
Celebrating Women Who Have Mother-like Traits

Dr. Misee Haris

Dr. Misee Haris

Interview and write-up by Naomi K. Bonman

Mother’s Day is not just about celebrating women who are biological mothers, but it is also about celebrating those women who possess motherly traits. You do not have to be a mother to be recognized on Mother’s Day. There are several women out there who are role models for youth and other young women that do not have any biological children of their own, but they care about leading others in the right direction and making their lives better through their careers and passions.

Dr. Misee Harris is one of those women who can be classified as phenomenal.  She is a model, philanthropist and nationally recognized leader in the realm of pediatric and sports dentistry, as well as in the advocacy for children with developmental disabilities. Dr. Harris graduated with honors from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 2006. She then went on to attend the University Of Kentucky College Of Dentistry where she earned a Doctorate of Dental Medicine Degree. Upon receiving that degree, she became the first African American woman to be accepted into the University of Kentucky Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program.

The successful demist has definitely been making power moves in her medical career. In addition to medicine, she is also an aspiring actress who has sought out to change the perception of how minorities are viewed in entertainment. In 2013, Dr. Harris launched a social media

Dr. Harris is a dentist, philanthropist, model and aspiring actress who is changing the game in entertainment

Dr. Harris is a dentist, philanthropist, model and aspiring actress who is changing the game in entertainment

campaign to become America’s first African American Bachelorette after she opted out of season 9 of The Bachelor upon realizing that she was only cast on the show to fill a quota for the African American woman who would get voted out in the first round. Her social media campaign received great feedback, “I had no idea that it would go viral. It showed that America wanted to see minorities on the show and for thing to be mixed up, especially with interracial dating being popular. It would bring in a new audience,” Harris stated.

Since then Harris has been busy taping anew reality show called “On The Rise” that features three professional Black women as they go about their everyday lives and chronicles events that take place on a daily basis. The stars are Misee Harris, a pediatric dentist, model and actress from Columbia, Tn.; Fawn Stone, an inspiring actress from Los Angeles, Ca.; and Lakesha Yvette Walker, a screenwriter from Graceville, Fl. “On The Rise” will be a “down to earth” reality show that will allow viewers an inside peek into what these three busy women deal with in their professional careers and private lives during their downtime at home. It is not your ordinary reality television show. “On The Rise” is currently filming and set to debut sometime this year.

“African American woman are showed in a negative light,” Harris explains. “We want to show the ones who have goals. Since the early 2000’s and the hit show ‘Girlfriends’, there haven’t been as many shows that portray [us] in a positive light.”

In addition to her reality series, Dr. Harris has made it through several rounds of casting for ABC‘s reality show “Shark Tank” and is now waiting to see if she will make the final cut. If so, she will be presenting her newly designed and customized ProFit Athletic Mouth Guards.

For more information on Misee Harris, please visit www.miseeharris.com.

Saturday, May 10: Take Your Kids to Explore and Learn about Farm Culture

REDLANDS, CA- GMO’s have not been proven safe, and the long-term health risks on humans of genetically modified foods have not been adequately investigated. Come out with your family and children learn more about what we should and should not be putting into our bodies as intake in our daily meals. On Saturday, May 10, Label GMOs Redlands will be hosting a Grove School Farm Tour. The tour will take place at the Grove School located at 11126 Iowa Street in Redlands. There is a suggested donation of $5 per person and $10 per family. For more information and to RSVP, please visit www.labelgmos.org/events.


Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

I want you to know that when you step out of the old {man} and into the new {man} God will take you places and do amazing things in your life. I recently returned from Dubai and Ghana Africa, and I must tell you that it was very refreshing! Everything about Dubai made me feel like I had stepped onto a new planet when I arrived for my first visit. One of the most beautiful places in the world, and a place in my opinion where all the billionaires live. And yes, I joined the billionaire club! Dubai, it was nothing like anything I had experienced in America. In fact, nothing in America remotely prepared me for what I saw. It was grand!

However, on the other hand, it was the first time I ever felt what it was like to be a “stranger,” or even a “foreigner.” You will never know what that is like until you visit a foreign country and there see people who don’t look like you, talk like you, think like you, or live like you. They have a set of values you don’t share, speak a language you can’t understand, and eat food that seems strange to you. You pick up the paper and you can’t read it. You turn on the television and it doesn’t make sense. You’re standing on the sidewalk and you can’t communicate with anyone. I stood out so obviously that no one could have mistaken me for an Emirati. People kept looking at me as they walked by. It was an unnerving experience because I didn’t know any Arabic at all. In all my traveling over the years, I felt this most keenly on my first trip to Dubai.

In such a situation, no matter how friendly the people are, and people are naturally friendly and gracious, you never forget not even for one second that you are an outsider. That’s our condition. We are strangers in the world who have been scattered by God in many places. We are like seeds the wind has carried in all directions. It’s like we gather on Sunday, then we scatter for the rest of the week. For the most part, we are separated from each other. And we never see most of the other people except on Sundays. That’s okay because God has strategically planted us where we can do the most good.


Dubai, the experience was exuberant, the city was exquisite. It was picture-postcard! Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Ghana Africa: To describe a tour of Ghana as an eye-opener is an understatement, but to leave it out of a visit to Ghana is ignoring what life is truly like for a massive proportion of Black West Africans. I saw the best and brightest of the human spirit in the face of incredible poverty that most of us can’t comprehend. When you see the squatter camps, which is grossly overcrowded, your poverty grips back at home will soon be put into perspective.

I’ ve learned that we as Americans, living in the greatest country in the world, can save innocent lives raged by malaria, poverty, homelessness and diseases by being a blessing to others. But, sad to say, we have abandoned the teachings of Jesus; we have abandoned the fundamental concern for the people who are less fortunate. But there are things that are required of us.

USA for Africa, “We Are the World,” written by Lionel Richie and the great late Michael Jackson says, “There comes a time when we must heed a certain call, when the world must come together as one, there are people dying, and it’s time to lend a hand to life, the greatest gift of all.  We can’t go on pretending day by day, that someone, will soon make a change, we are all a part of God’s great big family, and the truth, you know, love is all we need.”

Perhaps one of the more thought-provoking questions in the Bible is that one asked by Cain : Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen. 4:9)  This is a question we would do well to ask ourselves today….  Are we our brother’s keeper?  Do we have a responsibility to watch out for and care for one another?  {When one turns to the New Testament, it becomes clear that the answer is in the affirmative}.  In fact, there are many passages which emphasize…Our responsibilities to one another.  We are to “Love One Another” As commanded by Jesus –As taught by Paul – As instructed by Peter – and as stressed by John.

How are we to express such love? We are to “receive one another”; we are to “edify another”; we are to “serve one another”; we are to “bear one another’s burdens”; we are to be “forgiving one another”; we are to be “submitting to one another”; we are to “exhort one another”; we are to “consider one another”; we are to be “hospitable to one another.”  {In light of such “one another” passages, is there any doubt that we are to be our brother’s keeper?} But how well are we doing? Do we even consider them? Are we even aware of whom they are? Are we ignorant of their problems? Are we willing to bear their burdens?So as to help them overcome and become stronger; or do we rather not be bothered?


How we answer such questions may reveal how well or poorly we are fulfilling our responsibility to be our brother’s keeper; Living up to the one responsibility we have that includes all others: to love one another as Christ loved us.

If we have failed to be our brother’s keeper, we need to… Repent of our lack of concern, our inactivity, or whatever has hindered us; Confess our shortcomings in this area to God; Resolveto apply with zeal these “one another” passages!

For the question, Am I my brother’s or sister’s keeper?” drives to the heart of our relationship to international problems, conflicts or disasters such as in Africa. It drives to the heart of our response to the problems of homelessness, and poverty in our own community. Do we do something, or do we stay uninvolved?  The question, “Am I my brother’s or sister’s keeper?” drives to the heart of our relationship to others in need. What is our relationship to the people around us? Are we our brother’s and sister’s keeper, or are we not.

We have been blessed to become the blessing, even in the tiniest ways. You and I can make that kind of difference. We really can! But God never forces his people to give. In fact, the Bible said that it is a requirement for us to give. The thing is God wants us to learn how to be generous by heart. How about we open our eyes and our hearts TODAY, and look for even the smallest way we can become the gift? Because what may seem small to you, might just change everything for them.

Understand an essential part of God’s purpose in so richly blessing us – He wants us to be a blessing to others. We are on this journey to bring life transforming change to us as individual followers of Jesus Christ and as His church.  Whoever God sends across our path. We are to be a “blessing people.” That’s our job – to bless people. That’s where the trail of blessing takes us.

From Abraham – “I will bless you… you will be a blessing… all nations will be blessed through you.”  What this phrase tells us is that the blessing is not about Abraham and Sarah: it is about those with whom they are to share the blessing; those to whom they are to pass the blessing; those for whom they are to be catalysts of blessing. We are blessed to be a blessing.

“I have come to the realization that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not about me!  How can we complain when others are in much worst conditions than we find ourselves in?  We can no longer walk past those in need, because we are called to make a difference.  To be effective servants for God, we must put things into perspective and be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of another.  We must have a burning desire to help others to the fullest extent of our being.

We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  But what good is salt that no longer seasons, preserves, or purifies?  What good is light that no longer emanates, illuminates, and reveals?  God does not extend his generosity to us with the intent that we would hoard blessings for our sole benefit.  As we are conduits and not repositories for God’s blessings, we must be determined to direct God’s blessings bestowed on us to others.  Let us no longer be perceived as Christians by name only.  We must not compromise God’s Word.  We must strive to be men and women of integrity.  And we must allow real, demonstrative truths to emit from our lives, being mindful that God is making His appeal to the world through us.”

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not let that stop me from doing something.” We are blessed to be a blessing to others.

I challenge you to take that idea, blessed to be a blessing, and hold it before you this week. Consciously think, pray “How can I be a blessing to this person?” and act upon that.

No moment of love or compassion or generosity or kindness is ever lost. Even the “least” of such acts is felt in the vibration of the universe, and contributes mightily towards the Whole, towards the Infinite Void, towards the Magnificent, towards Life, towards Creation, towards the Mystery.

So, count your blessings. Name them. Write them down. Thank God for them. But understand an essential part of God’s purpose in so richly blessing us – He blessed us so that we can be a blessing to others. He blessed us so that we will become generous on every occasion {2 Corinthians 9:11}. Note the context of this passage, Paul is talking about giving, about God’s economy, about sowing and reaping principle.IMG_20140425_075747028

And we all know that God’s economy is very different from our economy. Our economy tells us to save money, to keep something for us to use. To be frugal and as much as possible to use money only for the things needed. But, God’s economy tells us on the other hand, that we have to be generous, help those who are in need, to give things away for God’s glory, to support God’s work and to support God’s workers. Do not be deceived. We have to know how to work with God’s economy. If you know how a farmer plants and harvests, in the same way, we have to plant seeds in the spiritual Kingdom so that later on we will reap a harvest.

I pray that God will bless you in ways you never dreamed possible so that there is no doubt as to where the blessings come from. I pray that each one of you be blessed and become a blessing to others, also. I pray that God will help each of us become yielded vessels that He can work through to reach out to a lost and hurting world. I pray that He will help us to see with our hearts the needs and hurts of others around us. Let our hands become hands used to serve and comfort others.  Let us be reminded that His hands were that of a servant… and that He is above all, yet He came to serve not be served. I ask that He would help us become what He would have us to be, so that the message of His great love and saving grace can be spread throughout the earth.

“We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving, there’s a choice we’re making, we’re saving our own lives, it’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me.  Let us realize that a change can only come when we stand together as one.”

*After seeing firsthand what poverty looks like, I am now more dedicated than ever to be a part of their lives. You can help as well by donating any amount to the cause. For more information please contact me via email at colemanlou@hotmail.com.

Small charity makes a big difference. Donate Now!



LUE PRODUCTIONS: Annual Urban Hip Hop and R&B Fashion Show

LUE PRODUCTIONS FASHION SHOW 2013What it do Inland Empire and neighboring cities. Here’s What It Do! I need you to come be a part of LUE Productions/Family First Entertainment Annual Urban Hip-hop and R&B Fashion Show Highlighting urban fashions and talent on Sunday, May 18 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. located at 114 Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino (92408). Last year’s event attracted over 300 community members and we’re looking to do the same if not more.

LUE P/FFE along with other community partners is excited about this multicultural event. It gives us an opportunity to come together and pay tribute to urban culture. The day will be a fusion of ART, FASHION, and LIVE ENTERTAINMENT for the entire family to enjoy! Hope to see you there!

The host of the event will be Westside Bugg and I (Keepnitmovin LUE) will be co-hosting. The DJ of the day will be DJ Upperkutt. There will be a great line up of local artists and performers which include Speaker Junkies, C-Nova, Paul Douglas, Hard Hitta Boyz, Mack Pepperboy, Retro 80’z, Westside Bugg, Xplosive Drill Team, Pahki, Mizfit, Fitz Taylor, Jeff Guerra, David Lira, CCM Camp, Dem Rock, Dunamis and Young Cali. Our featured designers are Denise Fashions by MeShaun Denise Holmes of Charleston SC, Leclair Couture by Ishanique Lomax, FFMGRD, G’s Vendetta, and MERCH Connections. To commemorate the designers, featured models include Miracle Davenport (Toddler Model), Lamarr Mattison (Male Teen Model), and Fitz Taylor (Male Model).

There will also be a special artistic feature by Mike the Barber of Cold Cutz Barbershop and special appearance from Sean Insanebluebandit Turner and Lashaun Turner of Blaze Indie L.A. The Mannequin Activities will be bringing out a jumper, providing food and giving out FREE haircuts. Other vendors and sponsors include Divas Basement, Westside Story Newspaper, Mike TV, Blaze Indie LA, Cold Cutz Barbershop. There is a donation entry fee of $3 for youth and $5 for adults.


Human Trafficking Documentary Nominated for 2014 Emmy Award

DVD COVER GRAPHICSAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s documentary “Teenage $ex 4 $ale: Human Trafficking in San Bernardino County” has received a nomination for the 2014 Emmy Awards. The announcement was made Tuesday by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) Pacific Southwest Chapter at a nomination party held at the Mad House Comedy Club in San Diego. The film was nominated in the Documentary category for excellence in the creation of a formal, structured television presentation with dramatic impact of an event, condition or situation of current, cultural and/or historical significance.

“When I was younger I spent a year and a half overseas in the Philippines, and I saw first-hand the tragedy of human trafficking and the toll that it took on young girls who could be purchased for ten dollars an hour,” said Christopher Lee, who directed and edited the documentary.

“Those stories have always stayed with me, and now there are new stories, sadly taking shape in our own backyard. My hope all along was that this film would somehow inspire communities, law enforcement and government officials to push even harder in the battle against human trafficking.”

The film is a 45-minute documentary that delves into the problem of sexual exploitation in the nation’s largest county. From boastful pimps preying on young women to one woman’s quest to open a home for female victims, the film highlights a unique coalition of government agencies and how they are reaching deep into the community to eradicate human trafficking.

“I am so proud of the work of my public affairs officer, Chris Lee, and all those who helped create this film,” District Attorney Mike Ramos said. “From the undercover filming of the Player’s and Pimp Ball in Hollywood to the survivors who shared their stories, this was a team effort all the way. Ultimately, this is just another outlet to help shine a brighter light on those victimized by the terrible crime of human trafficking.”

The 40th Annual NATAS Pacific Chapter Awards will be presented June 14, 2014, at the La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad. To view a copy of the entire film visit www.sbcountyda.org/ServicesInformation/ProsecutingCriminals/HumanTraffickingPros ecutionUnit/HostaScreeningoftheFilmTeenage$ex4$ale.aspx.

Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballots, and Mail Ballots Delivered to Voters for the 2014 Statewide Primary Election

Voter Information Guides were delivered to voters’ mailboxes earlier this week for the June 3, 2014  Statewide Primary Election. Mail ballots will be delivered to voters on the permanent mail ballot list  beginning May 10, 2014.

Inside the Voter Information Guide, voters will find a Sample Ballot, as well as information regarding  voting, candidates, and measures. On the back cover of the Voter Information Guide, voters will find the  address of their assigned Election Day polling place. Voters are encouraged to hold on to their guide until  Election Day so that they can easily find their polling place.

Mail ballots are being delivered this week to voters on the permanent mail ballot list. However, voters can still  sign up to receive a mail ballot by filling out the Mail Ballot Application found in their Voter Information  Guide, by downloading an application from the Elections Office website, or by calling the Elections Office.  Voted mail ballots may be returned via the U.S. Postal Service, in person to any polling place on Election Day  or to one of the fifty-seven mail ballot drop-off locations prior to, and on Election Day. To find a mail ballot  drop-off location, voters can use the mail ballot drop-off map located on the Elections Office website.

Voters in this election are also able to vote early or request replacement mail ballots at the San Bernardino  County Elections Office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on  Election Day, Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

For more information about this election, visit the Elections Office website, www.sbcountyelections.com,  or call (909) 387-8300.

Saturday, May 10: Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital Childhood Wellness Fair Walk

LOS ANGELES, CA- On Saturday, May 10 at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital and Watts/Willowbrook Boys & Girls Club, located at 1339 E. 120th Street in Los Angeles (90059), from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. come learn ways to manage your child’s health and wellness. There will be booths with community resources and information along with fun activities and games for the entire family. For more information contact Kellie Todd at (424) 271-2130 or ktodd@mlkch.org. This is a FREE and public event.

Every Wednesday, April 23 to June 4: Fatherhood Legacy


A program to systematically engage men in the embracement of values that are life-giving and life sustaining, for the benefit of themselves and their families. It is a multicultural educational class for fathers-to-be, which teaches the basic fundamentals and essentials of fatherhood. The workshop is facilitated by Terry Boykins, CEO of Street Positive, every Wednesday until June 4 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at SBCUSD Family Resource Center, 1525 W. Highland Avenue in San Bernardino. Topics to be discussed include Economic Sustainability, Personal Growth, Legacy Building, Academic Achievement, and much more. This is a FREE workshop and refreshments will be provided.

May 7-May 20: Art Exhibit Exploring Mental Health

Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Contractor RS&E and NAMI California will facilitate an art exhibition in Orange County titled, “See and Be Seen,” which features art created during hands-on arts workshops for persons facing mental health challenges. The Los Angeles County exhibition begins May 7 and ends May 20 at the Bleicher/Golightly Gallery, 1431 Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica (90740). The gallery will be open Monday-Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday-Sunday from noon until 10 p.m. For more information, please contact (310) 451-9983.

Friday, May 9: ‘The American Nurse’ Comes to San Bernardino

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – In honor of Nurses Week, the Global Nursing Program will be showing the new film “The American Nurse” in the ASU Fox Theater in San Bernardino on Friday, May 9th at 7 p.m. Tickets are $8 at the door or online at www.gNp193.com. Doors open at 6 p.m.

The American Nurse is a heart-warming documentary that gives a voice to nurses who are on the front lines of the biggest issues facing America, such as aging, war, poverty, prisons through the work and lives of five nurses. It is an examination of real people that will change how we think about nurses and how we wrestle with the challenges of healing America. The American Nurse is an important contribution to America’s ongoing conversation about what it means to care.

Professionals that see the documentary can earn 1.5 CE credits through an arrangement with www.nurse.com. A portion of the proceeds from The American Nurse Project have been earmarked to a new scholarship program under the auspices of the American Nurses Foundation.

The historic ASU Fox Theater was originally opened in 1929 and was the site for the West Coast premiere of the original “King Kong” film in 1933. It is located at 374 West Court Street in downtown San Bernardino, just a block from City Hall across the street from the Bank of America.