
MACY’S “Shop for a Cause” Raises $60,000 to Benefit Moms and Babies

MACYS SHOP FOR A CAUSE SHOPPERLOS ANGELES, CA- Macy’s ninth annual “Shop For A Cause” one-day shopping event has raised $60,000 in support of the March of Dimes mission to help moms in our community have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies, it was announced today. Programs for moms and babies in our area that will benefit from these vital funds raised include:

Supportive group prenatal education to teach pregnant women to have a healthy pregnancy and promote healthy behaviors and equip women to make better decisions about their health care.

Services to hospitals and health care providers to help them reduce the numbers of elective cesarean sections and inductions of labor between 37 and 39 weeks of pregnancy.  Reducing early elective deliveries is safer for mothers, reduces the risk of medical complications for babies, and results in lower health care costs.

The March of Dimes was the exclusive national beneficiary of in-store and online savings pass sales for Macy’s 2014 “Shop for A Cause.” For more information about “Shop For A Cause,” visit macys.com/magicofgiving.


Veterans Diploma Project Seeking Applications for Class of 2014

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-Applications are being accepted to award diplomas to men and women whose high school education was interrupted due to military service or internment in a Japanese American camp.

In partnership with the County Department of Veterans Affairs, the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools is offering an opportunity to provide veterans and internees who qualify for a high school diploma.

The deadline to apply for the sixth annual County Operation Recognition Veterans Diploma Project is September 26.Diplomas will be awarded to qualified applicants at a presentation in November. Applicants will be notified of their status and qualified applicants will be provided with the date, time, and location of the presentation.

Operation Recognition Veterans Diploma Project provides veterans and internees, who were unable to complete high school due to military service or internment, the opportunity to receive a high school diploma, according to the state education code. Veterans who served in and receivedan honorable discharge from World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War; or individuals who were interned in a Japanese American relocation camp and are San Bernardino County residents are eligible to participate. There is no charge to participate.

Applications can be downloaded from the County Schools’ website at vdp.sbcss.k12.ca.us. For assistance with verification of military service and/or discharge papers, contact the County Department of Veterans Affairs at (866) 472-8387 or (909) 387-5516.For more information, contact Stacie Diaz at County Schools at (909) 386-2412.


California Arts Council’s Craig Watson to Keynote Countywide Arts Conference


SAN BERNARDINO, CAArts professionals from throughout San Bernardino County and surrounding areas will convene for a full day of speakers, workshops, roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities.

The Arts Connection Conference will be highlighted with a Keynote Address by Craig Watson, Executive Director of the California Arts Council, who will speak on the state of the arts in California and bringing economic and creative vitality to our region though the arts. Additionally, San Bernardino County Second District Supervisor, Janice Rutherford will show her support with the Welcome Address.

The conference is being organized by the non-profit organization, Arts Connection – The Arts Council of San Bernardino County in partnership with the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center and will be held on Saturday, September 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center, located at 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739.

The conference is free to all members of Arts Connection. One-year membership starts at $25 (and $10 for students). The conference fee is $50 for non-members. Pre-registration for the conference is highly encouraged. Registration is available online at artsconnectionnetwork.org/event-reservation or by phone at (909) 537-5809.

For more information contact Julia Tilley, Interim Executive Director, Arts Connection, 909-537-5809 and info@artsconnectionnetwork.org.

Armed Services Spotlight: Petty Officer Robert Coleman

Officer Coleman

Officer Coleman

NEWPORT NEWS, VA.- Petty Officer 1st Class Robert Coleman, a hospital corpsman from Rialto, California and 2002 graduate of Dwight D. Eisenhower High School, is serving in the U.S. Navy aboard Pre-Commissioning Unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78).

Gerald R. Ford is the first ship in its class and the successor to the Navy’s Nimitz-class aircraft carriers that have been in operation for the last half century. Gerald R. Ford’s 1000-sailor crew is slowly bringing the ship to life, a crew that will eventually grow to more than 4,500 when the ship is at sea.

When complete, the aircraft carrier, powered by two nuclear reactors, will measure more than three football fields long at 1,092 feet in length and will weigh more than 100,000 tons.  It will be capable of sailing at nearly 35 mph and will carry more than 75 Navy aircraft.

Like the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers that came before it, USS Gerald R. Ford’s mission is to protect and defend America on the world’s oceans.  When the ship deploys it will bring four-and-a-half acres of survivable, sovereign U.S. territory increasing the Navy’s strike capability and defending the country’s interests in any region of the world.  The ship is scheduled to commission in spring 2016. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Joshua Treadwell)

Doug Christie, Joe Moses and others ‘Ball 4 a Cause’

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Photo and Article by Naomi K. Bonman. 

REDLANDS, CA- To end the summer off right, Music Changing Lives partnered with Hip Hop Artists Against Drugs (HHAAD) and the Redlands Police Department to bring a fun filled event for the family. The event, “Ball 4 a Cause,” took place on Saturday, August 30 at the Redlands Community Center.

Retired NBA star Doug Christie, hip-hop artist Joe Moses, model/celebrity host Latricia Renee PriceKartoon from the Ruff Ryders, and others battled the Music Changing Lives (MCL)team in the fundraising event to a final score of 59 to 58.

“Music Changing Lives staff and CEO were humbled and honored to see the turnout for our first celebrity basketball fundraiser ‘Ball 4 A Cause’,” Josiah Bruny, CEO of Music Changing Lives, stated. “Not only does it show our local community believes in our efforts but we now have the ear of Hollywood’s elite and one of the greatest NBA stars on our team to stand up for social equality and to help keep music and art alive in our region and beyond.”

He continues, “I want to thank our sponsors Jackie Christie Shiekh Shoes Vizard PR The Hotel San Bernardino, Q1047 Alynette & Chris Loos. I want to thank all the playersDoug Christie and Doug Christie Jr. KC, Joe Moses, Young Blacc, Dee Mac, Gregg, Kartoon, Glenn Summerall, Demtitrius, Latricia Price, Niko, and Josiah Bruny.”

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Assemblymember Cheryl Brown Distributes Over 400 Backpacks

Photo caption: Pictured (L to R) is San Bernardino County Librarian Leonard Hernández; Executive Director Linda Jackson, NID Housing Agency; San Bernardino Mayor Carey Davis; Assemblymember Brown; and San Bernardino County Deputy Superintendent Ted Alejandre.

Photo caption: Pictured (L to R) is San Bernardino County Librarian Leonard Hernández; Executive Director Linda Jackson, NID Housing Agency; San Bernardino Mayor Carey Davis; Assemblymember Brown; and San Bernardino County Deputy Superintendent Ted Alejandre.

MUSCOY, CA- Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) recently held a back to school symposium in the unincorporated area of Muscoy to give a legislative update on state education initiatives and to distribute over 400 backpacks stuffed with school supplies for students residing in the 47th Assembly District.

The event was proudly sponsored by the San Bernardino County Library, NID Housing Agency, Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County, Staples, Westech College, IEHP, Molina Healthcare, Incredible Edible Community Gardens, Stater Bros Markets, First 5 San Bernardino, Al-Shifa Clinic, and the San Bernardino Valley Links.

What It Do With the LUE: Introducing Yung Miss

Yung Miss

Yung Miss

Guess whose back! Yep, ya’ girl LUE and I’ve missed you! Rapper Yung Miss is What It Do! Connie Clark, whose known on these I.E. streets and beyond as Yung Miss, is one of the illest female emcees in the game hands DOWN! Have you ever heard the saying, “I can do what you can, but I can do it better”? Well, this showstopper definitely holds some weight to that saying, especially in such a male dominating arena.

Yung Miss, Yung Miss, Yung Miss! I mean what do I to say, except how much I love to watch this artist perform. She is beyond talented and her voice is absolutely beautiful. Every time I see her perform, she has such a stage presence. The audience is always engaged, so here’s the 411 about this artist.

Inland Empire songstress Yung Miss began making music in 2005 during her junior year in high school. Since then, Yung Miss has released 5 mixtapes, 5 beat tapes, and 1 album entitled The J. Dilla Project. Throughout the years, Yung Miss has worked with countless artist and producers internationally. Her production credits include some of California’s up and coming talent, such as The Finatticz, UTB Lifestyle’s Pheo and Cashius Green, Fat Trel Roach Gigz, as well as a host of others.

The talented emcee began performing in July 2012 and has since done over 70 shows in the Inland Empire, L.A, and Long Beach area. She has also opened for West Coast legends Suga Free and Bad Azz.

As she works on promoting her first original album Waveforms, Yung Miss continues to perform, produce, write, and record weekly with the hopes of working hard enough to be recognized by her music industry peers and enjoyed by music lovers everywhere. So now that ya know a little more about my girl, please make sure to support by checking het music out. Links are below and LUE gotta’ go! Thanks for reading.

For more information on Connie “Yung Miss” Clark Singer/Songwriter/Producer, please visit www.YungMiss.com or follow her on Instagram and Twitter at YungMiss.

“You Have Got To Make A Choice…NOW!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You have got to choose! The decision that God is calling for this day is of more importance than any other decision you will ever make. This decision is whether or not you will come to Christ and serve Him. It is a personal decision. It is so personal that no one can make it for you. It is a decision that must be made now! Why? Because you do not know what tomorrow holds (James 4:14). What is your life? “It is even a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.”

In Joshua Chapter 24, Joshua was faced with a great choice. That choice was related to who he would choose to follow in life…” If God is God, then this settles the matter. Joshua said, “For me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” We should be either infidels or faithful followers of God. The very nature of this issue leaves no room for a middle position. There are only two paths that we can take in life and Jesus defines them in Matthew 7:13-14. “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Two roads, one is good, the other is evil. One leads to life, the other leads to death. One will bring the blessings of God upon your family. The other will bring the curse of God upon your life which can affect your whole family. You have got to make a choice…Now!

Don’t get caught up in the false gods in the world — the god of consumption and materialism, the god of militarism, the god of fame and celebrity, and the god of individualism.  Don’t pursue things, pursue God. Choose to live God’s way. Living God’s way is a life of confidence and less worry. Living God’s way is a way of liberty knowing that you are held in His hands regardless of what happens to you while living on this earth. Live God’s way and be motivated by His Way. Don’t live according to the way of the world because at best the world is meaningless in the entire context of true life. Serve God and not the world.

Throughout the Bible we find that God holds up choices to people – life or death, righteousness or sin, justice or deceit – and He does not force us to live the good life. It is a choice. It is your choice. But He continually encourages us to make the right choices.  You know, Jesus said that those who refused to come to Him did so because they were evil and knew that their evil would be exposed in His light. I tell you, what was true of Moses day is true of today. You have got to choose! What way will you live: Godly or Worldly?

There is one major revelation that all Christians really need to grab a hold of and that is this: This life is for just a very short period of time compared to the eternal time frame that is operating in Heaven. Heaven is for eternity – our earthly life is not! The time we will spend in Heaven, and then eventually the New Heaven and New Earth, will be for the rest of our eternal lives – forever and ever. This earthly life is not even a blink of an eye compared to the eternal time frame that is operating in heaven. So ask you sure you want to call all of your own shots and do what you want to do in this life – all for earthly wealth that will completely perish and pass away the second you die and cross over to Hell? Or do you want to go with God’s perfect will for your life, accomplish the missions and goals that He wants you to accomplish for Him in this life, and then receive your full and final just rewards that will last forever once you enter into Heaven? Don’t wait until it’s too late. Heed the signs and Heaven will be your home. Ignore the signs and you are headed for a tragic ending.

You may not like this message, but you need to know where you are going when you leave this world more than anything else in this world or the one to come. Jesus makes it clear that man must choose which gate he goes through and what kind of life he lives. If you make this decision, then you also decide where you spend your eternity. I ask, or you a fool or are you wise? The Bible tells us that many will find their way onto the broad road than onto the narrow way. That is a sad thing! But, what’s really sad about the whole thing is that God continue to give us many chances throughout our lives to change roads. However, we ignore these opportunities and plunge headlong toward Hell with reckless abandon and without visible concern for our souls! Please do not let this happen in your life. You have the opportunity to change today, take advantage of it and come to Jesus for salvation! What are you holding on to today that is keeping you away from the Lord? Let me tell you, whatever it is, it isn’t worth the price you will have to pay to keep it! Throw it down and cast yourself on Jesus for salvation!

If the Lord is speaking to you about your soul and your salvation, heed His voice and come to Him right now! “Imagine a driver traveling down a highway passing sign after sign telling him that the bridge over the river ahead was out. Imagine that same driver plunging to his death in the river because he ignored all the signs. You say, “No one would do something so foolish!” Oh No? Isn’t that just what you are doing? You are speeding down the road of life toward your death and the bridge is out. Yet you ignore sign after sign telling you to stop and change roads. Don’t plunge into Hell! Come to Jesus and be saved. Come today. Come now!” It’s later than it’s ever been!





Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown Issues Statement on the Shooting of San Bernardino Police Officer Gabriel Garcia


SAN BERNARDINO – Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) issued the following statement today on the shooting of San Bernardino Police Officer Gabriel Garcia:

“I am praying for a speedy and full recovery for San Bernardino Police Officer Gabriel Garcia.  As I stated at his vigil last Friday, we must control the violence rising in our communities.  We must begin to address the underlying factors, which create an atmosphere that breeds violence.  I call on every citizen to help us stop this steady increase of violent actions, which begins with all of us respecting and helping our law enforcement officers keep our communities and cities safe.

It is imperative that the community leaders, law enforcement and public safety officials come together to discuss and work on a comprehensive plan to stop the violence.  This is a problem that can only be solved by everyone respecting each other and working together for a common goal and purpose.”

Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown represents the 47th Assembly District, which includes Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Rialto, San Bernardino, and the unincorporated communities of Bloomington and Muscoy.

Website of Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brownhttp://www.asmdc.org/members/a47/       

Trea Day PR Introduces Newest Hip-Hop Client F.A.M.E.



As a true voice for the people; F.A.M.E, which is an acronym for “Finally Achieving My Excellence,” is an inspirational hip-hop artist seeking to inspire the world through making powerful music. For as far back as he can recall, F.A.M.E. reflects on music being a profound influence in his life since birth.  Fathered and raised by a musician, F.A.M.E. was introduced to music development as a lifestyle, which would eventually develop into an escape, passion and career opportunity.  Hip Hop in particular was a genre F.A.M.E. was drawn to; he admired artists such as Tupac Shakur, Notorious BIG, Jay-Z, Common, Nas, Bone Thugs & Harmony, Black Thought, and Lil Wayne just to name a few. VIEW AND POST PIECES OF KING EPK NOW!

Born in the Nation’s Capital, F.A.M.E has established an undeniable presence in the DMV; winning Raheem DeVaughn’s (368 Music Group) “DMV’s Diamond in the Rough Competition,” which featured 18 talented artists hip-hop groups, as well as being a stand out in the wild card round of the “2012 DMV’s Cap City Cipha” hosted by nationally recognized radio disc jockey P Stew.  Recently teaming up with the independent label L Train Music Group (LTMG) in addition to video features on top industry hip-hop blog sites such as Thisis50 and VLAD TV, F.A.M.E. believes that losing is not an option and anticipates traveling the world with his music.

For more information on F.A.M.E., the upcoming “King Sh!t” single,Pieces of a King  album release or to schedule interview opportunities, contact Treavion Davenport at 678-327-8281 or treadaypr@gmail.com.

Follow F.A.M.E. on Social Media 

Twitter: http://Twitter.com/FAMEishiphop @FAMEishiphop

IG:  http://Instagram.com/FAMEishiphop @FAMEishiphop

Facebook:  http://facebook.com/FAMEishiphop

YouTube:  http://Youtube.com/FAMEishiphop

Bandcamp:  fameishiphop.bandcamp.com