
Inland Empire individuals and organizations to be honored at 22nd Annual Foundation Gala

LOMA LINDA, CA- The 22nd Annual Foundation Gala, “Rhapsody in Gold,” presented by Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs, benefiting Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) will present three awards during the program on Thursday, March 12 honoring those individuals and organizations that give back in a special way to the communities they serve.

“There are so many wonderful people who give back to the community in very special ways,” said Jillian Payne, executive director, LLUCH Foundation. “It is a gala tradition to take the opportunity to recognize those who have gone above and beyond in their own unique ways for the kids in the Inland Empire.”

The Shirley N. Pettis Award recognizes lifelong dedication and distinguished service by an organization to children. Through volunteering and community service, recipients demonstrate the desire and motivation to improve the lives of children. This year LLUCH will present the award to the Riverside Community Health Foundation, which was founded in 1977 to improve the health and well-being of its community. It has made a difference in the lives of thousands of children and youth through a number of services, and it has a longstanding commitment to its efforts in supporting programs that promote youth development.

Zareh Sarrafian, MBA, a passionate individual who has, through exemplary service, made sustained contributions benefiting children in our community and beyond, will be honored with The Gatsby Award. The award recognizes individuals who, through outstanding leadership, demonstrate a lifelong commitment to providing a beacon of hope to children and their families. Prior to his current role as CEO of Riverside County Regional Medical Center, Sarrafian played an integral role at Loma Linda University Health for 20 years, where he is perhaps best known for his leadership of LLUCH. There he helped the hospital become recognized for the quality of its services to children and their families.

Sarrafian has also served as chair of the board of the California Children’s Hospital Association and has championed children’s issues throughout the state.

Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital is honored to recognize Tony and Sandy Cappelli of Steven’s Hope for Children as recipients of the 2014 Hometown Hero Award. Named after their late son, the couple started the organization in 2002. It provides housing and other essential needs to families of seriously ill or injured children during extended treatment. Because of the dedication of the Cappellis and the services provided by their charity, the lives of thousands of children in Southern California, across the nation and around the world have been enriched.

The 22nd Annual Foundation Gala, “Rhapsody in Gold,” begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Riverside Convention Center on March 12. More information can be found on the event website,lomalindagala.org.

Supervisor Gonzales urges housing industry leaders to help keep families in their homes

Supervisor Josie Gonzales joined Chairman James Ramos and Mayor Carey Davis to deliver opening remarks for an event last Thursday hosted by HOPE NOW, a nonprofit alliance between counselors, mortgage companies, investors, and other mortgage market participants.

The event aimed to bring leaders from housing industry together to discuss how to help keep local families in their homes and avoid foreclosures.

HOPE NOW will maximize outreach efforts to homeowners in distress to help them stay in their homes and will create a unified, coordinated plan to reach and help as many homeowners as possible.

Part of that plan includes a one-day mortgage help event in San Bernardino on March 16 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Arrowhead Event Center. Visit HOPENOW.com or see flier in events column in this email for details.

The Time for Change is Now

By La’Nae Norwood, CEO/ President, United Nations of Consciousness

Shots were fired into the crowd and chaos erupts. Many stared in shock as she took her last breath and her blood spilled across the pavement, another senseless act of violence, but why?

I’m left to wonder, how does an evening of frivolity turn into bloodshed? How does a parking lot turn into a war zone? These events are too familiar for San Bernardino residents, today as many family members and friends of the victims attempt to come together and pick up the pieces in mourning, sorrow and resentment.

With San Bernardino being bankrupt both morally and financially, violence is an expected symptom amongst economic despair and lack of representation. Tuesday night’s violent chain of events prompts a call for unity, education and peace

Due to pending investigations, we are unaware of what actually took place claiming the lives of 2 individuals and injuring 5, however this shows that our community is broken and immediate action needs to take place. As a member of the United Nations of Consciousness, we are making it our mission to be a resource for change in our community. In our attempt to make a direct impact, we must start with education. We need to educate our people on why violence is prevalent in our community. We must also, restore trust and focus within our communities. – Board Member, Natasha Lavera, United Nations of Consciousness

Consciousness is the ability to elevate from senseless violence. Consciousness creates the capacity to have understanding in the event you have been wronged, based on the sharing of one’s ancestry. A strive at the United Nations of Consciousness, is to foster unifying relationships between those of African ancestry to promote peace and prosperity, even at times of disagreement and conflict. Elevated and conscious minds can prevent the deadly incidents, like last night, that plague our communities. Too many African-Americans have suffered from these tragedies, and too many African-Americans have experienced these tragedies and have done nothing to unify the people amongst they have occurred. If ever there was a rallying cry it was last night, if ever there was a call to fight it was last night. A call to fight against lack of consciousness, lack of love and peace among our people. We shall rise up as we elevate our minds and our hearts, and the United Nations of Consciousness amongst African people is that start. I love you Black people, I love you San Bernardino.- Contributor, United Nations of Consciousness

United Nations of Consciousness will be hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss the State of San Bernardino with community Leaders and members. If you are interested in participating, please contact us at uconsciousnations@gmail.com or you can find us on Facebook.

Question and Answer Session

Wallace Allen: Do you have specific plans? Are you recruiting help/volunteers from the community? Do you have regular meetings? Is there a rally or meeting being organized to get momentum from this shooting? How well do you know any of the dead, and injured? What qualifies you and other members of your group to lead a “stop the violence” campaign?

Were you able to get any photos?  Can you find a “person who was there and saw something”? I would like to hear from someone who was basically terrorized by what they heard and felt going on around them during the fight inside, outside in the parking lot or at the gas station…

La’Nae: We do have specific plans. We are a non profit organization that promotes unity, education and economic development with our priority and focus being the African/ American community. Our mission is to educate and empower as many as we can, starting right here in San Bernardino.

We are actively recruiting and fundraising to support our community programs. Our meetings are bi weekly at the 777 Community Center in San Bernardino. Our meetings require RSVP.

We also are in the process of contacting several community leaders, entertainers, influencers and political representatives to organize a town hall meeting and public protest.

In regards to the deceased and injured. I am very well acquainted with the family of one of the young men who was killed last night. I spoke to his sister briefly and she was really to upset to speak. I am very close friends with the Promoter of Stingers, Eugene Jones and he is very sad. When I spoke to him he was sobbing and mourning for those who were lost and injured last night. Eugene is a very jovial and outgoing person, that loves to make people smile and have a good time. He is filled with overwhelming remorse. I will meet with him later today to discuss the evenings events in more detail. I will encourage him to speak to you.

In regards to our qualifications,Natasha Lavera is a long standing employee at Cal State San Bernardino and Vice President of the 777 Community Center.  Daryl Pegram is an educator that works with the youth in San Bernardino.  All of us are community activist and volunteers. All College graduates and residents of this area since childhood. Now speaking directly about myself, I have over 12 years of organizational experience in the corporate setting and have worked with the business community and the youth throughout San Bernardino.

I have spoken to 3 people who were at the nightclub and the gas station, but I have not been able to acquire any photos, as of yet. The people I spoke to said the young lady who was shot at the club was breathing very hard and her blood was everywhere. One of my friends even stated, that “….it was apparent the young lady was not going to make it.” When they exited the nightclub there were injured people laying in the parking lot suffering form various injuries. There was pure chaos. There were a number of traffic accidents due to the pandemonium.

La’Nae Norwood will be a guest on this Sunday’s “Empire Talks Back” Radio talk Show. Hosted by WssNews Publisher, Wallace J. Allen, ETB broadcast each Sunday at 10:00AM on KCAA-1050 AM Radio. The program can be seen on your computer via www.kcaaradio.com and heard directly on your phone by dialing 832-999-1050.



An investigation was underway in San Bernardino Wednesday morning after multiple shooters opened fire outside a packed nightclub overnight, killing two people and injuring five others, police said.
About 200 people were leaving Stingers Bar and Nightclub in the 100 block of West Club Center Drive (map) just after 1:45 a.m. when the gunfire erupted, according to the San Bernardino Police Department.

A separate but likely “related” shooting also occurred at an Arco gas station located about a quarter-mile down the road, according to San Bernardino police Lt. Rich Lawhead.

Dozens of rounds were believed to have been fired by multiple shooters between the nightclub and the gas station, Lawhead said.

A total of seven victims were located between the two scenes.

The two victims who died were described only as males. Police have not released their names yet.

Of the five people who were injured, two were in extremely critical condition.

A motive for the shooting was not immediately known, but the area was known for gang activity, according to Lawhead.

Read more at KTLA 5 News

“Don’t Hate The Messenger!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Listen, there are times in life when we “need” to be warned that we are in a dangerous situation and that we “need” to listen up or face some pretty devastating consequences. God calls each of us to become messengers of His love and truth to each other and to our world. I am just a voice; a mouthpiece for God… Don’t Hate the Messenger! Understand that because our needs are great and varied God has to send messages of encouragement, correction, and direction fitted to us and to our needs through a messenger. Instead of being hateful or take offense we should be grateful and thankful that God loves us so much that He will send a messenger with a message for our mess instead of wrath. You know, God told Ezekiel to tell the people of Judah, “Jerusalem will be destroyed, and you’re staying in Babylon till it happens.” The Israelites had made a mess of their relationship with God. Whether they cared about spiritual matters or not- a close connection with God was the only way for them to avoid an eternity in Hell. So God told Ezekiel, “You go tell them what I said.” Some of us are chosen by God to be a spokesperson for His purposes. We are called to proclaim His Word to His people, to lead them to Christ, to mature them or direct them into God’s Will for their lives. This is not new; He has been using man to declare His message since creation. But today the responsibility is up to us… I choose to be used by God! Just as Jesus was God’s mouthpiece and Moses was Jesus mouthpiece we all have been called to be the mouthpiece of God in the world in which we live. Don’t Hate the Messenger! It may not have looked like the lives of the people of Judah in Babylon were a mess but their relationship with God was a mess. It needed repair or they would have been messed up forever. The thing for us to realize is that in this world we have messages from God and if we have disrespect for anything that has the Mind of Christ in it we do it to the peril of our own souls and the souls of those who we love. I tell you one of the greatest joys of being called to be one of God’s messengers is that I don’t have to worry about what to say; I don’t have to make things up; I don’t have to guess at what people need to hear.  All people need to hear the same thing.  All people need to hear about the mess their lives are without God and all people need to hear the message of the Savior’s life and death so that they won’t ever be without Him.” Don’t Hate the Messenger!

You know, the Apostle Paul was God’s chosen mouthpiece for Divine Revelation concerning the Truth of Christ and the Church. But many of the people at Corinth had said, “You are not an Apostle. You are not from God.” So the Apostle Paul warned them about speaking so about the servants of God. And in the Old Testament times God said to the people of Israel, “Touch not My anointed and do My prophets no harm. They were God’s mouthpiece. There is a warning here because the Lord defends His servant as His mouthpiece, His witnesses. He always does! In the Book of Numbers, chapter 15, God struck Miriam with leprosy and Aaron with judgment because they spoke against Moses. Not that Moses in himself as a human being was any better than anybody else. The main thing is Moses was God’s mouthpiece. To have disrespect for God’s servant was to have disrespect for God’s message and for the God whom he represented.  The same thing operates today. We know people who have no respect for true servants of God. Well they had better read this chapter and read it very carefully because they are God- called people in the world today who are speaking God messages and they must be heard. The messenger doesn’t matter but the message is everything and the Giver of the message who is God. Careful! You Are Threading on Dangerous Grounds! We may resist people coming in and condemning us in an area that falls short of God’s standard – but does that say more about us than anything. I’m just saying….Don’t Hate the Messenger!

To those who have chosen to allow the Lord to use you as His mouthpiece, as God warned the prophet Ezekiel in regards to his vocation as messenger and mouthpiece of God. God says, There are no variables when it comes to being His faithful messenger.” Speak the words that God gives. He gives them for a reason and they need to be heard. You may say people may not like you. They may not like what they hear and then they’ll take it out on you.” Don’t worry God replies, “Look if they persist in their sin they will die. They will suffer the eternal death of Hell. I don’t want that to happen which is why I send you to speak My Word to them.  It doesn’t have to end this way.” So as a messenger of God speak the words given. God’s says, “If you don’t tell them what He gives you to say: if you choose to try and play nice and have everybody live under some false pretense of peace they will still suffer the eternal death of Hell only now you will be held accountable for it. But if you are faithful and you do the job God gives you and they reject you thereby rejecting Him also they will die and it will be their own fault. You didn’t send them to Hell. They chose to send themselves to Hell.” Are we clear? You see God’s truth is not dependent on human response. God would not judge Ezekiel for how well others responded to his message but for how faithful he was in presenting it {Ezekiel 3:17}. Listen, it  is your duty as a messenger of God to carry the message whether it is welcomed or not; the consequences of receiving or rejecting the message lie solidly in the hands of those who hear it. The Bible shows us that Ezekiel got it, understood it, as did the faithful men of God who came before and after him. They were hated for it by their fellow man but they were faithful to God and their calling. If you disagree then that’s on you. I’ve done my job. I’m at peace. May God grant you this same peace that surpasses all understanding; a peace that is known and recognized only in the offense of God’s all-redeeming cross.  Now for those of you who may be wondering- did someone say something about her? Well, if they did, it is unbeknown to me. Besides, that ain’t my business, that’s God’s business.  What I want us to understand is that when someone is in covenant with God we have to speak well of them because the hand of God is on their life. Mess around and curse them if you want, they don’t have to raise one finger, God fights for them. You better know that you know… Besides how the Lord’s people ever came to expect one to declare the riches of God’s Word without offending wrong-doers is beyond me. It cannot be done. “Offenders will take offense.” Remember that!Don’t Hate the Messenger!”




Former and Incarnated Drug Kingpin, Rudy Williams, Shares Story of Redemption for Youth

Rudy Williams

Rudy Williams

By Naomi Bonman

When we hear of our young Black men and teenagers deterring in the wrong direction, we give them the wrong response by turning our heads and ignoring them. They need solid advice and a positive, but raw message from someone, preferably another Black male, who has been where they have been and has or is experiencing the consequence. This will showcase as an eye opener and wake up call for many.

In lieu of making this happen is through a media platform entitled, Gangster Chronicles. Gangster Chronicles is geared towards giving current and ex-convicts the ability to share their stories, put an end to mythologies by unveiling hidden stories and reach the youth through literature.  The roster consists of men who were leaders of well-known gangs, such as the Vicelords and Black Mafia, and even a man who inspired a character on the popular HBO series “The Wire.”

The first of three young men that I want to introduce is Rudy Williams. Williams was a notorious gangster from Baltimore who is currently serving 130 years plus life in prison for operating one of the most violent drug rings in the city’s history. During his 20 years of incarceration, Rudy has devoted all of his time to reading, writing and teaching youth that crime is a genocidal trap and not the answer.

Below are a few questions and answers from an interview conducted via email.

What was your life like before you got locked up?

My life was a bubble and a constant target of angry cops, judges and prosecutors. Having achieved the drug dealer’s twisted version of “The American Dream”, a false reality in itself from the git-go, I foolishly believed that I had insulated myself within my own tiny world of glitter, privilege and pleasure.  I had to always be on my P’s and Q’s and never got caught slipping.  One crucial mistake and it’s all over with, in either the penitentiary or the graveyard.   So make the right choice,  now! 

I went to so many funerals that upon being introduced to someone I would look into his eyes and wonder if he would be the person who would kill me or vice versa; however, because I loved my mother, my wife and children so dearly, I always kept them in mind and conducted myself in a manner that all but eliminated the possibility of them having to bury me and come to my funeral, especially for some stupid s–t, like making unnecessary enemies.  

I was extremely courteous and I always had to be at least one step ahead of others.  Most of the time one step was enough, but not always.  I was smart but not smart enough to quit while I was ahead.   Thus, one day in the blink of an eye it all came tumbling down on me and the end result was a sentence of Life plus 130 years in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Prior to 1995, Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary averaged 16 murders a year. Half of them occurred on B-Block.  If the Bureau sent you to Lewisburg, the Feds wanted you dead.   If you was put in B-Block, they had a priority on it.  I was assigned to B-Block for 2 years.   My life is not one you should want to live. DON’T SELL DRUGS.

What led you to a life of crime?

I was lured into crime by poverty, boredom and adventure.  I stole the things that I couldn’t afford; because school was boring, I played “hooky” and got sent away at age 13 to a juvenile facility that was actually a crime school.  When I got out, I was a “real” criminal.  Besides not going to school and shoplifting, I stole cars and did burglaries.  I thought I was cool; I wasn’t cool.  I was stupid.


What have you learned about yourself since you’ve been in prison?

In spite of racial discrimination, if I had given myself a chance, with the right guidance I could had accomplished more legally than I did illegally.

The Universe is a perfect sphere because every point on it is the center.  No point is more important than others, and since every point is equal, no matter where you are, you’re always in the center of the Universe and the Here and Now is always the most important Time and Place.

The happiest people are not those who have the most, but those who make the most out of what they have.  The worst disease is misery;  the best medicine, happiness because the life of this world is short and will be over before you know it, enjoy the Here and Now while you can.   Don’t let anything stop you from being happy. I have never seen a sick happy person.  Have you?

What advice do you have for young boys and men who get trapped in the drug or gang war, and think it’s their only way out?

The Federal Government took over the so-call drug game long ago.   They control it completely.  They will let you make alotta money and then bust you so that they will look good on t.v. and in the newspapers to get promotions.  By releasing  snitchers back to the streets, they keep “the game” alive.  Nine out of 10 persons dealing drugs are working for the cops.  They have a government license to do what they do.  When they get caught, they get a DO NOT GO TO JAIL PASS.  The drug game is just a death trap to fill up the prisons and graveyards with poor people, especially  Blacks and non-white Hispanics.

You don’t have to sell drugs to achieve your goals or to get the things that you want out of life.  Money can’t buy happiness.  If you don’t enrich your mind first with knowledge, money will become your worst enemy and your worst nightmare.  You’ll be the constant target of larceny, jealousy, envy, flatters, con artists, and gold diggers; and of course cops, bandits and killers. No matter how smart you are, you will get caught and do big time unless you become a rat and snitch on your family and friends for a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE PASS.

The Feds will not let you beat it continuously and make it look foolish and incompetent. It will lie and cheat to put you in prison for a LONG, LONG, TIME, or you will be murdered, probably by a friend; however, if you truly believe in yourself, and give yourself a chance and work long and hard at something you enjoy, you can do anything you put your mind to.

I can name a billionaire rapper and 10 more who are close to it, but not a single billionaire drug dealer outside of Mexico or Columbia, so think about that the next time before you go make a drug deal.

What It Do With the LUE: My Music, My Mic Indie Award Show


What up my beautiful folks! This week nominations are WHAT IT DO! Inland Empire artist’s stand up, this is for you! LUE Productions presents, “MY MUSIC, MY MIC”, an Indie Artist Award Show! The show will be taking place on Saturday, June 6.

Are you a talented artist or know of a talented artist in the IE? If so, then nominate them for an award! Information and  Nomination form is located on the LUE Productions Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Lueproductions, or vote from your mobile device at www.jotform.us/form/43547972384164.

The nomination deadline is Sunday, March 15 and the announcement of nominees will be on Sunday, April 15. There are also plenty of opportunities to be a sponsor (affordable sponsorship packages available), a vendor, or a volunteer. For more information on volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, please leave voicemail message at (909) 567-1000, or send a text to (909) 495-0848, (909) 496-2151, (714) 833-3196, or (909) 556-7637.

The nomination categories include: R&B Best Mix Tape, R&B  Best Album, R&B  Best Song, R&B Best Male Performer, R&B Best Female Performer, R&B Best Group, R&B  Best Video, Rap/Hip-Hop Best Mix Tape, Rap/Hip-Hop Best Album, Rap/Hip-Hop Best Song, Rap/Hip-Hop Best Male Performer, Rap/Hip-Hop Best Female Performer, Rap/Hip-Hop Best Group, and Rap/Hip-Hop Best Video.

Other Categories are: Hottest Music Producer, Hottest Song Collaboration, Hottest Female Video/Model, Hottest Battle Rapper, Hottest Gospel Rapper, Hottest Dance Crew, Hottest DJ, Hottest Urban Designer, Hottest Internet Radio Show, Hottest Indie Artist Publication, Hottest Graffiti Artist, and Hottest Video Production.

AARP Presents Assemblymember Brown with Special Recognition Award

(L to R) Sam Appiah-Kubi (AARP staff), Nancy McPherson (AARP Interim State Pres.), Assemblymemer Brown, and Antoine Cook (AARP staff). Photo by Jon Gaede

(L to R) Sam Appiah-Kubi (AARP staff), Nancy McPherson (AARP Interim State Pres.), Assemblymemer Brown, and Antoine Cook (AARP staff). Photo by Jon Gaede

SACRAMENTO CA- Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino), chair of the Assembly Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care, was honored with The Capitol Caregiver Award by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) on Friday, February 27, at the Fontana Senior Center. The Capitol Caregiver Award recognizes elected officials who advance and support policies that make it possible for older Californians to live independently in their homes. Assemblymember Brown was selected for the award based on her leadership in introducing AB 1744, also known as the California Caregiver Act of 2014. The ceremony was attended by AARP staff, elected officials and community members.

A Special Birthday to Celebrate Publisher of WSS News, Wallace J. Allen

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Sunday, March 1, co-publisher of the Westside Story Newspaper, Josephine Allen, a long with Lou Coleman presented a wonderful 70th birthday party for Wallace Allen IV, publisher and owner of WSS News. The celebration was held at 777 Community Warehouse in San Bernardino where several of Allen’s friends, family, and close business associates gathered to acknowledge Wallace on his special day. Street Motivation Magazine and Freddie Washington of LUE Productions captured the moments of the event throughout the day through photography. There were also special performances from Anthony Garcia, a birthday debut from Allen’s grandkids, mother, and his daughter’s friend. Last but not least, let’s not forget the food that was prepared by several people who wanted to make sure the event was a success and that people’s stomachs were satisfied.

Photos by Freddie Washington. Contact him at  (714) 833-3196, by email at fw4photo@yahoo.com.

Riverside Community Hospital, Held Its 6th Annual Red Dress Fashion Show

By John Coleman    

RIVERSIDE, CA- Riverside Community Hospital presented its 6th Annual Red Dress Fashion Show and Health Expo on Saturday, February 28, at the Riverside Convention Center.   While there was no mistake that the hospital’s motivation for the event was on women’s health, the energy and excitement rippling through the crowded convention center hallways demonstrated that most who registered for the event came prepared to look good and have fun.  The fashion show began, hours earlier, when the doors opened and the guests arrived.


CAAM Celebrates Women’s History Month, Hosts Discussion with Edward Lewis, Co-Founder of Essence Magazine



LOS ANGELES, CAThe California African American Museum (CAAM) celebrates Women’s History Month by hosting a discussion with Mr. Edward Lewis, co-founder of EssenceMagazine, Sunday, March 15, at 2 p.m.

Moderated by television writer Kathleen McGhee Anderson, Mr. Lewis will discuss how he and three men came together to ignite the importance of giving Black women a “voice” and highlight the beauty, intelligence, and passions of African American women often overlooked by mainstream media. Additionally, he will discuss the founding of Essence, his views on “beauty culture” as it relates to black women.

Mr. Edward Lewis, who grew up in the South Bronx, co-founded Essence Communications Inc. in 1970. Beginning as a novice in magazine publishing, his drive and ambition nurtured what eventually became a media powerhouse and what The New York Times calls “the pre-eminent voice for black women.” He has acquired many accolades during his tenure of 35 years as a Chairman, CEO, and publisher for Essence including becoming the first African American Chairman of Magazine Publishers of America, receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of New Mexico, and a receiving the Henry Johnson Fisher Award from Time, Inc.  In 2014, he was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame, and received the inaugural IPPIES Lifetime Achievement Award from City University of New York’s Journalism School’s Center for Community and Ethnic Media.  His admiration for civic responsibility and creating opportunities for the younger generations has provided him with many opportunities to speak at several known colleges, and serve on boards for President Obama and throughout the United States.

The following are other events taking place at CAAM in honor of Women’s History Month:

Sunday, March 8, 2015 12:30 pm-2:20 pm/ Film Screening

Things Never Said(2014,111 min.)

An aspiring poet, in an abusive marriage, reignites dreams deferred and gains confidence and a new love.  This film is suited for an adult audience 18 years and older.  Writer and director of Things Never Said, Charles Murray will be on-hand for a “talkback” and Q&A following the screening. RSVP at 213.744.2024.

Sunday, March 8, 2015 2:30 pm-4:00 pm/ “Talkback” and Panel Discussion

Rejuvenation: Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence

Writer, director of Things Never Said, Charles Murray will join representatives from Peace Over Violence to discuss domestic violence and strategies for successful intervention. RSVP at 213.744.2024.

Friday, March 13, 2015 9:00 am-2:00 pm/ Screening and Panel Discussion

Young Voices at CAAM: High School Symposium—Mirror Mirror on the Wall

One hundred high school students will spend the day at CAAM, connecting, touring the galleries and engaging in a documentary screening, The Beauty Culture. Also featured are excerpts from the short film, Rapunzel Jackson, followed by a discussion around beauty, media propaganda and how it impacts youth.  Teachers can contact Education Curator, Elise Woodson for participation and more information at ewoodson@caamuseum.org.

Sunday, March 22, 2015 2:00 pm/ Comedy Set

The Funny of Love and Romance

Four hilarious and critically acclaimed comedians will riff on love and romance: Yvonne Orji, Daheli Hall, Ayana Hampton, Kimrie Davis. RSVP at 213.744.2024


Light Catchers opening March 20 – June 7, 2015

Visibly Invisible ongoing through March 1, 2015

Curvature: Lines & Shapes ongoing through March 15, 2015

CAAM Courtyard Series: From Women’s Hands ongoing through May 3, 2015

Lookin’ Back in Front of Me: Selected works of Mark Steven Greenfield, 1974-2014 ongoing through July 5, 2015

The 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: A Photographic Remembrance From The Spider Martin Civil Rights Collection ongoing through August 9, 2015



The California African American Museum (CAAM) researches, collects, preserves and interprets for public enrichment the history, art and culture of African Americans. Chartered by the California State Legislature in 1977, CAAM is a state supported institution and a partner with the 501(c)(3) non- profit organization Friends, the Foundation of the California African American Museum. In addition to its permanent collection of over 3,000 objects of art, artifacts and historical documents, CAAM also houses a research library containing more than 20,000 volumes, employs and trains high school students through its Young Docents program, and hosts in-house curated exhibitions and traveling exhibitions on a regular basis.  The museum also tours CAAM exhibitions throughout California and the nation.