Entrepreneurship is becoming more relevant, especially among our youth. Youth are seeing the liquidity and benefits of being your own boss. Not only do you set your own hours, but you are in control of how much money you make. There’s no worrying about not working enough hours during the week to make what you made the following week or having your salary tapped to where you can’t make anymore more money, even if you did work an extra ten hours during the week.
However, although this sounds amazing because it is, the steps in starting and a maintaining a business can be quite difficult in the beginning stages. This is why programs, such as Black Ivy Financial Group were created; to assist and train youth on the tools that they need in order to succeed in their business.
Black Ivy Financial Group was founded by Bridgett Myrell. She and her team of experienced licensed professionals specialize in providing a series of financial literacy workshops for parents and students that incorporate the A-G requirements in Math, Language Arts, History, and Critical Thinking. They introduce the students to basic financial terms such as budgeting, debt management, saving and investing, college planning and how to be a savvy consumer.
BIFG was at the 3rd Annual Black History Expo in san Bernardino on Saturday, February 3, where they trained a group of students in how to write a business plan and how to pitch that business plan in 60 seconds to potential investors.
For more information about the workshops or BIFG, please email Myrell at admin@blackuvyfg.com.