20th Annual Black Graduate Recognition Ceremony Will Celebrate Student Success
The theme for the event is “Closer to my Dreams.” CSUSB students Lee Moore and Jeremy Young speak at the event. Moore, a first-generation college graduate and will receive her B.A. in psychology, and plans to pursue a graduate degree in clinical social work at the University of Nevada. Young will graduate with a degree in information systems and technology, and is the current president of the student group Enrichment Through Action, a community service-based CSUSB organization at CSUSB.
Thomasina Hill, a San Bernardino native, will graduate with distinction with a B.A. in English with a concentration in Literature, and will perform an original poem at the ceremony. Thomasina has applied for a dual Master’s program in English Composition and Literature.
Danny Tillman, a 2003 CSUSB alumnus with a B.B. in business administration with a concentration in information technology. He works as an Information Systems administrator for the County of San Bernardino, serves on the Board of Trustees for the San Bernardino City Unified School District, and is a candidate for California’s 31st Congressional District seat.
Jenise Bush, co-founder of the CSUSB Black Graduate Recognition Ceremony, and a CSUSB alumna who earned three credentials and two degrees, and is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of La Verne, will emcee the event. Children Performers from Dare to Dream Arts Academy will dance at the event.
Tickets are $50, and can be purchased in the Santos Manuel Student Union’s Student Leadership and Development office, Room 204. Students who purchase tickets can have an unlimited number of guests that can attend the event with them. Parking is $5. For more information, contact Doreen Hatcher at 909-537-5234, dhatcher@csusb.edu, or Misty Levingston at 909-537-7198, mlevings@csusb.edu.