RIVERSIDE, CA- The Eta Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. traded their customary Pink and Green for the day in support of the American Heart Association. “Pink Goes Red” is a national focus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., America’s oldest sorority for African American college educated women. The “Pink Goes Red” campaign seeks to educate women about the risks of Heart Disease. Eta Nu Omega Chapter President Nancy Ross, herself a survivor of heart disease reminded the chapter that heart disease and stroke are the number one killers of women, affecting 1 in 3 women, more than all cancers combined. She issued a challenge last year to members to eat better, move more, and reduce sodium intake. Chapter members met this challenge and raised funds to donate to the American Heart Association. Eta Nu Omega is actively involved in the counties of San Bernardino and Riverside, participating in various projects to promote family strengthening, youth education and health promotion.