We both got our felonies reduced today.  I can get a better job, make more money and buy our first house,” said one gentleman while waiting with his 2 children for his wife to finish with the attorneys.

Over 33 volunteers came together to help the community including teams from the San Bernardino and Rancho Cucamonga Public Defender’s offices, Attorney Allison Bracy (Ivie, McNeill & Wyatt), Attorney Claudia Lopez (IELLU), Renea Wickman (Political Activist and Community Organizer), Donna Ferracone (Board of Trustees SBCCD and TFCF Advisory Council Member), Roxanne Williams (6th Ward Candidate for San Bernardino City Council), Dov Cohen, University of Redlands students Emma Wade and Jewel Patterson, all TFCF staff and clients.

The San Bernardino County Department of Public Health brought their 40’ van to provide health screenings and Budget Mobile was on hand with free phones. Lunch was provided by TFCF and prepared by The Way World Outreach volunteer food team.  Computers for the event were provided by Tracey Holcomb from SGDIG.

This event was a part of CHAMP47 (Creating Healthy Alternatives Mobilizing Prop. 47), an initiative of TFCF created to implement Proposition 47, The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, which was approved by voters in last November’s election.  The CHAMP47 campaign will help to improve health and safety of our community which has been devastated by mass incarceration. It will also help rebuild families by removing underlying barriers to employment, access to health care, and education in San Bernardino.


What It Do With the LUE: Indie Artist Award Show

The Real Dirty Birdy

The Real Dirty Birdy

This week What it do with LUE is LUE Productions 2015 Indie Artist Award Show “My Music, My MIC”! Starring – The Real Dirty Birdy; Radio Base; LUE Productions Camp – Paul Douglas, Dada Doe, Mack Pepperboy, Speaker Junkiez, Dunamis L1019, Gwaap Fam, and Nya BanXXX!

Don’t miss this EPIC event honoring and recognizing businesses, entertainment entities, individuals and artists that have contributed to the music within the Inland Empire. DRESS UP & STEP UP! This will be an evening to remember.

Radio Base

Radio Base

Please show your support by coming out Saturday, August 1, 2015 located the Sports Center in San Bernardino 690 S. Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino. Red Carpet and Social Hour will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. and the award show will run from 8:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. After the show, feel free to stay and turn up some more at the After Party from 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tickets are $15.00 at the door. For more information, please call (909) 567-1000.