
Girl Talk 3: Empowering 2 Excel

(left to right) Presenter Joyce Payne, SBVC President Dr. Gloria Fisher, Tammy Martin- Ryles, Hardy Brown II, and YWE President/CEO and SBCUSD Candidate Gwen Rodgers.

(left to right) Presenter Joyce Payne, SBVC President Dr. Gloria Fisher, Tammy Martin- Ryles, Hardy Brown II, and YWE President/CEO and SBCUSD Candidate Gwen Rodgers.

By Angela Coggs

On March 14, 2015, Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation hosted their 3rd Annual Girl Talk conference at San Bernardino Valley College. The conference opened for registration at 8am and provided a continental breakfast to the participants. The event, “Girl Talk 3: Empowering 2 Excel”, invited young women ages 12-21 to participate in the all-day educational, fun and motivational experience. The energetic moderator for the event was Courtnie Dowdy, a recent graduate of Pepperdine University. The event was built around the idea of imagining what can happen in the life of a young woman when she is empowered to succeed.

Attendees from the "STEMing Your Way To The Top" working on a project.

Attendees from the “STEMing Your Way To The Top” working on a project.

The event was kicked off by City of San Bernardino 3rd Ward Council Member John Valdivia and San Bernardino Valley College President Dr. Gloria Fisher. The attendees were also welcomed by some of their peers, recent crowned queens from the local area and schools: Miss Black San Bernardino 2015 Desiree Mckenzie, Miss Cardinal San Bernardino High School Monserrat Gutierrez, Miss Inland Empire Outstanding Teen Brielle Angelique, and Miss Black San Bernardino participants Bashirah Arogunddade and Janeice Midgett representing at Girl Talk 3 . Grand Terrace High School sophomore, Raihahan Medlock, performed a personal and touching spoken word that really resonated with the audience members.

Group pic of attendees in the main room before the workshops began.

Group pic of attendees in the main room before the workshops began.

In the main room, the participants viewed a video about human trafficking entitled, “Making of a Girl.” After viewing this very powerful video the participants were able to ask questions. Many of them did not realize how prevalent human trafficking is in general and in the Inland Empire. “I didn’t know this was going on in my neighborhood,” said one shocked sophomore from San Gorgonio High School. “It makes me wonder about my surroundings.”

Group shot of attendees.

Group shot of attendees.

There were four workshop sessions available and participants attended all via a rotating system. The workshops included Healthy Queens (hygiene related), Sister to Sister (boundaries), Knowing Me Before I Know You (self-love) and STEMing Your Way to the Top (encouraging females toward science, technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Two topics of discussions that took place in a larger venue were Prom Promises and Sickle Cell Trait. Prom Promises was presented by Joyce Payne and it touched on what to expect and person safety with choosing whether to go with a date or in a group. Not only were the attendees inspired by the information given but the mother of the Inland Empire Outstanding Teen was very impressed. “She was great. I loved how she presented this information to the young ladies. It was absolutely wonderful.” The topic of Sickle Cell Traits was presented during a working lunch. Farron Dozier and his daughter Deja Dozier, a junior at Bloomington High School, spoke to participants about their own experience with the disease known as the Silent Killer, which primarily affects the African American population. His organization is called WHATZ DA COUNT and his campaign is called “What’z in your genes?” The purpose is to provide sickle cell trait awareness and to re-educate the community about the sickle cell trait and thalassemia trait. Not only was he diagnosed when he was a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army in 2006, later his daughter was also diagnosis with trait as well. The audience was quiet as they spoke but they asked a lot of questions afterwards. The topic was an important part of the day.

“As an advocate when sharing your message you really never know who’s listening and sometimes you don’t know if you’ve even been heard but what I believe in is the ripple effect. That somehow somewhere someone’s listening and your message is out there, I feel them in my purpose and I’m doing my passion. I’m out to educate the community about Sickle Cell Trait,” said Dozier.

(left to right)  SBVC President Dr. Gloria Fisher, Tammy Martin- Ryles, Hardy Brown II, and YWE President/CEO and SBCUSD Candidate Gwen Rodgers, City of San Bernardino 3rd Ward Council Member John Valdivia and Presenter Joyce Payne.

(left to right) SBVC President Dr. Gloria Fisher, Tammy Martin- Ryles, Hardy Brown II, and YWE President/CEO and SBCUSD Candidate Gwen Rodgers, City of San Bernardino 3rd Ward Council Member John Valdivia and Presenter Joyce Payne.

Dozier was especially touched by a comment by one of the participants of Girl Talk 3 with the username of angie_90h9 commented on his picture on Intagram, “Thank you to you and your daughter for speaking to us. I was unaware that sickle cell could be passed down like that until you spoke to us about it and I’m happy you did.” She concluded with by saying “I hope for the best for you and your daughter health wise and just in general. Take care.” Dozier’s response was a humbled; “Need I say more?” He reached at least one person that day and many more.

Mental Health Specialist with Young Visionaries Niki Chambers and Evangelist Beverly Broadus Green.

Mental Health Specialist with Young Visionaries Niki Chambers and Evangelist Beverly Broadus Green.

Another memorable guest who spoke with the parents who attended the event was Evangelist Beverly Broadus Green, mother of rapper Snoop Dogg. She shared her life story and how she had to learn to love herself before she could love someone else. She invited the mothers to take control of their own lives and to not go looking for a man but rather him come to you. She connected with the women in the room. She had attendees moved to tears with her story of triumph over major life struggles. Shanila Shabufta, vendor with the African American Mental Health Coalition, felt a connection with Green. “I can relate to what she said. She put herself out there. She talked about inner conflict, growing up in church and knowing what’s right and wrong but still having conflict to do the right thing. I think everyone has those moments,” she said. “I can definitely relate to her. I loved hearing her speak today.”

In addition to the workshops, the young women were treated to entertainment, opportunity drawings, poems by SBCUSD Vicki Lee and former SBCUSD student Chelsea Davis, and a step show by the San Gorgonio Steppers and members of University of California, Riverside chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.

Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation’s CEO/President and San Bernardino City Unified School District Candidate was pleased with the turn out and stated “the event was a huge success.” Over a hundred girls in attendance and were surveyed throughout the day. The girls all indicated that they were having a great time. Each girl also interacted in photo booth where they dressed up and had fun. All pictures are posted on Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation Facebook.

YWE serves to strengthen the character of young women of high school age in the San Bernardino City region of the Inland Empire in Southern California. The mission of our program is to empower these young women to achieve at their highest potential, particularly in education, and to instill in them a commitment to return to their community as leaders and mentors.

The Unforgettable Nat King Cole

By Billy Gee

I believe Nat King Cole was one of my first and most significant influences.  His silky smooth, mellifluous voice was something I emulated–consciously or unconsciously (And so did Ray Charles, early on!)
“Route 66” has always been one of my very favorite songs by Nat, but oddly, it was the Manhattan Transfer version of this hit that prompted me to sit down with a road map and learn whether or not there even was a “Route 66,” and if so, did it actually go through a town called Joplin, Missouri, or one called Gallup, New Mexico.   Thanks for the geography lesson, Nat!  (Actually, the song was composed by a jazz piano player named Bobby Troup)
Next came “Nature Boy,” composed by a rather nature boy-looking cat whose name was Eden Abez.  ‘Story goes that Nat was working at the Lincoln Theater in Los Angeles in 1947, when Abez tried unsuccessfully to give the song to Nat.  Maybe because of his appearance Nat didn’t take the guy seriously.  Undaunted, he gave a copy of the song instead to Nat’s valet, who in turn, passed it along to Nat.  And the rest is history.
Happy Birthday, Nat!  Thank you for your music.

5 Smart Spending Tips for Tax Refunds

Lynnette Khalfani Cox

Lynnette Khalfani Cox

By Cricket Wireless and Lynnette Khalfani Cox

Get the most value from your money this tax season

For savings-savvy consumers, tax season means getting creative with how to use your federal tax refund check.

The IRS says the average tax refund issued so far in 2015 tops $3,500. While it can be tempting to hit up the mall and blow through your money the second that big check arrives, smart spenders find ways to turn a refund into a “MeFund” through thrifty money-management decisions that keep cash in their pocket.

To help you become a better saver and a more prudent spender, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach® suggests five smart ways to stretch your refund check, making your money go further and enhancing your quality of life:

1) Invest in yourself

In today’s economy, it’s wise to invest in your education, your career and your health. Each will benefit you personally and professionally. Consider using some of your tax refund check to take a continuing education class or attend a business networking event. Similarly, invest in your health by signing up for a gym, taking yoga classes, or getting the aid of a personal trainer. A healthy body can boost creativity and productivity – and hopefully lower your long-term healthcare costs too.

2) Pay off debt

A recent study from the American Psychological Association showed money is a top cause of stress for Americans. To help rid yourself of money worries, reduce debt with your tax refund. Pay off a credit card bill, wipe out a lump sum on loans, or make an extra mortgage payment to help toward becoming debt free.

3) Spend wisely by taking advantage of seasonal promotions

If you are going to spend on something you want, do it the smart way. Take advantage of seasonal promotions in order to keep much of your refund in your pocket. For instance, if you’re in the market for a new phone, go to Cricket Wireless to receive free or discounted phones, all after mail-in rebate, such as the Nokia Lumia 635.  And, if you port your number to Cricket, you may also get a free month of service after completing two months on one of the provider’s Smart, Pro or Advanced plans. Check out more details atwww.cricketwireless.com.

4) Budget for larger purchases

If you’re thinking about spending your tax refund on a vacation or must-have electronics, be sure to first budget realistically. Remember, a vacation won’t just involve travel expenses and hotel accommodations. Be sure to factor in food, entertainment and miscellaneous costs such as tips, souvenirs and parking. Before using your refund on a big-ticket purchase, you should also use helpful budgeting tools to monitor your monthly spending. Mint.com is a good online and mobile budgeting software tool that can help you track your spending.

5) Create a “MeFund”

A final way to put your money to good use is to boost your savings. Create a “MeFund” as a way to save more every month – whether from a tax refund check, through smart budgeting or value found by switching to a no-contract wireless carrier like Cricket on a nationwide 4G LTE network – so you can spend more on the things that matter to you in the future. Whatever your goal, you’ll reach it a lot sooner if you save exclusively for it.

From investing in yourself to paying down debt and being a smarter spender and saver, let tax refund season be your time to get ahead. After all, by using that tax refund check wisely, you’ll set yourself up for financial prosperity in 2015 and beyond.


Child Abduction Unit reunites father with his 8-year-old daughter

Tasha Montgomery and Jonathan Beasley

Jonathan Beasley with Daughter

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- An 8-year-old girl has been reunited with her father after her mother violated a court order allowing visitation rights.

In February 2014, Tasha Montgomery, 27, of San Bernardino, violated a court order when she failed to allow visitation of her daughter with the biological father, 29-year-old Jonathan Beasley of San Bernardino.

Montgomery’s disregard for the court order led to a modification, wherein the father was granted full custody of the child.

According to District Attorney Investigators, Montgomery was very transitory, complicating efforts to locate her and the child.

On Febraury 26, Investigators from San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Child Abduction Unit located the child in San Bernardino where she was taken into custody pursuant to a Protective Custody Warrant. She was reunited with her father after a separation of one year.


“Don’t Let The Devil Keep Beating You Up!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Some of you are so bound up by Satan that you think that that is the way of life and it is never going to change. Not only does Satan have control of your life, but he has control of your mind, and he keeps placing these strongholds in your mind and you accept them like a fool! God says he who the Son sets free is free indeed! But some of you are so bound up that it is a wonder that you are even able to move and breathe, and the only reason that you are bound and are suffering is because you are allowing it, thinking you can’t do anything about it. That is a lie from the pit of hell, and Satan is selling you a book of goods and you are buying it hook, line, and sinker. I tell you until you stand up and say “Enough is enough,” Satan and his minions are going to keep right on walking all over you, crushing you and interfering with your life. Stealing, killing and destroying everything you put your hands to.   It does not have to be that way! Don’t allow the devil to have any more control over you! When God sets you free don’t let the devil come back in your life and start setting up the strongholds in your mind that got you in that condition in the first place. To Hell with the Devil!

Don’t you know that Jesus has already delegated authority to use His Name to those who believe in Him. You must exercise that authority or the devil will continue to wreak havoc in your life. Do not be afraid of the devil and his minions. Jesus defeated them and He gave you authority over all of them and He expects you to use it.  {Matt 28:18-19- Phil 2:10- Luke 10:19.} Listen, God told us to resist the devil and he would flee. We must believe and act on God’s Word. Be confident in whom you are and the righteousness you have in Jesus. Do not be a door mate for the devil! Use your authority in Jesus, and fight until you have victory. You have authority over him! Jesus said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). What the problem is?

Maybe I should remind you of the story that Jesus told His disciples. Jesus told His disciples how He had seen the fall of Satan in heaven. And there, Jesus said, that Satan’s fall had been “like lightning” (Luke 10:18), when God cast him out. When Jesus told Satan in the wilderness, “Enough is enough” Satan disappeared from Jesus presence too at the speed of lightning. And when we resist Satan in the Name of Jesus today, he will flee from us too at the speed of lighting. I tell you Satan is afraid of the Name of Jesus. He is afraid to be reminded of the fact that Jesus is Lord. Remember, Satan was defeated once and for all by Jesus on the cross. Don’t let him continue to beat you up! Paul said: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witness.” (1 Timothy 6:12) I tell you Paul never lost his fight; he was filled with it to his dying day. And many of our other spiritual fathers died fighting as well. Men like Joshua and Caleb were mighty warriors too the very end! Jacob was our example of how to get back our Fight – and how to prevail with God! When the prophet Hosea wanted to warn Israel about their cowardly spiritual condition, he reminded them of their father Jacob. The crux of his message was, “You’ve become weak, passive. And now the enemy is overwhelming you! You claim to be Jacob’s seed – but I want to show you how far you’ve strayed from his example. I want to show you how Jacob prevailed – how he had power with God!” Jacob was a man greedy for God, hungry for everything God had for him!” He came out of the womb in a fighting mood, greedy for the blessings of God! Right now God is saying, “Come on, and fight!” – Because He loves you! He wants you to claim all His blessings. Rise up in faith and lay hold of His promise, Stand up and fight! You have His Strength – use it! When the enemy comes tormenting you, you must be ready to fight back. Just as David saw Goliath, David said this guy is too big for me to miss with my sling shot, I can take him down, and his carcass will be for the birds to feed on. If that isn’t faith alone in God Almighty then I don’t know what is. David said with the Name of the Lord victory was in sight. You ought to take a positional attitude that says NO to the devil! Give him no room, no chance to influence your life. We are to have an attitude that says NO! The buck stops here! Not even one more inch!” because NO is a way of taking a stand. It is a spiritual stubbornness, a resolve, an attitude that shouts out, “Enough is enough…You’ve gone too far…. That’s it! When you take that stance and do what God requires of you according to 2 Cor 10:4-6, God will show up and take care of your enemy. It is all dependent upon you doing your part to obey and pull down the strongholds and casting down the imaginations. Resolve to settle the matter, once and for all! Don’t let the Devil keep beating you up! To Hell with the Devil!


Preachers of LA, Myesha Chaney, empowers women through music and conferences

Myesha Chaney

Myesha Chaney

By Naomi Bonman

If you keep up with any type of reality show then you are probably familiar with Preachers of LA, and if you watch it then you know the name Myesha Chaney, wife to Pastor Wayne Cheney and First Lady of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Long Beach. Mrs. Chaney has more under her belt besides being a First Lady. She is also a philanthropist, author, and singer. Her book Hiding Behind The Lipstick (HBTL) is also a tour where she travels to different cities where she challenges women to reflect on who they really are and what they present to the world. If change is needed in a personal life, though process and relationship with God, this experience is perfect for any woman.

Hiding Behind The Lipstick is truly a breath of fresh air bringing a unique combination of praise & worship, poetry, expressive dance, and a powerful message. This revolutionary concept has changed the way women think, feel, and live life. It is absolutely amazing in form, presentation and spirit.

In addition to the HBTL, Chaney is also a singer. She has been singing for years, but decided to take it seriously in her 20s. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Myesha where she went more in depth to what HBTL is, her inspirations in music, and what she advises to young women who are still hiding behind their lipstick.

To read more please click here

What It Do With the LUE: Dada Doe

Dada Doe 1What it Do Inland Empire! This week I want to highlight an individual whom I’ve had the opportunity to see grow and blossom into an amazing artist. Can I get an “Aye Doe” in the words of LUE Productions recording artist Dada Doe.

Dada Doe whose real name is Barbra Martin is what I like to call the female Pee-wee Herman. Born and raised right here in the I.E., her love for singing, dancing, writing, and rapping made her want to become a performer. Currently a member of the Turnt Up group, Speaker Junkiez, Dada Doe felt it was time to work on her solo project. Last week fans, family, and friends had the pleasure of attending her EP release party for her project entitled “Dada Said” which includes songs such as “After Hours” featuring Mack Pepperboy; “Legend” featuring LowLa Scott; and “Pop Star”, featuring Paul Douglas. The EP includes exclusive beats from hot up and coming producer Shawn Mattison also known as SFresh, who is based out of Dayton, Ohio. With this being her first swing at it, I think she hit a home run. I’m not just saying that because she’s under our management company.

We also want to congratulate Dada Doe for receiving her first endorsement contract from “100 Proof Energy Drink Company”. From her swag, to her colorful attire, along with her lyrics and dance moves, it’s no wonder why she’s loved. Watching her perform does something to your spirit. It puts you in a happy place. Honestly you can’t say that about many of these artists. This is just the beginning I tell you. So please make sure to keep your eyes and ears open for I.E.’s female Pee-wee Herman. Download her EP on Reverbnation at www.reverbnation.com/dadadoe. Until next week, L’s Up!

Dada Doe enegry drink

‘Sister Act’ Rocks at the California Theatre for One Performance Only

Maggie Clennon Reberg as Mother Superior, left, and Kerissa Arrington as Deloris Van Cartier in the musical number "Here Within These Walls" from "Sister Act,"

Maggie Clennon Reberg as Mother Superior, left, and Kerissa Arrington as Deloris Van Cartier in the musical number “Here Within These Walls” from “Sister Act,”

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – “Sister Act,” Broadway’s feel good musical about a lounge singer who is put into protective custody by the police after witnessing a mob crime, is coming to the historic California Theatre of the Performing Arts.

Presented by the Theatrical Arts International, the national touring show is being presented for one performance only at 8 p.m. March 28. Tickets are $38.50-$77.50 and are available through the box office at (909) 885-5152 or www.ticketmaster.com.

“We’re very fortunate and happy to be presenting this very funny and entertaining musical,” said Joseph Henson of Theatrical Arts International. “Everyone will love ‘Sister Act’.”

Sister Act 3Produced by Whoopi Goldberg, Troika Entertainment and Sister Act on Tour, LLC, the Broadway show received five 2011 Tony Award nominations, including Best Musical, Best Original Score and Best Book of a Musical.

When disco diva Deloris Van Cartier witnesses a murder, she is put into protective custody in the one place cops are sure she won’t be found — a convent. Disguised as a nun, she soon finds herself at odds with both the rigid lifestyle and an uptight Mother Superior.

Using her fabulous “disco-ness” and killer voice to inspire the choir, Deloris breathes new life into the church, but in doing so blows her cover. Soon it’s nun-on-the-run time but she finds salvation in the heavenly power of her newly found sisterhood.

“Sister Act” features original music by eight-time Oscar winner Alan Menken (“Beauty and the Beast,” “Little Mermaid” and “Little Shop of Horror”) and lyrics by Tony and Academy Award-nominee Glenn Slater (“The Little Mermaid”). Book is by multi-Emmy Award winners Cheri and Bill Steinkellner (“Cheers”) with additional material by Tony and Olivier Award nominee Douglas Carter Beane (“Xanadu,” “The Little Dog Laughed”).

Based on the mega-hit 1992 film that starred Whoopi Goldberg in the title role and Maggie Smith as Mother Superior, the critically acclaimed show features musical styles from Motown, soul and funk to great disco anthems and Barry White inspired musical comedy.

“To hear people laugh and cheer the way they do at ‘Sister Act ‘— a show people think they know but are pleasantly surprised to discover is not what they are expecting — is a magical experience for a producer,” says Goldberg. “Happily, audiences across the country are able to get in on the fun as Deloris and her fabulous sisters spread the love nationwide.”Sister Act 2

“Sister Act” is part of Theatrical Arts International’s 2014-2015 season at the California Theatre. Other shows in the season are “Starlight Express,” April 17-19; and “Calendar Girls,” May 15-17.

TAI has recently announced its lineup for the 2015-2016 season of shows. Productions include the powerful “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” Oct. 23-25; the magical “Ghost – The Musical,” Feb. 19-21, 2016; the hit Broadway musical “Mary Poppins,” April 8-10, 2016; and the enchanting “The Snow Queen,” May 20-22, 2016.

Season subscriptions for all four shows are currently available from $99 to $235. For tickets, call (909) 885-5152 or go to www.theatricalarts.com


WHEN: 8 p.m. March 28

WHERE: California Theatre of the Performing Arts, 562 W. Fourth St., San Bernardino.

TICKETS: $38.50-$77.50 and available through www.ticketmaster.com or theater box office


ON THE WEB: www.californiatheatre.net


Former and Incarnated Chicago Vicelords Member, Solomon Montague, Shares Story of Redemption

Solomon Montague

Solomon Montague

By Naomi Bonman

When we hear of our young Black men and teenagers deterring in the wrong direction, we give them the wrong response by turning our heads and ignoring them. They need solid advice and a positive, but raw message from someone, preferably another Black male, who has been where they have been and has or is experiencing the consequence. This will showcase as an eye opener and wake up call for many.

In lieu of making this happen is through a media platform entitled, Gangster Chronicles. Gangster Chronicles is geared towards giving current and ex-convicts the ability to share their stories, put an end to mythologies by unveiling hidden stories and reach the youth through literature.  The roster consists of men who were leaders of well-known gangs, such as the Vicelords and Black Mafia, and even a man who inspired a character on the popular HBO series “The Wire.”

Solomon “Chessmon” Montague was one of the core leaders of Chicago’s Vicelords street gang with the rank of a “Five Star Elite.” Now sentenced to life plus 30 years in federal prison, his main objective is to positively uplift the gang culture through his literature.

What was your life like before you got locked up?

My life before this long prison sentence was like a roller coaster ride. The highs and lows were very dramatic. I had rose to the top of gang life with a reputation that even I couldn’t believe! LOL!!

With the life style of being a gang chief, drug dealer and an all American criminal, the streets had created a monster that lived inside of my conscious. Everyday became a battle. I fought demons that tormented my soul when I slept. I had a gun planted in every room of my apartment (even in the kids room). I slept with a gun under my pillow.

 When I was moving in the streets, I always had the feeling that imaginary enemies or police were out to kill me. My head stayed on a swivel and my mind was going a thousand miles per second! I was never big on using drugs or alcohol; however, I started smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol to slow down my mind. This went on for about a year before the feds got me.

What led you to a life of crime?

I believe the thrill and the challenge led me to a life of crime. When I was younger, I would steal from my mother and other family members, then I started stealing from stores. I loved to watch gangster movies and I always rooted for the bad guys. I would go outside and watch how everybody respected the criminals. They were treated like royalty! When I became a gang member, in my mind, I was already a seasoned criminal.

What have you learned about yourself since you’ve been in prison?

What I learned about myself in prison is that I don’t have to be a criminal or a gang chief to be respected! And that I’m a child of GOD and a servant of His will and work.

How long have you been writing and how many books have you written?

I started writing in 07, and I’ve written four novels.

Who are you books geared for and what do you want them to take out of them?

My books are geared towards the gang culture, their families, and people who interact with them. I want them to become conscious and aware of the evils of that lifestyle and to flip the tables and fight against the traps and pitfalls of gangs, drugs, and criminal activity.

Supporting Chelsea Davis-Miss California USA


Chelsea Davis, 23, is a native from San Bernardino California. In May of 2013, she obtained her Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, GA. She is currently attending the University of Southern California in pursuit of her Master’s in Social Work. In addition, she has been selected to represent the city of San Bernardino in the upcoming Miss California USA State Pageant on December 4, 2016 in Long Beach, CA.

She wants to introduce her self to the each reader and resident of the City as a community leader. Davis is currently working to implement a mentorship and community development program called “Limitless Heights” under Applied Principles for Service Non-Profit Organization in the city of San Bernardino. Her main objective is to begin to change the culture of San Bernardino in an effort to bring about positive change in the community.

However, she needs your help. As she competes for the title of Miss California USA, Davis needs to raise a total of $1,750 by May 1,  2015. A donation in any amount would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Please visit her website below:

Click here to visit Chelsea’s support page