San Bernardino Mayoral Candidate Carey Davis Endorsed By Rick Avila and Rikke Van
(By Rick Avila and Rikke Van Johnson)
Together, Rick Avila and Rikke Van Johnson, want to go on record as strongly endorsing Carey Davis for the office of Mayor for the City of San Bernardino. He brings excellent credentials to this position, with an MBA degree from California State University, San Bernardino and 35 years successful accounting and financial management experience. Born and raised in San Bernardino and married for 40 years to Johnetta he is well invested in our City.
As former Mayoral candidates, we feel that Carey Davis is the best remaining candidate to lead in restoring fiscal responsibility to our City; bring integrity and professionalism to City Hall; work toward changing the direction of our City through charter reform; and revive the San Bernardino economy by strengthening existing businesses and encouraging new businesses to create new jobs locally.
We both believe Carey Davis is the best remaining candidate qualified to be our next Mayor. If you want to see honesty and respectability in government leadership, join with us in supporting Carey Davis for Mayor of San Bernardino.