
County Schools’ Dowdy To Receive National Lifetime Achievement Award

SAN BERNARDINO – Brenda Dowdy, homeless education project manager for San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, will receive the 2019 Sandra Neese Lifetime Achievement Award at a national conference in Washington, D.C., in November.

Dowdy will be honored at the 31st annual National Association for the Education of Homeless Children Conference on Nov. 3.

For the past 13 years, Dowdy has worked in County Schools’ Children Deserve Success program, working with liaisons of the county’s 33 school districts in homeless education to provide services for students and families.

San Bernardino County is home to more than 33,000 students identified as homeless as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Act.

Dowdy has led efforts through County Schools to provide backpacks with school supplies, clothing and personal hygiene items for students. She also has helped raise and coordinate distribution of college scholarships for high school graduates annually.

Crafton Hills College Invites the Community to Legacy Society Wall Unveiling

Philanthropic support of higher education is a time-honored tradition, one that grows in importance with every passing year.

The Crafton Hills College Foundation invites you to an appreciation ceremony to honor donors for their generosity.

The Legacy Society Wall in the Crafton Center provides recognition to individuals who have given cumulative gifts, estate planned gifts or irrevocable life income gifts of $10,000 or more to the Crafton Hills College Foundation.

CHC Legacy Society

Visionaries $500,000 +

Stanley Krasovec

Benefactors $100,000 – $499,999

Raymond Pryke

Henry Stone & Elaine Rosen

Pacesetters $50,000 – $99,999

William and Gloria Harrison

Bill and Nelda Rankin

Founders $25,000 – $49,999

Diane J. Pfahler

James and Theresa Ramos

Jon and Laura Winningham

Donald and Carol Averill

Wayne and Doris Milloy

Donald J. Nydam

Scholars $10,000 – $24,999

Leroy and Marilyn Balch

Paul and Joann Barich

Bruce and Elizabeth Baron

Jane K. Beitscher

Nicolas Campos

Win and Bette Carl

Gordon and Sara Clopine

Cheryl A. Cox

Donna M. Ferracone

Robert B. Martin and Mary E. Goldsboro

Luis and Patricia Gome

Leon and Francine Hellerman

Douglas C. Heller-Taylor

Brent and Sherry Hunter

Sam Irwin

Nancy and Gary Kasin

Thomas and Josie Konzem

Steve and Rebeccah Marlatt

Patrick and Cheryl Marshall

Alaina Mathews

Brandon and Julie McKee

William and Linda Nassar

Charlie and Tommi Ng

David and Diane Raley

Michael and Amy Strong

Harvey Ricketts and Betty Jo Wood

June C. Yamamoto  

County Students Continue Growth in Statewide Testing Results

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – For the fourth consecutive year, San Bernardino County students across seven grade levels showed growth in both English language arts (ELA) and math testing, according to results released today by the California Department of Education.         

The results – the annual California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress – or CAASPP – showed 1 percentage point gains in both ELA and math for the 2018-19 academic year.         

“It’s encouraging to see that the number of students meeting or exceeding California’s academic standards continues to grow,” County Superintendent Ted Alejandre said.         

Fourth- and fifth-grade students from San Bernardino County had the most growth in proficiency standards among students in seven grade levels of testing in ELA and math. Fifth-graders improved 2 percentage points in both ELA and math from the previous year’s results. Fourth-graders improved 4 percentage points in math and 1 percentage point in ELA.         

For all students in ELA, the rate of proficiency reached 45 percent, an overall improvement of 8 percentage points since CAASPP testing results began in 2015. That compares with the overall state proficiency rate of 51 percent. In terms of ELA growth over the past four years, third- and fourth-graders have improved 11 percentage points, followed by seventh-graders with 9 percentage points of growth.         

In math scores, the percentage of county students meeting or exceeding standards in all grade levels reached 31 percent, the third consecutive year of 1 percentage point gains. Statewide, student proficiency in math was 40 percent.        

The CAASPP Smarter Balanced ELA and mathematics results are just one measure of performance the state has put in place to measure the progress of schools and form the basis for the academic indicator of the California School Dashboard.            

For additional information on CAASPP results, visit the California Department of Education’s CAASPP reporting website

Schools to Participate in the October 17 Great California Shakeout

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— On July 4, the community of Ridgecrest was hit by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake, followed a day later by a 7.1-magnitude quake. Those were the largest earthquakes to hit California in two decades, and they were a sobering reminder that an earthquake can hit any time and you never know if the next one will be the big one.

That is why all San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) schools and offices will participate in the Great California ShakeOut on Thursday, October 17.

Beginning at 10:17 a.m., all SBCUSD students and staff will drop, cover, and hold on. Sites will also practice emergency response procedures, such as evacuations, and reporting and coordinating with the SBCUSD Emergency Operations Center. Visitors to SBCUSD schools and offices will be required to evacuate. As in a real emergency, SBCUSD sites may be unable to answer phones and emails during the drill and evacuation.

“The more we prepare as a community, the quicker we can recover following a disaster,” Eric Vetere, SBCUSD emergency manager, said. “That’s why it’s important to always practice and have a plan. The annual Great California Shakeout is the perfect time for our entire community to practice for an earthquake.”

The Great California ShakeOut is a statewide earthquake and disaster preparedness drill. Everyone in California, including private businesses and individuals, is encouraged to participate to better prepare for natural disasters. Earthquake- and disaster-preparedness materials are available at http://www.shakeout.org/.

Parents should take this opportunity to update emergency contact information with their child’s school.

To stay up to date on emergencies affecting SBCUSD schools and communities, follow SBCUSD OES on Twitter at https://twitter.com/SBCUSD_OES, on Instagram @SBCSUD_OES, or on Facebook by searching for “SBCUSD OES.” Parents can also receive emergency notifications by installing and configuring the free SBCSUD app. Search for “San Bernardino City USD” on the iTunes or Google Play stores.

SAC Health System announces health services for students at “SAC Health System H.O.P.E. Center”

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- SAC Health System has partnered with San Bernardino City Unified School District to start a school-based health clinic to serve and help our communities with their medical needs for school admissions. SAC Health System H.O.P.E. Center (Healthcare Options for Prevention & Education) will offer services on a walk-in basis.

This collaborative project will bring ease to the health screening process for parents and students as they start their new school year. Parents and their children will need to drop-off immunization cards and paperwork to their schools once completed at their medical appointments.

SAC Health System H.O.P.E. Center will be open three days a week: Monday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday at 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

SAC Health System H.O.P.E. Center official grand opening is on October 15, 2019 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. located inside the Welcoming Resource Center at 781 W. 2nd Street Suite A, San Bernardino, CA 92410.

Community Block Party Theme: “ Our God Will Provide”

By Reginald Young

The word is out. The San Bernardino Pastors United (SBPU) in association with community leaders and the faith based community, will have another Community Block party on Saturday October 26, 2019 from 12PM – 3PM  at Dr. Mildred Henry Elementary, located at 1250 W 14th Street, San Bernardino.

The residences in San Bernardino are still being plagued with violence, crime and shootings in the City. The San Bernardino Pastors and community leaders take a stand together in solidarity and let the residence know with boldness, theme “Our God Will Provide” Gen 22: 11-14. The SBPU pastor’s demonstrate by showing love, helping thy neighbor, covering one another.  On this day, pastors, law enforcements, dignitaries, school officials all join together on one accord.  

We are expecting thousands to be in attendance, Come early. At the event, there will be free food, free groceries,  free gifts and prizes for the kids, free clothes and free health checks, job resources. The host church will be Victory Outreach Church, located at 990 W Mill Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410. Pastor Rick Alanis Senior will deliver a life changing message. Please register by phone, or go to our website www.sbpastorsunited.org to register.  

The SBPU is asking the community to join us, as we remain strong, through providing:  “Healing, Change, and Progress” to the City of San Bernardino, for more information call 909-353-7977 or contact the Victory Outreach Church 909-884-1921 email sbpastorsunited@gmail.com. Pass the Word! Like us on Facebook!  

California State Association of Counties Appoints Supervisor Josie Gonzales to its Homeless Action Team

Seeking to implement effective regional as well as local approaches to combat California’s growing homeless crisis, San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Josie Gonzales has joined eight other County Supervisors on the California State Association of Counties’ (CSAC) Homeless Action Team.

CSAC formed the working group in August, which also includes its First Vice President Lisa Bartlett and Immediate Past President Leticia Perez, to complementGovernor Gavin Newsom’s Statewide Homeless and Supportive Housing Advisory Task Force. Viewing homelessness from the county perspective, the Homeless Action Team will help to fill the gaps, ensuring the design and execution of a greater comprehensive strategy to address the economic, social, and health challenges California communities face.

“My colleagues on the Homeless Action Team and I are equally vested in reducing homelessness in our respective counties, as well as statewide,” said Supervisor Gonzales

“Now is the time for us to seek collaborative, comprehensive approaches that also will help us tackle the complex housing, economic, mental and physical health impacts we each face as we work to reduce our homeless populations. The Governor’s support and the recent funding allocations to address homelessness makes all of this possible,” said Gonzales.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, who co-chairs Governor Newsom’s Statewide Homeless and Supportive Housing Advisory Task Force, also chairs CSAC’s Homeless Action Team. As the conduit between the Task Force and the Team, Supervisor Ridley-Thomas is ensuring that best practices, programs, and collaborative measures recommended by his fellow Supervisors will be put in place to effectually respond and threat the symptoms that trigger homelessness.

“I look forward to hearing from the other Supervisors as to what is working in other parts of the state, while also sharing our own successes,” said Supervisor Gonzales who is chair of San Bernardino County’s Interagency Council on Homelessness – a model partnership that addresses chronic homelessness.

“Homelessness does not respect jurisdictional boundaries; it is a tragedy that destroys everyone’s quality of life. It is critical that we work together to address this social ill,” she added.

Annual Event to Raise Funds for Breast Cancer Patients from Across Inland Region

RIVERSIDE, CA— Susan G. Komen Inland Empire’s annual signature fundraising event is set for Sunday, Oct. 13 in Murrieta where supporters will walk and raise money for breast cancer treatment, patient advocacy and groundbreaking research as part of the rebranded new MORE THAN PINK Walk™.

The community event at Murrieta’s Town Square Park will honor breast cancer patients who are no longer living and will celebrate the survivors.  Seventy-five percent of the net proceeds stay here in Riverside and San Bernardino counties to fund local programs to support mothers, sisters, neighbors and friends as they battle breast cancer right here in our community. The remaining 25 percent will fund groundbreaking research.

The organization announced in May the rebranding of the event, previously known as the Race for the Cure, with a renewed focus on community and the value participants bring to Susan G. Komen’s overall mission.

The inspiring family-friendly event demonstrates how the fundraising efforts of every participant fuel lifesaving research, critical patient care, needed community programs and public policy advocacy in a personal and powerful way. 

“By participating in the Susan G. Komen Inland Empire More Than Pink Walk™, you can help ensure that our vision to end breast cancer becomes a reality, as we strive to support those affected by breast

Cancer today, while tirelessly searching for tomorrow’s cures,” said Dr. Sandra Finestone, board president for Komen Inland Empire.  

The event will open at 6:30 a.m. Opening ceremony will begin at 8 a.m. with the Walk starting at 8:30 a.m.  Survivors and those living with Metastatic Breast Cancer will kick off the opening ceremony by leading the way through the “Pathway of Hope” where all participants will cheer them on.  Also new this year will be guest speakers Kara Adams, a survivor and author, and Metastatic Breast Cancer survivor Patti Martinez.  The emcee for the event will be one of Komen Inland Empire’s founders, Joan Sparkman. 

“Together we have the power to transform lives, one step at a time,” said Joan Sparkman, Founding Member of Komen Inland Empire.

The MORE THAN PINK WalkTM sponsors show their commitment to our community by supporting our volunteers, survivors and those living with breast cancer, as well as everyone who has joined together to raise funds as part of this important event. 

This year’s sponsors include: Bank of America, the City of Murrieta, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Abbott, Arrowhead Water, BMW of Murrieta, The Valley News, The Camp Transformation Centers and more.

Susan G. Komen Inland Empire has a goal to raise $300,000 at this year’s MORE THAN PINK Walk™.  Reaching our fundraising goal means more research, care and action against breast cancer for our loved ones, our community and future generations.  Organizations interested in sponsoring the Walk are encouraged to contact the affiliate office to learn more about opportunities.

Register and begin fundraising TODAY at www.komenie.org. For more information you can call 951-676-7465.  Follow the Susan G. Komen Inland Empire on Facebook Susan G. Komen Inland Empire and or Twitter.

Volunteers also are needed and are encouraged to sign up online: https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/2019-more-than-pink-inland-empire-walk-murrieta-october-762428

Riverside African American Historical Society, Inc. Honors Unsung Heroes

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— RIVERSIDE,CA— At its Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 20, 2019, the Riverside African American Historical Society, Inc. (RAAHS) will honor several individuals who have impacted the development of the African American community in the Inland Empire. 

The following Unsung Heroes will be honored:  Daniel Hantman, Humanitarian; Karen Y. Johnson, Education; Dwight Jones, Religion; and Harold Ross, Community; all have made a positive difference in the lives of others and have not received nor sought recognition for their service. 

The RAAHS salute these individuals who advocate for and promote a strong visible presence in the community to hold fast to the moral standards of our heritage.

The Annual Meeting will be held at the Marriott Riverside, 3400 Market Street, Downtown Riverside, beginning at 2:30 p.m.  Donation $60 per person, payable in advance.  RSVP for the luncheon by contacting (951)684-1072 or emailing mompops8@aol.com.  Visit our website at: raahsinc.org

Photo Recap: Redlands Boys & Girls Club, “Day 4 Kids”

On Saturday, September 21, the Redlands’ Boy’s and Girls Club held its annual ‘Day 4 Kids’ event. Check out some of the photos below:

Photo Credit: John Coleman, Community Photographer