
Attorney General Bonta Issues Warning Against Unlawful Employer-Driven Debt Arrangements

SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Rob Bonta today issued a legal alert to remind all employers of the state-law restrictions on employer-driven debt. Employer-driven debt is a term referring to debt incurred by individuals through employment arrangements. This can include arrangements where an employer provides training, equipment, or supplies to a worker, but requires the worker to reimburse the employer for these expenses if the worker leaves their job before a certain date.

“Employer-driven debt can harm workers, consumers, and competition. California is committed to safeguarding our workers and our future through strong labor and consumer protection laws,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta. “Employer-driven debt practices have raised serious concerns, potentially impacting workers’ rights and exposing them to financial risks. We remind all employers in the state that these practices may violate California law. We will uphold the rights and protections of workers and consumers, and we will take any and all legal action necessary to protect Californians from these predatory practices.”

The growth of employer-driven debt products can stifle competition in the labor market and force workers to remain in jobs sacrificing mobility, better wages and opportunity, and competition for labor. These debt products are prevalent across the market, including in healthcare, trucking, aviation, retail, and service industries.

The Attorney General’s office reminds employers that employer-driven debt may violate several California laws, including labor laws and consumer protection statutes. For instance, the Labor Code requires that employers bear the cost of necessary expenditures incurred by employees as a direct result of discharging their duties. This includes costs for mandatory job training unless the training is necessary to legally practice the workers’ profession. In addition, the Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibits an employer or its agent from engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices when attempting to collect on employer-driven debt. Any abusive employer-driven debt practices may violate the California Consumer Financial Protection Law. A violation of these or other statutes may constitute an independent violation of California’s Unfair Competition Law, which prohibits unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business practices. Additionally, the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a recent report illustrating the risks workers face from employer-driven debt. Workers and consumers who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint at oag.ca.gov/report.

Rabid Bats More Common During Summer and Fall

Contracting Rabies is Almost Always Fatal and All Human or Pet Contact with Bats Should be Reported

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) advises the public to never touch a bat with bare hands, and to report injured, sick, or dead bats. Summer and early-fall months are when rabid bats are most often found in Los Angeles County, especially during July, August, and September.

Healthy bats, which are good for the environment, typically hide and sleep during the day and emerge at dusk to fly and eat insects. Only about 1% of bats in nature have rabies, however, about 15% bats found near people and pets in LA County test positive for rabies. In 2022, 50 rabid bats were identified. So far this year, six rabid bats have been found, including three in Santa Clarita and one each in Altadena, Glendale and Los Angeles (zip code 90027).

Bats with rabies are more likely to fly in daylight, appear on the ground, or be found resting for long periods in highly visible areas, such as on the side of a wall. Bats with rabies may be found alive or dead and you cannot confirm if a bat has rabies just by looking at it.

Rabies is a fatal disease to humans and pets, including dogs and cats, if preventative medical treatment is not given before symptoms appear. Rabies is transmitted by the bite, or scratch from a tooth of a rabid animal. Many of our local bats have very small teeth. Bites from bats can be too shallow and small to be easily detected and can heal over quickly. Bats found inside of a house with any access to people sleeping, children, or pets may have bitten a person or pet without waking them or leaving a visible bite wound. After an exposure to rabies, a person must get urgent treatment to prevent illness.

Follow these simple steps if you encounter a bat:

  • Never touch a bat with bare hands.
  • Know that bats are protected wildlife, that they are beneficial for our environment, and that it is illegal for the public to kill, harm, or keep them. However, any bat that may have exposed a person or pet to rabies needs to be tested.
  • Do not release a bat outside if it was found indoors or if it was handled with bare hands – cover it with a box and call animal control to request that it be tested for rabies. Any bat that may have bitten, or had contact with, a person or pet should be collected by animal control and tested by Public Health for rabies.
  • If a bat is found outside that is sick, not moving, or dead, place a box or bucket over it. Then call the local animal control office to retrieve it for rabies testing.
  • Seek rabies help quickly if you may have had an exposure. After a bat bite or bat encounter, call (213) 288-7060, or email vet@ph.lacounty.govto discuss the risk of rabies exposure. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  To report bites in Pasadena, call the Pasadena Humane Society (626) 792-7151. For Long Beach call Long Beach Animal Control at (562) 570-7387 and for Vernon call its health department at (323) 583-8811.
  • Keep pets safe from rabies by keeping them up to date with their rabies vaccination. Indoor-only cats and dogs should be vaccinated against rabies, as some rabid bats are found indoors almost every year in Los Angeles County.  Rabies vaccinations for pets are available at veterinary offices and low-cost veterinary programs throughout the county.
  • Read and share our flyer on What To Do If You Find A Bat, available in English and Spanish: http://ph.lacounty.gov/vet/docs/WhatToDoIfYouFindABat_2021Outreach.pdf

For more information on bats and rabies visit: publichealth.lacounty.gov/vet/rabies.htm

Covered California’s Health Plans and Rates for 2024: More Affordability Support and Consumer Choices Will Shield Many from Rate Increase

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Covered California announced its health plans and rates for the 2024 coverage year with a preliminary weighted average rate increase of 9.6 percent.

The rate change can be attributed to many factors, including a continued rise in health care utilization following the pandemic, increases in pharmacy costs, and inflationary pressures in the health care industry, such as the rising cost of care, labor shortages and salary and wage increases.

“While this is a challenging year for health care costs, Covered California’s market remains stable and continues to deliver more choices to our consumers,” said Covered California Executive Director Jessica Altman. “Despite this year’s increases, because of the extension of enhanced federal subsidies through the Inflation Reduction Act and new financial support from the state, Californians will have more help paying for their plan than ever. In fact, many consumers who receive financial help will see no change to their monthly premiums, and some will see their deductibles eliminated entirely.”

More Affordability Support Than Ever Before
Due to the structure of Affordable Care Act subsidies and enhanced financial help in California, many enrollees will not see any change in what they pay each month for their coverage in 2024. Costs will vary based on individual and family circumstances and income, but the monthly cost of coverage for many of those receiving subsidies will not increase, and in some cases it will decrease.

As a result of the extension of the enhanced subsidies provided by the Inflation Reduction Act, consumers who enroll in health care coverage through Covered California will continue to benefit from record-low monthly costs. Consistent with the current year, nearly 20 percent of enrollees will have $0 premiums.

Over one-third of enrollees would see no change or a decrease in their monthly premiums if they stay with the same carrier in the same region.

In addition, thanks to new subsidies made possible by the budget package recently passed by the state Legislature and enacted by Gov. Newsom, new benefits that will further decrease the cost of health care will be available in 2024 for Californians with incomes up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level, or $33,975 for single enrollees and $69,375 for families of four.

The new state-enhanced cost-sharing program will strengthen these Silver Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) plans, increasing the value of Silver 73 plans to approximate the Gold level of coverage and increasing Silver 87 plans to approximate the Platinum level of coverage. Silver 94 plans already exceed Platinum-level coverage. Over 650,000 enrollees will be eligible for these cost-sharing reduction benefits.

Deductibles will be eliminated entirely in all three Silver CSR plans, removing a possible financial barrier to accessing health care and simplifying the process of shopping for a plan. Other benefits will vary by plan but will include a reduction in generic drug costs and copays for primary care, emergency care and specialist visits and a lowering of the maximum out-of-pocket cost.

For example, a 27-year-old in Los Angeles County at 210 percent of the federal poverty level, or an annual income of $28,500 per year, with an Enhanced Silver plan[i] will see no change in their monthly premium. The same is true for a 36-year-old in Alameda County at 180 percent of the federal poverty level, or an annual income of $24,480, who has a Gold plan. With the new subsidies in place, neither of these consumers will face any deductible if they choose any plan at the Silver level or above.

“Nearly 90 percent of Covered California’s enrollees receive financial help, with many paying $10 or less per month for their health insurance,” Altman said. “With the enhanced subsidies and increased affordability support available to consumers, access to high-quality, affordable health care has never been more within reach for Californians.”

California’s Individual Market Rate Change for 2024

While post-pandemic medical trends — such as increased utilization of health care services, medical cost inflation and labor dynamics — are driving this year’s increase, the rates are more than a one-year story.

Over the past five years, these trends, combined with a big jump in enrollment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, increased federal and state subsidies, and implementation of the state penalty for going without coverage, have all affected premium levels for Covered California in different ways.

With steady enrollment, a strong marketplace, and active negotiations with carriers to ensure consumers are receiving the best value, Covered California has held the average annual rate increase over the past half decade to just 3.6 percent. As a result, Californians in the individual market have benefited from among the lowest average rate increases in the nation over the past five years.

Table 1: California’s Individual Market Rate Changes

Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 5-Year Average
Weighted Average 0.8% 0.5% 1.8% 5.6% 9.6% 3.6%

This year’s 9.6 percent increase reflects an average of proposed rates across all health insurers who offer individual plans, and rates can differ greatly by plan and region (see Table 2: Covered California Individual Market Rate Changes by Rating Region, and Table 3: California Individual Market Rate Changes by Carrier).

The preliminary rates have been filed with California’s Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) and are subject to final review and public comment. The final rates, which may change slightly from the proposed rates, will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

Increased Competition, More Consumer Choice

Covered California’s strong enrollment combined with one of the healthiest consumer pools in the nation continues to attract health insurance carriers, which has resulted in increased competition and choices that benefit Californians.

In 2024, with 12 carriers providing coverage across the state, all Californians will have two or more choices, 96 percent will be able to choose from three carriers or more, and 92 percent will have four or more carriers to choose from.

Changes to this year’s carriers include:

  • Inland Empire Health Plan, one of the 10 largest Medicaid health plans in the nation that serves more than 1.6 million residents, will join Covered California and begin offering coverage in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
  • Aetna CVS Health, which joined Covered California in 2023, will expand into Contra Costa and Alameda counties next year.
  • Health Net will expand into Imperial County, offering an additional HMO plan.
  • Oscar Health, which serves just over 31,000 enrollees in California, announced that it will be withdrawing from California in 2024, following its withdrawal from several other markets nationwide in prior years. Enrollees will be given the opportunity to choose a new plan or to move to the carrier with the lowest-cost plan in the same metal tier.

“Increased competition benefits our marketplace and provides our enrollees with meaningful choices for their health coverage,” Altman said. “With Inland Empire Health Plan joining the marketplace and carrier partners like Aetna CVS and Health Net expanding their service areas, Covered California consumers will have more choices than ever to shop, compare and find a plan that best fits their family’s needs.”


Covered California’s Special-Enrollment Period

While the rate changes and increased choices will not go into effect until coverage begins on Jan. 1, 2024, Californians with qualifying life events, such as losing health coverage, getting married, having a baby or permanently moving to California, can enroll now during the ongoing special-enrollment period.

A full list of qualifying life events can be found here.

Consumers who sign up during special enrollment will have their coverage begin on the first of the following month.

Consumers Can Easily Check Their Eligibility and Options on CoveredCA.com

Consumers can explore their options in multiple ways, including:

  • Covered California’s online Shop and Compare Tool will show consumers if they are eligible for financial help and which plans are available in their area.
  • Find the nearest certified enroller for free, confidential help in multiple languages and dialects.
  • Call Covered California at (800) 300-1506 to get free information or enroll by phone.

Covered California’s online enrollment portal and certified enrollers will also help people find out whether they are eligible for Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal enrollment is available year-round, and the coverage will begin the day after a person signs up.

Table 2: Covered California Individual Market Rate Changes by Rating Region

Rating Region Total enrollment[ii] Avg. rate change Shop and switch[iii]
Statewide Total 1,604,630 9.6% – 2.6%
Region 1

Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne and Yuba counties

58,640 13.1% 7.6%
Region 2

Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties

56,930 6.5% -0.6%
Region 3

Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado and Yolo counties

93,380 10.6% -2.1%
Region 4

San Francisco County

32,740 10.1% 2.3%
Region 5

Contra Costa County

50,760 10.0% 3.4%
Region 6

Alameda County

71,480 6.8% 1.4%
Region 7

Santa Clara County

63,190 8.9% -1.6%
Region 8

San Mateo County

27,160 10.0% 2.4%
Region 9

Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties

26,890 12.1% -3.1%
Region 10

San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Mariposa and Tulare counties

76,740 9.7% 4.1%
Region 11

Fresno, Kings and Madera counties

40,360 14.7% 3.6%
Region 12

San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties

75,100 10.7% 3.6%
Region 13

Mono, Inyo and Imperial counties

16,170 15.8% 11.8%
Region 14

Kern County

23,260 11.6% 7.1%
Region 15

Los Angeles County (northeast)

209,390 9.5% -7.0%
Region 16

Los Angeles County (southwest)

259,980 7.6% -11.2%
Region 17

San Bernardino and Riverside counties

155,280 9.7% -4.2%
Region 18

Orange County

148,070 11.0% -0.9%
Region 19

San Diego County

119,110 8.7% -4.9%


Table 3: California Individual Market Rate Changes by Carrier

Carrier Weighted Average Rate Change
Aetna CVS Health 0.2%
Anthem Blue Cross 10.9%
Blue Shield of California 15.0%
Chinese Community Health Plan 5.1%
Health Net 8.4%
Kaiser Permanente 7.4%
LA Care Health Plan 6.1%
Molina Healthcare 8.1%
Sharp Health Plan 6.2%
Valley Health Plan 7.1%
Western Health Advantage 6.5%
Overall 9.6%

About Covered California

Covered California is the state’s health insurance marketplace, where Californians can find affordable, high-quality insurance from top insurance companies. Covered California is the only place where individuals who qualify can get financial assistance on a sliding scale to reduce premium costs. Consumers can then compare health insurance plans and choose the plan that works best for their health needs and budget. Depending on their income, some consumers may qualify for the low-cost or no-cost Medi-Cal program.

Covered California is an independent part of the state government whose job is to make the health insurance marketplace work for California’s consumers. It is overseen by a five-member board appointed by the governor and the legislature. For more information about Covered California, please visit www.CoveredCA.com.

Rep. Aguilar’s Support for Minority and Women-Owned Businesses Included in FAA Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar voted to pass the bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization bill, which includes provisions he secured to help minority- and women-owned businesses compete for funding for aviation projects.

“Small businesses are not just the heart and soul of our communities, but they’re the driving forces behind our continued economic success,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar. “That’s why I’m glad to see the House take critical steps to make sure that minority and women-owned businesses have the tools and resources they need to thrive. The provision I secured will create a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Supportive Services program at the Federal Aviation Administration. I’m proud to see this pass with bipartisan support and look forward to it crossing over the finish line in the Senate.”

Provisions contained within Rep. Aguilar’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Supportive Services Expansion Act were included in the bipartisan Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Supportive Services Program provides training, assistance and services to minority- and women-owned businesses to help them develop into self-sufficient organizations that viably compete for federally assisted contracts. Rep. Aguilar’s legislation would increase the annual funding cap for this program under the Federal Highway Administration from $10 million to $25 million and expand this program to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

In addition, the bipartisan Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act would maintain American leadership in aviation safety and aerospace innovation, strengthen and diversify the U.S. aviation workforce, make groundbreaking investments in sustainability and resiliency, and improve consumer protections and accessibility.

For a section-by-section breakdown of the bill, click here.

Rep. Aguilar serves as Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and is a member of the House Committee on Appropriations.

“Taking the Lord Grace for Granted You Will Be Sorry!”

By Lou K Coleman

Many people, having heard all their lives about the grace and mercy of God, take His grace for granted. They decide on courses and actions which they know are contrary to God’s will, but figure that “God will forgive me anyway” and plunge foolishly into their rebellious way. They assume there will be no lasting damage once they are forgiven. These people exhibit the spirit of Esau — and unfortunately may well discover his end as well. For Hebrews tells us that when “later” came, and Esau wanted to repent of his actions, it was too late. “He found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears.” [Hebrews 12:17].

This sad story should be a warning to each of us, not to take for granted the grace of God, as well as to realize that there are irreversible decisions in life. As devastating as the loss of such things on earth can be, the weightiest application here is that one day it will be too late for repentance. As [Hebrews 9:27] says, “It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.” When death comes, it will be too late for repentance. The Rich Man in [Luke 16] discovered that too late. His destiny was now fixed and like in Esau’s case “there was no place for repentance.” May each of us learn from him, and from Esau, and not wait until it is too late to consider the cost of our decisions and actions.

Be as the wise man who said, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near.” [Ecclesiastes 12:1].

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid! Repent now before it’s too late!

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Moves 2025 Convention from Orlando, FL due to Governor DeSantis’ Harmful, Racist, & Insensitive Policies Against the Black Community

General President Lonzer’s Announcement Amplifies Current Convention Theme of Strengthening the Brotherhood and Standing for Social Justice

DALLAS, TX – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. General President Dr. Willis, L. Lonzer, III announced the relocation of the Fraternity’s 99th General Convention and 119th Anniversary Convention from Orlando, Florida, scheduled to take place in 2025, due to Governor Ron DeSantis’ harmful, racist, and insensitive policies against the Black community. Today’s announcement, on the first day of its 97th General Convention and 117th Anniversary Convention in Dallas, Texas, amplifies the Fraternity’s convention theme, “Strengthening the Brotherhood and Standing for Social Justice.”

“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has an unmatched legacy of social justice, advocacy, and leadership for the Black community,” said General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III. “In this environment of manufactured division and attacks on the Black community, Alpha Phi Alpha refuses to direct a projected $4.6 million convention economic impact to a place hostile to the communities we serve. Although we are moving our convention from Florida, Alpha Phi Alpha will continue to support the strong advocacy of Alpha Brothers and other advocates fighting against the continued assault on our communities in Florida by Governor Ron DeSantis.”

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Conventions generate approximately $4.6 million in economic impact.

Earlier this week, the Florida Board of Education approved a controversial new K-12 curriculum for African American history, which erase Florida’s role in slavery and oppression, blames the victims, and declares that African Americans who endured slavery benefitted from the horrific and torturous institution.

The Fraternity joins a broad coalition of organizations protesting Florida’s barrage of harmful and discriminatory policies on protests, voting rights, education, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. In May, the NAACP issued a travel advisory, calling Florida “openly hostile” to African Americans.

In Dallas this week, General President Lonzer and Fraternity leadership are dedicating much of its current convention to highlight the continued fight needed for social justice on behalf of African Americans and other marginalized communities. On Monday, Fraternity leadership joined Dallas-Ft. Worth area Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters as well as other Divine 9 Dallas Chapters in a protest march that culminated with a rally of hundreds at City Hall.

The newly appointed President & CEO of The Rainbow Push Coalition, Alpha Brother, Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, also helped lead the march and delivered rousing remarks at the rally.

SoCalGas To Provide Nutritious Meals to Seniors and Families Struggling with High Inflation in Riverside County

RIVERSIDE, CA— SoCalGas announced a $150,000 donation to Family Service Association (FSA) this week, as part of the company’s $4 million dollar “Fueling Our Communities” initiative. A check presentation ceremony will be held at the Eddie Dee Smith Senior Center in the City of Jurupa Valley on August 3, 2023, at 11 am.

The contribution aims to combat food insecurity among seniors and low-income families to ensure that nutritious meals are provided to those in need in Riverside County. Family Service Association provides daily congregate and home-delivered meals to older adults, at no-cost, throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and snacks to the children enrolled its ten child development centers.   With the assistance of SoCalGas, FSA will be able to expand their reach and provide nourishing meals to an even greater number of seniors and families facing food insecurity.  This year, FSA will serve over 1 million nutrition meals in the Inland Empire.

“No older adult or hard-working family should have to choose between paying their monthly bills or food”, said Dr. Cheryl-Marie Hansberger, CEO of Family Service Association.  “We are grateful that SoCalGas saw a tangible need in our communities and sprang into action to take care of our valued community members.”

To commemorate this significant donation, SoCalGas and FSA will be hosting a public check ceremony at the Eddie D. Smith Senior Center in the City of Jurupa Valley. This event provides an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate SoCalGas’ commitment to addressing the needs of vulnerable seniors and families in the region. The ceremony will take place on August 3, 2023, and all are invited to attend.

“We are thrilled to partner with Family Service Association and contribute to their nutrition program,” said Lea Petersen, Public Affairs Manager for SoCalGas. “Our donation reflects our ongoing commitment to supporting the well-being of seniors and low-income families in the communities we serve. By working together, we can make a meaningful impact to address food insecurity and ensure that seniors and hard-working families have access to nutritious meals.”

SoCalGas is dedicated to its role as a responsible corporate citizen and recognizes the importance of community involvement. Through initiatives like this donation, SoCalGas actively supports organizations that make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families, particularly in times of need.

For more information about Family Service Association’s programs or to attend the upcoming check presentation ceremony, please visit www.fsaca.org or contact (951) 686-1096.

About Southern California Gas Company
The Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) has been delivering clean, safe, and reliable natural gas to its customers for over 150 years. With a commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable energy solutions, SoCalGas aims to enhance the quality of life for its customers and the communities it serves.

About Family Service Association
For nearly 70 years, Family Service Association has addressed poverty, hunger, and health, from infancy to older adults, in families and under-served communities. Through early education, trauma-informed mental health services, obtainable senior housing, support for home-bound individuals, safe senior/community centers, and nutritious meals for older adults, FSA’s team members serve over 13,000 community members each year. FSA also lead’s the County’s Child Abuse Prevention Council, The HOPE Collaborative. FSA’s motto is compelling, Family Strength Is Community Strength.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Eta Nu Omega Chapter Now Accepting Debutante Applications

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—-Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Eta Nu Omega Chapter Nubian Pearls of Distinction is now accepting debutante applications for 2023-2024 Debutante Season.  High school juniors, seniors and college freshmen are encouraged to complete the candidate application by September 11, 2023.

The Nubian Pearls of Distinction affords young ladies the opportunity to experience a wide array of cultural, academic, and socially enriching activities.

To learn more about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Eta Nu Omega Chapter Debutante Nubian Pearls of Distinction and access application for program visit website https://www.etanuomega.org/events.

For more information, email nubianpearls1995@gmail.com.

In Fight Against Substance Use Disorder, California Health Advocates Focus on Mental Health, Education

By McKenzie Jackson | California Black Media

Theresa Hunter used drugs growing up in the Sacramento area. The 32-year-old smoked weed, snorted cocaine, and popped pills.

Then, as a young adult, the mother of three found a different high: crystal methamphetamine.

“To deal with the trauma and grief in my life at that time, I turned to using drugs,” Hunter recalled. “I was trying to escape from everything.”

For five years, Hunter smoked around two grams a day of the highly addictive stimulant.

Crystal meth causes intense euphoria and negative effects such has depression, psychosis and paranoia, seizures, and other problems that can be fatal. Hunter’s addiction led her to becoming homeless and leaving her daughters’ care to their father.

Hunter tried to quit crystal meth but became lethargic and slept for days when she didn’t smoke. Rehab centers only accept individuals with alcohol or opioid issues.

In 2021, while four months pregnant with her third daughter Kassiani Rich, Hunter told her prenatal doctor that she was an addict.

“This is my time to get clean and sober,” remembered Hunter. “I was scared, but I knew I needed to get clean. I didn’t want to have an abortion or give my daughter up.”

Hunter was admitted to a rehab center for 90 days but relapsed twice after release.

Kassiani was born healthy, but Hunter lost custody and underwent further rehab. Hunter has been clean since June 12, 2021, and now has custody of Kassiani, 2, and her other daughters, Eryneesa Bernard-Wainiwheh, 13, and Jasani Bernard-Wainiwheh, 10.

She credits her daughters and programs such as See Her Bloom, an online project that helps Black women with substance abuse disorders by sharing resources and allowing women to tell their stories, for paving her road to recovery.

“Knowing there is a platform to help women overcome their addiction, having a place women can go to is really helpful,” Hunter said.

See Her Bloom is one of the many organizations and campaigns in the Golden State focused on combatting substance use disorder (SUD).

According to a 2022 report by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), overdose deaths from opioids and psychostimulants, like crystal meth, are soaring, and 9% of Californians met the criteria for SUD — misuse or overuse of alcohol or other drugs, including illicit drugs that lead to health problems — the previous year. Only 10% of the people with SUD received treatment in 2021, despite SUDs being recognized as an illness.

Black Americans have higher rates of illicit drug use (24.3%) compared to non-Hispanic Whites (22.5%), according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released in May, revealed that from December 2021 to December 2022 there were 107,573 drug overdose deaths — a decrease of 2% from the previous 12 months.

Elizabeth Keating, Clinical Program Director of CA Bridge, a Public Health Institute focused on expanding addiction medication for treatment in hospital emergency departments, said overdose rates in California increased by around 1% between 2021 and 2022.

“Up is not what we want,” she said. “If not for the COVID pandemic, I would say the opioid crisis is biggest health crisis of our time. Policy matters.”

Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom awarded $5.7 million for opioid and stimulant-use education and outreach in “Two-Spirit/LGBTQ” Communities as part of a $1 billion state initiative.

“Education and outreach are critical tools in our arsenal — to prevent tragedy, to connect people with treatment, and to fight the life-threatening stigma that stops too many people from getting help,” Newsom said.

There are also a host of bills introduced in the State Assembly and Senate aimed at addressing the state’s drug crisis.

However, more needs to be done, said Center for Collaborative Planning at the Public Health Institute Executive Director Connie Chan Robinson, who leads the See Her Bloom initiative. She said lack of research on substance issues among Black women enhances the view that there isn’t a problem in that group.

“There is a stereotype that continues to be perpetuated that strong Black girls and young women are impenetrable, they are not influenced by drugs,” Robinson said. “Their lack of engagement with families, the ability to take about issues, and the denial factor with the family contributes to the further isolation.”

Dr. Jenifer Zhan, an Implementation Leader with CA Bridge, said numbers from her organization reveal that overdose deaths increased in ZIP codes with majority Black populations by 202% from 2018 to 2022. Zhan said prescriptions for buprenorphine, an FDA-approved drug used to treat substance misuse like opioids, are given at a much lower rate to Black patients.

Zhan noted that historically people of color are more likely to be arrested or incarcerated for substance use and that can lead many Black people with addiction problems to mistrust health care providers.

“We do make a policy stance on decriminalizing substance use and we advocate for treatment instead of incarceration,” she said. “We still advocate for treatment in jail, in hospitals. There is a shortage of Black doctors. Patients of color will seek care from doctors that look like them. We need policy changes in the education realm also to fix inequalities in health care.”

Robinson said more work needs to be done to discover the connection between mental health and drug use. She said the people at See Her Bloom say more peer-to-peer outreach is needed to combat illicit substance use.

“They need a space for them to share their stories,” Robinson said.

San Bernardino Symphony presents Movies with the Maestro

Second annual cinematic concert August 12

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra will present their second annual evening of cinematic music on Saturday, August 12 at 7:30 p.m. Entitled “Movies with the Maestro,” this performance will be held at the historic California Theatre of the Performing Arts in downtown San Bernardino.

The concert will draw from an eclectic mélange of film favorites, including several pieces in which SBSO Music Director Anthony Parnther has personally participated.

“When I’m not here in San Bernardino with our world-class orchestra, I have the distinct pleasure of leading the Hollywood Studio Symphony on many of the most beloved film and television franchises on the planet,” explained Parnther. “This year’s Movies with the Maestro is personal. We will delve into some of the scores I led from the scoring stages of Los Angeles, London, and Nashville, including blockbuster hits like Avatar: The Way of Water, Star Wars: The Mandalorian, and Slumberland.”

In addition to conducting, Parnther performs on numerous movie soundtracks. “I remain active as a recording artist in the studios, and we will also explore some of the scores I have played my bassoon on including Animaniacs and Gremlins: The Secret of Mogwai.”

But that’s not all. This concert will convene some of Southern California’s finest musicians in a way rarely seen.

Explained Maestro Parnther, “This is a truly regional event as we are collaborating with the superstars of our Southern California cornerstone orchestras. We have invited the celebrated principal horn of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Concertmaster of the Los Angeles Opera, and the Principal Trumpet of the Pacific Symphony.”

Parnther was recently recognized by Mark Swed, Classical Music Critic of the Los Angeles Times, who described him as “the quintessential L.A. musician of our day.” Swed states, “…his technique with a baton provides complete confidence. At the same time, he indulges in robustly physical playing and riveting narrative. He enhances this by speaking engagingly to the audience, explaining why he has chosen each work and what it means to him.” Further, “The effect he gets from any size group conveys the concentration that can be felt in a recording studio. There, with the pressure to produce a recording, the outer world’s distractions recede and the music dominates your full attention.”

Full concert repertoire includes John Williams’ “Hooray for Hollywood” and “Born on the 4th of July”, Simon Franglen’s Suite from Avatar: The Way of Water, Pinar Toprak’s Suite from Slumberland, and Bernard Herrmann’s “Salaambo’s Aria” from Citizen Kane. Young patrons will particularly enjoy Steve and Julie Bernstein’s Suite from Animanics, John Powell’s “Poisonous Love” from Rio 2, and Jerry Goldsmith and Sherri Chung’s “Gremlins” from Gremlins: Secrets of Mogwai. Los Angeles Philharmonic Principal Horn Andrew Bain will join the Orchestra to perform Kris Bowers’ (Green Book, King Richard, and Bridgerton) Concerto for Horn which, under the baton of Maestro, Parnther, premiered in 2021 as part of the Philharmonic’s Reel Change series.

Patrons are highly encouraged to bring their light sabers to wave along to William’s “Imperial March” from Star Wars and to Ludwig Goransson and Joe Shirley’s Main Theme from Star Wars-The Mandalorian.

Second Performance Added

The August 12 concert will be reprised on Wednesday August 16 at the Henry W. Coil Sr. and Alice Edna Coil School for the Arts Auditorium to open the Association of California Symphony Orchestras 54th annual conference. This is the first year the conference has ever been held in the Inland Empire and the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra was honored to have been selected as the host organization.

Shared Dean McVay, ACSO Board Member, conference co-chair, and Immediate Past President of the San Bernardino Symphony Board of Directors, “We at the SBSO have been planning and preparing for an ACSO Conference in the Inland Empire for years, and in many respects it is a dream come true. Bringing the best and brightest industry leaders, musicians, and artists in the West Coast for this conference is an honor and a privilege, and we look forward to sharing the beauty and talent that is so abundant here in the Inland Empire – with performances from our own San Bernardino Symphony, and also during the conference from our partners at the Redlands Symphony and the Riverside Philharmonic.

The public is invited to attend the August 16 concert with tickets purchased through the Symphony Box Office. Registration is still open for the ACSO conference which includes a concert ticket.

Tickets and Location Details

Tickets for August 12 are available at $20-$100 per seat. and may be purchased online at www.sanbernardinosymphony.org or by phone at (909) 381-5388 Monday through Friday. Students and Active Military are always $15. The historic California Theatre of the Performing Arts is located at 562 W. 4th Street San Bernardino. Free, lighted parking is available directly across from the venue.

Tickets for August 16 are available by phone only at (909) 381-5388 and are general admission open seating at $50/pp. The Coil Auditorium is located at 3890 University Ave, Riverside.

Venue box office sales are planned, but the availability of seats cannot be guaranteed.