Bottom Line

“Stand Your Ground” Law Invites “Fight To The Death”!

BY Wallace J. Allen, Publisher
    Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, the one that has been used to justify the shooting of Travon Martin, will probably be in the news again very soon.  The idea that a person only needs to “feel” that his/her life is threatened, (please read out loud for full effect) “feel that their life is threatened”, to justify killing the person representing that threat, almost  guarantees a soon-to-be-killing!
Any Black man that happens to get in the same elevator with a paranoid “Zimmerman” is a target because Zimmerman’s life has been threatened enough by people who are just “talkers” to have him legitimately able to say he “feels” threatened and thus, is justified in shooting you… And you don’t have to be Black now that he is really scared.   However, if you are a Black man, you might also “feel” threatened by the presence of Mr. Zimmerman, or someone who unfortunately looks like him, and decide to shoot before he shoots.
    The other situation that almost assures another Florida shooting is the road rage that simmers at every Miami intersection.  People angrily blowing their car horns, is the norm, and with the fresh Zimmerman verdict reminding people of their right to kill, I expect some of the drivers to leave home “ready for bear”.
    Anyone that thinks I am a little overboard has not driven in Miami and is probably not an “experienced” Black man.

How To Police A Bankrupt City…

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace Allen
If I were in charge of a bankrupt city that was concerned about providing police servicing in a high crime situation, I would replace half my police force, on a 4 to 1 ratio with police academy interns (4 interns for each officer replaced). The unformed interns would more than make up for their lack of experience with numbers. The general public will notice the difference and their reaction to the police presence with prove it again… Just as drivers slow down when we see a police car. The officers that are kept on the force should be those who have the experience and attitude necessary to provide the professional example that would keep police academies lined up to have their candidates complete their training on the streets of my city. The interns will receive a financial stipend and be happy for the experience.

I know that there are a thousand objections to this thought, but if someone will list the objections, I am willing to seek the a means to dismiss them. If the city formed a police academy, most objections would become mute.

Please agree or disagree via this post.

BOTTOM LINE – Redevelopment Agencies Move Lots of Money (Now That Jerry Wants It For His Kids)

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen, IV –
Edition – Thursday, July 7, 2011 – Volume 25 No. 45

The Question: Is It Money Well Invested Or Simply Spent? – How many projects have been funded by Your City Redevelopment Agency in the last five years? – How much money was funded per project? – How many contracts and subcontracts were involved per project? – How many Contractors and Sub-Contractors were involved per Project? – How many Contractors and Sub-Contractors were used in total? – How many Contractors from Your City were used? – How many Sub-Contractors from Your City were used? – How many jobs have been created by Your City Redevelopment Agency in the last five years? – How many jobs that were created by RDA funded projects, were filled by residents of Your City? I am sure that someone, somewhere in the RDA Agency in Your City has the answers to these specific questions. I think those answers will tell you a little more about who benefits when RDA Agencies spend or invest your tax dollars by the tens of millions. My Answer: If you are one of the people collecting a check… Contractors, Suppliers, Sub Contractors and Workers including Your City Staff’s Earned Wages… You probably think the money was Well Invested! On The Other Hand, (The One That Did Not Get A Finger In The Money Pie)… The Contractor seeking contracts, unemployed job seeking, tax paying stakeholders, that live in Your City, probably think the money was Simply Spent!

BOTTOM LINE – Millions Mourn the Loss of Hugo Chávez, the People’s President

Guest Commentary by Lita Pezant

People across Latin America (and many in North America) are mourning the loss of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, who died last Tuesday, March 2, at the age of 58, after struggling with cancer over the last two years, and leading his nation for fourteen years. World leaders, including President Obama, sent their condolences, some even going straight to Caracas, Venezuela to mourn directly. People gathered in nations throughout South America, Central America, and the Caribbean; some mourners gathering at Venezuelan embassies, some in communities across the U.S.A, to pay their respects, hold vigils, and bring tributes to remember Hugo Chávez: a President of and for the People. Hugo Chávez was both loved and despised for helping to uplift the people of his nation. Elected four times with overwhelming majorities, the official U.S. government (home of the infamous ‘selected not elected’ Bush presidency) constantly questioned his presidential legitimacy and worked to overthrow him. Chávez’ response was to declare his own manhood and independence by daring to speak to world leaders that were not on the approved ‘guest list’: Castro (Cuba), Khadafi (Libya), Ahmadinejad (Iran), and Bolivia’s first native indigenous President Evo Morales. Upon his first election, Hugo Chávez inherited the reigns of a nation where 3% of the people owned 77% of the wealth — sound familiar? Chávez was a great president and a hardworking leader who changed the landscape of Venezuela, first insisting that oil corporations (who were reaping 87% profits from Venezuelan oil) return 30% to the government; and then he nationalized the resource. Compare that to Nigeria, where the U.S. has ‘good’ relations’ yet Shell Oil destroys the land with impunity, and protesting leaders are assassinated for questioning why the indigenous native tribes are receiving no benefits from the oil extracted from their lands. Tired of the World Bank ‘switcheroo’ that keeps Third World nations poor, Chávez worked with other Latin American presidents of Argentina and Brazil to develop the Bank of the South, so these countries could independently set their own financial standards and establish their own credit markets. Finding that he and other Latin leaders were also fed up with the imbalanced scope of U.S. Free Trade Agreements, Chávez joined Castro and Morales to form the People’s Trade Treaty for their respective nations. Chávez provided free public education to hundreds of thousands of children who had never had access to classrooms before his presidency. The U.S. has ‘good’ relations with Jamaica, but children still have to pay to go to school there. Before Chávez, millions of Indigenous and Black Venezuelans were never issued birth certificates or identification papers, effectively preventing them from full access to the rights of citizenship— that sound familiar too? Through it all, Chávez, a devout Christian, reached his hand out in friendship to those who would help him improve his nation and the quality of life for its people, and in turn he extended his hand in generosity to those in need across the globe. Chávez, along with Castro, offered food, supplies, fuel, and water purifiers to those devastated during the early aftermath of hurricane Katrina, only to be rebuffed by the Bush administration – and we all know how quickly they came to the rescue. The generosity of Chávez and the Venezuelan people is also demonstrated in the provision of free heating oil to thousands of poor people in the United States through the Venezuelan oil company Citgo. Gosh come to think of it, Hugo Chávez probably helped more needy folks in the U.S. than the ‘Do Nothing’ 112th and 113th Congress combined. I for one was a little disappointed that a positive relationship that did not occur between President Chávez and our beloved President Obama. One might think that President Obama could have sought common ground with Chávez on at least a few things. Both were (and are) vilified, called out of name, and have had their rightful citizenship and birthright questioned without any basis in fact. Both were descendants of mixed ‘race’ parentage, and faced obstructionists who despised them for merely being the wrong color to be strong, independent, and ready for the reins of power. Both challenged conventional stereotypes to succeed. Both were elected on an emotional wave of the promise of Hope, seeking to rebuild their nations following economic disaster and massive financial and government corruption. Obama promised to end both wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) his predecessor started; and Chávez promised that he would never order troops to fire upon civilians as his predecessor did. Both held steadfast to those promises. Pointedly, each also established a form of universal health care during their respective first terms. Actually Chávez did his a bit quicker by trading with Castro for the provision of excellent Cuban medical and healthcare services — something many Black Americans have wanted access to for a long time — another example of ‘Free Trade’ not working for us. Unfortunately, U.S. foreign policy is rife with inconsistency and hypocrisy, designed to confuse, perplex, and control the citizenry. It is a pity how the ‘old ways’ of the ‘Cold War’ creep insidiously into the new millennium. Our government allows companies to do Billions in business with Communist China and Communist Vietnam, but continuously restricts, contains, and despises Cuba, home also, like Venezuela, to many of our brethren who are descendants of the African Diaspora and Transatlantic Slave Trade. U.S. backed corporations and their neo-con front men persistently grade the landscape for the continuing rape and pillage of the natural resources of Africa and Latin America, with complete disregard for their populations. Our community needs independent and focused Black voices to reshape a U.S. foreign policy to at least partly reflect the beliefs, hearts, and minds of most Black Americans. The Bush-Cheney industrial war complex has cost American taxpayers upwards of $800 Billion for the Iraq War, and close to $620 Billion so far for the War in Afghanistan. Congress won’t even begin an appropriations bill that would award a tenth of those amounts to put our people to work rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure. Our community needs to take a page out of Chávez’ book, reclaim our man-and-woman- hood, and lay the groundwork for a new economic landscape that actually makes a return to our communities. Let us hope that ‘renewed and improved’ relationships with Venezuela is not just foreplay for renewed conjugal relations between U.S. neo-con corporate interests (‘Economic Hit Men’) and the Venezuelan elite, where only the poor and struggling workers are actually screwed. . . sound familiar? Rest in peace, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías (WSSN 3/7/13)