
Black Arts Los Angeles Presents Sixth Annual Juneteenth Festival

onochieLOS ANGELES, CA– Black Arts Los Angeles (BALA), in collaboration with Kingdom Day Parade organizer and Chairman of CORE-CA Adrian Dove, will hold the sixth annual Juneteenth Festival “Celebrating 150 Years of Black Lives That Matter,” on June 20 and June 21 in Leimert Park Village from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The two-day celebration will highlight the history of Juneteenth, the nationally recognized holiday that commemorates the 1865 Emancipation of enslaved African Americans.      This year’s Juneteenth celebrates a very special milestone. It has been exactly 150 years since the emancipation of the last formally enslaved Africans in America.

The Juneteenth Festival will bring the surrounding community together for food, entertainment, health screenings, and unique shopping experiences. Activities include chess and dominoes lessons and tournaments, a fashion line recreating the fashions between 1863 and 1868, face painting, magic experiences and more! Various retailers will be on hand to provide festival-goers the opportunity to buy the perfect graduation and/or Father’s Day gift!

Guests will include The South African Consul-General, Hon. Cyril Ndaba, who will be giving remembrance of the Soweto Students Massacre. There will also be a Black Inventors and Juneteenth History tent presented by the Office of Los Angeles District 10 Council President Herb Wesson. Urban TechFair guru Jim Neusom, the man responsible for bringing wi-fi to Leimert Park, will also be honored at the festival. This year, Charles Drew Medical, UCLA, UMMA Clinic and Covered California will also provide free diabetes, blood pressure, and other health screenings in Health Ark in the Park.

The Juneteenth Festival in Leimert Park has grown to be a significant cultural festivity, garnering thousands of celebrants in previous years. The festival provides a platform for those in the community with an appreciation for arts, fashion, food and music. The festival is being sponsored by natural resources company, Freeport-McMoRan.

The celebration will take place in Leimert Park Village Vision Theater Back Lot on Degnan and 43rd Street. Admission is free to the public and open to all ages.


It’s Time to Make up Your Mind!

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

I would just remind you that these are dangerous times for the church, the people of God. We are seeing the church develop an appearance that is more and more like that of the church in Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22. A church that has everything it needs, except for the presence, power, and glory of God. Just as the Lord issued a call through Joshua, all those centuries ago, for His people to make of their minds as to whom they would serve, so He issues the same call to His people on this day. Hear the call God is giving to you, It’s Time to Make up Your Mind! And, it is! If the Lord be God then serve Him. If He isn’t, then go ahead and serve whatever has your heart. Whatever you do, stop trying to have the best of both worlds!

Matt.6:33 say, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” The context of that verse is “prioritize.” Many of us choose the carnal, the physical, the clothing, the food, the shelter, the money and any and everything else that is not spiritual. The majority of us are too much like Peter. Jesus told Peter in Matt.16:21-26 that he cared not about the things of God but only the things of men. Jesus went on to say though that the soul of man was more important than gaining the whole world. Now that is hard for a worldly-minded person to understand. Why? Because they are so interested in what they can get out of life right now that they forget that there is an eternity out there much longer than the here and now. Making the right choices takes a heavenly-minded person.

Listen, Joshua knew the previous generation in Egypt had succumbed to man-made gods and had influenced this present generation. A choice had to be made between God’s will and man’s will. Joshua made the right choice and led the people to do the same. When Saul got saved on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:6) he had been making decisions based on what man wanted him to do. The Jewish leaders wanted him to round up all the Christians and put them to death and he was doing just that. Then he met the Lord and after he got saved his first statement was, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Everyone who names the name of Jesus should be asking, “Lord, what is it thou would have me to do?” But Joshua did imply in verse 19 Chapter 24 that the people couldn’t serve the Lord because it wouldn’t be convenient for them. God is too holy for your lifestyle! But I tell you, we should always choose the Spiritual over the carnal, the eternal over the temporal, God’s will over men and commitment over convenience. Oh, how we need more Christians making the right choices.

So how do we decide such an issue? Do we flip a coin? Do we follow the majority opinion? Not at all! As Christians, you and I look to God’s Word for direction. We look to the timeless, changeless Truths of God’s Word to guide us in our decision making process. And what does God have to say about this particular issue? I think Paul sums it up pretty well in the words of our text: “If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Paul presents God’s mercies as his strongest argument for giving ourselves to God. “I urge you,” Paul said, “by the mercies of God . . . to present your bodies…” (Rom. 12:1). When we recognize what God has done for us through his son Jesus Christ, the only response is to give ourselves completely to him. That should be motivation enough for us to give our whole lives to God. If reflecting on God’s mercies doesn’t move us, then we are in trouble.  I ask you, where would you be without God’s love and forgiveness? Where would you be without God’s presence in your life? What kind of hope would you have without him?

You need to remember who you are, where you came from and what the Lord has done for you.  Remember where He found you. What He did for you. How He has blessed you. How He has worked on your behalf time and again. How He has answered prayer and met needs. Remember His power in your life. You need to remember that since the day you were saved by grace, God has never left you nor had He forsaken you, as He said, Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20. Remember His presence in your life. You need to contemplate the fact that you have much today that you simply do not deserve! Think of it! You are saved, secure and headed to a home in Heaven! You are hell prove and in the body of Christ. You are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and live in its presence all the time. You have more than anyone can understand or imagine! God has been so good to you! In light of these truths, I wonder why you seem to have a hard time just simply loving and serving Him as you should.

Listen, Joshua’s command to the people was three-fold. They were commanded to “fear” God; clean up their lives by putting away their other gods; and they were to serve the Lord. This would put them in a position to put God back in the forefront of their lives. This is a command that God’s people need to take heed to today! We need to Fear the Lord – That is, we need to reverence and honor Him for Who He is. He deserves to be respected and loved by those He has redeemed! We need to put away our other gods! All those things in our lives that come ahead of the Lord need to be put away forever! And we need to serve the Lord with sincerity. We are His possessions and should live as such, 1 Cor. 6:19-20. The implication for us is that God does not want His people to live lives of hypocrisy! He wants us to be what we claim to be!

Joshua challenged the people to choose who they would serve and to get about it! The same choice stands before you today! It’s about time you stop straddling the fence and make up your mind whom you will serve. You cannot have both God and the world! You cannot have Him and all your distractions. Joshua set the example and laid down the gauntlet for the rest of the people by stating his clear intention to serve God.  We need some Joshua’s in our day! We need some men and women who will settle it in their hearts that Jesus Christ and His Word and will are going to come before everything else in life! We need some who will set the example for others. We have too many who, by their lives, give justification for slackness in life. We need some who have a backbone of steel and who would rather die than let something come ahead of God in their lives. (Ill. Daniel – Dan. 1:8-19; the 3 Hebrews – Dan. 3:1-30; Daniel – Dan. 6:1-28; Ruth – Ruth 1:16-17. If He has to compete for your time, your attention, your money and your love, it calls your whole profession into question! God wants us to serve Him, love Him and honor Him. When we do that, He will bless our lives. It’s time to make up your mind. Choose whom this day you will serve!  Forsake the foolish, and live, and go in the way of understanding. Know that because God is consistent we can be assured that He will deal with us exactly as He dealt with the people of old. That which He approved or disapproved of in the past will engender the same response. I tell you, it’s time to make up your mind!



It’s Coming Back to Cali!

Warriors 2015 NBA Champs

Warriors win NBA Finals in character, being themselves, EXPLOSIVE!

By Johnni Matthews

The scene at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio after Game 6 of the NBA Finals was a somber one for the Cleveland Cavaliers’ fans as they watched the Golden State Warriors celebrate and hoist the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy on their court.  The Warriors outlasted the Cleveland Cavaliers 105-97 to win the series 4-2.  It is the first championship for the Warriors since the 1975 Warriors team led by under hand free throw player and sharp shooter, Rick Barry accomplished the goal against the Washington Bullets led by Wes Unseld.

Forget the statistics on this game, just know that Stephen Curry, Finals MVP, Andre Iguodala, splash brother, Klay Thompson, Harrison Barnes, Draymond Green, Shawn Livingston and the rest of the team were focused, on point outstanding in their road to this NBA Championship!

For the Cleveland Cavaliers, LeBron was LeBron simply GREAT, but fatigued, J.R. Smith showed up with some timely three pointers, Triston Thompson making his presence felt on the boards, but Matthew Dellavedova was spent out of energy forcing Coach Blatt to play Shumpert on Curry most of the game as he did in Game 5.  The Cavaliers simply couldn’t match the energy, speed and depth of the Warriors without a healthy Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love.  NBA fans will never know if having the two All-Stars on the court with LeBron James would have helped the King crown the city of Cleveland with their first NBA Championship!

NBA Rookie Coach, Steve Kerr made all the significant adjustments to out coach Cleveland’s Head Coach, David Blatt who stuck to a short rotation, never playing former NBA Champion and All-Star Shawn Marion who announced his retirement after the conclusion of this season.

What a night to remember for all Warriors’ fans and the Cleveland Cavaliers as the Cavs found themselves out of gas!  It was evident by Game 4 that several players on the Cavaliers squad was just simply out of gas, but still continued to play scrappy enough to murk up the game to give themselves a chance to win.  It was simply too much of the Golden State Warriors being themselves, running, bagging threes from all over the perimeter, and playing just enough tough defense to capture the beautiful gold Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy.

The jingle by a famous rap/actor artist, “I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali…I’m going back to Cali, Cali…Well the NBA Championship Trophy is coming back to Cali, a state where Mr. Larry O’Brien feels right at HOME!


Love: A Father’s Legacy

black-fatherBy Ruth L. Stevens

The words I was hearing rang familiar, I listened in awe: The words were flowing, he was saying, “I was so confused, my life seemed to have turned upside down. Where could I turn for direction? To Daddy! I had to see him! He could make things right for me”. Arriving home, I packed a few things and got into my car for the eight hundred mile drive. I drove all night and when I arrived home the following morning, mother met me at the door. She did not know I was coming and was clearly surprised. Almost at once I asked, “Where is he Daddy?” She said, “He is over in the back field doing some planting”. I headed for the back, he saw me coming and headed toward me and instantly I knew he would know the solution! (This was brother Bo-Jay).

On another occasion, I heard words from another’s voice saying, “I could do anything if he were there”. “I remember him teaching us boys to dive, and he would say ‘Jump’ and I would sail through the air like a bird without fear or doubt because I knew there was no way anything could happen to me with him there”. (Brother Ruben we call Jabow).

He fathered twelve children and he has twelve separate rooms in his heart. Each child left a love so deep and binding that he/she thought, “I am the special one”.

Only once did I see him in real pain, when he lost his first-born son John Charley! He was like the old oak tree with all its leaves stripped from it, standing stark and bare against a stark and cold sky. He dwelled in a space only the two of them could shard! HIS GRIEF WAS SO INWARD NO ONE DARED TRESPASS! The only time I can remember him leaving us totally!

Then one day the word came, someone saying to me, “Ruth, I have to tell you something, be strong, your father has made his transition”. I could not contemplate it. No! No! I felt myself falling, it seemed into a dark bottomless pit of nothingness—I hear another voice speaking, “I had only two friends and Daddy was number one. I look out the kitchen window and I see him and he’s gone”. (Brother T. Warren G.). The voices go on and on, all eleven of them. “Daddy said this, Daddy said that. Daddy did this, Daddy did that”. Every experience uniquely different, yet so similar.

I hear his voice early mornings, “Baby Ruth, rise and shine, the early bird gets the worm”. The joy in his voice, the sparkles in his eyes watching a new day break forth. I certainly thought I was his favorite, the special one of his brood that is until I started to listen.

My buddy, my buddy, so kind and true, My buddy, your buddy misses you.

Oh, mine papa, you were so wonderful. Oh mine papa, you were so grand!

Center Stage Fontana is casting BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO!

FONTANA, CA- Set at a Catskills resort in 1960, this is the sweetly comic story of Lois and Marge, two friends from Brooklyn in search of good times and romance over one wild Labor Day weekend. The score showcases 18 Neil Sedaka classics, including “Where the Boys Are”, “Sweet Sixteen”, “Calendar Girl”, “Love Will Keep Us Together”, and of course, the chart-topping title song.

Auditions will be held at Center Stage Theater Fontana, 8463 Sierra Ave. Fontana on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 from 7:30p.m. – 10:30p.m (by appointment)

Rehearsal begin July 6, 2015 and and continue through July 23. Rehearsals will be held weeknights from 7:30pm – 11:00pm and weekend afternoons. All rehearsals will be held at Center Stage Theater in Fontana located at 8463 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335. Performances will run Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons, July 24 – August 2, 2015.

Please call 909-429-7469 ext 0 to schedule an audition appointment or email us at info@centerstagefontana.com. Please prepare 16 bars of an uptempo and ballad piece to sing in the style of the show. Bring sheet music in the correct key. An accompanist will be provided, Please wear body conscious clothing and be prepared to dance and read.


African-American Dance Performances to Commemorate 150th Anniversary of the Ending of Slavery


CARSON, CA – Returning to the stage after performing to sold-out crowds, Ron Parker, Chester Whitmore, and The Central Avenue Dance Ensemble present “The History of Black Dance in America,” a spectacular multi-media dance concert showcasing the African-American contributions to American social dance (www.HistoryOfBlackDance.org). Starting from the late 1800s and progressing to the modern era, audiences are mesmerized by authentic renditions of vernacular dances such as Zulu, Work Songs, Cakewalk, Spiritual Dances, Shim Sham, Lindy Hop, Foxtrot, the African inspired Latin-American dances, plus live singing and tributes to Nat King Cole and Sammy Davis Jr. The 2015 performances were funded by a successful Kickstarter campaign, and observe the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth, the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.

The goal of the History of Black Dance in America is to educate the public about the black cultural influence on American social dance in exciting and entertaining way. While most of the dances to be performed are recognized as an integral part of American culture, many Americans may not know of their history. For example, the Cakewalk began as a plantation dance danced by slaves to mimic high society Whites. The dance was so amusing that plantation owners held competitions, and the winning slaves would receive cake as their prize, hence the name, “Cakewalk.” This story and many more will be told through live performances and narrated video, starting with the plantation dances of the slavery era through today.

On the significance of the presentation, HBDA director, producer, and dance historian Ron Parker says, “Vernacular jazz dance, the original American dance form, and it’s history is not performed by major American dance companies, nor is it funded by the major arts funding organizations.  If we don’t do it, no one else will.  I also like the fact that, in addition to educating the public about Black dance history, we are bringing awareness to the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth, commemorating the abolition of slavery in the U.S.”

The History of Black Dance in America will be performed at University Theater at California State Dominguez Hills, 1000 East Victoria St. Carson, CA 90747. Performances are on Friday and Saturday, June 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, June 21 at 2:00 p.m. General admission is $37.50, and VIP Seating is $40. Tickets may be purchased online at centralavedance.tix.com, by calling (800) 595-4TIX, or at the theater box office one hour prior to show time.

LA Sparks in a Storm Lose Home Opener

Photo credit: Nick Koza

Photo credit: Nick Koza

By Johnni Matthews

Home openers for the Los Angeles Sparks bring back a lot of memories at Staples Center over the past 18 years of coverage.

The Sparks just as many WNBA teams are rebuilding their organizations to maintain their role as one of the marquee summer attractions for female professional sports.

Photo credit: Nick Koza

Photo credit: Nick Koza

The LA Sparks had great fan support for the 2015 Home opener against the Seattle Storm at Staples Center.  Owner, Earvin “Magic” Johnson and his wife, Cookie were sitting courtside with another Laker legend, Kobe Bryant at Staples Center to support the LA Sparks.

Season ticket holder, Producer/Actress Vivica Fox was also at courtside supporting the LA Sparks in the home opener against the Seattle Storm.

The Sparks started the game with a lot of energy feeding off of the Staples Center fans.  New Head Coach, Brian Agler who was the Storm’s Head Coach for seven WNBA seasons is very familiar with the players, but was unable to get a victory against his former team dropping the second game in eight days 60-54 to them.

Playing without star player, Nneka Ogwumike, and welcoming back home veteran, Temeka Johnson a former LA Spark fan favorite and feisty point guard!

With all the new faces on the Sparks team, it may take a few more games before the team gels the way Coach Agler expects.

The Sparks were in control of the game most of the first half shooting nearly fifty percent from the field while the Storm shot a low 33% from the field.  The Sparks took a ten point lead into halftime while holding Seattle Storm’s All-Star, Sue Bird scoreless.  The 34-24 halftime lead dwindled in the third quarter as the Sparks began to turn the ball over and take tough shots leading to a poor second half performance.

Photo credit: Nick Koza

Photo credit: Nick Koza

The Sparks finished the game shooting 38.6% while the Storm didn’t burn the nets shot 38.9% from the field.  The slight field goal percentage in the second half proved to be enough to squeak out the 60-54 victory.

Sue Bird didn’t score until 6:50 seconds left in the game, but she was able to bring the Storm within two points before taking the lead at 4:43 mark on back to back baskets by Abby Bishop who led the Storm with 18 points and the team was able to secure the victory.

Veteran, Alana Beard said, “We just lost our focus in the second half and we came up short tonight.”  Beard also noted there were several positive times the team executed properly and stuck to the scouting reports, so there are things to build on and correct in order for the team to be better the next game.

Sparks forward, Jantel Lavender led the team in scoring with 12 points while Alana Beard and Erin Phillips added 10 each.

Well, the next game is a short turn-around when the Sparks welcome the Minnesota Lynx to Staples Center on Tuesday, June 16th.  The game tips off at 7:30 p.m.




By Johnni Matthews

Warriors win Game 5 outright take 3-2 …Cavs DEPLETED!

The Golden State Warriors may be labeled the “Young Spurs” of the league after winning Game 5 of the NBA Finals 104-91 against the Cleveland Cavaliers at Oracle Arena in front of their home crowd!  The Warriors were the team with consistent energy all game along as the Cavaliers played a valiant game for three plus quarters to keep it interesting, but were completely depleted midway in the fourth quarter.

League MVP, Stephen Curry saved his best game for this pivotal Game 5 scoring 17 of his team high 37 points in the fourth quarter.  Curry was aggressive for forty eight minutes sensing his counterpart, Cavaliers point guard, Matthew Dellavedova is just out of gas with the number of minutes played in the series to this point.  Dellavedova could only contribute 5 points on offense.   Playing at home made it easier for Curry to get help from his teammates too. Four players scored in double figures while Warriors’ Finals MVP to date, Andre Iguodala starting only his second game the entire season played big again scored 14 points, grabbed 8 rebounds, and gave out seven dimes plus 2 steals and playing tough defense on the best player in the world, LeBron James who scored his second triple double of this NBA Finals and his sixth in his NBA Finals career.  James finished the game with 40 points, 14 rebounds and 11 assists!

LeBron James and his supporting cast played the Warriors tough for 3 ½ quarters, but the short rotation and high minutes for the Cavaliers starters took its toll midway through the fourth quarter when the Warriors scored back to back three pointers by the Splash Brothers, Curry and Thompson!  There were mental lapses by the Cavs particularly the King.  With less than 30 seconds remaining before halftime, James bringing the ball into the front court was called for an eight second call, and then he picked up a foul after Harrison Barnes slams a follow up miss by Curry with 3.2 seconds left before the half.  Cavaliers went down double digits at halftime.

At the 6:47 mark in the fourth quarter, the back to back three pointers by the Warriors put them ahead 85-80 and the Warriors never looked back.  They were able to stretch the lead and keep the momentum to control the game and take control of the series.

The Warriors can close the series out on the road in Cleveland at Quicken Loans Arena on Tuesday, June 16 at 6 p.m. (EST).  If the Warriors are successful in Cleveland on Tuesday, then the Larry O’Brien Trophy comes back to CALI!

“Miracles at Midnight… Don’t Give Up and Don’t Give In!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

How many of you have ever needed a breakthrough in your life? You were up against a wall that wouldn’t move, a door that wouldn’t open, and you needed a breakthrough. Even now, you feel like you’ve been beating your head against a wall, but nothing is happening. You feel like your knuckles are raw from knocking, but no one is answering. You’ve been praying and crying, pushing and pulling, but there’s no movement, no sign, no evidence that anything is about to happen anytime soon. You are at the end of your rope, just about at the end of your hope, and everything within you is crying out, “God! I need a breakthrough, and I need it now!”

Well, can I tell you about Moses? Moses understood the ways of the Lord and he knew just what was happening with Israel. He realized that God was letting His people be stretched beyond measure. Why? Because He wanted them to cast themselves completely into His care. He longed to see them rise up in faith and say, “God is able!” Let me tell you something; if you are His child, and if you are serving Him and seeking Him with your whole heart, then I know that God will make a way for you. God will open doors that no man can close. He’ll part the Red Sea back up the Jordan River in a heap. He’ll bring down the walls of Jericho. He’ll shut the mouths of lions. He’ll open prison doors. Our God is a breakthrough God, that’s my testimony. God hasn’t forsaken us, so keep holding on! He is looking for faith, wanting to know what’s in our hearts. He knows how to meet our need – He only wants us to trust Him!”

If you are feeling as though you could lose your mind because life is so hard, I want to encourage you to remember that God has not and will not let go of you. To keep your sanity, keep your mind on Jesus. [Isaiah 26:23] You see, the good news is that God works the midnight shift! And in fact, God sometimes does his best work on the midnight shift. Acts 16 tells us what God did on the midnight shift for Paul and Silas “Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God… Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations, all the doors flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off!” (Acts 16:25-26) Hallelujah! God is a midnight God. Thank you Jesus!

Now unlike Paul and Silas, Peter who was sound asleep in his dark hour, without hope and believing that his days had come to an end. The enemy does this to us, too. He will press and bind us to the point that we feel it is impossible to get free from our prison cells so we lay down to sleep, void of hope and oblivious to what God is about to do for us. {Like Peter, that was me and the enemy almost had me}. But I tell you, don’t give up in those midnight moments but know Whom you have placed your confidence in. Grid yourself and strap those boots. I know it’s not easy to do when you are feeling tremendous pressure. I know it’s hard, very hard. But I tell you, joy do come in the morning.

Many times, we want to get where God is leading us without going through the process but the process is crucial. When we are set free, there is an empowerment from God that prompts us to testify our experience to others who need to be free from their own prison cells. Today I am testifying to you that midnight is the darkest hour before day. It is the turning point from one season to another. Since it is a turning point God is concerned where our mindset is because he cannot pour new wine into old wine skins… Midnight! A clue it’s time for blessing.

What I’ve learned with my midnight experience is that if you’re going to live in victory you have to know how to praise in your midnight hour, when things seem the darkest, when you’re in pain, disappointed, or lonely. When you praise Him no matter what, that’s when God can enter your situation. That’s when He can break your chains and set you free.  Praise Him in your midnight hour and get ready to embrace the freedom He has planned for you!

25th Year Anniversary of the Pomona Valley Juneteenth Family Gospel & Jazz Arts Festival

POMONA, CA- The City of Pomona and Trudy Coleman, Founder/CEO, of Juneteenth Education Technology Mobile Arts, (J.E.T.M.A.C.), Co-founder of the California National Juneteenth Freedom Day Holiday Observance Bill sponsored by Juneteenth America, Inc. This bill signed by Governor Gray Davis in 2002, states that “Juneteenth” is to be celebrated every June 19, and every third Saturday in June. We are inviting you to come celebrate at the “25th Yr. Anniversary of Pomona Valley Juneteenth Family Gospel & Jazz Arts Festival, on June 20, 2015, from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., at Ganesha Park, 1575 White N. Ave.  Event is Free and Open to the Public.

June is also Black Music Month/African American Jazz Heritage Month, World Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness month.  It is also the 150th year anniversary of Juneteenth (June 1865 – June 2015), representing when the last slaves in Texas were freed 2 1/2 yrs. after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. There is also a National Campaign to have President Obama sign the Resolution to have Juneteenth on the National Calendar.

There will be a variety of Gospel Performances, a Jazz Zone – African American Jazz, Cuban Jazz, Poetry, guest performance by Jay Jackson & Lou Rawls Revue, Mel Cole, the Las Vegas Al Green Impersonator, and Denise Lyle-Cook “Oracle”, spiritual poetic, and Songstress Amore, and many more. There will be Multicultural Food Vendors, Arts & Crafts Vendors, swimming pool will be open, and other fun activities for the kids. Bring your blankets and lounge chairs and enjoy one of Pomona must beautiful parks.  In honor of the Ancestors, there will also be a Healthy Living 5K Run/Walk in the morning, meet-up time is 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., to pre-register, Walk/run kick-off at 9:00am, in Ganesha Park. For the 5K Walk/Run pre-registration information, please call Dr. Bettye Anderson at (323) 737-2323.

This multicultural celebration of American Unity is coordinated by the Southern California Juneteenth Committee.  For vendor and sponsor opportunities information, ask for Trudy Coleman at (909) 418-8530 or (909) 989-4844, or by email: at trudycoleman@jetmacinc.com. You may also visit www.jetmacinc.com.