
California Health Collaborative of San Bernardino County Raises Awareness on Third-Hand Smoke

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Where there’s no smoke, there’s a firestorm.

Many know that smoking and secondhand smoke are harmful to their health but very few are aware about the dangers of “third-hand smoke” exposure.

Third-hand smoke is the residue from tobacco smoke that accumulates on surfaces. It sticks to walls, windows and furniture or can settle as toxic dust in homes and cars. It even sticks to clothing and hair. The residue builds up in the environment, becoming more toxic over time, according to TobaccoFreeCA.com.

In San Bernardino County, the California Health Collaborative (CHC) has been crusading for tobacco-free apartment units since 2015. Through voluntary tobacco-free housing policies, CHC touts the benefits for renters, property managers and owners, said Roberto A. Terrones, Program Coordinator for San Bernardino County’s Tobacco Control Program.

Terrones said that many in the housing industry expect for tenants of apartment buildings to be against these types of tobacco free policies, but that is not the local nor state-wide sentiment when it comes to these changes. While there has been some blowback, he said, many tenants appreciate the new rules.

“We survey the tenants before we go smoke free. Some people think these smoking policies aren’t popular but we’ve seen that a lot of people are for it,” Terrones said. “People that were opposed don’t always smoke but they see it as a right being taken away. We’re not telling you that you can’t smoke but you have to smoke somewhere else outside of the property.”

One-third of Californians live in multi-unit housing, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Units share common walls, floors or a ceiling, which means that millions may be exposed to secondhand smoke even if they do not allow smoking in their home.

Nine out of 10 people do not smoke in their homes, Terrones said. About seven out of ten people who want tobacco free-housing are people that don’t smoke.

The importance of having tobacco-free housing is to protect the health of tenants, said Evi Hernandez, CHC Director of Program Services. Many times, Hernandez said, they are protecting people that cannot afford to live in single-family homes and those at highest risk for serious illness caused by tobacco smoke exposure, including children and the elderly.

“Among other things, any contact with third-hand smoke can cause skin irritation, trigger asthma attacks and lead to respiratory illnesses,” Hernandez said.” You don’t really see it in the form of smoke and if you’re not aware that it’s there, you can’t avoid it.”

Terrones said the county has been successful with subsidized housing because while many of the tenants’ love where they live, the smoke is killing them, he said. And for financial reasons, they are unable to move. “It’s essentially a trap,” Terrones said. “They can’t just pick up and leave because of their financial situation.”

Some have agreed to set aside a certain percentage of smoke-free units, but as Terrones said, “If you can smell what your neighbor is cooking, you can smell if they’re smoking.”

Long considered a health hazard, secondhand smoke seeps through doors, open windows, outlets and ventilation systems. The health benefits may be obvious, but decreasing the hidden financial costs are a bonus as well. Estimates to ready a unit for rent after a smoker has lived there could be in the thousands of dollars, Hernandez said.

“I’ve gone to these multi-complex houses and their blinds are completely yellow. You can’t get rid of the smell in the carpet. Sometimes the smoke is so pervasive it penetrates the walls and a treatment/paint plan can take weeks,” Terrones said. “It’s (another) benefit of multi-unit apartments to go smoke free.”

When an apartment complex goes tobacco-free, CHC offers a resource directory for tenants that includes local tobacco cessation resources and information about the California Smokers’ Helpline (1-800-NO-BUTTS). 

For further information, contact the County of San Bernardino Tobacco Control Program at (909) 647-4532 or go to sbctcp.blogspot.com

About The San Bernardino County Tobacco Control Program (SBCTCP)

The SBCTCP serves in the capacity of local lead agency for tobacco prevention, education and control efforts in San Bernardino County. With funding support from the California Department of Public Health – Tobacco Control Program, SBCTCP is administered by the California Health Collaborative to implement a comprehensive tobacco control plan that includes the following objectives: 

1) Retain and engage community members representing diverse/priority populations and non-traditional partner agencies in the San Bernardino County Tobacco Control Coalition; 

2) Partner with apartment managers/owners, apartment management companies, the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino, and tobacco control stakeholders to guide efforts that result in the adoption of smoke-free policies at multi-unit housing complexes; and 

3) Coordinate efforts by incorporated cities in San Bernardino County to adopt a policy that eliminates sales and distribution of tobacco and/or electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDD) products in pharmacies where licensed professionals provide health care services. 

Program plan strategies were developed based on results of a community needs assessment and prioritization process and adhere to priority areas and guidelines set forth by the California Tobacco Control Program. 

United Nations of Consciousness honored at Second Annual California Non-Profits Day Celebration

San Bernardino, CA– On Wednesday, June 28, United Nations of Consciousness was honored as a Nonprofit of the Year at a celebration of California Nonprofits Day at the State Capitol in Sacramento.
United Nations of Consciousness (U.N.C) was selected by Assemblywoman Eloise Gomez Reyes as an exceptional nonprofit organization in her 47th district community. U.N.C joined nearly one hundred other nonprofit leaders from across the state being honored at the annual California Nonprofits Day event, formally recognized by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 54, authored by the chair of the new Assembly Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector Assemblywoman Monique Limon (D-Santa Barbara).
United Nations of Consciousness is a grassroots, non-profit organization established in 2015, founded by Executive Director La’Nae Norwood. U.N.C provides direct services and resources to the community such as: cultural enrichment, education, entrepreneurship programs, awareness, advocacy, and youth programs like the U.N.C Youth Afterschool Program, and Summer Camp for disadvantaged, at-risk youth. U.N.C is also one of the leading San Bernardino partners in the #schoolsnotprisons campaign, which brings awareness to the community and leadership about harsh policies that incriminate youth of color through suspensions, expulsions, and citations in public schools. Since its inception, U.N.C has served over 3,000 families and is projected to expand and double in 2017.
“Recognition and support of this kind is an inspiration to grassroot organizations who sacrifice and work tirelessly to serve as positive change agents. Congratulations to all the other nonprofits who were recognized, we are honored to be esteemed with such distinguished organizations across the state of California. Assemblymember Reyes has shown genuine concern and has been a savvy partner with the willingness to tackle real issues and the concerns of her constituents.
A little over three years ago, l had a vision and started this organization with some of my childhood friends, knowing we would make a positive impact. Growing up in the Inland Empire, we were very familiar with the challenges. We jumped right in and started working in the neighborhoods with the most need. The rapid growth and success of United Nations of Consciousness is largely in part to dedication, collaboration and responding to the needs of the community. We are more committed than ever to unity, youth, social change and creating economic opportunities, while being a voice for African Americans. Courageous and honest perspectives are necessary for progression. We are unapologetic in our pursuit of cultivating equitable communities. United Nations of Consciousness is putting the unity back into the community, while expanding resources, reach and results.” – La’Nae Norwood, Founder and Executive Director.
The award recipients were honored at a luncheon held at Sacramento’s Convention Center, welcomed by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, Assemblymember Limon, and Jan Masaoka, CEO of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits). California Attorney General Xavier Becerra had also shared words of appreciation to the gathered honorees and their legislators.
“Nonprofit organizations are vitally important to the economy and well-being of California. But too often nonprofits are ‘hidden in plain sight.’ We are thrilled that the State Assembly has passed a resolution for the second year in a row that puts the spotlight on nonprofits as an economic power that uses that power for the common good. We congratulate all of the award recipients on being honored for the great work they do every day to make California a better place,” said Jan Masaoka, CEO of California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits), a statewide alliance of over 10,000 organizations, representing and promoting California’s growing nonprofit sector and working to bring the full power of nonprofits to strengthening communities.

Inland Empire Powerhouse Vocalist Nachaka Returns with Concert Featuring Hi Lyfe Band


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- For those of you who remember Inland Empire Powerhouse Vocalist Nachaka, she is back and now performing with her band mates called Hi Lyfe.  The band consists of musicians from various areas surrounding the Inland Empire and will be a part of the Summer Concert Series held at Cal State San Bernardino. Hi Lyfe will be performing on Wednesday, July 12 and will promptly hit the stage at 7 p.m. This event is free, so bring your lawn chairs and your family to enjoy an evening with Hi Lyfe.

Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Patient Celebrates Birthday with Luke the Lion

LOMA LINDA, CA- The Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) lobby was filled with birthday fun this week as the honorable mascot Luke the Lion celebrated another birthday.

The Big Hearts for Little Hearts Loma Linda Guild treated LLUCH patients and their families to an afternoon of crafts, entertainment and even birthday cake on Monday, June 19.

Guild member and longtime friend of LLUCH, Carol Troesh, has been dedicated to the annual event since its inception seven years ago. 

“The entire month of June is Luke’s birthday month,” Troesh said. “This is truly a special event where kids can get out of their hospital room and forget for a minute about their treatment.”

Sticking with the traditional 1950s theme for the party this year, youth singing group Lioness performed doo-wop style songs in poodle skirts and ponytails.

In honor of his birthday, Luke gave gifts to patients, including each child in attendance got a stuffed lion and a book of their choosing to take home. 

The Loma Linda Guild is committed to supporting the children hospitalized at LLUCH by developing programs and projects that address the critical needs of these children and their families. The Loma Linda Guild was the first and original chapter of Big Hearts for Little Hearts that formed in 1999. Since its inception, the guild has raised over $1.6 million for the hospital. 

What It Do With the LUE: Infuse Dance Studio

belly dance

By Lue Dowdy

Infuse Dance Studio, Tuesday Night Belly Dance Class with Zada is What It Do! Get started today on a better and healthier you. Learn the fundamentals of: Lifts and drops; basic shimmy; undulations; stance and posing; hip, chest, and hand circles; and shoulder drops.

Other perks include: fitness, core strengthening, toning, enhancing or getting your sexy back, and FUN!

Bell dance is a beautiful, expressive dance which empathizes complex movement of the torso. Come out and get ya’ shimmy on! Until next week, L’z!

For more information and class times, please contact the instructor at (909) 556-7637.

YouthBuild Graduates 24 Students in Class of 2017

On June 22, YouthBuild Inland Empire had its seventh graduation. Twenty four youth achieved their high school diploma and took their first step towards a better life. We are committed at YouthBuild Inland Empire to the youth in this community and will continue to offer the resources needed to give them better opportunities to a better future. We have served this community since 2010 and we are located in the city of San Bernardino at 570 w. 4th St. 2nd floor 92401. We are enrolling new members starting August 7, 2017. Any questions please give us a call at 909-890-9106 or 909-241-5558.

The County Museum Hosts Interactive Summer Forensics Camp

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- This Summer, your child can meet animals with superpowers, shake it up, dig up clues from the past, and investigate forensics-museum-style! Registration is now open for San Bernardino County Museum Summer Explorers day camps. Week-long sessions started Tuesday, June 20 and continue through July. Advance registration is required; campers must have completed first grade and be 7 to 10 years old. Each camp session is Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The cost is $155 per week of camp; children of Museum Association members may enroll for $135 per week. Limited scholarships are available by application.

The exact dates are June 20-23, June 27-30, July 11-14, July 18-21, and July 25-28. For more information or to register, please visit www.sbcounty.gov/museum or call (909) 798-8611.

San Bernardino Public Library Supports Footsteps2Brilliance Early Literacy Program

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Public Library (SBPL) has joined in supporting a new countywide early literacy program called Footsteps2Brilliance which is part of the San Bernardino Countywide Vision2Read literacy campaign, a collective impact initiative involving multiple agencies working collaboratively to increase literacy rates among children and families in the county.

The library has posted a link to the program on its library website at www.sbpl.org. Parents interested in signing up for the app for their children can go to www.myf2b.com/register/sanbernardinocounty.

“On behalf of our Library Board of Trustees, we’re very pleased in promoting this wonderful effort to promote early childhood education and early literacy in our city” said SBPL Library Director Ed Erjavek.

The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, County Preschool Services, Children’s Fund and First 5 San Bernardino are partnering to deliver the new literacy program.

Footsteps2Brilliance is an innovative early learning mobile technology platform that provides free access to early literacy activities to all families with children, birth through Pre-K, who reside in San Bernardino County. The program provides a comprehensive curriculum of more than 1,000 English and Spanish books, songs and games that are fun for children and address the vocabulary gap, according to the following press release from the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.

“Literacy is a priority in our county. Early literacy skills lay the foundation for a child’s success from cradle to career,” County Superintendent Ted Alejandre said. “Children who are not proficient readers by the end of third grade are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers.”

In January 2017, a cohort of 1,500 students in county preschool programs were selected to use Footsteps2Brilliance and measure their literacy growth. To date, participating preschoolers have read 22,240 books and more than 5.1 million words. As part of the launch, Alejandre and program partners are encouraging all families with birth through pre-K children in the county to join a challenge to read an additional 3 million words by Sept. 1, 2017.

“Footsteps2Brilliance enables us to cross the divide between children who have a seat in a preschool and those who do not,” said Diana Alexander, director of Preschool Services for the county. “We get to provide all birth through pre-K children with an amazing literacy software program that will bring several modes of learning right into their home. This is an exciting time for San Bernardino County!”

Among the benefits of Footsteps2Brilliance is that the platform’s educational resources can be accessed from any smartphone, tablet or computer with or without an Internet connection. Research shows that more than 80 percent of parents own smartphones or mobile devices.

“Through the Footsteps2Brilliance platform, families, schools and the community have access to high-quality educational tools to accelerate vocabulary and literacy skills using the devices they already own,” noted Karen Scott, executive director of First 5 San Bernardino.

According to Stacy Iverson – president and CEO of Children’s Fund – every dollar spent on quality early childhood interventions produces a $14-$17 return.

“No single strategy offers a greater return on investment than providing children with the tools they need to read proficiently by third grade,” she said.

Research shows the greatest disparity of knowledge among children is the vocabulary gap – the number of words a child knows from birth through third grade. Children from low-income families hear 30 million fewer words before the age of four than their more affluent peers. This is compounded by the fact that 61 percent of low-income children have no books in their homes.

Approximately 20 percent of families in San Bernardino County live in poverty and 34 percent speak Spanish in the home (according to census data). Based on data from the California Department of Education, nearly 19 percent of school-aged students are classified as English Learners and more than 72 percent qualify for free and reduced lunch.

The San Bernardino County literacy partnership is unique and will serve as a blueprint around the nation to achieve early literacy success in dual language communities on a countywide basis.

“We are honored to partner with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools to give all children equal access to high-quality bilingual English and Spanish literacy instruction. Already, we have seen this unique countywide collaboration bring the community together with a strong commitment and a plan to support all early learners. We believe this will be a powerful model for other districts across the nation to follow,” said Ilene Rosenthal, CEO of Footsteps2Brilliance.

Ronald McDonald House of Charities Awards $233,000 in Scholarships to 85 Southern California Students

LOS ANGELES, CA- Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern California (RMHCSC), in partnership with Southern California McDonald’s operators, is helping 85 of the Southland’s brightest and most deserving high school seniors make their college dreams a reality this fall by awarding more than $233,000 in scholarships. Since 1990, RMHCSC has helped pave the way toward higher education for more than 3,400 exceptional Southern California students, providing more than $5.7 million in funds to help ease the financial burden of college tuition, fees and educational expenses. Selected from a pool of more than 1,400 applicants, the 2016-17 RMHCSC Scholarship Program recipients were recently recognized at a celebratory luncheon that took place at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Poornima Vijayashanker, engineer and founder of education company Femgineer, delivered the keynote address and Univision network’s Fernanda Kelly served as master of ceremonies.

“This year’s group of young scholars has truly inspired us with their extraordinary accomplishments and commitment to their community,” said Vince Bryson, CEO, RMHCSC. “We’re excited to see them achieve their educational dreams and are confident that their successes will motivate the next generation.”

Every year, RMHCSC supports outstanding college-bound students across Southern California through four competitive RMHC scholarships: RMHC/Hispanic American Commitment to Educational Resources, RMHC/African American Future Achievers, RMHC/Asian Pacific American Students Increasing Achievement, and RMHC/Scholars. Award recipients are selected through a rigorous application process based on a number of criteria including academic achievement, community involvement, leadership skills, letters of recommendation and financial need.

Funding is made possible through the fundraising efforts of more than 120 local McDonald’s operators in Southern California, McDonald’s corporate staff and the global and Southern California chapters of RMHC. Additionally, the McDonald’s Operators’ Association of Southern California (MOASC) pays for all administrative costs for managing the scholarship program.

Interested students can begin the 2018-19 application process in October 2017. For more information, please visit www.rmhcsc.org/scholarships.

The Mochacademy Enrichment Program end of the year Fashion Show and Awards Ceremony

MocacademyBy Marla A. Matime

On Sunday, June 4, Mochacademy, hosted their first ever awards ceremony and fashion show at the Mt. Rubidoux SDA church in Riverside, where girls from grades 6th to 10th took the stage to showcase their gifts and talents through song, sewing, painting and other exciting and engaging activities that they had the opportunity to learn throughout the first year of the programs conception.  

I had the privilege of talking with Toni Collins-Percivale, whose two daughters were mentees in the first ever program.  I asked her how did she hear about Mochacademy and she lovingly expressed that she heard about it through co-founder Marjean (MJ) Sterling.  Her main reason for allowing her daughters to partake in the program was because she shared and understood the same philosophy as MJ, in that it takes a village to raise our children. 

Since the beginning of this recent school year, Toni noticed that because of Mochacademy her daughters began to take pride in their grooming habits, their promptness to engagement, and the willingness to speak positively over their selves without pressure from their mother.  A few things that Toni would like to see more of for Mochacademy in the future would be the continuation of mentorship and self-awareness and additional funding, fundraisers to help assist with more cultural and engaging events to expose the girls to more positive things going on in our world today. 

I also had the opportunity to speak with a first-time visitor who was invited by a presenter throughout the year by the name of Sharmaine Campbell.  She brought her daughter to the event to check it out and is considering signing her up for the program to help her break out of her shell of shyness.  She believes that a program like Mocacademy is much needed in our community.

I had the honor of asking Shayla Moore and Marjean (MJ) Sterling, founders of Mochacademy, a few questions, for them to share the thought process behind starting the organization and what they could take away from their first full year.

If I remember correctly, conversations regarding starting this program began in April of last year.  What was the initial thought process of why you wanted to put this program together?

MJ- I’d have to say that conversations about starting this program actually ended in April of 2016. It was at that time that we realized that we could either talk about it or be about it, and we chose the latter. From that night on, we no longer talked about starting this program, we started it and all conversations shifted focus to what we would do within our program. We knew what we wanted to accomplish, and from there we birthed our “why”, after that it was only a matter of “how”.

Shayla – I believe it is necessary to pour into the woman of our future. It is important to provide positive images for our young community and let them know they can become anything they put their mind to. With so many negative images of African American woman we want to remind them that they are a child a God, heirs to the kingdom and should not settle for anything less.

Also, the decision was made to start the program last April but we have been speaking about this for years. We finally said we need to do it and ever since things have come together. This is how we knew it was meant to be.

What did the first year teach you about mentorship?

MJ – My first year with Mochacademy taught me that in order to be successful, I must be open-minded. Sometimes the “perfect” plan or idea still needs a few tweaks and adjustments from a second or third source. And just like all things in life I had to expect the unexpected! If we hadn’t been able to take things in stride, we would have felt defeated from the very beginning. Nothing went exactly as planned, but everything always worked out every single time.

Shayla – There is no guideline to follow. You must follow your heart and take the time to build bonds. Once a bond is made is when you can start to leave lasting impressions. These girls have made me a better person while I want to make an impression on them they have changed my life for the better as well. Mentoring is enriching to the mentor as well the mentee.

Did this first year end up looking how you envisioned?

MJ – Our vision was a sketch, and first year filled in the colors. The sketch was beautiful, admirable, and ambitious; but it paled in comparison to what was unveiled as we started adding the colors. The colors were the individual girls, their personalities, the bonds that were created, the lessons they learned, the conversations that were held, the songs that were made up on long trips, the smiles, the laughter, and even a few tears. Our first year exceeded our vision.

Shayla – No, it exceeded every expectation we had. God has truly blessed us with amazing people that made our dream a reality.

Have you done anything like this in past time?  Any mentorship programs or volunteer programs geared towards a similar purpose?

MJ – I’ve never been involved in or seen a program like ours, but in my youth I was a part of a mentoring program and I always knew that it was imperative that as I came into my own, I paid it forward and poured into the next generation.

Shayla – No, not formally. I have had mentors growing up that have made lasting impressions and I think it is necessary to do it for others.

What are you MOST proud of?

MJ – I’m most proud of the mentors. These ladies have given of themselves wanting nothing in return. Time is precious, and once you give it away there’s no getting it back. These ladies have been selfless with their time, skills, and resources. I’m most proud of the fact that they’re in my life and I can call them Friend. If I had to leave the program today, I know the girls would still be in excellent hands.

Shayla – That I have made an everlasting impression on eight amazing young ladies. I pray that I can continue to lead them to Christ and to a successful future.

For more information, please be sure to contact Mocacademy at Mochacademy.comMochacademy@gmail.com, or (951)777-9246.

You can also, find them on social media Facebook: Mochacademy Mentoring Program Instagram: Mochacademy

The meeting times will be held from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every third Sunday, beginning in September 2017 through May 2018

We accept applicants 6th grade to 10th grade the program goes up to 12th grade and are currently accepting mentor applications. Mentees should take advantage of the early bird registration as space is limited.  If you are currently unable to give of your time, but would like to know the areas in which we need donations, please contact them.