
Riverside County seeks volunteers to help count homeless population on Jan. 28

stock-footage-homeless-family-shot-in-riverside-california-in-january-ofVolunteers are needed to participate in a survey of homeless people in cities and communities throughout Riverside County on January 28.

The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) Homeless Programs Unit has commissioned the bi-annual homeless counts since 2005, when a count and survey was first required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This year, DPSS will organize the event using volunteers from the community, county agencies and nonprofit organizations that serve the homeless population.

The federally mandated count takes place every year in late January. In January 2014, DPSS received funding through the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs to do a special count of homeless veterans.

DPSS is recruiting about 400 volunteers at community meetings countywide.  Prospective volunteers can register and receive information at www.riversidehomelesscounts.com. Volunteers must be willing and able to walk into areas where homeless people might be living, and conduct the brief survey on streets, in abandoned buildings, at freeway overpasses and underpasses, in vehicles, encampments and other areas. The survey is scheduled from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Volunteers are also being sought to go to places where homeless people may be receiving services, such as soup kitchens, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Each volunteer will be required to participate in a 90-minute orientation.  A schedule of orientations throughout the county is available on the website.

In 2013, 2,098 homeless people were identified in Riverside County during the annual survey.

For more information, please send an email to RivCoPIT@RiversideDPSS.org or (951) 358-4470.

Jasper’s Corner free tutoring program at Community Center

REDLANDS, CA- Jasper’s Corner, a free tutoring program offered by the University of Redlands, is again being offered at the Redlands Community Center.

The University of Redlands, in partnership with the City of Redlands, is pleased to offer “Jasper’s Corner,” a free tutoring service for middle school children in grades 6 to 8 at the Redlands Community Center, 111 W. Lugonia Ave, every week, Monday through Thursday, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The Jasper’s Corner program was started by the University of Redlands to provide free homework assistance from college tutors to children and teens throughout the community, and assists students with a variety of subjects including math, English, and science.

To inquire about openings in the program, please call the Jasper’s Corner main line at (909) 335-5116, the University of Redlands Office of Community Service Learning at (909) 748-8288, or contact the Redlands Community Center at (909) 798-7572, or contact the Community Center by e-mail atRecreationStaff@cityofredlands.org.


Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Whatcha Crying For…. Don’t you know that one reason why God allows us at times to be disappointed with our fellow human beings is so that we might learn to stop leaning on man. He desires to free us from such idolatry. So when God orders your circumstances in such a way that you are disappointed on every side, don’t be discourage, just know that God is weaning you away from the arm of flesh so that you might learn to live by Faith in Him. Many times when we experience discouragement the real problem is that we don’t understand God. Romans 11:33 tells us: How impossible it is for us to understand Gods decisions and His methods! For who can know what the Lord is thinking?” God’s purposes are far beyond our comprehension. Listen, God did not save you so you could rest yourself in other people and in things. God saved you to walk in absolute and utter dependence upon Him. And when He sees you leaning on everyone and everything but Him; you can count on His teaching you the lessons you need so that you might learn to lean on Him alone. “Stop Your Crying!” The same God, who opens doors, is the same God that closes doors. A big part of Faith is trusting God when you don’t understand it. If you’ll have this perspective, and not only thank God for your open doors but thank Him just as much for your closed doors, you’ll pass the test. You’ll see the exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond future that God has in store for you.

So thank God for the supporters, props, crutches, or whatever you want to call them that God has placed in your life to help you make it, but don’t get it twisted, make no mistake about it,  it is Jehovah- Jireh, who provides, not them.  As David learned, when you become so dependent on them rather than God, God is going to start shaking up everything around you. There’s going to be some uprooting, tear-downing and destroying going on. Every person upon whom David leaned in his life was taken away. Every dream, every lofty goal, every hope had been dashed to bits at David’s feet. He had nothing and no one on whom he can lean. He was alone, afraid and alienated. God had brought David from the very top to the very bottom of life. Why? Why did God do this to David? God did this to David so that David would learn to lean on the Lord and not on all the other props he had constructed in his life! And believe me, He will do the same to you too if your support system develops to the place where it can take the place of God in your life. God will start dismantling everything around you. Oh, how we need to hear this truth! All the way through life we lean on one thing and one person after another. We trust and look to our parents, teachers, friends, jobs, and money…forgetting a very important truth, that Jesus is our everything! Stop Your Crying!

It’s not easy to take, but the truth is when the Lord finds us leaning on everything else in our lives instead of Him; He will begin the painful process of dismantling our support system one prop at a time. He does not do this to harm us; but to help us learn to lean on Him alone! In the end, David learned that the promises of men did not amount to much. But for those who had learned to lean on the hand of the Lord, they saw every promise of God fulfilled in their lives. (Psalm 119:38). I tell you this leaning business hits pretty close to home for me. There are plenty of times I find myself leaning on things and/or people instead of the Lord. But I have also found that when I lean on other things and/or people in my life; God will systematically and painfully remove every crutch I have. He will bring me to the place where I am leaning on Him and on Him alone. That is where He plans to bring each of us. We should not fear what the Lord is doing in our lives. He is merely growing us and teaching us that He is all we need. He is all-sufficient; more than enough; He is God Almighty, and He will never fail us, leave us or let us down. He wants us to learn this truth: When we have Him, we have all the support system that we will every need! (Psalms 46) Sometimes it’s not what we’re going through that’s intolerable. The thing that is intolerable is the lack of meaning. We’re not sure why we’re suffering like we’re suffering. If we only understood God, it wouldn’t be as painful.  I don’t know what you’re going through in your life. But I can guarantee you that God is big enough to handle your disappointment. God is big enough to handle your questions. We need to be reminded throughout our lives that if God is all I have at this moment, then He is all I really need! Stop Your Crying, and learn how to lean and depend on Jesus. He’s your friend and He’s your guide. Trust Him and find out that He will provide. Oh, what a fellowship; what a joy divine; what blessedness; what a peace of mind; leaning on His arms.  {Lee WilliamsPraise the Lord!




BOTTOMLINE: “Change is Occurring…and Hope is Alive!”


Publishers commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Dr. King’s Birthday requires us to annually measure the amount of successful change that has occurred since his death. Our friend Celes King IV was quick to say, “Perception is reality.” I think we can agree that the election of Barrack Obama to President of the United States boosted the image of Black men across the planet. It must be considered that if “Black lives matter” is a truer statement today than when Dr. King was alive, that Barrack Obama being President adds to that truth!   In several years, by 2016, people aged ten years and younger will represent members of an exclusive group. The only President of the United States that they will have experienced is a Black Man.  They, having witnessed such proof, will grow up expecting that Blacks can and will excel. That is a major long term benefit of Mr. Obama being President.  He is an inspiration. He inspires young Black children to want to be like him, to become important and influential members of society. He also shows the non-Blacks who harbor the false impression that “Blacks can’t” to understand that “Blacks can” and that society benefits when “Blacks do!  We know that low expectations generally come true.  Increased expectations allow room for increased participation and performance.

Increased expectations will cause among other things, a greater competition for participation and an expectation that winning is for the well prepared. Just because the world is more willing to accept that a Black man can do, does not mean that it will be easier for him to do; however, easy is not a requirement!

As we measure successful change, access to opportunity for those who have been deliberately denied that access, is an issue. The imagery of success is great for perception, but reality requires a job count and a measurement of education and quality of life. Access to education, jobs and quality of life for most Americans, Blacks in particular, has diminished since Dr. King’s death. The image of the most prestigious office holder on the planet, being racially disrespected under the guise of politics has been a reminder to “old school” witnesses, that racism is alive and that to some Republicans, greed and or “white privilege” is more important than the welfare of the Country.

So, in closing, I will say that the fresh sheets and pillow cases of opportunity make the American bed look better, but the mattress is still lumpy with racism, making a peaceful night hard to come by. Change is occurring but the need for hope is very alive!






The NAACP Images Awards Prepares for the Big Day with Luncheon


Imani Hakim

Imani Hakim


 BEVERLY HILLS, CA- The stars of Hollywood, along with authors, poets, screen writers, and directors came dressed to impressed as they stepped on the red carpet prior to the 34th annual NAACP Image Awards luncheon. The private luncheon was held at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday, January 17. The 34th Annual NAACP Image Awards will be held on Friday, February 6 at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium located at 300 E. Green Street in Pasadena. The show starts at 8 p.m. and is a black tie affair. To purchase tickets, please visit www.naacpimageawards.net. To view more photos, visit sophisticatedrelations.com/naacp-luncheon. 


Business Profile: WHAT-TA STEAK

wtsYour ticket to Philadelphia

WHAT-TA STEAK is the name of the Inland Empire’s number 1 restaurant for lovers of Philadelphia’s name-sake sandwich, the world famous Philly Cheese-Steak Sandwich, says Cornelyo, the restaurant’s owner. Best known for its Philly sandwiches, (cheese-steak, pastrami, and the What Ta Steak) and its delicious chicken bowls, WHAT-TA STEAK offers more sandwiches, bowls, burgers and many delicious sides.

The restaurant is a mom and pop business owned and operated by Cornelyo and Lue Maria Bueno.  They want you to feel like you’re at home, whether you are dining in or taking out. According to Cornelyo All the food is made with real family recipes using the high quality meats and ingredients that you serve at home to your loved ones.

He states, “I am proud of our food. Not just because I know what it is, but because my customers say it is very delicious.”

Cornelyo smiled and confidently closed with, “And they prove they mean it by coming back! Our goal is to serve and satisfy our customers 100 percent.”

WHAT-TA STEAK is close to the freeway and three blocks East of the 215, located at 546 W. Baseline Street, one block West of “E” Street in San Bernardino (92410).  You can call-in you order by dialing (909) 885-5288.

The IECAAC Hosts another Successful MLK Breakfast

Assemblymember, Cheryl Brown,(47th AD) introduced Keynote Speaker, Assemblymember, Chris Holden,(41st AD).

Assemblymember, Cheryl Brown,(47th AD) introduced Keynote Speaker, Assemblymember, Chris Holden,(41st AD).

Photo by John Coleman

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches (IECAAC) presented their “35th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast.” The breakfast was held on Monday, January 19 at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.  The morning’s program included prayer, readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, music and ‘spoken word (poetry)’, presentations, and special recognition/awards. (To view more photos taken by John Coleman, please visit www.wssnews.com).

Acclaimed Historian and Filmmaker Dr. Daniel E. Walker Launches National “Faith, Hope, and Justice” Lecture and Film Tour

Inspirational Films Sol Brothers and When Roosters Crow Examine Young Men of Color, Servant Leadership, and the Life of an Early Pioneer in the Fight Against AIDS

LOS ANGELES, CA- Amid threats to free speech across the globe and questions about the limits of police action at home, acclaimed scholar and filmmaker Dr. Daniel E. Walker launches the “Faith, Hope, and Justice” Lecture and Film Tour. A Research Associate at the University of Southern California’s Center for Religion and Civic Culture, Walker is the author of the critically acclaimed book No More, No More: Slavery and Cultural Resistance in Havana and New Orleans and the study Black Church Next: Challenges and Opportunities Facing African American Congregations in 21st Century Los Angeles,He is the writer/director of the films Sol Brothers and When Roosters Crow, Founding Director of the Long Beach Indie International Film Festival, and executive producer of the forthcoming documentary series Faith and Soul in the City in collaboration with Emmy Award-winning writer and producer P. Frank Williams (Unsung, American Gangster).

A proud product of Head Start, Dr. Walker is an otherworldly speaker called to a mission of education, inspiration, and social change. As he states, “I simply believe that the inherent nature of humanity bends towards the good and I’m just trying to remind people of that. While it’s easy to see all of the recent unrest as negative, I know that there is an opportunity for change that is both proactive and redemptive.”

Walker’s films Sol Brothers and When Roosters Crow exemplify this vision. Sol Brothers examines the triumphant journey of a group of inner city young men as they attend a revolutionary college prep camp. In the acclaimed short film When Roosters Crow he investigates the life of Emmy Award-winning choreographer Dr. Danny L. Scarborough and his public battle with AIDS in the late 1980’s.

As a speaker, Dr. Walker’s style is intelligent, humorous, and inspirational. In addition to his films and moving lectures that are tailored to the specific event or theme, he is also known for his jubilant and provocative extended workshop “Oh Happy Day: The History, Music, and Mission of the Black Church.” Rousing and informative, the stand-alone event covers everything from spirituals and Hip Hop to slavery and social justice.

In addition to his work in history, religion, and film, he is an expert on Cuba, servant leadership, and the use of film, television and digital media as tools for advocacy.

Holding a doctorate (with distinction) in Latin American and African American History from the University of Houston, Walker was formerly the Associate Director of the African American Studies Program at the University of Houston, Assistant Professor of Latin American and African American History at Indiana University, and Visiting Professor of Latin American History at Occidental College. He was also elected Student Government Association President while an undergraduate at San Diego State University.

Walker is co-founder of Leadership Excellence and the Board Chair of the BLU Educational Foundation, two of the nation’s leading youth development and college access organizations, and is the recipient of the W.K.Kellogg National Leadership Fellowship, the New York City Urban Fellowship, and the Coro Leadership Fellowship. A frequent speaker at conferences, commencements, and African American history month events, his passionate message is both timely and universal.

To watch Dr. Daniel E. Walker in action or to download a full biography, visit www.drdanielwalker.com

For questions and bookings contact OneNation Media Services atinfo@onenationmedia.org or call (909) 657-0578 ext 1.

Glimmers of Hope Inc. Launches Go Fund Me Campaign to Help Children, Veterans and Families in Crisis Break the Cycle of Poverty in the IE

BEAUMONT, CA-Homelessness and poverty is a sad reality for thousands of children, families, veterans, and seniors in Riverside and San Bernardino County, and the recession has left waves of panic and despair in the lives of residents. According to RealtyTrac, Riverside County is second in the state in foreclosures, with one in 17 households slipping into some stage of foreclosure during the first six months of the year. San Bernardino County was fourth, with one in 19 households in default.

In addition to the soaring homeless rate, poverty is a major concern and a growing epidemic for families. According to www.RedlandsDailyFacts.com, 1 in 5 families are living in poverty in the Inland Empire and the number is growing. Children are one of the most vulnerable populations in the Inland Empire.

According to www.NewAmericaMedia,org, a growing number of children don’t eat at all when they go home because 17 percent of children in Riverside County live in poverty. Dedicated to helping underprivileged children, families and veterans live prosperous and empowered lives, former police officer, Lorenzo Thomas, and his family founded Glimmers of Hope Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Beaumont, CA. According to Charla Mackey, the president of Glimmers of Hope Inc., “My family founded Glimmers of Hope in 2007 with our own funds as well as donations from friends because we wanted to provide more opportunities for people in our communities whose lives were torn apart by home foreclosures, homelessness, and unemployment.

Since our inception, we have volunteered and donated toys, clothing, food and other necessities to numerous organizations, schools, churches, and businesses throughout the Inland Empire including St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Holiday Wish Foundation, World Visions, Christ the Resurrected Church, Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veteran’s Medical Center, Nicolet Middle School, Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, Victorious Living Institute, and New Hope Sober Living Homes.

We also operate our own Christmas drive to support families in need in our community and provide care packages for U.S. troops, but we want to help more economically disadvantaged people become self-sufficient and remain financially stable throughout the year. One of our biggest goals for next year is to create a resource center to help people find career opportunities (not just minimum wage, part-time jobs) and qualify for higher paying positions. We recently launched a Go Fund Me campaign in order to help make this dream a reality.

Our resource center will allow us to offer many services to Inland Empire residents, including a basic life skills course, basic computer classes as well as job training classes that will teach people the secrets to writing effective resumes and cover letters that will get the immediate attention of HR managers. We will also teach them about the importance of using the right keywords in resumes, and how to communicate like a pro to land the career of their dreams.

We will also have a clothing closet for job seekers who cannot afford to buy professional business attire for interviews so that they can look and feel their best. Our overall mission is to help underserved communities in the Inland Empire become financially independent-especially parents and veterans, so that they can be successful and contribute their unique skills and talents to make the Inland Empire a better place to live. Although there are shelters and temporary help for people in need, we want to help people help themselves which will ultimately decrease homelessness and poverty rates in our communities,” says Mackey.

To make a donation to Glimmers of Hope’s Go Fund Me campaign, click here:  http://www.gofundme.com/GlimmersofHopeInc

For more information about Glimmers of Hope Inc., visit www.Glimmersofhopeinc.org.



Eric Carthen Honored for Academics

Eric Carthen

Eric Carthen

OXNARD, CA- Eric Carthen is from the Inland Empire and is a junior at California Lutheran University (CLU) in Thousand Oaks, California. He was one of the students from CLU to be honored at the Ventura County’s 29th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day event.  The theme for this year’s event was “Celebrating Voting & Civil Rights—Today!”  The event was held on Monday, January 19, 2015 at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center Theater in Oxnard, CA. The keynote speaker was Mr. Gerald C. Rivers who spoke on the topic of “The Voice of Dr. King.”  This event was sponsored by: Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee of Ventura County, The City of Oxnard.