Bottom Line

Sheriff, You Don’t Need a Pilot Program! Call Rialto! They Proved Body Cameras Work!

BOTTOMLINE… Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors ordered the Sheriff’s Department to create a pilot program to determine the effectiveness of using Body Cameras. The recent NBC video of County Sheriff’s Deputies’ violent capture of a “since-released-with-no-charges-filed-against-him” suspect prompts the BOS concern.

Deputies, and all police should wear body cameras. The concern regarding the effect of police wearing body cameras is a mystery to me. Police serving the city of Rialto have been celebrated across America for their effective crime and violence reducing Body Camera Policy.

The Guardian Newspaper published a statement back in November 2013 regarding the Rialto Body Camera Policy entitled, “The College of Policing”, which recently announced plans for large-scale trials of body-worn video in England and Wales, saying Rialto’s experiment showed big drops in the use of force and in public complaints against officers.”

The New York Daily News published a story in August of 2013, written by Nancy Dillion that quoted the Rialto Police Chief regarding the effectiveness of using Body Cameras.

Rialto Police Chief Tony Farrar said he had worried the cameras would have a chilling effect, but found that wasn’t the case:

“The thinking was that some officers wearing cameras might try to hide and not really do their job. We found the opposite,” Farrar said. “We actually had 3,000 more officer-citizen contacts during the year (of the experiment).”

At the same time, formal complaints against his officers plunged 88 percent during the year, he said. And officer “use of force” incidents dropped by 59 percent.

“When you put a camera on a police officer or anyone, the natural human reaction is that you behave a little more professional. You follow the rules a little more,” he said. “On the other side, if a citizen knows the officer has a camera, that person acts and behaves a little bit more professional, too.”

He said the program cost about $150,000 for the initial 54 cameras, the batteries and the software — all supplied by Taser and

The local proof of positive results coming from the police use of Body Cameras is in! There is little need for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s department to continue dragging feet regarding Body Cameras. They need to simply call Rialto for advice and consultation!

BOTTOMLINE… Institutional Racism Requires Black History Month

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Crispus Attucks

Crispus Attucks

Black History Month is an acknowledgment of the fact that “Black Lives Matter”! The history of the planet and its people is peppered with accomplishments of adventure, creativity and tenacity by men and women of color.  The need to provide special attention to the importance of Black people in the development of the planet and Western Civilization is based on the institutional justification of Black enslavement. The Western Civilization economic needs justified a policy of Colonization that time has lived to determine as racist and exploitive. America’s greatness is tainted by our history of slavery and denial of reparations for the enslaved and their children’s, children’s, children.  The first official blood spilled for America’s freedom was that of Crispus Attucks, a Black man. Despite the hate constantly heaped upon Blacks in America, supported by the laws and policy of America’s institutions, Black people have served, contributed and earned the right to be respected and honored as a golden thread in America’s fabric.

Black History Month is a time that the institutions of America need to step up and acknowledge the equality gap. The elected officials, especially those who are in place because of Black elective support, as the representatives of the institutions that still get it wrong, should use BHM as a time to address the Black Community and express concern for the inequality that still exists. They need to attend events and place advertisements in the programs that are advocating for equal access and opportunity for the least served.  Though we applaud the accomplishments of Alexander Dumas, we cannot forget that Blacks are statistical victims in America’s education system.  Our elected officials are in charge of the schools that fail our children and the society that could benefit from another great Black scholar. They are in charge of our cities and counties where public safety and other government jobs are issued to the family members and friends of the “all ready employed good ole boys”.   There are still many individuals who have racist tendencies, but it is the institutions that have the power of policy that causes havoc to race relations in America.

Black History Month is the time that allows for image correction. The Black image is in need of an upgrade from both, the inside and outside… Black folk cannot afford to have “a season of pride”.  We should regard pride as a lifestyle not an occasion.  A lifestyle of pride requires us to realize that what we do today will be what our children’s children will regard as their history.  We will want them to know that we held our elected officials to a standard of service and respect that earned our votes.  The need for remembering Black people’s historical contributions will continue as long as our elected officials continue to allow and promote policies such as “war on drugs” and “three strikes”. Those policies are racist and they develop the statistics that make Blacks appear to be a social problem as opposed to the benevolent contributors that history proves.

Register to vote and vote! Take your children to a City Council, a School Board or County Board of Supervisors meeting, and explain how the officials get there and how they are replaced by election or recall.  Who you and I voted for and where you and I spent our money will become important personal history that has social implications for our children.  Let us get it right!

BOTTOMLINE: Freedom can be a …

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Freedom does not negate physics. Newton’s law of motion says, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…”

I am free to say what I want and you are free to respond! I am free to vaccinate and you are free to not vaccinate. I am free to hope that my vaccination shields me from measles etc… You are free to ’dodge’ or catch the measles, etc. You are free to ’dodge’ or catch the measles.

As to the child that is too young to vaccinate and is vulnerable and dependent on others being vaccinated, the parent/guardian must take charge. Since that parent/guardian cannot take charge of who is and who is not vaccinated, they must take charge of their child. If your child’s immune system is vulnerable should you trust the probability of others being vaccinated any more than you would trust a daycare service operated by the ”Redeemed Child Molester’s Association?”

Our society does not require people to make smart decisions. We are allowed the freedom to decide for ourselves with good or bad decisions. That same freedom requires us to deal with the repercussions, as well as the rewards of our decisions.

Freedom can be confusing and frustrating, and definitely requires responsibility. When confronted with the “Jim Crow” laws of the post civil war era, an era that obviously paid no heed to political correctness, a formerly enslaved man was overheard to say “Freedom can be a ‘B-word’!”

BOTTOMLINE: “Change is Occurring…and Hope is Alive!”


Publishers commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Dr. King’s Birthday requires us to annually measure the amount of successful change that has occurred since his death. Our friend Celes King IV was quick to say, “Perception is reality.” I think we can agree that the election of Barrack Obama to President of the United States boosted the image of Black men across the planet. It must be considered that if “Black lives matter” is a truer statement today than when Dr. King was alive, that Barrack Obama being President adds to that truth!   In several years, by 2016, people aged ten years and younger will represent members of an exclusive group. The only President of the United States that they will have experienced is a Black Man.  They, having witnessed such proof, will grow up expecting that Blacks can and will excel. That is a major long term benefit of Mr. Obama being President.  He is an inspiration. He inspires young Black children to want to be like him, to become important and influential members of society. He also shows the non-Blacks who harbor the false impression that “Blacks can’t” to understand that “Blacks can” and that society benefits when “Blacks do!  We know that low expectations generally come true.  Increased expectations allow room for increased participation and performance.

Increased expectations will cause among other things, a greater competition for participation and an expectation that winning is for the well prepared. Just because the world is more willing to accept that a Black man can do, does not mean that it will be easier for him to do; however, easy is not a requirement!

As we measure successful change, access to opportunity for those who have been deliberately denied that access, is an issue. The imagery of success is great for perception, but reality requires a job count and a measurement of education and quality of life. Access to education, jobs and quality of life for most Americans, Blacks in particular, has diminished since Dr. King’s death. The image of the most prestigious office holder on the planet, being racially disrespected under the guise of politics has been a reminder to “old school” witnesses, that racism is alive and that to some Republicans, greed and or “white privilege” is more important than the welfare of the Country.

So, in closing, I will say that the fresh sheets and pillow cases of opportunity make the American bed look better, but the mattress is still lumpy with racism, making a peaceful night hard to come by. Change is occurring but the need for hope is very alive!






BOTTOM LINE: When The Police Let Them Live, Where Will They Work?

BOB Could Help, But BOB Can’t Breathe!

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

The issue of police conduct regarding interaction with Black men is being negotiated across the nation with a variety of scenarios that are offering some degree of change.  If something would occur that actually stopped police violence against Black men, there would still be problems left to deal with. One of the problems is Black-on-Black violence, the other is jobs; however, if we solve the jobs problem, we may also slow the Black-on-Black violence problem.

Supporting Black Owned Businesses (BOB) can be a big help in the jobs department.  Increasing business directed to BOB will allow, and in many cases, require BOB to hire additional help.  There are business owners in your community, even your church that should be getting your support! Find out who they are and give them your business. Your money is important and could be used to express your community concerns as well as consumer desires.Black-Woman-Business-Owner-378x401

Where you spend your money is possibly a more important vote than the one for president! It can have much more effect on the quality of life that your community experiences.  There are over 10,000 Black elected officials, which include City council members, school boards, County Supervisors, State legislators, Congress Members, Senators, and the President of the United States. Despite our political successes, Black men are unemployed at the highest rates in America.  You could force BOB to put many of our unemployed to work by simply giving BOB your business.

Many of you say that BOB has problems. That may be true, but so does the bank that you so faithfully put your money in.  It probably needed to be bailed out during the past five or six years.  Many of BOB’s problems will be solved when you extend your financial support and commit to providing a business stimulus that supports your community. Your support of BOB may provide the job that actually prevents you from having to bail out one of your friends or family members from jail or financial need.

As we continue the struggle for fair treatment from the world remember that the world is paying attention to how we treat each other. Your enthusiastic

BOTTOM LINE: “You Can ‘Cool Out’ with Jazz

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

I woke up Tuesday morning listening to accounts of the protest against police shootings/attitudes/actions regarding Blacks in specific, and minorities in general. I have had my share of bad experiences with police, as well as participating in marches and protest. So, I must confess, my morning being shaped by “news” that was in fact an “old story” and was starting to give me the blues.

I fed and was sharing my blue feelings with my dog Sherman, when ignoring my pity party and grateful for his food, he gave me that “you the man” look.  “Thanks Sherm” was my thought as I instantly felt better.  Returning inside the house and into the atmosphere of my radio I was caressed by the sound of Jazz…Herbie Hancock! “Wow, KJAZZ is kicking this morning,” was my thought, but my baseline thought was,”you know you can’t get KJAZZ on this radio.” I was right, it was KUCR 88.3 FM effecting “Jazz Tuesday.”  I listened to 30 seconds of Jazz and my whole attitude changed!  I felt cool, empowered, like a person who has loved to lean on. I felt in touch with myself and the power of being one of God’s children. The free flowing music was like taking a “Wind Bath!”

The sounds and feeling reminded me of the medicinal value of Jazz Music. I decided that it was time to publicly thank Jim Palmer, founder of the Jazz and Art Exchange, for his commitment to keeping jazz alive in the Inland Empire. Jazz is a soother for most male anxieties. Jazz can make men forget what they were arguing about. Jim Palmer has been providing “a place to play” for Jazz and Blues musicians for over ten years. Jim‘s home base is the “Jazz and Art Exchange” located in the Adreson Building in Downtown San Bernardino.  Thanks Jim!

Every Monday evening at 1073 N. Mt Vernon Avenue at the Elks lodge, musicians gather for the “Blue Monday” Jazz Jam. A small donation provides access to hours of good music, food and drinks under the direction and hospitality of Jim Palmer and his partner Amos ”The Chef” Wallace.

Jim and Amos are now providing management services for the Elks Lodge, and on Sunday, December 28 they will bring a Grammy Nominee to the Inland Empire. The legendary Blues and Jazz singer, Barbara Morrison, will perform at the same Elks Lodge, at 1073 N. Mt Vernon for a 4 p.m. show.  This is the first of the Route 66 Jazz Series Produced by Westside Story Newspaper and Empire Talks Back radio.  Attending this show will not solve all of your problems, but you will definitely feel better about your chances. Jazz will allow and encourage you to “be cool!”

For ticket information and reservations to witness the great Barbara Morrison perform and entertain at a world class level, see the ad on page 8 or call (310) 462-1439.


BOTTOMLINE: FERGUSON “How to Get Away With Murder”

Publishers Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Ferguson, Missouri… the past (the thought), the present (the word), and the future (the echo) cannot be nor do they belong in the same room, space, or thought! There must be distance between them or chaos and confusion will reign.

Even if the Ferguson Grand Jury had indicted Officer Wilson, that would not solve the problem. If Officer Wilson were tried and found guilty, that would not solve the problem! Ferguson is only a symptom.   The fact that the Grand Jury found no reason to even have a trial is in fact an example of the real problem. It is truly the merging of the thought, the word and of the echo. It says that “We, society, the instituters and shepherds of institutional racism, so fear retaliation from All Blacks (The Thought) that we, society prepare for All Blacks to act anti-socially by treating them or their children, or children who look like their children, as if they have all ready acted so (The Word) to the point where indeed some Blacks will follow the script and retaliate… (The Echo)!

As a result of Some Blacks retaliating against racism by burning down and looting businesses that serve their community, public safety officers’ respond by letting them do so. As if to say, “If you get mad because we shoot your bad-assed kids, we will get mad and let them burn your community down.”

Ferguson is a symptom of a much deeper problem in America. The problem stems from the lingering echoes of the good ole days of official and lawful racism; institutional racism that despite not being lawful, is still official and alive and well!

The statistics describing Black males not only prove that racism is alive but also represent an undeclared State of Emergency. Black males are disproportionately represented in school suspensions and expulsions, in arrests and sentence as well as being unemployed.  Black males are identified and branded early as potential trouble makers and taken through the process to guarantee that the prediction comes true.  History shows that Institutional Racism is indeed, “How to Get Away with Murder.”

Ferguson is a symptom!  The solution will come only after a real examination of the problem. Our institutions harbor racism and encourage racists! The only way to have change is to make change!


Bottom Line: Remember to Vote

Publisher Recommends… LOCAL MEASURES & STATE PROPS



  • Measure Q: The City of San Bernardino is presently locked into utilizing a set formula to establish the compensation for police, fire and emergency safety personnel. Every other city in the state negotiates compensation based on ability to pay. San Bernardino, like all other California cities, should not be subject to automatic pay increases for public and emergency safety personnel!  All San Bernardino employee salaries should be set through collective bargaining, just like the other 481 Cities in the State. Vote For Change. Vote YES on Measure Q. (To read all the measures, visit
  • Measure R: Presently any City employee in the classified service that has been suspended, discharged or reduced in classification for disciplinary reasons has the right to appeal that decision and receive regular pay for the appeal period, whether they win or lose the appeal.  In other words, the disciplinary action cannot occur until the appeal decision is made. No one should be paid for creating and losing a long drawn out appeal. That is paying for work not done. Vote For Change. Vote YES on Measure R


  •  Measure I: The Highland Measure would divide the City into five City Council Districts. To elect members “by district” means that City Council candidates must reside in a specific district and be elected only by the registered voters who live in that district. Currently, the voters elect members of the Highland City Council “at large” which means that candidates may live anywhere in the City and voters throughout the City vote for all five members of the City Council.  If the measure passes with a majority of YES votes, candidates would run and be elected ‘by district’ in 2016. Your Neighborhood should have a voice and City Council Districts are a step in that direction! Vote For Change. Vote Yes on Measure I


  •  Prop48   Indian Gaming Compacts. Referendum. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures: A “Yes” vote approves, and a “No” vote rejects, tribal gaming compacts between the state and the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe. Fiscal Impact: One-time payments ($16 million to $35 million) and for 20 years annual payments ($10 million) from Indian tribes to state and local governments to address costs related to the operation of a new casino. I Do Not Like Casinos, but I Like The Idea Of Reserving The Right To Own Casinos To One Group Of People Even Less! Maybe This Will Lead To A Black Tribe Owning One, Or At Least Benefiting From One! Vote Yes On Prop 48. Not Change, but may lead to it…
  •  Prop 46   Drug and Alcohol Testing Of Doctors. Medical Negligence Lawsuits. Initiative Statute. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures: Requires drug testing of doctors. Requires review of statewide prescription database before prescribing controlled substances. Increases $250,000 pain/suffering cap in medical negligence lawsuits for inflation. Fiscal Impact: State and local government costs from raising the cap on medical malpractice damages ranging from tens of millions to several hundred million dollars annually, offset to some extent by savings from requirements on health care providers. This would be a great initiative if it included drug testing for Lawyers; however, it is a good start! Vote For Change. Vote Yes On Prop 46
  • Prop 45  Healthcare Insurance.  Rate Changes Initiative Statute. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures: Requires Insurance Commissioner’s approval before health insurer can change its rates or anything else affecting the charges associated with health insurance. Provides for public notice, disclosure, and hearing, and subsequent judicial review. Exempts employer large group health plans. Fiscal Impact: Increased state administrative costs to regulate health insurance, likely not exceeding the low millions of dollars annually in most years, funded from fees paid by health insurance companies.  Regulation Of Insurance Rates Is A Good thing! Vote For Change. Vote Yes On Prop 45
  • Prop47   Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties. Initiative Statute. Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures: Requires misdemeanor sentence instead of felony for certain drug and property offenses. Inapplicable to persons with prior conviction for serious or violent crime and registered sex offenders. Fiscal Impact: State and county criminal justice savings potentially in the high hundreds of millions of dollars annually. State savings spent on school truancy and dropout prevention, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and victim services. There are too many people in prison who should not be there, taking up room that ought to be used by people who should be there! Vote For Change Vote Yes On Prop 47
  •  Prop 1   Water Bond. Funding for Water Quality, Supply, Treatment, and Storage Projects. Put on the Ballot by the Legislature: Authorizes $7.545 billion in general obligation bonds for state water supply infrastructure projects, including surface and groundwater storage, ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration, and drinking water protection. Fiscal Impact: Increased state bond costs averaging $360 million annually over 40 years. Local government savings for water-related projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades. Though this money is intended for worthy projects, it will redirect money from our most important program… Education! Vote For Change, Emphasize Education, Vote No on Prop 1
  •  Prop 2   State Budget. Budget Stabilization Account. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Put on the Ballot by the Legislature: Requires annual transfer of state general fund revenues to budget stabilization account. Requires half the revenues be used to repay state debts. Limits use of remaining funds to emergencies or budget deficits. Fiscal Impact: Long-term state savings from faster payment of existing debts. Different levels of state budget reserves, depending on economy and decisions by elected officials. Smaller local reserves for some school districts. Though this money is intended for worthy projects, it will redirect money from our most important program… Education! Vote For Change, Emphasize Education, Vote No on Prop 2


Moving Grass Can Save Money And Create Jobs!

Royal Grass

BOTTOM LINE… Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen

Water districts throughout California are reacting to the drought by offering a variety of rebates and incentives for residents to remove and replace the grass in their yards.  The goal is to replace grass with natural California desert loving plants that do not require as much water to survive.  Jennifer Aires, Water Resource Manager of the Yucaipa Valley Water District, was a guest on this past Sunday’s EMPIRE TALKS BACK radio program where she discussed the importance of saving water and some methods for doing so, which included removing grass from your yard.  She explained that some cities’ water districts are offering as much as $2.00 per square foot as incentive for residents to remove their grass.  The incentives must be arranged prior to the removal. Contact your water district to determine the process for qualifying to participate in the program.  Do not remove and replace your yard grass until your approval is made or you will probably not qualify for the rebate.

Jobs will be created by this program because of the fact that most people will not be able to do the yard work required for the removal and replacement.  Youth Build Inland Empire has a Landscape Training Program that is very capable of designing and completing a landscape that is water-friendly and that stays in the rebate-budget allowed by your water district.  Inland Empire residents have the opportunity to “save water and money while beautifying their yards and creating jobs and business opportunity at the same time,” by participating in state wide project to save water.

Call your water district to determine what incentives are offered to remove and replace your yard grass. Find out the process for qualifying for those incentives.  If you have the ability to remove and replace with your own resources, do so. If you are inclined to have someone else handle the project labor, I recommend you call I.E. Youth Build to help you at (909) 890-9106 and ask for Felix.



Dr. Ahmses Maat (left)

Dr. Ahmses Maat (left)

Preventing death from the Ebola virus is possible if it is true that the Ebola virus lives about 20 to 29 days, and if it is true, the virus must have high fever heat in order to achieve the deadly stage where the blood erupts from the capillaries. We are not sure the virus needs high fever heat in order to reach this stage, but we do know that high fever heat has been present in each case that death has occurred. Therefore we say “if” the patient can be cooled, MAYBE death will be prevented.

The concept is to ward off the high fever temperature associated with the bleeding out stage. If the patient’s body temperature is kept at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, well below the temperature that accompanies the bleeding out stage, the life-cycle of the virus can possibly complete without killing the patient.

How can patients prevent high fever temperature? We know that modern cooling methods require power and supplies that are not available, nor deliverable to where needed; however, we also know that there is a cooling method that is available to most victims and that it is basically free.

My friend and associate, Dr. Ahmses Maat, (Doctorate of Metaphysics,  Registered Respiratory Therapist, Certified Clinical Perfusionist, President of TaMeri Inc.),  is prescribing a  “Mud Bath Series” that allows the patient to cool as needed, either with the assistance of an aide or without. The ability to determine body temperature during the process is the one thing that may be a problem, thermometers are needed.

Dr. Maat suggests that a hole, two to three feet deep by four feet wide by six to seven feet long, be dug out from the ground. Half of the dirt should be placed back in the hole along with water to make the mud. A plastic liner can be used but is not necessary.  The patient should lay in the mud bath and cool him/her self as needed. This process should be repeated until the fever no longer returns.

We are aware of the social disruption that makes servicing the Ebola victims almost impossible.  It would be great to have 5000 doctors and 20,000 beds and the vaccine and “best practice” procedure to fight this battle, but until that occurs we must submit that reasonable care that does no harm should be afforded the victims.

As usual your comments are important; however, if you are able to communicate this concept to someone on the ground in West Africa, please do so.  We are not trying to “get paid,” we want to save lives.