HIGHLAND, CA- The Inland Empire is full of many opportunities for your business to hit the jackpot. California is currently the number one travel destination in the country. In 2011, California saw 208.6 million domestic person trips, 164.4 million of those were leisure trips. From 2011 to 2012 there was a 1.8 percent increase in total domestic and in leisure domestic trips to the state. As a community, we can work and take advantage of the outstanding opportunity that Southern California’s Inland Empire has to capitalize on the travel industry. Inland Empire Tourism Council will be presenting a DiscoverIE Tourism Summit on Wednesday, September 18 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. There will also be a post event from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. During the summit there will be a variety of speakers who will be discussing the status of the new Southern California Welcome Center; the Inland Empire’s five key regions and potential growth opportunities in those regions; latest details on Visit California programs and co-opportunities; tips and insiders on how to create a Tourism Marketing District in your region; and an organizational year in review. The cost to attend the summit is $20, which includes food. The summit will be held at The Event Center at San Manuel Village, 27923 Highland Avenue, Highland, CA 92346. For more information or to register visit http://discoverie.com/blog/discoverie-tourism-summit.