Bottom Line

Bottomline: How to Know When It Is Safe to Go Back to Work

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J Allen IV

It will probably be safe to group and gather at work when City Councils, County Supervisors, School Boards, State Legislatures and Congress members begin meeting face to face. When the Courts open up the courts. When the New York Stock Exchange opens the floor for trading. When the NBA, MLB and NFL team owners meet in the same room to negotiate with their respective Players Union representatives. When the medical and scientific experts are comfortable meeting with the public in person to discuss COVID-19. Until then, please continue to wash your hands, keep your distance, wear a mask, and evolve into the healthy lifestyle that will build your immune system and help you fight off the virus! 

Bottomline: WHAT IF Biden Appoints President Barack Obama Attorney General?

WHAT WILL HAPPEN to the Joe Biden campaign if he announces that he will appoint President Barack Obama as Attorney General on day one of his Presidency?

WHAT IF Biden names some of his Cabinet members prior to the election. Would a Biden Cabinet Dream Team help his candidacy?

WHAT DO YOU THINK will be the impact/effects of a Biden Cabinet Dream Team campaigning to ‘hit the ground running’?

 WHO DO YOU NOMINATE for what Cabinet position in the Biden Administration Cabinet Dream Team?

During The COVID-19 Crisis I choose to shelter and move cautiously. If you choose to gather and group, either to protest or work, I support your right to do so. I just request that you allow your movement to be contact tracked and your health be monitored so that science and the rest of us can benefit from your social experiment.

BOTTOMLINE: Election Recommendation… VOTE!

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen IV

My number one recommendation is that you vote…  Either vote early, vote by mail or go to your polling place on November 6th and pick up and fill in your ballot! I am willing to tell you how I am going to vote on State issues, and being that “Politics is Local”, I am willing to live with your decisions and deal with our local elected officials and staff at our regular meetings… Councils, boards, commissions, etc…


Regarding the eleven propositions that are on our state wide ballot; Prop 1; Prop 2, Prop 3, and Prop 4 are bonds… I vote Yes! They allow the State to Borrow money for these projects today and pay back with interest in the future. If you vote yes, be prepared to “follow the money” and how it is really spent! If you vote against them, we prolong the problem with no immediate replacement solution. However it goes those of us who are compassionate will always find ways to help others. And you can be sure that there are people who will need it!

Prop 5 allows a homeowner tax break for senior citizens… I vote Yes! I am a senior citizen homeowner!

Prop 6 repeals the recent gas tax and vehicle registration fee… I vote No! The tax costs me money and thus I am looking at a non-gas-burning –vehicle, and maybe you should too.  Plus our roads need help which means, “follow the money”!

Prop 7 saves daylight… I vote No! Whatever you do is fine with me, I am not a morning person!

Prop 8 reflects the ongoing war between health-care and profits… And in this case the unions are pushing for what they regard as their share. I vote No! Your vote will not end the war.  Only when we decide which is more important, profit or people, will that be solved.  Hint, people can create profit, profit cannot create people!

Prop 9 was disqualified by the courts!

Prop 10 gets rid of existing state restrictions on rent control leaving Cities and Counties to do as they please.  I vote Yes! If we don’t like what they do we can vote them out!

Prop 11 solves a problem that does not exist… I vote No!

Prop 12 is expensive for food producers, but I have been told that the less trauma in the lives of animals that are raised for food, the better the taste!  I vote Yes!

Bottomline: Men, Stop Paying Dues To WeWhoSit2P!

Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen IV

My brother/uncle/nephew/son, be careful! The chickens are coming home to roost!  We have sometimes/often/always miss-treated the women in our lives! Notice that I did not say, “our” women! I did not use the term “our” because that is the road to miss-treatment!  The women in our lives do not belong to us… They are not our property!

However, there is an attitude that prevails among some men, a secret society of “We Who Stand 2P” that regards “Those Who Sit 2P” as a slave-gender! The membership of that secret society ranges from the very rich and powerful to the poor and weak.

Their mistreatment of women is the common thread. Many men have paid mistreatment dues to the society and now, thanks to social media, the books have been hacked and all of the receipts reflecting payment to the club are becoming public knowledge.

The time/era that overtly embraced sexism has passed but the memory/damages of that treatment is in our world-face.  The last ditch stand to legitimize the society is being led by President Donald P-Grabbing Trump!

My brother/uncle/nephew/son, you are being solicited every day to maintain your membership in WWS2P!   President P-Grabber wants you to believe that sexism is alive and well… Don’t! Our war is not the boys against the girls… It is/should-be about good vs evil!


Bottomline: Mom said, ”If I catch you in a lie, I can only wonder how many I have missed you in…”

Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen IV

Judge Kavanaugh’s schoolmates have declared that while in high school he was drunk enough to puke his guts several times with witnesses… Judge Kavanaugh says he does not remember being drunk as stated. He has additionally stated that he did not attempt to forcefully disrobe Dr. Ford at a party while they were both drunk.  The judge has indicated that he was never drunk while in high school. However, Judge Kavanaugh and his classmates have exposed their affection for wild drinking parties in their yearbook, casual and income generating writings and in recent conversations… Enough has been said about their drunken conduct to suggest that someone is lying… Either the judge when he says he did not get drunk at all, or his classmates when they say that he did. If all of the classmates are lying, we need to know!  If the judge is lying, is he qualified to sit on the highest court in the land?…

What if the judge is lying? At this point that seems to be a serious possibility!  I think that the drunken acts of high school students should not be held against them for life… However, lying about  things that seriously affect and effect other people is extremely serious, especially if the lying one is being considered for a lifetime job that depends on that person’s honesty as well as their passion for the law and their compassion for the good of our country!  

There needs to be an independent investigation of each of the charges of sexual abuse regarding Judge Kavanaugh. The endorsement of Judge Kavanaugh by President Donald P-Grabbing Trump adds to my concern!



Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen

If you are a jazz, wine or a have-a-good-time connoisseur, join me this Saturday at the IE Jazz Experience.  WssNews is proud to be one of the sponsors of the PHAT X production of the 2018 Inland Empire (IE) Jazz Experience in Rancho Cucamonga, on the intimate grounds of the Mountain Vista Winery.  Come and experience a day of great live jazz music and bands, great wines, a selection of food vendors and a marketplace!

Our Artist lineup for this year: Jason Weber, Michael Haggins, Vaughn Fahie, Jazz Zone and more… Just added we will be featuring a Paint n Sip experience throughout the festival for those that want to learn how to paint and sip on some great wine. In our tasting room, sample great wines, various wine demonstrations, fun lectures, live entertainment, and workshops.

The Mountain Vista Winery is at 10013  8th Street Rancho Cucamonga. Gates open at 2 p.m. Tickets are $35 general and $100 VIP. For more information, visit   or call (909) 657 204-6249. 

BOTTOMLINE: LeBron’s “Promise” School Project Demonstrates How Rich Folk Should Protest!!

Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen

LeBron James’ gift to the children of Akron, Ohio is a template for what wealthy folk can do to help America benefit from the potential that is unlocked when our children are supported in their quest for excellence!  Educating children in grade school and guaranteeing their college tuition/education is really a gift to America.  It also lifts our vision beyond the typical distractions that haunt Black Americans and empowers our children with education and hero images that look like them! 

I encourage other affluent people who are concerned with America’s mistreatment of the Black descendants of the enslaved Africans who built the wealth of America; to replace protest with pro-activism!

I have supported the NFL Players kneeling in protest of police shootings of Black People and would support the protest now, were it not for King James’ royal proclamation and commitment. His action has set a new standard for activism by prosperous people.

I suggest that the NFL players who really want to make a difference, redirect their energy from protesting during the National Anthem to pro-action with their paychecks! Affluent Black men dedicating money towards educating our less fortunate will make a powerful impact. Affluent Black men supporting businesses that create job opportunities for our disenfranchised will make a powerful impact!

Kneeling has made a powerful noise that has not only been compromised by haters, but also threatens the income of those who choose to kneel in protest.  I suggest that we encourage our concerned NFL players to protect their source of income by rejecting protest and to demonstrate pro-action by investing in strengthening the Black Family and community. Stay Woke!    

Bottomline: Juneteenth Blues

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK (ENN)- JUNTEENTH BLUES… America became great because of slave labor! The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery and America became the beacon of opportunity for people all over the world!

People have come from all over the planet, migrating to the “land of the free and home of the brave”! Taking their lumps and squeezing through any crack leading to an opportunity for advancement!

The heat in America’s melting-pot, easily blended the white-skinned European, but could not generate enough heat to meet the challenge of accepting and absorbing the people wrapped in the hues of red, black or yellow.

Racism is a prominent member of the same family as slavery. However, racism is more efficient if not as blatant, an expression of hate! The language of racism is guised in, ‘We need to build boarder walls!” The idea of racism occurs when we hear where the wall is to be built. When we hear the POTUS say that we need more immigrants like Norwegians or that Nazis are good people!

Racism is a dehumanizing tool that allows people to rationalize that separating children from their parents is OK! Racism encouraged slavery to capitalize by selling children!  Racism is separating Brown babies/children from their parents at America’s Southern boarder today!

We are experiencing the same brand of racism that allowed slavery to flourish as an American beauty mark, instead of the hideous cancerous sore that it is! A birthmark that still defies makeup!

It is obvious racism when Black professional athletes are distained by POTUS for taking a knee in protest. Distained for protesting the lack of equal protection for young Black men! Distained for protesting police shootings of Young Black men! Shooting young Black men, the descendants of the same enslaved Black men whose unpaid labor-built America! 

The unpaid labor from forced immigrants that made America great, did create a debt! Protest is a simple reminder!

America owes itself and world observers an explanation for the obvious hypocrisy that finds Black Americans in a “State of Emergency” in the country that was made great by the labor of their ancestors! That same explanation just might expose why the POTUS is so determined to keep Brown migrants from crossing our borders.

“Walk together children, and don’t you get weary!”

Bottomline: Why Did You Really Call?

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

You can read in other places the details about the Rialto Police response to the neighborhood watcher’s 9-1-1 call about “Three Black People Stealing Stuff.” My focus is on the caller’s assumption of theft and more importantly, why that assumption and description.

The caller is described as a member of Neighborhood Watch, an organization of which most people speak with pride. I expect that people who are organized to watch would also be trained to report accurately.

 I could readily agree that she saw four people, one White and three Black, that she did not recognize who were removing “stuff” from a neighboring house. However, she assumed theft and reported it as such.

Is it a crime to make a sincere, but false police report? Is it a crime if that report ends in a tragic death? Responsible Neighborhood Watch members, as well as the rest of us, should want to be accurate when calling police.

The Rialto police responded in force as they should to a call describing an active burglary; however, thank goodness they did not arrive with guns blazing. They arrived and began investigating, asking questions, seeking the reality of the situation. That investigation took about 22 minutes according to Rialto police.

Why did the caller describe the “strangers” racially, if her concern was that she did not recognize them?

Donisha Prendergast, Bob Marley’s Granddaughter, was the focal point of the press coverage because of who she is.  The Rialto police have been notified of a possible lawsuit because of the incident. 

I think the Rialto Police Department has no need to apologize or worry about a suit. I cannot say the same about the Neighborhood Watch caller.

Donisha was in the Inland Empire attending the KAYA Fest, a concert tribute featuring Bob Marley’s sons and grandson. The performance was in San Bernardino at the National Orange Show. The event was a success that will hopefully become an annual affair.

BOTTOMLINE: Don’t Depend on Those Who Prey Upon and Pray Against You!

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

This week we relive the agony generated by the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!  Many proclamations and declarations will be made about how far we have come or about the progress that has or has not been made. Much of the comparison will speak to the anticipated conduct of white people, especially the white people and institutions that have historically and traditionally impeded our progress.

This is to encourage that we, Black people and non-Blacks of conscious, involve ourselves in supporting two institutions that Dr. King suggested are paramount and critical to our development. He said that we should all get a life insurance policy from a Black Owned Insurance Company and that our churches should be depositing Sunday tithes and offerings into Black owned and operated banks and or credit unions!

I submit that when we decide to put our money in institutions that are focused on developing our communities, it will matter less about the anticipated/expected/desired conduct of people and institutions that we know are preying upon us as well as praying against us!

For information about supporting Black owned and operated Insurance and banking institutions, feel free to call and leave me a message at (909) 384-8131. I will return your call with specific information!