
National Association of Black Female Executives in Music & Entertainment to present professional networking events in Beverly Hills

LOS ANGELES, CA- The National Association of Black Female Executives in Music & Entertainment, Inc. (NABFEME), an interactive women’s networking and empowerment association, will launch a series of professional networking events in the Greater Los Angeles area.

The inaugural premier networking event, The NABFEME Executive Suite will be held at the Wilshire Beverly Center Thursday, October 2 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300 in Beverly Hills. The mixer themed event expects to attract a number of music and entertainment industry elite. The entertainment for the evening will include Verses and Flow poets Tanya Ingram, Treesje “Treh-Zhay” Powers and Jasmine Williams.

Recognized as the nation’s most respected professional organization for women of color in entertainment, the women of NABFEME share a common desire to learn, educate and collaborate to deliver meaningful and powerful results.  The organization makes a difference through five (5) areas of service – education, mentorship, networking, sisterhood and faith.

“Networking is a critical part of building meaningful relationships in entertainment, as well as in our personal lives,” said Johnnie Walker, founder and CEO of NABFEME. “Membership in NABFEME offers opportunities for networking with some of the most successful leaders in the sports, fashion, music and entertainment industry.”

Sponsored by Healthy Fit Cuisine, Moreno BHLV and Lynn Allen Jeter & Associates, attendees will enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. There is no admission.  However, all attendees are requested to RSVP to nabfemelosangeles@gmail.com. Two-hour free parking will be available at 240 Beverly Drive. For more information about NABFEME or to become a member, please visit www.nabfememember.org.


“If It Looks Like a Duck, Swims Like a Duck, And Quacks Like A Duck, Then It Probably Is a Duck…..!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

The quote implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject’s habitual characteristics. Follow me I’m going somewhere with this.  It is sometimes used to counter abstruse, or even valid, arguments that something is not what it appears to be. Oh, help me Jesus! Ah…

Too many of us that claim we know we’ve been changed still come into church with the same old crippled walk, the same old dry praise, the same old mope, frown, and hung head. When you act like you know you’ve been changed, your posture will change. You’ll come into the house of God with your head held high, no matter what you’re facing, and every time you experience God making a change in your life you’ll have a new shout, new run, new holler. Acts 3: 1-3: 10 tell us that, “We gotta act like we know we’ve been changed!

When you act like you know you’ve been changed, you don’t have to wait for other people to do for you what you can do for yourself. Before the lame man experienced a change, he had to rely on others to carry him where he needed to go. When he got his change though he automatically was able to push himself to a place of praise and worship in God. When you really know you’ve been changed, you don’t have to wait for nobody else to push you to a mindset of praise and worship in God! You don’t have to wait for the preacher, ministers, choir, praise team, or musicians, to push and provoke you to praise, you’ll come in busting the door down with praise because you know you’ve been changed!

When you act like you know you’ve been changed, you don’t allow your location or those around you to control whether you act like you know or not. Notice that the man didn’t wait until he got beyond the vale to praise and worship God, but he started doing it at the temple gate! Too many of us that say we know we’ve been changed only act like it in the house of God if that. When you know you’ve been changed you don’t have to wait until you get into the house of God to give Him praise, but you’ll bust loose with praise anywhere! When you know you’ve been changed, you ain’t worried about whose around you, who’s watching you, or who’s talking about you, you just give God glory. Amen!

In 2 Corinthians 13:5 Paul says to the Corinthian church, “Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith; prove yourselves (emphasis added).” If there is no evidence of salvation in your life now, you need to face the fact that you may not be a Christian. You need to examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith. How does one do that? Compare your life with the standard Christ presents in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:7) One word summarizes His standard: Righteousness.

Remember, the scribes and Pharisees went to the Temple regularly, paid tithes, fasted, and prayed constantly. But Christ wasn’t impressed with their religious performance. God expects a transformation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” In Matthew 5:13-14 Christ referred to believers as “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” A Christian’s life- style will be easily distinguishable from the worlds. Is it evident to those around you that your life is different? Evidence of salvation is always present in a true believer. Meeting Jesus opens up a whole new world to a person. You have a new nature in your heart – a new influence in your life – new confidence and outlook on life… you laugh at impossibilities. There is a new sense of happiness, usefulness, honor, safety.

Here is the Lord’s challenge – “Let me take you, remold you, change you.” I tell you, “It doesn’t take much of a man to be a Christian, but it takes all of him there is.” “If It Looks Like a Duck, Swims Like a Duck, and Quacks Like a Duck, Then It Probably Is a Duck.

Hip–Hop Icon Charli Baltimore Speaks on Motherhood, New Label and New Projects

From left to right: India, Charli Baltimore, and Siaani. Photo credit: Sheron Barber/Synergy 7

From left to right: India, Charli Baltimore, and Siaani. Photo credit: Sheron Barber/Synergy 7

Interview by Naomi K. Bonman

Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Who remembers the record label Murder Inc.? If that rings a bell to you then the song “Down A** Chick” featuring Ja Rule and Charli Baltimore should sound familiar. Besides the two mentioned artists above, Murder Inc. also consisted of Ashanti, Irv Gotti (manager), and Vita. The label was established in 1990 and due to certain circumstances; the label fell under in 2007. However, since then each member from the crew have went their separate ways and succeeded as individuals.

Philadelphia native Charli Baltimore has made quite a few accomplishments since her Murder Inc. days. She is now one of the executives of B.M.B. Entertainment (Breaking Major Barriers) where she released her mixtape Hard 2 Kill and brought in several artists who are on the brink of their careers. They consist of Cash Paid, Midwest Rico, and Lody Lucci.

One of the major current projects that BMB Entertainment’s artists will be embarking on is a unique branding tour with the goal of raising the label’s and each individual artist’s profile by gaining 30 million impressions in 30 days. The 2014 Impressions Tour kicked off at the House of Blues in Los Angeles on Wednesday, September 24 and is set to enter 13 to 15 major markets. Baltimore will bless the tour in a few select cities over the next four weeks. To learn more visit www.impressiontour.com or visit @impressiontour on Instagram and Twitter. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite.

Being an artist on a major record label (Murder Inc.) has helped shape Baltimore’s management position with her current music family.

 “As an artist you understand other artists [much] better,” Baltimore say’s. “When you’re on a major record deal, [normally] the people that are running it haven’t been an artist, so it’s hard for them to understand music in that perspective. I now have a better insight of how to handle BMB.”

In addition to her implementation with B.M.B., the Philly rapper has had an astonishing year with her nomination for a 2014 BET Award for Best Female Hip Hop Artist. She was also an honoree at the 3rd Annual Female Hip Hop Awards. These two major award nominations and honors, after being away from the spotlight for awhile, is a major accomplishment for Miss Baltimore. It goes to show how hard work, dedication, and perseverance pay off.

With her recent achievements, Charli is in the works of a new album entitled, ETHOS. She explained how the creation process is different from what she is used to with past projects. Usually she is accustomed to sitting down for a few months and fully dedicating her time to writing and recording a record. This time around she has been able to find a new way of becoming inspired to write—being on the road.

Speaking of projects, Baltimore recently wrapped up a photo shoot with her daughter India and Siaani in downtown Los Angeles. The shoot was produced by Trea Davenport and photographed by Sheron Barber of Synergy 7. One of the reasons why she was out of the spotlight for awhile was to focus on them to ensure the success of their futures. Her oldest daughter, India, started modeling as a minor and needed a parent on-site until the age of 18. Now that both of her daughters are very successful in their careers, they applaud their mother for being an inspiration and for paving the way for them.

 “Perseverance for sure, [My mom] has taught me to never give up,” India states.

Siaani adds, “[She has] taught me to focus on myself, and not to rely on anybody to take care of everything for me, and to just go and do it myself which motivates me to do better.”

Not only has Miss Baltimore been an inspiration to her girls, but she also inspires other artists to strive in their careers. Yes this music industry business can get rough, but Charli advises you to, “Stay true to yourself and your music because you’re always going to have somebody that believes in the truth and that can relate to what you’re saying.”

In the coming months there is definitely much more in store for both Charli and her daughters. To keep up with Charli please follow her on Instagram and Twitter @CharliBaltimore. India can be followed on Instagram at @IndiaChristin and Siaani can be followed on Instagram as well at @SiaaniLove. To book Charli, please contact Trea Davenport at treadaypr@gmail.com.

WWAM Inc. Launches It Starts At Home (I.S.A.H.)

(center left) Community organizer and Executive Director of Parents of Watts, Sweet Alice Harris, and (center right) CEO of WWAM Inc./I.S.A.H., Dr. Deborah Winn.

(center left) Community organizer and Executive Director of Parents of Watts, Sweet Alice Harris, and (center right) CEO of WWAM Inc./I.S.A.H., Dr. Deborah Winn.

By Dr. Deborah Winn

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Thursday, September 18, Willing Winn Associates and Mission (WWAM) Inc., launched its program “It Starts At Home” (I.S.A.H.). The launch event took place at Juanita Jones Blakely Elementary School, where there is a resource center for basic living needs and assistance for needy families and children.

Dr. Winn and Sweet Alice

I.S.A.H. was established in the memory of Dorothy J. Fielder. Fielder was not only the mother of CEO of WWAM, Dr. Deborah Winn, but a missionary, evangelist, and assistant pastor. Winn states that if it had not been for the love, protection, nutriment, and guidance from her parents, she would not be here spreading it abroad.

Stormy Jones doing a praise dance to "Take Me to the King."

Stormy Jones doing a praise dance to “Take Me to the King.”

The event kicked off with a welcome by Ramon Velasco, principal of Jones Elementary. The emcee for the afternoon was Wanda Parker. Sweet Alice Harris, community organizer and founder and executive director of Parents of Watts, made a special appearance. She spoke on working together with WWAM to get the needs met for the youth in the community, Blacks and Browns (African Americans and Mexicans) coming together as one in the city, and on the importance of political leaders.  She also posed the question of the fact on why weren’t there any political leaders present at the event.

Another speaker was the assistant police chief of San Bernardino, Eric McBride. He mentioned how he believes in the notion of “It Starts At Home” and how it should be spread abroad throughout the city because the children and parents desperately need it.

In addition, residents gave their testimonies about “I.S.A.H.” and what it meant to them, as well as what WWAM has done in their lives. They included Mrs. Rasheda Ballard, Ms. Andrea Vejar, Mr. Robert Russell, Juanita Webster (San Bernardino Parks and Recreation), and Ms. Blanca Aguirre.

WWAM  would love to give a special thanks to Stormy Jones who did a praise dance to “Take Me to the King”, and Bishop Larry Jones who did all the artwork for I.S.A.H.

Stay tuned for Juneteenth 2015 at Perris Hill Park in San Bernardino and for another appearance by Sweet Alice Harris.



Wal Mart vs Unions, Trades, Labor and Democratic Party


By Audrey Thompson

Wal Mart is very popular in the African American community, and other low income areas. Wal Mart hires African Americans and their prices are affordable for everyone.

Back when Ford Motor company started, Mr. Ford was adamant about his employees being able to afford his cars. He set affordable prices so not only could regular consumers buy his cars but his  workers too. This is the same for Wal Mart, employees and regular customers can afford Wal Mart products.

Now you have the Unions, Trades, Labor  and  Democrats crying foul. They argue that Wal Mart does not pay their employees fair wages, poor working conditions and poor health insurance coverage. In addition, they argue that Wal Mart closes small business, Mom & Pop stores. So, for that reason the Unions, Trades, Labor and the Democratic Party fight hard to prevent Wal Mart from building in low income communities. Translating into maintaining the high unemployment rate in the African American communities.

Well let’s look at their argument . Usually the so called Mom & Pop stores are family owned and hire less than 25 employees, if that many, and I doubt they have health insurance either. Remember, that was one of the issues regarding Obamacare, that small businesses could not afford healthcare, at all. Quiet as it’s kept, many of the so called Mom & Pop stores are really boutiques and we all know low income African Americans are not shopping at those over priced boutiques and specialty shops.

Let me tell you what’s really goings on. The Unions, Trades, Labor  and the Democratic Party are pissed off at Wal Mart because they won’t unionize, thus getting union dues from tens of thousands of Wal Mart workers. This translates into hundreds of millions of dollars to the Unions, Trades and Labor. Wal Mart hires more African American community members in the cities they build then Unions, Trade and Labor hire in the cities they are working. The Democratic Party needs to back the Unions with this argument because they know it is Union, Trade and Labor money that fuel their campaigns.

Don’t get me wrong, Democrats need money to run their campaigns, however, not at the expense of the African American community. Once again, the Unions, Trades, Labor and the Democratic Party are misusing the African American vote to keep their own personal agenda in full throttle. They continue to misrepresent the truth and hope we will continue to fall for the okeedoke.

You can keep your Trade, Labor, Unions and Democratic Party. I’ll take a job, minimum wage, ability to move up in the company with a pay raise, some health and dental care and  products my family can absolutely afford.

It’s all about jobs in our community. If Wal Mart in our community bring  jobs at minimum wage and some health insurance without Unions, Trades, Labor and the Democratic Party, how bout this – 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing! 100% of nothing is what the Unions, Trades, Labor and Democratic Party is offering the African American family and community.

“The Audacity of Some People”

By Sion S. Habtemariam

Sion S. Habtemariam

By Sion S. Habtemariam

(written on November 16, 2012)

The re-election of President Barack Obama in November caught the attention of many Americans. Among these Americans are teens who use social networking sites as an opportunity to voice their opinions. Although tweets and status updates are unlimited; facts, in many cases are hard to find.

Some teens joke about being able to stay on food stamps now that Obama was re-elected without realizing they are playing into a crippling stereotype. Many teens influenced by parents, forms of media like FOX News, uninformed teachers,  and the judgments of other teens have come to a consensus that all Obama supporters are receiving government assistance and are unemployed. Some go to the extreme to over generalize that all the Democrat party stands for is to give government hand outs to people who choose to not work. These views are not only incorrect but display the ignorance plaguing America.

Many teens are not aware of the facts behind much of America’s past. The system of welfare existed well before the Obama administration and he is not to blame for those who may take advantage of the assistance. In 1935 the Social Security Act was enacted. Most Americans were unemployed or underemployed and it was nearly impossible for people to support their families. Sound familiar?

There are many forms of welfare; about 83% of money for social programs goes to social security and Medicaid (programs that every citizen is eligible for). Many do not know what the negative impact of the getting rid of welfare would be. Those who are angry that their family pays for all “poor” Americans through the money they receive through their small businesses would soon see the sad truth that not only would completely ending welfare hurt the people directly involved, but also their business.

People also choose to forget that the burdens of middle class paying for taxes are because many richer Americans pay lower taxes. Does it make sense that 21% of millionaires face a lower tax rate than the three million individuals making between $50,000 and $100,000? The system of welfare does need regulation. But in general Conservatives are opposed to regulation as seen in the Bush administration. Imposing rules like Bill Clinton did in his administration which gave states funding for the poor, but made it necessary to help citizens move from welfare to the workplace. Enforcing this, as well as making it mandatory for all recipients to bring proof of looking for a job through applications or by other means, may help. But times like these when even college educated Americans are out of work it may take a long time for this to happen. Also a program requiring drug testing prior to receiving government assistance should also be put in place.

Americans like to believe that our system of government and the truth behind the American Dream are what differentiate us from the most of the world. But there is another aspect to what makes us unique. We have policies put in place that allows us to have lower poverty rates and allow us to actually have a middle class.

Many teens have also expressed their opinion that this generation is going to be derailed by Obama’s administration. Ask these same students about Obama’s views on funding for education and you may receive blank stares. There are those who have actually been more instrumental in the sculpting of their views and may have more to say. For many high school students their next step in education is college. Most families cannot afford tuition and most of us do not have the option to just ask our parents for money as suggested by Willard Mitt Romney. The Obama administration has repeatedly increased funding for student financial aid through the support of Pell grants. His administration has also supported funding for elementary and secondary schools. This makes it even more astonishing that some teachers who are misinforming students are actually being protected under Obama’s measures.  Americans who supported Proposition 30 have faith in the next generation. This proposition stops school cuts and college tuition hikes. So students who believe that because of Obama they will not be able attend college anymore, I’m glad to inform you that you are mistaken. The Democratic Party, including President Obama, will not be to blame for this generation’s derailment. Instead it will be the students who do not exercise effort, those who use class as a time to socialize and apply make up in class instead of taking advantage of their resources who cheat themselves.

Aside from the politics, those who oppose Obama often have degrading things to say about something he could not control, his race. From the moment Barack Obama announced he would run for president, to his inauguration, and ultimately his reelection America reached a monumental point in its history. Obama becoming President made many believe that America had finally achieved the progression from racism of slavery and Jim Crow Laws. As a nation we have made strides from an oppressive nation but the battle on racism is ongoing. It’s 2012 and some people still have a hard time believing that the son of an African father and white American mother may have something to offer to America.

Students use Instagram as a canvas to display their racially charged attacks on the President of the United States. Students posted pictures with captions full of poor language that included the “N” word. On election night, various postings that discussed dissatisfaction of our two-term President would not have be complete without a regressive picture of a homemade billboard from Hanson, Massachusetts. The billboard stirred up much controversy in Massachusetts but as many as 46 Instagram users agreed with its message that “Somewhere in Kenya a village is missing its IDIOT OBAMA One Big a** Mistake America Vote Mitt Romney for 2012!”  If your beliefs do not coincide with those of our President that is fine, being able to openly disapprove of our government is a unique right many countries lack. Before taking to social media sites to express your anger fuelled opinions ask yourself a few questions. Do my statements over generalize an entire group of people? Are they my own thoughts? Do my statements lack facts and express hatred?

As you express your disdain for America’s current president I challenge you to leave behind your comfortable world and see a world with children less fortunate than you. And above all I challenge you to leave behind the mindset that makes it acceptable to judge someone’s abilities and strengths by their cultural background.


About the author

Sion worked at the Registrar of Voters in San Bernardino on election night in 2012 during her senior year in high school after being chosen among some of her peers in her AP Government class. She is currently a sophomore at University of California, Irvine where she is studying Public Health and Neurology with an emphasis on Pediatrics Neurology.


LUE PRODUCTIONS: Youth Showcase Auditions


Youth Auditions is WHAT IT DO this Saturday! The auditions are being sponsored by LUE Productions, Westside Story Newspaper, Black Chamber of Commerce Inland Cities, Family First Entertainment, Pretty Pockets, and Cold Cutz Barber Shop.  Youth will be auditioning for the ‘Youth Showcase’ which will be held on Saturday, December 13th .

This is a Great opportunity for our FUTURE TO SHOWCASE THEIR TALENT! We are calling all Gospel Acts, Singers, Singing Groups, Poets, Spoken Word Artists, Dancers, Rappers, Comedians, and More! We are also looking for youth hosts and models. All participants must be 19 and under.

The auditions will take place on Saturday, September 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 114 S. Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino (92408). You may send us an audition tape if unable to make auditions. All final contestants will be contacted by Monday, September 29.

For more information, please contact LUE PRODUCTIONS (909) 567-1000 or by email at Lue.info@yahoo.com. You may also contact BossRell of LUE P. at (909) 496-2151, TeeAuna of Pretty Pockets (model coordinator) at (310) 866-7545, or Deeveatva Foy of LUE P. (model coordinator) (909) 556-7637

“Through the Looking Glass”

Members of National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. and Delta Rho Chapter for the Far Western Region

Members of National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. and Delta Rho Chapter for the Far Western Region

By Dr. Margret Hill

SAN BERNARDINO, CA The 2014 Teach-A-Rama “Through the Looking Glass” was held at San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) on Saturday, September 20. Approximately 80 educators, professionals, and community members from San Bernardino City Unified School District, Fontana Unified School District, Redlands Unified School District, San Bernardino Community College District, Compton Unified School District,  Rialto Unified School District, Palm Springs Unified School District, San Diego Unified School District, Riverside Unified School District, and Los Angeles Unified School District participated in this event. The purpose of this gathering was to look at the different cultural elements students encounter in the classroom, providing educators with a closer look at the factors currently impacting minority students in the classroom.

Teach-A-Rama was sponsored by the Office of Instruction at San Bernardino Valley College working in partnership with representatives from the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. and Delta Rho Chapter for the Far Western Region.

Following the welcome, the purpose of the event was shared by Dr. Haragewen Kinde (Vice President of Instruction at San Bernardino Valley College), Joyce Payne (Basileus with Delta Rho Chapter), and Dr. Margaret Hill (Board Member for the San Bernardino City Unified School District).

Presenters included: keynote speaker, Dr. Louie Rodriguez (Professor at California State University, San Bernardino and author of “The Time is Now”), Euricidi Fitz (PAR Consultant with San Bernardino City Unified School District), Keisha Handy (Academic Coach with Monterey Elementary School, part of San Bernardino City Unified School District), and Dr. Kennon Mitchell (Assistant Superintendent of Student Services with San Bernardino City Unified School District)


Actress Erika Ringor and Olympian Brigetta Barrett Honored at the 2nd Annual Pink and White Celebration

Actress Erika Ringor

Actress Erika Ringor

RIVERSIDE, CA – The 2nd Annual Pink and White Celebration is on Sunday, October 5 at D and D’s Dance Center in Riverside at 1445 Spruce Street.  “We are honoring local breast cancer survivors.  We also honor two women who are positive role models relative to health and wellness,” said breast cancer survivor Carrie Madrid, founder and CEO of Lady Huskies, Inc.

This year the “Woman of Excellence Award” has been added to the 2nd Annual Pink and White Celebration.  “The two honorees chosen this year have overcome adversity and excelled in their personal lives to not only achieve greatness, but have dedicated themselves to raising awareness of women’s health and wellness,” said Madrid.The honorees chosen are actress Erika Ringor and 2012 track Olympian Brigetta Barrett.

Erika is known for her role in the motion picture Love and Basketball, among other movies and is now a Fitness and Health Coach for a major health and wellness company.  Brigetta Barrett is a high jumper from the United States. Her biggest success is winning the silver medal at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. She is returning to the 2016 Olympics.

Brigetta Barrett

Brigetta Barrett

This breast cancer awareness month fundraising gala was created by Madrid a Stage III breast cancer survivor of two years.  Madrid shares her story in hopes of raising awareness and inspiring others to beat breast cancer. The “Woman of Excellence Award” honorees will be presented with an original work of art created by artist John Barge III  www.johnbarge3.com. The official unveilings of these works of art will take place at the 2nd Annual Pink & White Celebration.

“We invite everyone to attend and enjoy this celebration of hope,” said Madrid.  She added, ”Special appearances at the celebration include: jazz saxophonist, Mark Allen Felton and vocalists, “L.A. the Don” with Jazmine Culpepper; World Champion Mixed Marshal Arts (MMA) Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Jenae Noonan and artist Brandy Loves2Draw”, said Madrid.

Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased on the website or at the door.  Tables of eight are available for $200 if purchased by October 1. All breast cancer survivors must be registered by October 1. For more information or to register a survivor, make a donation; please contact Carrie Madrid at 951-707-7965 or carrie_madrid@yahoo.com.

Teens and Saving: The First Car

Wendy Estrada

Wendy Estrada

By Wendy Estrada, Branch Manager, MUFG Union Bank, N.A.

Learning to drive and buying a car can be an exciting time, especially for teenage drivers, and it’s an important step toward adulthood.  While it may offer a sense of freedom and pride, it can also provide valuable lessons in responsibility and financial planning.  The following tips may help teens become financially prepared for their first car purchase.

Create a budget

The first, and perhaps the most important step, is to establish a budget listing all sources of income and the expenses of car ownership.  Determine if your parents, guardians or other family members might be willing to contribute.  Perhaps they will match your savings toward a down payment, or they might decide to buy the vehicle and have you make the payments.  Make sure your expectations are reasonable and clear.  List the costs associated with owning a vehicle, such as gas, insurance and maintenance.  Print your budget to clearly see what is expected and how much must be earned and saved.


If you don’t already have one, set up a savings account as soon as possible.  Ask your parents or another trusted adult to take you to a bank and introduce you to a banker who can explain how making regular deposits can help you reach your savings goals, and how interest can help you grow your savings faster.  Your banker can also help you determine which type of savings account will best suit your needs.

Earn income

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, as a general rule, to get a job with a company, you must be 14 years old, and certain limits apply to how many hours you can work until you turn 16.  Many teens also earn money by babysitting, tutoring, delivering newspapers, making and selling jewelry and other crafts online, or mowing lawns, for example.  Look for ways to put a skill or hobby to use to earn extra money, and with a little creativity and perseverance, you can make some extra cash doing things you enjoy.

Shop around

When your savings goal has been reached, it is smart to do a little research before shopping for a vehicle.  Whether you are able to buy a new or used vehicle will depend on your budget, and having realistic expectations before visiting the car lots will make the process a lot more fun. Read reviews such as Consumer Reports to find a make and model that is reliable and gets gas mileage that you can afford, and meets your needs.  Ask your parents to call their insurance agent and research insurance rates for the types of vehicles you are considering.

Manage costs

Keep track of your budget and make sure that you’re able to keep up with your bills, and look for ways to lower your expenses.  Keeping your car properly maintained can lower fuel and repair costs.  Regular oil changes and tire rotations can help keep your vehicle running smoothly and increase your gas mileage.  Consider asking for gas gift cards for birthday or holiday gifts.  And note that many insurance companies may offer you more favorable rates for maintaining a clean driving record and your grades.

Be a responsible driver

There are many responsibilities that come with owning a vehicle, but perhaps the most important is being a safe, responsible driver.  Obey the rules of the road to help avoid costly tickets and fines, or even worse, losing your license or hurting someone.               

The foregoing article is intended to provide general information about helping teens save for a car and is not considered financial or tax advice.  Please consult your financial or tax advisor.



Wendy Estrada is the branch manager of the Lincoln High School student-run branch for MUFG Union Bank, N.A.  MUFG Union Bank, N.A., is a full-service bank with offices across the United States.  We provide a wide spectrum of corporate, commercial, retail banking and wealth management solutions to meet the needs of customers.  The bank also offers an extensive portfolio of value-added solutions for customers, including investment banking, personal trust, capital markets, global treasury management, transaction banking and other services.  With assets of $108.8 billion (USD), as of June 30, 2014, the bank has strong capital reserves, credit ratings and capital ratios relative to peer banks.  MUFG Union Bank is a proud member of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (NYSE: MTU), one of the world’s largest financial organizations with total assets of approximately ¥259 trillion (JPY) or $2.5 trillion (USD)1, as of June 30, 2014.  MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation, the financial holding company and MUFG Union Bank, N.A. have corporate headquarters in New York City.


1 Exchange rate of USD=¥101.36 (J-GAAP) as of June 30, 2014