SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Kim Carter overcame addiction, incarceration and homelessness, and founded Time for Change Foundation to help other homeless women and their children. She helps them to stand on their own and be independent, to raise their children with love and healthy boundaries, and break the cycle of helplessness.
There are 9 other outstanding CNN Heroes in the competition to be #1.
The winner of the top prize will receive $100,000. Kim Carter is the only Top 10 Hero in California. She is working with women and children who live in our communities.
How do you feel after a productive day at work? There is tremendous dignity that comes from being able to support your family; providing food, shelter, care, love and a future.
Can you imagine not having food for your children, a roof over their heads, enough money to make ends meet? Many of Time for Change’s families have never been in a positive home environment. They only know violence, hunger, addiction, pain and fear.
Kim Carter’s vision and life’s work changes that reality for countless women. Time for Change Foundation teaches them how to live, helps them to heal deep wounds and how to provide the kind of home life for their children that we all take for granted.
Your vote, every day, will mean the world to countless women and their children. Please vote and tell your friends to vote too. Voting will be open until November 1 at