Bottomline: The Trump-Cards; Create Chaos & Declare Martial Law!

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Every day or so, he will deliver another controversial Executive Order (EO) that cuts into the infrastructure of our laws and the Constitution. These EO’s are designed to keep us so confused, that we shift our eyes away from what appears to be his real goal! We know Mr. Trump loves his cult supported power! Some say that he intends to be President for life.

I suggest that his cult members will soon be seeking relief! The poor and hungry among them are going to get poorer and hungrier. The middle class among them will not enjoy the restraints of inflation and the loss of government agencies that facilitate access to their middle-class lifestyle. I predict that many of the Trump cult members will soon be seeking a way to spit-out the Kool-Aid! His Anti-Christ-Economy will definitely hurt them, and they are going to raise hell!

However, they, like the unfortunate members of the Jim Jones Cult, need our help! We should take care to not ridicule them. They need a clear lane to redemption! I look forward to and will accept and support their shift to reality.

We should consider supporting them in an impeachment wellness campaign, as opposed to the civilian war that the Anti-Christ is fostering! A civilian war would become his ultimate shield of chaos. No matter who the combatants, his chaos-based opportunity would crystalize!

I expect that chaos is his chosen route to an extended reign on his seat of power! There will be no need to discuss or vote on it. A declared State of Emergency and Martial Law will become the anti-law of the land.

He will create chaos to justify a State of Emergency Declaration, which he will manipulate into more chaos, generating his obvious step to dictatorial power. He will declare Martial Law, and as Commander in Chief, will have the world’s mightiest military to enforce it!
His most recent actions show that he is actively securing the bureaucracy. He has the Court. He has the Military, and a deadly Militia, and most alarming, he has the audacity!

Our Congress and Senate have the power to take charge. Impeachment needs to be a talking point!

Author: Wallace

About Wallace