
Cal State San Bernardino Alumni Gabrielle Mays Wins Michigan’s Top News Broadcaster Award

Gabrielle Mays

Gabrielle Mays

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—Gabrielle Mays graduated from California State University San Bernardino in 2011 with a communications degree, and she has already been honored as the recipient of the 2012 Broadcasting Award of Excellence for news reporting by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB).

Mays, who grew up in Redlands, works as a news reporter for WLUC-TV 6 in Houghton, Michigan.. The station’s website highlights her work at Cal State San Bernardino where she gained most of her experience as the producer for the campus news station segment ‘Local Matters.’ Mays entered the MAB’s news reporter category with three feature stories she produced in the Houghton/Hancock region. “What makes this award so special is that all of the stories I entered were about the people in this area,” said Mays.

“It’s particularly impressive that Gabrielle graduated from CSUSB in 2011,” said Michael Salvador, chair of the university’s communications studies department. “To win this award in her first year speaks to Gabrielle’s talent and the quality of her professional preparation here at CSUSB.”

Her entries consisted of a story about a young girl with brittle bone disease who wanted an outdoor wheelchair to aid her in getting through the snow; a group called the Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly who assisted senior citizens in their everyday lives; and a fire that broke out in a senior living complex.

“People in the community trusted me enough to tell their story; and to win an award based on how amazing, kind and generous the Houghton/Hancock community truly is; makes me smile,” said Mays.

The award, which she received this March, now sits in the front office of the Houghton news station among the station’s other awards. “I came into this job not being the best on-camera personality, but I learned that if you want to be a reporter, you have to get good at telling the stories of the people that watch you every single night,” Mays added. (WSSN-5/17/13)

Councilman Rikke Van Johnson to Run for Mayor of the City of San Bernardino


Sixth Ward Councilman Rikke Van Johnson is shown here announcing his candidacy for Mayor of the city of San Bernardino to friends, neighbors, supporters and concerned community members. Petitions were also circulated after the gathering.. (Photo courtesy Sharon Johnson)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Sixth Ward Councilman Rikke Van Johnson launched his campaign for Mayor of San Bernardino last Thursday May 16 with a kick-off meeting held on the lawn of his home.  Johnson announced that both his campaign and his vision for the city were inclusive, with the theme “Campaign for L.I.F.E.” (Leaders, Investors, Friends and Everyone).

He states his goal is to help “create, grow, and maintain economic value in the city, which will aid the community in realizing and accessing all the necessities that define quality of life.”  He laid out a vision for the city as a safe and prosperous community, offering a wide range of housing, recreation, education, cultural, and employment opportunities for all who come to live and work here.

He also said that San Bernardino residents need to continue to provide a strong sense of community for each other in these economically trying times.  He also laid out three primary areas he would focus upon as the Mayor:

     1. Public Safety to reduce crime rates with a two pronged strategy of, a) Decreasing gang violence and gang activity,; and b) Increasing Citizen Engagement in local government, realizing that a government goes bad when it’s citizens are not engaged;

2. Economic Stimulation through Job Creation, and helping to retain and maintain Local Business by helping them grow and strengthen their Consumer Base;

3. Beautification of areas of the city that have experienced neglect, thereby raising the esteem of both residents and businesses, and providing an attractive environment for consumers, potential home-buyers, and potential new businesses.

Johnson said he would also partner with area school systems to ensure an educated workforce, and would simplify the city’s system of government which he says has become “ambiguous and antiquated.”

“I truly believe that this is the frame work for a pathway to strengthening, sustaining and restoring our City to once again be that proud ‘City on the Move.’  This will be achieved by working together with vision, planning and hope,” he added. (WSSN 5/23/13)

Community Action Partnership Hosts 2013 Gala to Honor Those Who Have Improved Communities Through Service

Dr. Harold L. Cebrun, Sr.

Dr. Harold L. Cebrun, Sr.

Cynthia Robinson

Mayor Patrick J. Morris
Mayor Patrick J. Morris

SAN BERNARDINO, CA– The Board of Directors of Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) will host their 2013 Gala Fundraiser and Awards Banquet this Friday, May 17, 2013 at 6 p.m. at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.  The theme of this year’s gala is “Helping Families, Improving Communities” reflecting CAPSBC’s mission of is working with communities by advocating for, supporting, and empowering low-income residents to achieve self-sufficiency.

CAPSBC joinsover 1,100 Community Action Agencies nationwide in celebrating May as National Community Action Month by highlighting accomplishments and successes of the Community Action Network through a series of activities designed to benefit the community and encourage citizens to learn more about Community Action programs and services.  Patricia Nickols serves as the Executive Director of CAPSBC.

CAPSBC Board Chairman Dr. Joshua Beckley stated, “We are proud to present the 2013 Community Action Legacy Awards to an outstanding group of individuals and agencies who have generously served others, thereby improving our communities. Their great humanitarian and charitable acts are exemplary, and we are honored to have this opportunity to publicly recognize and thank them.” The Community Action Legacy Awardees for 2013 are Dr. Harold L. Cebrun, Sr. : Honorable Mayor Patrick J. Morris Jamie Varner and Cynthia Robinson.

The keynote speaker for the gala will be educator Erin Gruwell, the inspiration for the movie, “Freedom Writers.” After the banquet there will dancing until midnight featuring an outstanding line-up of musical talent, including bass guitar player Nathan “Nate” Watts, who led Stevie Wonder’s band for 12 years; Sheldon Reynolds, former lead guitarist and vocalist for the legendary Earth, Wind and Fire; drummer Stanley Randolph; musician and songwriter Charles Kelly; as well as many local singers and musicians in what will be an evening of great sounds for dancing, listening and fun.

The Venny H. Newman Humanitarian Award will go to Dr. Harold L. Cebrun, Sr., Superintendent of Rialto Unified School District for his over 30 years of service in public education, and his dedication to serving students, parents, teachers and the community.  The Community Partner Award goes to Kaiser Permanente’s Fontana and Ontario Medical Centers for demonstrating commitment to improving the health of the community by providing over $80,000 to assist CAPSBC’s distribution of fresh produce, and startup funding for the San Bernardino Food Policy Council.

The Honorable Mayor Patrick J. Morris of the City of San Bernardino will receive the Legislative Advocate Award for his distinguished record of public service, professionalism, leadership, and his demonstrated passion and commitment to improving the lives of city residents by fighting crime, supporting youth programs, encouraging economic revitalization, and improving transportations systems, while guiding the city through very difficult times.

The Volunteer Award will go to Jamie Varner, Vice President of the Wells Fargo Inland Empire Volunteer Chapter, who has supported the CAPSBC Food Bank by organizing food drives and working with Wells Fargo employees to pack food. The award has been re-introduced as the Dorothy L. Grant ‘Helping People Changing Lives’ Volunteer Award in honor and memory of the longtime CAPSBC Board Member and advocate for the poor, who recently passed on April 13, 2013.

The Spirit of Hope Achievement Award goes to Cynthia Robinson, a CAPSBC Asset Development Program graduate, who achieved her asset development goal of purchasing her first home through very difficult personal circumstances – the death of her husband, loss of her mother, and her acceptance of guardianship for a 4 year old cousin.  Cynthia is a role model for others in achieving success through adversity with the spirit of hope and dignity.

For more information about CAPSBC services and programs, call 909-723-1500, Email to info@capsbc.org, or go online to www.capsbc.org.

‘Covered California’ Awards 37 Million in Grants to Educate and Enroll Californians into Health Insurance Programs Offered by Obama Care – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Covered CA Organizations

Peter V. Lee, center left, is joined by representatives from statewide organizations receiving funding Affordable Care Act outreach and education programs. These groups include the Pacific American Legal Center; California Black Health Network; California State University-Los Angeles-University Auxiliary Services; Community Health Councils; SEIU Local Majority and Vision y Compromiso.

LOS ANGELES, CA — California was the first state to create a health benefit exchange following the passage of the federal health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care).  ‘Covered California’ (www.CoveredCA.com) is an independent part of state government charged with creating a new health ins

urance marketplace in which individuals and small businesses can get access to health insurance; and to make the market work for California consumers.  It operates under the leadership of a five-member board appointed by the Governor and Legislature.

‘Covered California’ has announced $37 million in grants to 48 lead organizations to conduct outreach and education programs on how, starting in 2014, Californians c

an access affordable health care coverage under the federal. The lead organizations will be supported by 226 subcontracting entities. “We are excited to build on our partnerships with organizations that have trusted relationships in diverse communities throughout the state,” said Peter V. Lee, Executive Director of Covered California.

His organization is seeking to strengthen their efforts to make certain Californians are aware of and enrolled in the new health insurance options this fall for coverage beg

inning Jan. 1, 2014. The efforts will inform the public about the new benefits, educate them about available programs, and motivate consumers and small businesses to obtain health insurance. Outreach activities are expected to reach nearly 9 million individuals and over 200,000 small businesses in 58 counties, primarily focused on connecting with 5.3 million Californians needing individual insurance, including almost 3 million of whom may be eligible for premium financial assistance.

Covered California is deve

loping educational partnerships that anchor outreach and education programs in actual targeted communities where likely enrollees live, work, pray, shop, and play; and are therefore both economically and ethnically targeted:  The state’s large Latino community is the focus of 37 outreach and education grants; with the next highest number of those in need of potential subsidies being Caucasians (24 grants); followed by Black and African Americans (32 grants); the Middle-Eastern community (11 grants).  20 grants outreach to Asian-Pacific Islander communities with targeted sub-contracts: Vietnamese (19); Chinese (18); Filipinos (18); Koreans (16); Hmong (11); Laotians (9); Japanese (8); and Cambodians (8).  All

grant specifics are available online at www.hbex.ca.gov.

“We see an outpouring of interest from groups across the state who want to be part of increasing the number of Californians with health insurance, improve the quality of health care, reduce health care coverage costs and ensure California’s diverse population has fair and equal access to quality health coverage,” added Lee.

Organizations tha

t did not receive a grant are encouraged to become part of Covered California’s Community Outreach Network by applying to become Assister Enrollment Entities under the Covered California Assisters Program; and will be trained, certified, and in many cases paid by Covered California to provide in-person enrollment assistance.  Covered California’s board allocated $43 million of its federal funding to organizations that can reach all eligible Californians: $34 million for community outreach; $3 million for business outreach with the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP); and $6 million to support successful outreach and education strategies in 2014.

Covered California will help individuals compare and choose a health plan that works best for their health needs and budget. Federal financial subsidies will be available to help lower costs for people on a sliding scale. Small businesses will be able to purchase competitively priced health plans and offer their employees the ability to choose from an array of plans, and will be eligible for federal tax credits.

Inland Empire Alliance of Black School Educators Congratulate the Class of 2013


This a only about one-third of the many proud graduates attending the 2013 Inland Empire Alliance of Black School Educators ceremony held in their honor at CSUSB earlier this month. Congratulations Class of 2013!! (Photo by John Coleman, CP Times ©2013)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-- The Inland Empire Alliance of Black School Educators held their Graduation & Scholarship Recognition Ceremony, on Friday, May 3, 2013, at the California State University San Bernardino San Manuel Events Center, before a “full house” of proud family and friends. IEABSE members involved in the planning and coordination of the event included Melinda Sewer Muganzo; Donna Henderson, ED.D, Tawiah Finley; Keynasia Buffong; Dina Walker; Joyce Payne; and Tanya Fisher, ED.D., who were on hand to present scholarships to college bound scholars, left to right: DeShawn Radden, Nathaniel Hearns, and Cinderalla Famulimi. (Photo by John Coleman, CP Times ©2013)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA– The Inland Empire Alliance of Black School Educators held their Graduation & Scholarship Recognition Ceremony, on Friday, May 3, 2013, at the California State University San Bernardino San Manuel Events Center, before a “full house” of proud family and friends. IEABSE members involved in the planning and coordination of the event included Melinda Sewer Muganzo; Donna Henderson, ED.D, Tawiah Finley; Keynasia Buffong; Dina Walker; Joyce Payne; and Tanya Fisher, ED.D., who were on hand to present scholarships to college bound scholars, left to right: DeShawn Radden, Nathaniel Hearns, and Cinderalla Famulimi. (Photo by John Coleman, CP Times ©2013)


Shown here are Donzaleigh Abernathy, left, and Wilmer Amina Carter, right. Ms. Abernathy, a noted actress, activist and author, gave the keynote address at the Graduation and Scholarship Recognition Ceremony. She included photos of her bombed-out home as a small child, held by the hand by her father, Rev. Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, and side-by-side with Rev, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Alabama in the midst of the Civil Rights Revolution. She reminded the graduates of the powerful role that children, high school youth and college students played in forcing America to become a better place. The IEABSE also paid a special tribute to former California Assemblymember Wilmer Amina Carter. IEABSE member Melinda Sewer Muganzo presented her with a plaque and four young children presented her with a bouquet of flowers. Carter’s husband, Bill Ratibu Jacocks performed the libation ceremony at the event. (Photo by John Coleman, CP Times ©2013)

Concern And Commitment—

Will Greer served as the Master of Ceremonies for the graduation program. Mr. Greer, a dedicated and committed educator, founded a mentoring program for the San Bernardino City Unified School District as a part of his activities as a Program Specialist for Equity and Targeted Achievement. Mr. Greer is also the co-founder of Ujima Learning Solutions, along with his wife La Tanya Greer, J.D., who is also an educator. (Photo by John Coleman, CP Times ©2013)

Pacesetters Drum Squad Lead the ‘Beat of Success’ for IEABSE’s 2013 High School Grads

Pacesetters Drum Squad

Pacesetters Drum Squad

SAN BERNARDINO, CA– The award-winning San Bernardino Pacesetters Drum Squad led the procession of the proud high school graduates who were the honorees at the well-attended 2013 Inland Empire Alliance of Black School Educators’ Graduation and Scholarship Recognition Ceremony held Friday, May 3, 2013, at the San Manuel Events Center, at California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB).  The Pacesetters Drum Squad is as renowned for their intricate and complex beats as are the Pacesetters Drill team for their outstanding moves. Their shirts say it all as the group, led by Jo Ann Parker and Kelly Graham, believes in “Excellence, Discipline, and Pride.”  Shown here at the front of the drum line are Traquise Martin, left, and Andre Jackson, right, who is a current freshman at CSUSB. Directly behind Traquise is Harith Martin, and Kaijah Thompkins brings up the left flank rear and is unseen.  Behind Andre on the right are Jayden Kelly and Davonnie Martin. Photo by John Coleman, CP Times ©2013)

SHAD Club #62 Continues to Nurture the Talents of Young Men

Pictured here with Rhea McIver, Principal of Werner Elementary School for the Rialto Unified School District,  are the talented young men who shared their essays and oratorical skills in this year's Sixth Annual Oratorical and Essay Contest sponsored by SHAD Club #62; left to right: DeShawn Redden, Maxwell Row, Scean Mustin, and Joshual Jackson.

Pictured here with Rhea McIver, Principal of Werner Elementary School for the Rialto Unified School District, are the talented young men who shared their essays and oratorical skills in this year’s Sixth Annual Oratorical and Essay Contest sponsored by SHAD Club #62; left to right: DeShawn Redden, Maxwell Row, Scean Mustin, and Joshual Jackson.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA– SHAD CLUB # 62 hosted its 6st Annual Oratorical and Essay

Contest on Sunday April 21, 2013 at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. The contest featured four young men competing for a top prize of $500. This year’s theme was “Do Not Judge Each Day by the Crops you Reap, But by the Seeds you Sow.”                 The contest is sponsored to give young men in the community an opportunity to showcase their talents in research, composition and public speaking. The contest allows participants to deliver their own words on the chosen theme, and then to recite an original or famous literary piece. In addition to the cash prizes, the winner of the contest received the Samuel Jackson Memorial Plaque. Mr. Jackson was a noted businessman and community activist in the San Bernardino Area.

SHAD Club # 62 is affiliated with the Gamma Omega Chapter of Eta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. SHADS are the husbands of active members of the sorority. The stated mission of the SHADS is to “be positive role models to young men” in our area. During the year, the SHADS sponsor or support other civic organizations outreach to youth in our area. (Photos and story courtesy A. Bell)

SHAD Club President Anthony Bell (back row-fourth from left) presented the 2013 winning plaque and cash award to DeShawn Redden (center front), whose stated career goal  is to be a teacher and to be active in the community. He has already demonstrated community support by helping to mentor young disadvantaged children. DeShawn was joined by Mrs. Faye Jackson, (center) wife of Mr. Samuel Jackson in whose memory the plaque is given.  They are surrounded by other members of SHAD Club #62 including Vice President Bobby Magby 1, who stands beside Mrs. Jackson on the right.

SHAD Club President Anthony Bell (back row-fourth from left) presented the 2013 winning plaque and cash award to DeShawn Redden (center front), whose stated career goal is to be a teacher and to be active in the community. He has already demonstrated community support by helping to mentor young disadvantaged children. DeShawn was joined by Mrs. Faye Jackson, (center) wife of Mr. Samuel Jackson in whose memory the plaque is given. They are surrounded by other members of SHAD Club #62 including Vice President Bobby Magby 1, who stands beside Mrs. Jackson on the right.

CSUSB Professor Audrey Mathews Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Audrey Matthews

Professor Audrey Matthews

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – Audrey Mathews, professor emerita at California State University, San Bernardino, received the Elmer B. Staats Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Public Service by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) during their annual conference in New Orleans in March.  The organization honored Mathews for dedicating more than 35 years to public service in local and state governments as a professor, budget director, planning commissioner and consultant.

“Professor Mathews is a role model for all of us for her outstanding commitment to public service through higher education and government,” said CSUSB President Tomás Morales. “The university community is proud of her accomplishments and remarkable dedication.”

“I am grateful and humbled that I would even be considered in the same category of those who have been recognized for this award before me,” Mathews said.

“I have dedicated my life to helping those in need in the communities where I live, work and play, never thinking my life’s dedication to the public service as something remarkable,” she said. “I’m just doing what I was born to do: mentor and provide a helping hand to those in need of my services.”

Mathews taught full time in CSUSB’s College of Business and Public Administration from 1996 to 2006, developing curriculum on diversity management, economic development, and budget and finance. She currently teaches courses on diversity in public organizations and organizational roles in multicultural societies as the CEO of Mathews and Associates, her consulting firm based in Los Angeles.

A 2007 National Academy of Public Administration Fellow, Matthews has also written numerous chapters in textbooks, journal articles and technical reports on topics of diversity, mentoring and urban governance. Professor Mathews received her doctor of public administration from the University of Southern California and a master of public administration from California State University, Northridge.

“I am so impressed with the ongoing dedication and commitment of Dr. Mathews to public service,” said Jonathan Anderson, chair of CSUSB’s public administration department.  “From her years of service as CSUSB faculty, including chair of the department of public administration, to her ongoing positions as a member of the San Bernardino County’s Planning Commission and Workforce Investment Board, Audrey is an outstanding public manager who continues to contribute to the San Bernardino community,” he added.