Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace Allen IV
A fight between two students at Jehue Middle School, located in the Rialto Unified School District, has resulted in a recommendation for felony charges against one student and misdemeanor charges against the other.
The fight evolved in a classroom with other students and a substitute teacher present. Witnesses of the event agree that one of the participants began the show by using a water gun to shoot water on several students, and that one of the people hit by the water had an issue with not only the water splashing, but also something about a pencil.
A real physical fight quickly developed from the loud arguing between the two students, one, a small-in-stature female and the other, a much bigger in height and weight male. The fight lasted long enough for anyone who saw the viral video to wonder, “Where is the teacher?” After about 15 seconds of video, the female student was slammed onto a desk and apparently rendered unconscious. As several students went to the aid of the fallen warrior, the question about the teacher’s presence was answered in that you could hear her voice, not addressing the incident or checking the status of the fallen, apparently unconscious student.
The fight provides another level of concern when it is revealed that the female combatant is Black and the male is Brown. The N-word was used by the male fighter, as well as by some other students! As these children wallow in the racist terminology, they have no knowledge of the fact that most of them in the room would have been forced to use the back doors and drink from separate water fountains in Mississippi during the 1950s Jim Crow Era! Furthermore, they, Black and Brown, are equally subject to being picked up and deported by ICE during the present-day Trump era!
Yet some Black and Brown spoke-stars are able to discern the differences between Black and Brown folks enough to promote the ‘they are not like us’ aspect of the relationship. Who does that line of thinking really help? Justifying the divide between Black and Brown people is a tool that benefits fascism and white superiority!
Felonies and misdemeanors are not solutions for the children who drink the poison Kool-aid that encourages violence as a solution to chaos and confusion. Our children need to be protected and nourished!
The students who fought and who witnessed the fight, plus the teacher who was in the room before and during, should all be required to participate in counseling designed to manage and deescalate anger.