
Radio Personality, Diana Wehbe, Inspires Others to Live Their Purpose

WSS News Editor and interns with Diana Wehbe

WSS News Editor and interns with Diana Wehbe

Interview by Noelle Lilley and Ernest Carter 

RIVERSIDE, CA- One of the greatest gifts that you can give someone through the career of communications is giving them an inspiring message that will help them live out their purpose to fulfill their life in a positive way.

Since undergoing a battle with a cancerous Ovarian Cyst and Type 2 Diabetes in 2012, Radio Personality and Author Diana Wehbe used her outlet iHeartRadio and 99.1 KGGI as a platform to carry her message to the masses. Through prayer and patience, she fought her battle by changing her diet, along with her surroundings, and was able to lose 100 pounds in a span of 10 months. This then led her to launch her foundation, The Purpose Foundation, which has inspired and educated students and families alike to change the way they are living and the way they look at Faith, Food and Fitness.

On Wednesday, July 2, WSS News interns had the pleasure of interviewing and speaking with Wehbe about her career, her battle with her illness and her foundation. To view the interview, click here. For more information on The Purpose Foundation, visit www.PurposeTeam.org.

Female Football Player Proves Women Can Do Everything Men Can Do


Ogom Chijindu

By Naomi Bonman

FONTANA, CA- It has been proven through various events that women can do anything that a men can do, and Los Angeles Temptations football league player, Ogom Chijindu (also known as O.G.), is set to compete on a whole new level as she completes head-to-head battles on Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge, which premieres Sunday, July 6 from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. on CMT.

Each episode features eight contestants of both men and women who will compete until the last woman or man earns the right to take on the toughest obstacle course in America created by Austin himself, the “Skullbuster”, for a chance to win $10,000.

“We’re going head-to-head, toe-to-toe,” Chijindu explained. “It’s difficult for people to imagine women doing it, but we were doing everything that the guys were doing without a problem.”

O.G. was reached out to the talent crew of the show about a few highlights that they had seen online of her and from there asked her to send over her bio. The next day she received a cll back and was cast on the show.

“It happened really fast. I was kind of surprised, but I thought it would be a great fit. I love to play sports. I’m not really a gym rat but I’m very athletic, competitive and live an athletic life, so I figured ‘How hard could this possibly be”, O.G. states.

If she wins, Ogom plans to put the money towards her swimwear line, “My bikini line is different because I designed it specifically for the woman’s body.” She also stated that most are used to triangle bottoms and with her line she has a wide range of bottoms that compliment the curves of every woman.

After the Broken Skull, in addition to it launching her bikini line and being in season for football, the L.A. Temptations girl plans on going to law school sometime in the future. To stay up to date on O.G,’s endeavors visit her website at www.iheartOG.com or follow her on Instagram and Twitter at @iheartOG.

Miss California Plus America 2014 Inspires Local Girls

Lia Freeman, Miss California Plus 2014

Lia Freeman, Miss California Plus 2014

By Naomi Bonman 

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- In the majority of National Beauty Pageants it’s rare that we see a curvy or plus size woman being represented, and as a result we then see a decline in the self-esteem of young girls who don’t feel pretty because they cannot identify with what is being represented. This why Lia Freeman, San Bernardino resident, decided to get involved and run for Miss California Plus America 2014, in which she was crowned.

“I decided to compete for my community”, Freeman stated. “I see girls with low esteem and I wanted to give them someone to look up to and inspire them.”

Freeman flew to Atlanta on Monday, June 30 to compete in Nationals where she hopes to bring the crown home; however, with or without the National crown, she will still promote her platform of empowering inner city youth between the ages of 10 and 24 through the promotion of physical, mental and emotional well-being within them. Through her organization, ‘Lia’s Got Good Cense’, located in San Bernardino, Freeman educates youth in the areas of health, education, and finances. She has dedicated her life to working with children, as well as volunteering with those with special needs, veterans, and senior citizens. She is also a advocate of literacy, which she was inspired to promote being that her Grandmother has been a librarian in San Bernardino County for over 25 years.

In addition to her philanthropic activities, Miss Freeman is a standout contestant in the competition because she is a mixed breed being Latina and African American. Not only is she bi-racial, but she is one of the first who has decided to wear her hair natural despite some of the judges stating that she should straighten her hair.

“I am honored to represent California and all of what the Miss Plus American pageant systems stand for, celebrating the inner beauty of each contestant and commitment to our community. With a Latin and African American background, I love that California embraces all. I am an Afro wearing, salsa dancing girl with love for country music, a true diverse Californian!” Freeman said.

Miss Freeman is definitely breaking barriers and providing an inspiring outlet to our youth that if they dream it, they can achieve it by going out there and making things happen. She encourages other young adult mentors to assist youth in finding their passions and bettering their community by finding activities that youth are interested in; such as a dance party, bowling night, skate night, etc., led by a young mentor that they feel comfortable with.

For more information on Lia Freeman and to keep up with her endeavors, please visit www.californiaplusamerica.com or www.facebook.com/MissCAPlusAmerica.


School District Honors Outstanding Students

Noelle Lilley along with her Youth Pastor, San Bernardino Superintendent, her mother and her sister

Noelle Lilley along with her Youth Pastor, San Bernardino Superintendent, her mother and her sister

The San Bernardino City Unified School District Board of Education honored 17 students with an Outstanding Student Award at the April 15 Board meeting.

Outstanding Student Award winners are recognized for achievement in academics, athletics, fine arts, or citizenship or for showing significant improvement in these areas.

Arroyo Valley High School Outstanding Student
Twelfth-grader Noelle Lilley excels in English and currently hosts a segment of the District’s talk show, Education Round Table. She plans to major in journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.

Rodriguez PREP Academy Outstanding Student
Eighth-grader Daniela Ramirez-Rivera is outstanding in math, science, and the humanities. Her future plans are to attend college and major in engineering or architecture.

Palm Avenue Elementary School Outstanding Students
Sixth-grader Blaise Kaylah Austin is an advanced reader and has great problem-solving skills. She wants to attend college in San Francisco or Oregon and become a singer or fashion designer.

Second-grader Michael Kemp is a role model to his peers and volunteers to help his classmates after completing his own work. He wants to become a teacher, a firefighter, or a police officer.

First-grader Esteban Reyes reads at a second-grade level and is the class computer expert. He wants to become a police officer so he can help people.

Serrano Middle School Outstanding Students
Eighth-grader Angel Avila is a hardworking, thoughtful, respectful, and caring person. He wants to attend a local high school and enter a career pathway that will let him help others.

Eighth-grader Teresa Sanchez is a phenomenal writer and an excellent critical thinker. She wants to attend the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego and practice law in Southern California.

Eighth-grader Jose Valdez has excellent attendance and behavior and won a Principal Award. He wants to study criminal justice and join the FBI or CIA.

Middle College High School Outstanding Students
Twelfth-grader Carlos Cervantes volunteers with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Inland Empire and maintains a 3.85 G.P.A. He has been accepted to UCR, and he plans to dual major in history and English.

Twelfth-grader Marissa Eich is optimistic, creative, and thoughtful. She will graduate high school with more than 300 credits. She plans to attend the University of Redlands or Cal State San Bernardino.

Twelfth-grader Kwasi Hill has a great sense of humor, loves sports, and excels academically. Kwasi plans to earn a degree in biology or physiology from Oakwood University.

San Bernardino High School Outstanding Students
Eleventh-grader Thyara Z. Juarez has shown improvement in her academics and extra-curricular participation. She plans to attend San Bernardino Valley College before transferring to UC Davis and becoming a veterinarian.

Twelfth-grader Estevan Lozoya excels in his graphic design and silk screening classes. He plans to major in business and eventually open his own printing company.

Eleventh-grader Jordan D. Sartorio is improving his grades and his writing skills so he can attend the college of his choice. His goal is to someday design educational technology.

San Gorgonio High School Outstanding Students
Twelfth-grader David Tamayo has challenged himself by taking more advanced elective and academic courses than he previously had. His goal is to attend San Bernardino Valley College and become a certified machinist.

Tenth-grader Phillip Lopez’s grades and attendance have improved significantly. He also joined the track team. Phillip wants to join the U.S. Army and serve his country before becoming an architect.

Twelfth-grader Roberta Salgado has contributed to the positive atmosphere on campus through her involvement in orchestra, student council, and other extra-curricular activities. She has been accepted to several colleges, but hasn’t yet decided which she will attend. She knows she wants to major in psychology or criminal psychology.


New Income Limits May Help More SCE Customers Qualify for Utility Bill Discounts

Re-Written by Naomi K. Bonman

ONTARIO, CA- It’s the summer time which means that people are running their air conditioner more frequently than usual. This also means that utility bills will be higher than usual; however, Southern California Edison (SCE) has a variety of tools and programs to assist customers manage their energy use.

The California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs have been altered to allow the maximum-allowable income which allows people to save a few bucks on their electric bill.

The income limits for CARE and FERA programs have increased, meaning more SCE customers may qualify for one of the programs. The CARE program can lower customers’ utility bills by approximately 30 percent, and FERA provides a reduced monthly discount for income-qualified households of three or more based on energy usage.

To learn about more ways to save energy and lower your bill this summer, visit www.SCE.com/CoolSavings.   Customers can also get summer savings and efficiency tips via SCE’s Twitter feed and Facebook page.



Hello World! WSS News intern, Mitchelle Young, had the pleasure of attending a convention based on helping our youth with ways to stay on the right track through positive and fun programs that reduce risky behaviors and promote positive behaviors. The program was made from the T.A.E. sub committee where all in the community were welcome to attend the annual event.



Water DroughtAs state lawmakers tussle over how to boost California’s dwindling water supply, black consumers cope with rising prices caused by the shortage.


Despite the prolonged and severe drought in California, it seems the political divide in Sacramento has torpedoed any consensus on how to manage a resource that one non-partisan advocate calls the state’s “lifeblood.”

Last month, legislation authored by Sen. Lois Wolk (D-Davis) to create a $10.5 billion water bond failed to gain the required two-thirds majority; 22 Democrats voted for, nine Republicans opposed it and nine lawmakers didn’t vote.

If passed, Wolk’s bill, SB 848, would have replaced an $11.9 billion bond slated to appear on the statewide ballot in November. According to Wolk and her Democratic colleagues, that measure is doomed to failure because it includes a Republican-supported demand to build two tunnels underneath the California Delta in order to divert water to farming interests in the Southern San Joaquin Valley.

Rejection of her legislation “was a missed opportunity,” said Wolk. “It was especially disappointing to see my Republican colleagues from Northern California tie their horses to the Delta Tunnels and support the current bond written in 2009 rather than the tunnel neutral approach in SB 848 that was before them. The 2009 bond promotes the tunnels and is doomed to be rejected by the voters. We are in a drought. The voters want real solutions, not the tunnels.

She added: “There is no better time than now to act. SB 848 includes water solutions for every region of the state that reflect local needs and priorities. This bond doesn’t hurt any region and, critically, it avoids investments in controversial projects like the Delta Tunnels that will result in opposition at the ballot. SB 848 is the only proposal that doesn’t provoke a North-South water war and meets Republican core demand for surface storage.”

However, Sen. Andy Vidak (R-Hanford), sees the matter much differently. “This water bond proposal leaves the Valley behind,” he said. “It’s pointless to store water if you can’t move it to where it’s needed. I can’t support a water bond that is worse than the 2009 … bond that’s already on this November’s ballot.”

With the clock ticking, time to replace the bond is not on lawmakers’ side. As for whether any viable bond proposal can be completed within the next three months before the session ends Aug. 31, Wolk sounded hopeful.

“Yes, a proposal could move forward,” she said. “However, many groups are threatening to kill any bond measure that does not meet their narrow interests, despite the good a bond might do for the entire state.

“If the Legislature does not act, the current water bond will remain on the ballot. As mentioned before, that bond is extremely divisive, and extremely unpopular with voters. It is unlikely to pass. If the polls are correct, and the bond fails, we will miss an opportunity to provide necessary funding for hundreds of necessary water projects throughout the state.”

Meanwhile, the importance of water to California cannot be overstated.

The non-partisan non-profit California Water Alliance notes that California is the nation’s leading agricultural producer, providing 1.1 million jobs, and generating estimated annual sales of $36 billion and another $100 billion in economic activity. It also takes into account the state’s enormous tourist and recreational industries and how a safe, reliable water supply is critical to the environmental health of every Californian.

“Water is the lifeblood of California,” said Bettencourt, the Alliance’s executive director. “Los Angeles became Los Angeles because of the availability of water to that area. It’s the reason we have the different cities and different industries. That was the brilliance of our forefathers. We have rain and snow in the Sierras that is able to be captured and moved throughout the state and raise up what is now the ninth largest economy in the world.

“So it’s the basic essential of life in southern California. Whether it’s the shipping industry in Long Beach and San Pedro, laundries, hotels and the tourist industry. It’s all available because of the ability of reliable, clean water.”

In terms of the pending legislation, Bettencourt urged lawmakers to grasp the nettle.

“The failing of Sen. Wolk’s bill is a great example of the long, hard, and often complicated work by representatives of all types of water users — [agricultural], urban and environmental — that goes into developing a truly comprehensive water bond package,” she said. “Years of work went into developing the 2009 water bond package to ensure that it addressed the challenges and planned for future needs of all water users and the environment statewide. As such, the 2009 package passed the state legislature and was signed by the governor. What we see today is all part of the democratic process; the long, hard work of sifting through ideas and proposals with the goal of developing one that best addresses the state’s water needs.”

Bettencourt added: “The water bonds are there to primarily address issues that have been left un-checked for a while. California hasn’t developed any new water infrastructure for our growing base of people since the 60s. Basically, we need to increase the size of the bucket for California. We need water to provide for those 38 million people and the environment.”

Two of those millions include South Los Angeles-area couple Naomi and Randy McSwain, who are part of the growing trend of green-fingered urbanites who like to grow their own food — in this case, in their well-tended Inglewood garden

The McSwains — Naomi runs a children’s nonprofit, Randy is an artist — have definitely noticed an increase in their grocery bill and have tried to accommodate that by shopping around.

“We heard that the drought was affecting prices, so we’ve been adding new vendors,” Naomi told CBM. “We started going to Superior Markets and we’ve returned to the 99 Cent Stores. We also use Amazon Fresh. In the last six months my husband has planted new items because he said the prices were just getting ridiculous.

“However, we then noticed a big increase in our water bills and he had to start cutting back. It’s kind of a Catch-22 situation. We started doing more gardening because of the high grocery bills and then had water issues and wondered if it was worth it.”

Johnson Publishing Company Launches JET Magazine Digital App

jetCHICAGO, IL — Today, Johnson Publishing Company (JPC), launched its new JET magazine app.  The app replaces the printed edition of the magazine.  The new digital magazine app will add fresh content on a weekly basis, every Friday.  Readers will be entertained by 3D images, video interviews, enhanced digital maps, audio content and photography from the JPC archives.

The app will be available on all tablet and mobile platforms.  There will be a free introductory offer of 30 days for all subscribers.

Actress Keke Palmer, the youngest talk show TV host of her new show “Just Keke,” is featured on the cover.  Inside the issue, the actress discusses what it was like growing up on camera, her talk show idols, and dealing with social media drama.

“This is such an honor,” said Keke Palmer.  “JET Magazine was always on the table in my family’s home and it’s great to be their first cover as they enter into the digital age.”

“I am excited to carry the torch of the iconic JET brand into the digital realm,” said Kyra Kyles, the newly appointed editorial director of both JET magazine app and JETmag.com.  “I am confident that we can keep the legacy of the magazine for generations.”

The first JET magazine app will offer:

  • The first 360-degree view of the JET Beauty, with enhanced interaction with the model
  • An exclusive viewing of Black&Sexy TV’s RoomieLoverFriends debut episode of season three – available only to JET app subscribers until July 6
  • A chance to win a VIP experience to the largest house music event in the country – the 25th Annual Chosen Few Picnic (2015) in Chicago
  • Featured celebrities – Stacey Dash, Anthony Anderson, Trey Songz and Taraji P. Henson

Instructions on how to download the new app can be found at JETMag.com and Ebony.com.

YAP Hosts AmeriCorps Member Graduation for Class of 2013-2014

KODAK Digital Still Camera

YAP AmeriCorp Graduates, staff and Elected Official Dignitaries Photo by Naomi K. Bonman

Written by Naomi K.  Bonman

Joesph Williams being presented with a from Bank of America

Joesph Williams being presented with a from Bank of America

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Thursday, June 26, the Youth Action Project (YAP) held its 2013-2014 AmeriCorps Members Graduation ceremony. The ceremony was held at the San Bernardino Adult School. The brief ceremony featured a light meal as guests gathered in before the ceremony followed by a welcome from YAP Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Joesph Williams. YAP AmeriCorps Alumni Shonda Hutton was the keynote speaker for the evening where she spoke on “Self-Love and Knowing Who You Are”. She explained the four steps to success which were:

  1. Defining your purpose
  2. Knowing Your role. You don’t know everything. Make sure to value teamwork because ‘Teamwork makes the Dream work”.
  3. Involve yourself around those who are succeeding and doing what you desire to do. Take notes and have them take you under their wings as their mentee.
  4. Cultivate your relationships. Serve with those that you become involved with. Thank them often.

Proceeding Hutton, Alfred Arguello of Bank America presented YAP with a check for their dedication and commitment to everything that do in the community.  Kimberly Scott, YAP Program Assistant; and Tremanine Mitchell, Director of Operations, then recognized each graduated and presented them with their certificates and acknowledgments from elected officials throughout San Bernardino County and State District.

2014 community supporters included  Assemblymember Cheryl Brown, 47th District; San Bernardino Mayor, Carey R. Davis; Senator Mike Morrell, 23rd District; Fontana City Mayor, Acquanetta Warren; San Bernardino City Unified School District; San Bernardino  Employment Training Agency; California Volunteers, AmeriCorps; and Corporation for National and Community Service.

The three partner sites were Arroyo Valley High School, San Gorgonio High School, and San Bernardino Adult Education.


ARMC Nurse Receives ‘Woman of Distinction’ Award

Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) registered nurse Cheryl Meis, holds her Woman of Distinction award, which was presented to Meis at the 2014 Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony held recently at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino. The annual event recognizes women from throughout the region who demonstrate a strong commitment to their communities.

Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) registered nurse Cheryl Meis, holds her Woman of Distinction award, which was presented to Meis at the 2014 Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony held recently at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino. The annual event recognizes women from throughout the region who demonstrate a strong commitment to their communities.

COLTON, CA – Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) registered nurse Cheryl Meis, of Highland, was honored at the 2014 Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony held recently at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino. Meis was one of 75 women recognized for making a positive difference in the community.

“Cheryl always goes above and beyond her regular duties,” said ARMC Chief Nursing Officer, Michelle Sayre. “Her dedication to patients and their families is an inspiration to all of us.”

Meis, an employee at the hospital since 1980, said she wanted to be a nurse since she was a little girl. She took a step toward that goal in high school by taking a hospital services class. Meis began her medical career as a nursing attendant in the Medical Center’s emergency department. After earning her nursing degree, Meis worked in the hospital’s burn center for about 12 years and in other areas including the intensive care unit, emergency department and ARMC’s Family Health Centers.

“I feel very humbled to receive this award,” said Meis, who is a critical care nurse. “I never expected to be honored for doing what I love to do, but it is a wonderful surprise.”

The Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony, held each year by state Sen. Mike Morrell, honors women from throughout the region who demonstrate a strong commitment to their communities. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the awards.

ARMC is a state-of-the-art acute care facility with a full range of inpatient and outpatient services including a Level II trauma center, 24/7 emergency department, mobile medical clinic, primary stroke center, and a regional burn center. For more information, visit: www.arrowheadmedcenter.org.